Durham College Receives $14.7M for Energy Upgrades

Provincial government funding through the Greenhouse Gas Campus Retrofits Program will be used to install a $9.1 million ground source heating and cooling system at the Oshawa campus. Additional upgrades of existing facilities, including the installation of high-efficiency HVAC systems, new and upgraded building automation systems, and LED lighting, will cost approximately $1.4 million. About $4 million of the government support will take the form of an eligible interest-free loan, uses for which are being explored.

National Student Survey in England to Include Questions on Sustainability

The Higher Education Funding Council for England has now agreed to include three questions, which will be part of its optional question bank, about environmental sustainability in its National Student Survey.

U South Florida Adjuncts Form Union

Adjuncts at the university recently voted to form a union affiliated with Service Employees International Union. The tally was 326 in favor of unionization and 91 opposed, out of 900 part-time professors on the university’s three campuses eligible to vote.

Brandeis U to Construct Sustainable Residence Hall

Construction of a 164-bed residence hall is currently underway and will feature ground source heating and cooling and a photovoltaic array that will partially power the building.

18 Higher Education Schools Win 2017 Recycling Grant

The Coca-Cola Keep America Beautiful Public Space Recycling Bin Grant supports recycling in communities by providing bins to expand recycling opportunities in public spaces. There were 50 awardees total, 18 of which were universities and colleges, selected from among more than 800 applicants.

Susquehanna U to Install 3.9 MW Photovoltaic Array

At the end of 2017, the university entered into an agreement to develop a 3.9-megawatt ground-mounted solar array that will supply 30 percent of the university's electricity needs. The 12,000-panel, 14-acre project is expected to be completed by summer of 2018. Susquehanna will purchase the electricity from WGL Energy, who will own and operate the facility under a 25-year power purchase agreement.

Two Harvard U Buildings Achieve LEED Commercial Interiors Certification

Two recent renovation projects at the university recently achieved LEED v4 for Commercial Interiors certification. The Science Center – Cabot Library Project features all new mechanical, lighting, power, and plumbing upgrades; a new air-handling unit with high efficiency fans and motors, occupancy sensors, and temperature sensors; and low-flow water fixtures are expected to reduce water use by 38 percent. The Extavour Laboratory includes automatic receptacle controls, which turn off plug loads when spaces are not occupied; occupancy sensors for ventilation and lighting; and low-flow fixtures. Additionally, 95 percent of the equipment purchased for the lab is Energy Star certified.

Texas A&M U Installs Dockless Bike System

Texas A&M Transportation Services partnered with ofo to introduce 500 dockless bicycles to campus in early March. Next semester, an additional 4,000 ofo bikes will be introduced to campus.

U California San Diego Partners With Lyft

In an effort to meet the university’s evolving transportation needs, the university and Lyft formally announced a partnership to provide access to alternative commuter options, safe rides for students, patient transport, designated pick-up and drop-off locations, direct billing for business travel, and ride credits for certain university-sponsored events.

Eastern Michigan U Installs Solar Lighting at Bus Stops

Ten public bus stops will now enjoy better lighting due to the installation of solar lighting installed by the university's Physical Plant.

Ocean County College Launches Food Pantry

Helping Hands is the college's first food pantry, which seeks to create food security for students at the community college.

Washington College Appoints First Sustainability Director

Greg Farley assumed a newly created position as director of sustainability where he will initially focus on generating cost savings from energy reduction and using alternative energy sources.

Mohawk College to Receive $10.8M for Energy Retrofits

The funding will be used to replace an existing natural gas-fired boiler with an electrical boiler, and construct a solar-powered car park for over 200 parking spaces. The electricity from the solar system will be used to help power the new net-zero $54-million Joyce Center for Partnership and Innovation building currently under construction.

Pennsylvania State U to Lead Global Building Science Network

Faculty expertise in the university's Institutes of Energy and the Environment led the United Nations to ask the it to lead the Global Building Network, a global network to advance building science, construction processes and building management that advances energy efficiency and human performance.

Chalmers Tech & U Gothenburg Strengthen Collaboration Toward Sustainable Development

(Sweden) Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg have signed an agreement that reorganizes a long-standing sustainability collaboration between the two schools. The Gothenburg Center for Sustainable Development is organized directly under the two universities and aims to create strategic cooperation both internally and with various external partners. It will continue to serve as a forum for various areas of expertise and a platform for projects, initiatives and networks.

18 Universities Create Alliance for Academic Research on Sustainable Finance and Investment

The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment was founded in 2017 by 18 universities to promote multidisciplinary academic research on sustainable finance and investment. The alliance will do this by organizing an annual academic conference and developing collaboration between researchers working on sustainable finance and investment.

Rutgers U Launches Research Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership

The Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing is a global research hub that will expand the school’s existing research programs to explore new collaborations that aim to build a more inclusive economy for workers and their families.

