Middlesex CC to Host Statewide Sustainability Conference

Designed for staff and students of the state's public and private colleges and universities, the event, featuring workshops and discussion panels, will focus on campus and community engagement, curriculum, teaching and research, and campus planning and facilities management.

New Mexico State U to Install Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

The university recently adopted a new guideline specifying that all new and renovated buildings will include a single-stall, gender neutral bathroom in an effort to develop a more transgender-friendly campus.

North Carolina State U Begins Collection of Used Oil

A recent partnership between University Housing and the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling resulted in Cease the Grease, an effort to collect used cooking oil from two residential areas, which will then be converted into biodiesel fuel.

Oregon State U Creates Trash Sculpture

Attempting to raise awareness of how much is thrown away, a campus recycling group collected and sorted residence hall waste to create a monster, and labeled the visual display with how much waste an average person produces over a certain amount of time.

San Francisco State U Receives $10K for Bike Safety

The $10,000 grant was awarded to the university's Sustainable Initiatives program to host a series of events with topics on building confidence, maintenance workshops and safety seminars.

St. Thomas Aquinas College Signs ACUPCC

Citing sustainability and climate change as reasons for recently signing the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment, the college will offer forums to students and employees about the causes and moral dimensions of climate change, and the assess college's impact.

SUNY Purchase Cuts Ribbon on Composting System

The new large-scale system composts food waste from the food court and the on-campus coffee shop with plans to collect additional waste from other dining facilities as the operation gets underway.

Temple U Researchers to Analyze Impacts of Water Infrastructure

With nearly one dozen new or under-construction stormwater control measures, university researchers will focus on the environmental, economic and social impacts of implementing the controls to deal with stormwater runoff issues in urban environments.

U Hawai'i Regents Adopt Sustainability Policy

In the wake of the inaugural Hawai‘i Sustainability in Higher Education conference last spring, the new policy was added to the system's mission and purpose and incorporates seven goals in the areas of social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability in operations; education, research and service; planning, administration and engagement; and cultural and community connections.

U Idaho Awards Nearly $14K Toward Engagement

The university's Sustainability Center and the Office of Community Partnerships have awarded $13,900 to initiatives that facilitate student and community engagement in building sustainability through areas including on-campus transportation and climate, and community outreach and native landscaping.

U Kentucky to Open New Residential Learning College

Available to students in fall 2014, the university's Greenhouse Residential College is a living and learning community for those interested in learning different aspects of their local environment through the lens of sustainability.

U North Carolina System Students Ask for 100% Clean Energy

As a result of the Student Energy Network conference, a resolution document gaining endorsement stipulates that Duke Energy will provide 100 percent renewable energy to all University of North Carolina campuses by 2050.

Bridgewater College Students to Use EV for Recycling Program

After a recent $2,500 grant from Enterprise Rent-A-Car's philanthropic arm, Enterprise Holdings Foundation, the college will soon have access to an electric-powered utility vehicle for its student-operated recycling program.

California State U Sacramento to Replace Over 500 Toilets

Striving to meet the city's water consumption reduction mandate of 20 percent, the university will receive partial funding from the state to replace the decades-old fixtures some of which use 4 gallons per flush.

Energy Dept Hosts Geothermal Case Study Challenge

Over the course of the spring 2014 semester, student groups at participating universities will produce a series of well-researched case studies detailing the exploration, development, and geologic history of selected U.S. geothermal resource areas. Case studies produced by each student group will be added to the existing collection of data currently available on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Open Energy Information (OpenEI) platform. The top 5 highest quality case studies will be awarded paid travel to present their work in a poster session at the 2014 Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting in Portland Oregon, Sept. 28 – Oct. 1.

EPA Awards $5M for Clean Water Projects

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded the five universities to evaluate innovative green infrastructure practices in urban areas, using Philadelphia, Pa. as the pilot area. These grants stem from a cooperative partnership between EPA and Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program that represents a broad, long-term investment in implementing green infrastructure stormwater management practices. The awardees include universities are Villanova University, Swarthmore College, Temple University, University of New Hampshire and University of Pennsylvania.

Four Virginia Colleges Announce 100% Renewable Electricity

Coordinated by the Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia, Hollins University, Emory & Henry College, Lynchburg College, Randolph College and Sweet Briar College have entered into agreements to provide the schools with electricity produced from landfill gas.

North Carolina State U Pilots Plastic Bag Recycling

NC State Stewards, a student group of sustainability ambassadors, are managing a pilot program to collect and properly recycle single-use plastic bags.

Obama Administration Hosts Affordability Summit

During the recent summit attended by top university and college administration officials more than 100 commitments were made to help low-income students attend and complete college.

Oklahoma State U Saves $30M Through Energy Efficiency

Since 2007, the university recently announced that through its behavior-based energy conservation program the five university campuses have exceeded the target savings goal by $10 million.

Sonoma State U Appoints First Sustainability Director

In a recent press release, Paul Draper was named the university's first director of sustainability and will also chair the university's Sustainability Executive Committee.

Southern Oregon U Holds Inaugural Social Justice Conference

With 'race' as the university's 2013-14 theme, the two-day conference, organized by the Multicultural Resource Center, provided a safe and structured environment to explore issues related to social justice.

U Albany Awarded Two Grants for Campus Sustainability

One grant in the amount of $607,000 will go to support the environmental initiatives of a planned expansion of the university's Campus Center, while the other grant is intended to initiate a campus-wide composting project.

U Georgia Students Receive $28K to Promote Sustainability

The university's Office of Sustainability recently announced $28,000 to be used by nine student groups' projects that aim to promote a culture of campus sustainability. While biking was the most popularly submitted proposal, others included an on-campus garden and water quality testing.

