U Michigan Offsets Emissions with Purchase of RECs

The University of Michigan has purchased renewable energy credits (RECs) from DTE Energy to help offset its emissions. The renewable energy is produced by two wind turbines, which produce about 2 percent of the UM's energy needs.

U Notre Dame Geddes Hall Receives LEED Gold

The University of Notre Dame’s Geddes Hall has received LEED Gold certification. The 65,500-square-foot home of Notre Dame’s Center for Social Concerns and Institute for Church Life opened in August of 2009 and contains a variety of materials made from both rapidly renewable materials and pre- and post-consumer recycled content. 97 percent of construction waste was diverted from landfills, including the waste from the demolition the former home of the Center for Social Concerns, previously located on the same site. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures reduced water consumption by 45 percent and the landscape design minimizes grassed lawns while employing an irrigation system with new control technology and drip irrigation. In addition, 31 percent of the building materials were manufactured within a 500-mile radius.

U Richmond Starts Student Run Compost Project

At the University of Richmond (VA) students and Backyard Farmer, a local business, recently constructed 10 composting units and one compost ingredient holding unit. The units will be operated by students and assisted by Backyard Farmer during the next year. The goal is to produce rich soil for the on-campus community garden. The initiative, URot, is part of a larger university project, GreenUR. The installation of the composting bins is the culmination of months of collaboration between GreenUR, Backyard Farmer, the Earth Lodge program and University Facilities, which cleared the land needed for the composting units. The composting project is the first student-run composting initiative at the University.

U System of Ohio Releases Sustainability Website

The University System of Ohio has unveiled a new sustainability website, "USO Sustainability." The site is designed to be both a forum and a resource for faculty, prospective students, and anyone interested in sustainability efforts at Ohio's higher education institutions. The site offers a calendar of events, information and links to USO programs, a forum for discussion and input on the direction of the USO and sustainability, individual school sustainability profiles, and resources and links for research.

Utah State U Hires Sustainability Intern

Utah State University and the Utah Conservation Corps have co-sponsored a new, 11-month sustainability internship position to assist USU’s Sustainability Council with leading the University toward climate neutrality. The position has been filled by Jack Greene, who comes to USU with 40 years of experience as a science educator at both the high school and college levels. Greene’s primary responsibilities include serving as a liaison with state and regional campus sustainability programs and assisting the Sustainability Council’s Outreach Committee to increase awareness of the intersection of social justice, economic sustainability, and environmental sustainability efforts on campus. He will also aid the council in finalizing its Climate Action Plan, which outlines steps the University will take to become climate neutral, and he will work to increase USU course offerings dealing with sustainability.

U Toledo Completes 1.2 MW Solar & Wind Installation

The University of Toledo (OH) has completed a 1.2 MW solar and wind power system through an agreement with a Constellation Energy subsidiary. The project utilizes thin-film-on-glass photovoltaic solar technology that was originally developed based on research at the University of Toledo. A 132-foot wind turbine was also installed at the site.

U Toledo Establishes Sustainable Materials Institute

The University of Toledo (OH) has recently established the Institute for Sustainable Engineering Materials. The institute will research ways to make industrial processes and materials more sustainable. They will look into how to increase the amount of waste recycled and to decrease the overall amount of waste used.

U Wisconsin Green Bay Changes Font to Use Less Ink

The University of Wisconsin, Green Bay Department of Computing and Informational Technology has announced plans to use Century Gothic instead of Arial as the default e-mail typeface. The former uses 30 percent less ink when printed to paper. The University expects to conserve ink and save money as a result of the change.

York U Completes First Sustainability Report

York University (ON) has completed its first "President's Sustainability Council Annual Report" for the 2008-2009 school year. The 30-page report lists sustainability achievements and awards, sustainability policy recommendations, recommendations regarding university programs and practices, the Council's planning process and vision, an inventory of internal and external sustainability-related groups at York, an inventory of student sustainability groups, a listing of campus services and business operations sustainability initiatives, and an inventory of community engagement from the Office of University Events and Community Relations.