North Carolina State U Tests Water Quality With Floating Islands

A faculty member and a student in biological and agricultural engineering recently installed floating islands of plants at an on-campus research site to evaluate whether the islands can improve stormwater quality. A temporary vinyl barrier divides the pond into a control side and an experimental side with water quality sensors providing continuous, multi-point data as water enters and exits the pond.

Goshen College to Install 316KW Solar Electricity System

Goshen College and College Mennonite Church have announced a project to jointly install a 924-panel solar array, totaling 316 kilowatts, which will power the church-chapel building.

U Kentucky Offers Commute Planning Assistance

In an effort to increase the number of campus community members using alternative modes of transportation, the university's Transportation Services now offers free personalized commute planning assistance.

Mohawk College to Offer Training Certificate on Local Food Procurement

Through a $30,000 grant from Ontario, the college will be offering an online course this fall to provide information on local food procurement skills, as well as information on how to use Ontario foods. Completion of the course gives participants a certificate for food procurement training.

Cameron U Establishes Social Change Endowed Lectureship

The establishment of the Albert Johnson Sr. and Josephine Johnson Endowed Lectureship in Social Change aims to advance the study of social justice, racial and ethnic cultures and human interaction. The funds will be used to bring distinguished lecturers and workshops to campus, to support faculty development related to civil rights and social justice, and to aid faculty and students in providing services to the community.

U Maryland Begins Using Recycled Paper for Alumni Magazine

The university has begun using 10 percent recycled content on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper for their alumni magazines.

QS Releases International Ranking of Environmental Sciences Programs

The QS ranking includes 300 environmental sciences programs from universities and colleges across the world. The QS World University Rankings are based upon academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact.

Pomona College Partners to Offer Bike Sharing Pilot Program

Partnering with ofo, a dockless bike-share company, the college has introduced a bike sharing option. Bikes are unlocked via smartphone, shared among riders and can be parked at any Claremont Colleges bike rack.

Southern Illinois U Carbondale Funds Campus Lake Restoration

After spending over $400,000 to reduce cyanobacteria levels, the university's green fund allocated another $30,000 to implement features to help keep the lake healthy, including a solar-powered fountain and at least one stationary bike to help aerate the lake’s water.

Harvard U to Construct a District Energy Facility

Construction is underway on a new, 58,000-square-foot natural gas facility that will provide heating, cooling and 2.5 megawatts of electricity for the campus. With a focus on energy efficiency, an element of the facility will be a 1.3-million-gallon tank for storing chilled water that will be used to cool buildings with some limited other applications to support research. In order to minimize impacts from potential flooding the building is raised above projected flood levels.

U California Merced Receives Grant for Food Reduction Program

The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery will issue the university $100,000 over three years to develop and implement a mobile food-waste prevention and storage distribution center that diverts food waste from the landfill.

Cleveland State U Transitions to Compostable Tableware

The university's Dining Services recently announced that they will be transitioning to 100 percent plant-based compostable cups, plates and utensils in all dining facilities and for catered campus events.

Radford U Begins Bags for Benches Program

The university's student government association and sustainability office have partnered to collect unwanted plastic bags. The bags will be mailed to an outdoor decking and furniture company to be recycled into benches that will be placed around campus.

George Washington U Announces a Sustainable Investment Fund

The Sustainable Investment Fund is a Student Association-driven initiative focused on responsible investment and student engagement. GW will establish the fund with an initial $2 million from the university endowment and aim to engage stakeholders on issues relevant to responsible investing, including promoting and producing innovation in sustainable practices and seeking to avoid investments in the top coal, oil and gas companies.

U California Santa Barbara Earns LEED Platinum EBOM on Bren Hall

Bren Hall was first certified as LEED Platinum for new construction in 2002, and in 2009, received its second LEED Platinum certification for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (EB O+M). During the 2016-17 academic year, students from a LEED Living Lab class broke off into teams for each of the eight LEED categories, assumed responsibility for a credit within each category, and submitted a complete application in spring 2017. The building features a white roof, daylighting and energy-efficient fixtures, a 100 kilowatt photovoltaic system, and an energy-efficient lab exhaust system.

U Newcastle Installs 2 MW Photovoltaic Array

(Australia) The 2 megawatt system will have more than 6,000 panels installed across about 25 buildings at the Callaghan campus with additional panels installed at the Ourimbah campus. The system is projected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2,800 tons of carbon dioxide.

Ohio State U Board Votes on Energy Conservation Measures

The university's board of trustees recently approved two proposals that will improve lighting at dozens of campus buildings and create a more efficient heating and cooling system for a campus laboratory building. The approved proposals are part of the university's $1 billion partnership.

Purdue U Building Earns LEED Gold

The university's Honors College and Residences building features high-efficiency heating, cooling and ventilation equipment and water saving shower and faucet fixtures.