U North Carolina Charlotte Receives BBI Green Globes

The university's Belk Hall recently achieved the two-globe rating from the Green Building Initiative's Green Globes for New Construction program, a program used to certify a building's environmental performance. The building's features include a reflective roof, energy efficient windows, occupancy sensors, and regionally-appropriate landscaping to reduce water use.

U Washington Awards $279K to Campus Sustainability Projects

The university's Green Seed Fund has selected five winning proposals submitted by faculty, students and staff that advance sustainable research, contribute to campus sustainability goals, and will contribute to greenhouse gas reductions.

U Washington Creates Waste Display

The new visual display aims to simplify waste disposal on campus and encourage greater composting and recycling by showing the items for compost, recycling and landfill.

Virginia Tech to Install Nearly 100 Solar Trash Compactors

Making recycling more convenient for the campus community, the solar compactors are intended to increase recycling rates and reduce carbon emissions from maintenance staff.

HKUST Announces Grant Recipients

(Hong Kong): After recently receiving external funding that was matched, the university awarded 23 masters students with funding for research around environmental sustainability and conservation engineering, with a focus on green motoring and transportation.

U Reading Wins Engage Award from Public Sector Travel

(U.K.): Winning the accolade of Sustainability Program of the Year, the honor is on behalf of its car sharing initiative, giving the campus community round-the-clock access to low emission vehicles at a cost-effective price, which helps to reduce the university's carbon footprint.

American U Increases Waste Reduction Through Partnership

(U.S.): Continuing to work toward its goal of zero waste by 2020, the university partnered with a for-profit clothing recycler to place collection bins for clothing, linens, shoes and accessories from the campus community.

Emory U Buildings Receive LEED Certification

(U.S.): One university research center received Gold certification and two other buildings received Silver certification, one of which is a historic building constructed in 1874.

Lehigh U Transitions to 100% Recycled Paper

(U.S.): An initiative by the university's Purchasing Sustainability group, the transition to 100 percent recycled paper at all public computing sites comes after a request by the student community.

Oklahoma State U Students Produce Recycling Video

(U.S.) The new video features the school's lead basketball blocker in an entertaining video encouraging the campus community to recycle.

Oxford College Acquires Land for Organic Farm

(U.S.): After an alumni recently donated land, the college will now offer an organic farm to model sustainable farming techniques and for integration into the school's curriculum.

Sabah U Malaysia Opens Recycling Center

(Malaysia): In a strategic effort to make its campus more sustainable, the university's Environmental Management System will be trained to implement the recycling initiative, conduct an environmental audit, and organize the first regional conference on sustainability.

Second Nature Announces Climate Leader Finalists

(U.S.): Second Nature and the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) have announced the finalists of the Fifth Annual Climate Leadership Awards, presented to ACUPCC signatory schools that demonstrate "unparalleled campus innovation and climate leadership that helps transition society to a clean, just and sustainable future." Second Nature is partnering with Planet Forward in a public voting competition featuring the finalists' climate leadership and campus innovations during Earth Month.

U California System Pledges to Reduce Water Usage

(U.S.): In light of some of the driest weather on record, the system president announced the goal of reducing per capita water use by 20 percent throughout the UC system by 2020.

U Massachusetts Amherst Receives $485K to Bolster Food System

(U.S.): Seeking to transform the food landscape to a more sustainable one, the Kendall Foundation has recently awarded the university $485,000 over two years with an initial focus of cultivating new suppliers of environmentally sound produce and offering more free-range poultry and animal products in its newly remodeled dining hall.

U Southern Queensland to Construct Green Building

(Australia): When completed the new building will contain electric car charging stations, a 40-bicycle facility with covered and secure storage, showers and lockers, rainwater collection and grey water system, and a management system for the lighting and electrical systems.

Antioch U New England Launches Terracycle Partnership

Beginning in January 2014, the university's Social Justice and Sustainability team is collecting a variety of packaging materials that are currently not recycled, such as chip bags and toothpaste tubes, in an effort to increase its waste diversion.

Emory U Implements Meatless Mondays

In an effort to promote health and environmental benefits, the university's new initiative offers more vegan and vegetarian options.

U Alabama Birmingham Reuses Water for Savings

A network of pipes and tanks now collect and reuse condensate from the university's central cooling system saving it millions of gallons of water and thousands of dollars per month.

AASCU Proposal to Maintain College Affordability

The newly released proposition from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities proposes using existing federal resources to create a new federal matching grant program that leverages federal funds to incentivize states to boost operating support for public higher education, in turn mitigating tuition price increases and improving college affordability.

Bowdoin College Adds Electric Vehicle to Fleet

Funded partially by a grant from a local utility, campus members now have the option to drive a plug-in hybrid electric Chevrolet Volt.

Kent State U to Expand Sustainable Transportation Measures

The university recently contracted with Zipcar to offer a car sharing option to the campus community in hopes of reducing vehicular congestion and carbon emissions.

North Carolina State U Students Opt to Live in EcoVillage

The new sustainability-focused living and learning community drew 63 students whose focus is on service programs and a first-year student course on sustainability, which encourages students to lead, serve, problem solve and engage in complex issues.

San Diego State U Achieves LEED Platinum, Smoke-Free, LGBT Center

The university's recently completed LEED student union is designed with retail space, community areas, an outdoor courtyard and recreation areas. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender resource service center recently opened its doors to offer student support and a sense of community.

Trinity Western U Implements New Waste Diversion Tools

Two students were instrumental in recently establishing a post-consumer compost collection system and new clearly marked recycling collection bins.

U Kansas Researchers Devise Diversity Assessment Tool

In an effort to measure diversity in higher education, the recently published paper discusses the researchers method to create the final instrument, ACES, which quantifies Attitude towards diversity, Career activities and professional norms, Environment conducive to diversity, and Social interactions with diverse groups.