4 Maine CCs Receive Grant Money for Green Curriculum

The Maine Public Utilities Commission's Efficiency Maine program has awarded four community colleges a total of $1.3 million in grants. Northern Maine Community College, Eastern Maine Community College, Kennebec Valley Community College, and Southern Maine Community College each received funding. The money is being used to expand each College's sustainability curriculum.

5 U Florida Buildings Receive LEED Certification

Five different University of Florida buildings and additions, located both on and off campus, have received LEED certifications. These structures include: the Steinbrenner Band Hall (Gold), the UF Dental Clinic in Naples (Gold), the Graham Center for Public Service at Pugh Hall (Silver), the NIMET Nanoscale Research Facility (Certification), and the IFAS Biological & Agricultural Research Facility in Fort Pierce (Certification).  UF adopted the LEED criteria for design and construction in 2001 for all major new construction and renovations projects.

ACUPCC Annual Report Shows Higher Ed Climate Leadership

The American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) has released its Annual Report. The Report includes highlights from 2009; a list of innovative ways schools are applying their Climate Action Plans to areas such as curriculum, transportation, renewable energy, and partnerships within and outside the campus gates; a description of the impact the Commitment has had on the reduction of carbon emissions; information on the Climate Action Plans that have been submitted; a list of resources available to signatory institutions; and the ACUPCC budget. The ACUPCC, launched in early 2007, is currently comprised of 677 schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia - representing nearly six million students and about one third of the US higher education student population.

Antioch U Los Angeles Offers New Masters of Urban Sustainability

Antioch University, Los Angeles (CA) has created a new Master of Arts in Urban Sustainability. Students in the program will study a range of topics including urban ecosystem science, urban planning and policy, activism and advocacy, urban environmental education, program evaluation, conflict resolution and mediation, sustainable practice, and research methods. The 36 credit graduate program will begin in the Fall of 2010.

Clemson U Baruch Institute Receives LEED Gold Certification

LEED Gold certification has been awarded to the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science at Clemson University (SC). The 12,600-square-foot facility includes room for 14 faculty and staff members and large multipurpose rooms and smart classrooms that connect Clemson students statewide. Green features include censored lights, an air-conditioning system that uses an energy recovery wheel to recycle heat byproduct, natural lighting, local and natural building materials, and a storm water management system. Clemson has committed to achieve at least LEED Silver ratings for all newly constructed buildings and major renovations.

Coastal Carolina U Launches Bike-Share Program

Coastal Carolina University (SC) has launched Coastal Couriers, a new bike-share program. Five bikes have been made available for University members to check-out for a maximum of 30 minutes and then be returned. The University hopes this program will reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

Emory U, Georgia Tech Announce Bike Share Partnership

Emory University (GA), Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Ford Foundation have formed a partnership to develop an automated bike share system for the Emory campus. Over the past year, Bike Emory has been working with Georgia Tech engineering students to develop the automated system. A grant in the amount of $50,000 from the Ford Foundation will support the development and implementation. The first fleet of 11 bicycles will be launched on Emory's campus late this summer.

Loyola U, Tulane U Partner to Offer Car-Sharing on Campuses

Loyola University (LA) and Tulane University (LA) have partnered to bring the car-share program WeCar to their campuses. The universities, which are located next to each other in New Orleans, will offer three new Toyota Priuses to students, faculty, and staff at both institutions. The vehicles will be located in a central location and will help both campuses reduce car congestion and allow student mobility.

Marshall U Offers Sustainable Living Student Hall

Marshall University (WV) has introduced a green living-learning community in its campus residence halls. Students that are interested in living sustainably will be able to participate. The living area will consist of two dormitory floors where students will have access to recycling bins, will take field trips, and will help develop ideas for campus wide projects to promote sustainability.

Middle Tennessee State U Rec Center Buys Green Workout Machines

Middle Tennessee State University has purchased five elliptical workout machines that generate electricity when in use. With regular use, each machine will be able to produce one kilowatt hour of electricity every two days. The workout machines were funded by the University's student Clean Energy fee and the Campus Rec budget.

Oregon State U Offers Campus Car-Share Program

Oregon State University has partnered with WeCar to bring two hybrid vehicles to campus for students, faculty, and staff to use. The vehicles can be rented hourly, overnight or for a full day, and reservations can be made online at any time.