Boston U Agganis Arena Receives Lighting Upgrade

The university recently upgraded its arena lighting to LEDs with occupancy-based controls and dimming functionality, reducing the arena’s annual lighting electricity use by 65 percent.

Webster U to Offer Bike-Share Service

The university will roll out a bike-share service to campus in March that will be free for short, two-hour trips and have a nominal cost for longer trips.

U Arkansas Little Rock Begins Bike Sharing Program

Peppered throughout high-traffic campus areas will be 200 dockless Spin bikes that are equipped with a GPS and can be unlocked using a QR code. Riders pay 50 cents per 30 minutes or $14 per month.

Lincoln College Upgrades 7000 Lights

(U.K.) As part of its commitment to improving its energy efficiency and reducing its carbon footprint, over 7,000 outdated light fixtures were upgraded to LED technology in 23 buildings across the college’s three campuses. The new technologies are predicted to reduce carbon emissions by over 605 tons annually.

U New Hampshire Appoints Professors of Practice in Sustainable Food Systems

In early February, the university named Curtis Ogden and Karen Spiller joint recipients of the Thomas W. Haas Professorship in Sustainable Food Systems, which was established in 2013 to deepen the ties between the university and the New England food system. Ogden and Spiller’s primary responsibility will be to connect the transdisciplinary work of Food Solutions New England, and in particular its racial equity work, to students, faculty and staff at UNH through lectures, workshops and collaborative scholarship.

University of Maryland Green Terp Program Expands to 13 Residence Halls

The Office of Sustainability and the Department of Resident Life partnered to expand a one-year-old pilot program, Green Terps, into 13 dorms. The Green Terps program helps students adopt sustainable practices by asking them to pick 10 different sustainable behaviors and submit their progress. Once completed, their name is written on a pledge board in the lobby of their dorm.

Columbia U Introduces Master's Program in Sustainability Science for Professionals

The new program is designed for full-time and aspiring sustainability professionals who wish to develop their skills in Earth systems observation, analysis, projection and environmental remediation. The program’s coursework is organized by the following five areas of study: integrative courses in sustainability science, methods of earth observation and measurement, analysis and modeling environmental conditions and impacts, scientific tools for responding to sustainability challenges, and sustainability policy or management.

Harvard U Installs Rails on Trucks to Protect Cyclists & Pedestrians

After a successful pilot to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety, university fleet technicians have begun installing side guards on all existing, eligible Harvard-owned trucks, including box trucks, and solid waste and recycling trucks. Harvard has also begun asking vendors that drive large trucks to campus to install side guards on eligible trucks as quickly as possible.

Malcolm X College Health Sciences Building Earns LEED Gold

The building's sustainable features include a series of green roofs, a rain water harvesting system, and white reflective membrane roofs that deflect sunlight and significantly reduce the energy load on the building.

Emory U, Georgia Tech & Spelman College Lead Regional Center for Expertise on Sustainability

Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology and Spelman College will lead the newly designated regional sustainability network, RCE Greater Atlanta. Seven sustainable development goals were deemed to be priority for the Greater Atlanta region. Designated by the United Nations University, the Regional Centers of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development are networks of multidisciplinary stakeholders committed to implementing the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals at the local level. Other higher education institutions collaborating on the RCE Greater Atlanta include Agnes Scott College, Atlanta Metropolitan State College, Clark Atlanta University, Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, Morehouse College and University of Georgia.

U Illinois Urbana-Champaign Launches Campus as Lab Seed Funding Program

The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) at the university recently announced that it will provide seed funding for faculty members to assist in preparing a proposal for external funding that will include using campus sustainability features and projects in their research related to sustainability. Specifically, iSEE wants to leverage this seed money to attract external funds that are relevant to objectives from the Illinois Climate Action Plan.

Chaffey College Installing Solar Carports Totaling 5.5MW

The soon-to-be-connected solar shade structures totaling 5.5 megawatts have been installed on parking lots at the college's main campus in Rancho Cucamonga as well as the Fontana and Chino campuses. The installation is projected to offset more than 90 percent of the college district’s annual electricity usage.

Bournemouth U Installs Solar Bus Stop Shelters

(U.K.) A new bus station hub was fitted with solar panels and real-time displays to show the departure times for all public bus services.

New York U Appoints Assistant Vice President for Sustainability

Cecil Scheib returns to NYU after nearly six years during which he served as the managing director of the Building Resiliency Task Force for the City of New York and chief program officer at Urban Green Council. He previously served as director of Energy and Sustainability at NYU from 2007 to 2012. Scheib holds a bachelor's degree in civil and environmental engineering from Stanford University, is a New York State licensed professional engineer, and is a LEED Accredited Professional.

U St. Thomas Hires First Sustainability Director

The university recently welcomed Amir Nadav as its new assistant director of campus sustainability. Nadav’s first task will be assessing the full scope of St. Thomas’ current sustainability work and using that to inform a sustainability plan.