Rochester Inst of Technolgy PhD Student Wins Intl Scholarship

Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) first year PhD candidate was awarded the 2010 Jacqueline Shields Scholarship for Waste Management Research. The international scholarship goes to doctoral students conducting original research in pollution prevention, sustainable design, and waste reduction. The student, Errin Ryen, will utilize the scholarship to improve the recyclability and end-of-life management of electronic devices such as computers and cell phones.

U California San Francisco Laboratory Earns LEED Silver

The University of California, San Francisco's Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Hall has been awarded LEED Silver certification for its renovation. The building includes a number of environmentally friendly attributes, including implementing a green cleaning program, expanding the recycling program, and enhancing indoor air quality measures. Water and energy conservation measures are expected to reach $100,000 in savings.

U Kentucky Offers Car Sharing Service

University of Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services has partnered with Connect by Hertz, a car-share company, to offer short-term vehicle rentals to the campus community. Six EPA SmartWays certified vehicles are now available on campus.

UMass Medical School Reduces Bio-Waste

The University of Massachusetts has significantly reduced its bio-waste. Over the past year, the institution has reduced its hazardous bio-waste collection from chemotherapy activities by 59 percent by physically removing non-hazardous items. Given the success of the sorting program for chemotherapy waste, the process has been expanded for 2010 to include all other hazardous pharmaceutical wastes on campus.

Victor Valley College Install Solar Farm

Victor Valley College (CA) has partnered with SolFocus, a local solar energy solutions company, to add a one MW solar farm to its campus. The six-acre installation will provide about 30 percent of the campus' energy needs and will allow for the College to add hands-on learning experiences to its solar technology curriculum. The project will also raise up to $4 million over five years through performance-based incentives from the California Solar Initiative program.

Wesleyan U Building Receives LEED Certification

Wesleyan University's (CT) newly-renovated Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life building has received LEED Gold certification. The building, which was originally constructed in 1904, went through a nine-month renovation. During the process, 84.5 percent of construction material was diverted from landfills, a significant amount of recycled materials were used, and water saving fixtures were installed resulting in a 46.4 percent reduction in water use.

11 Campuses Complete Climate Action Plans

10 new campuses have submitted Climate Action Plans (CAP) as part of the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) since the last update in the AASHE Bulletin on February 15, 2010. The plans illustrate the specific steps schools are taking to reach climate neutrality. The CAP is the second major reporting requirement of the Commitment and is due within two years of signing. The new submission are: Bates College (ME); Smith College (MA); Cabrillo College (CA); Plymouth State University (NH); Saint John's University (MN); University of California, San Diego; Florida Gulf Coast University; Berry College (GA); Berea College (KY); and Wilkes University (PA). In related news, Johns Hopkins University (MD) has also announced its Implementation Plan for Advancing Sustainability and Climate Stewardship.

14 Campuses Offset Emissions from Laundry Machines

14 campuses have offset 100 percent of their greenhouse gas emissions derived from laundry equipment through a partnership with Mac-Gray Corporation and Carbonfund.org. Over 21 million pounds of GHG emissions will be offset through a $95,000 investment in Carbonfund.org's third-party verified carbon reduction projects. The participating campuses include: Colorado College, Colorado State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Keene State College (NH), Salisbury University (MD), Stonehill College (MA), University of Montevallo (AL), University of North Carolina-Charlotte, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, University of South Carolina-Aiken, University of South Carolina-Upstate, and Western Carolina University (NC).

Anderson U Students Dig Campus Garden

A group of approximately 30 students at Anderson University (IN) have dug a campus garden. Students plan to donate the food grown in the garden to local food banks and the college's food service.

Auburn U Saves $12K with Resource Competition

Auburn University (AL) has completed its second annual resource competition, Sustain-A-Bowl. During February 2010, almost 4,000 students in 30 residence halls competed to reduce their electricity and water consumption and increase their recycling. The University saved a total of $12,374 in utilities as a result of the competition, increasing the amount saved from the 2009 competition by $4,000.

Bakersfield College to Install Solar Field

Bakersfield College (CA) has announced plans to cover one of its parking lots with solar panels that will track the sun as it moves across the sky. The power generated by the $8.3 million installation is expected to provide about one third of the College's energy needs. The power produced when classes are not in session will be sold back to the power grid. The system, which will provide shade for 756 parking spaces, could go live as early as the fall of 2010.

Berea College Hotel Earns LEED Gold

The Boone Tavern Hotel and Restaurant at Berea College (KY) has received LEED Gold certification. Boone Tavern, built by Berea College in 1909 as a campus guest house, recently underwent an $11.3-million renovation during 2008-2009 to make significant upgrades to the building’s infrastructure, improve efficiency, lower operating costs, and add modern technologies and other features for improved guest service and comfort. The renovation earned points for sustainable site work, water and energy efficiency, materials and construction methods, indoor environmental quality, use of recycled and regional materials, and innovation in design processes. As a member of the Green Hotel Association, Boone Tavern’s ongoing operating practices also demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Bowdoin College Wins Grant for Solar Hot Water Project

Bowdoin College (ME) has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Maine Public Utilities Commission toward the installation of a solar hot water project on the roof of a campus dining hall. The project includes 24 glazed flat plate solar collectors, which will make up a 960-square-foot solar thermal array, and the piping to solar storage tanks. Energy provided by this solar thermal system will offset natural gas currently used to feed the dining hall's existing steam-to-water heat exchanger system.

Canada College Builds House for Bats

Canada College (CA) has constructed a house for bats on a 10-foot pole near the campus' Facilities Maintenance Center. The house will benefit four bat species. The College plans to incorporate the bat house into its curriculum and into other learning opportunities.

Denison U Awards Internal Sustainability Projects Funding

The Denison University (OH) Environmental Sustainability Venture Fund has awarded grants for green campus projects. Students, faculty, and staff were invited to submit proposals for small-scale projects that would enhance environmental sustainability at Denison. The following projects received funding: a campus garden, a bike-share, a laundry exchange, reusable water bottles, shoe recycling, apartment compost, weatherization, and reusable dishware.

Denison U Professor Receives Sustainability Research Grant

Joe Reczek, assistant professor of chemistry at Denison University, has been granted a Cottrell College Science Award from the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement (RCSA). With the $41,000 grant, Reczek and several Denison students will investigate the possibilities of new organic chemistry compounds and their applications for solar cells.

Drew U Completes First Civic Scholars Prgm, Promotes Bike Safety

Drew University (NJ) has partnered with TransOptions, a local nonprofit transportation management association, to complete its first round of the Civic Scholars Program, an initiative the institution created in the fall of 2009 to infuse civic engagement as a value and practice throughout the University. A group of three students in the Program researched and analyzed safety projects that aligned with TransOptions’ mission to improve mobility, the environment, and quality of life. More than 450 freshman applicants applied to become Civic Scholars, which requires a commitment to community service and demonstrated leadership in organizing and implementing community projects.

Gustavus Adolphus College Releases Green Farming Video

Gustavus Adolphus College (MN) Professor of Communication Studies Martin Lang and Sophomore Political Science and English Major Ethan Marxhausen were awarded a Gustavus Presidential Faculty/Student Collaboration Grant, and over the past year they produced an independent film documentary titled Farming Forward . The film focuses on highlighting the possible solutions to sustainable farming. The film discusses how instead of using pesticides and other chemicals, sustainable farming promotes crop rotation, in which farmers change the crop in a specific field each year to literally stay ahead of plant-specific pests that can destroy harvests. Farming Forward is still in the process of being converted to DVD format, but the team hopes to continue showing the documentary and also distributing it to local farmers.

Meredith College Apartments Awarded LEED Silver

Meredith College’s (NC) new student apartments, The Oaks, have earned LEED Silver certification. Opened in August 2009, The Oaks features air ventilation and water purification systems, and non-toxic paints and carpets. Other green features include dual flush toilets, water-efficient landscaping, and construction materials made from recycled products.

Samford U Begins Bike Loan Program

Samford University (AL) has begun a campus bike rental service through which students can borrow one of 30 bicycles for three days at a time just by showing their student ID. The program began as part of Samford' "100 Grand for Green" initiative, which seeks to save the University $100,000 in utilities costs and improve the environment on campus. Campus officials believe that the program has become an instantaneous success.

Stetson U Student Wins Grant for Campus Garden Activities

Stetson University student Heather Grove has won a Carter Academic Service Entrepreneur grant for $1,000 to help fund educational outreach activities for the Hatter Harvest organic garden. Hatter Harvest is a student organization dedicated to food, health, and environmental sustainability awareness and education. Outreach activities will include garden signage displaying concepts such as the nitrogen cycle in composting and the carbon cycle in plants, and workshops to be presented in the garden and off-campus to community organizations such as the Boys & Girls Club and local schools.

St Petersburg College to Install Rooftop Solar Array

St. Petersburg College (FL) has announced plans to install its first photovoltaic system on its Clearwater Campus. The 3.5 kW system, which will generate power for the electrical grid, will be installed on the roof of the LEED Gold Natural Science, Mathematics and College of Education building. This system to be installed was selected because of its tolerance to hurricane force winds, harsh environments, better performance in lower light conditions, and flexibility.

U California Santa Barbara Switches to Cage-Free Eggs

The University of California, Santa Barbara Dining Services has begun serving eggs from cage-free chickens instead of regularly industry eggs. The switch is being funded by the money saved from going tray-less last quarter.

U Texas Austin, Rice U Students Approve Green Fees

Students at the University of Texas at Austin and at Rice University (TX) have passed referendums to establish green funds on campus. UT Austin students approved a $5 a semester fee which could be added to tuition bills beginning in 2011. The money raised by the fees will be used for such projects as subsidizing internships for green jobs and paying for a community garden. Students at UT passed the measure with 71 percent in favor and 29 percent opposed, with 8,917 total votes cast. One out of five dollars in the UT proposal would go toward financial aid. The $9 a semester green fee at Rice will create the Rice Endowment for Sustainable Energy Technology (RESET), which will be used for campus sustainability projects.

Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine Ranks Southeastern Schools

Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine has released its Honor Roll of the southeastern region's greenest colleges and universities. The Magazine researched, interviewed, and examined all of the region’s colleges and universities to determine which schools are teaching about and creating initiatives for a better world. As part of its research, Blue Ridge Outdoors talked with students and administrators, conducted surveys, and investigated energy use on college campuses across the Southeast. The rankings are divided into schools with an enrollment larger than and smaller than 7,500.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Holds Energy & Water Competition

Interns with the Alliance To Save Energy’s Green Campus Program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo partnered with University Housing to host the Poly Canyon Energy Competition, an energy and water-saving competition held between nine apartment buildings in Poly Canyon Village. The competition, which spanned five weeks and involved 2,700 students, led to an overall savings of 16 percent, resulting in a total savings of 76,874 kWh, 14,619 gallons of water, 117,325 MBTU’s, and $9,778. The winning building received stainless steel water bottles and the student community advisors from the winning building received sweatshirts.

Claremont McKenna College Ranks Liberal Arts Colleges

The Roberts Environmental Center of Claremont McKenna College has adapted its Pacific Sustainability Index—which grades the ways that organizations report and publicize their sustainability efforts on their Web sites—to the college market. The center's report examined the top 50 liberal-arts colleges, as ranked by the U.S. News & Word Report. The report lists the top five colleges in sustainability reporting as: Williams College (MA), Bucknell University (PA), Amherst College (MA), Colorado College, and Gettysburg College (PA). The Roberts Environmental Center is also working on a sustainability-reporting index for top research universities.

Dickinson College Launches Online Rideshare

Dickinson College (PA) has released a Virtual Rideboard, an online site where students can search for and post rides. The site is only accessible to the Dickinson community.

Harvard U Starts Key Recycling Program

Harvard University's (MA) Office of Sustainability has begun collecting old or duplicate keys to recycle. The keys are melted down and sold to scrap metal companies. Since the program began in January, Harvard has generated $75. The money will be donated to local charities.

Humboldt State U Awarded Energy Independence Grant

A Humboldt State University graduate student and three HSU alumni are part of a grant team that has won $4.4 million in federal stimulus funding to support the development of the North Coast Energy Independence Program. The seven-county municipal financing initiative is aimed at fostering green economic development through government loans for energy efficiency projects, like solar panels, repaid through property tax.