U Vermont Commits $13 M to Billion Dollar Green Challenge

The University of Vermont has announced a $13 million commitment to the Sustainable Endowment Institute's Billion Dollar Green Challenge, bringing the to-date total of the challenge to nearly $80 million. Launched in October 2011, the program invites colleges to invest a total of one billion dollars in energy efficiency upgrades delivered through self-managed revolving funds. Potential projects at the university include the installation of demand-controlled ventilation systems in buildings and the upgrade of external lighting across campus with energy-efficient LED fixtures.

U Washington Tacoma Renovation Awarded LEED Platinum

The University of Washington, Tacoma has achieved LEED Platinum certification for the renovation of its Joy Building, providing more classroom space for the university. Eighty-four percent of the building structure was reused and 95 percent of construction waste was recycled. Built near public transportation, the building features an electric vehicle recharging station and 56 secure bike storage locations.

U Wisconsin River Falls Leads UW System in Energy Efficiency

The University of Wisconsin-River Falls has been named the most energy-efficient four-year campus in the University of Wisconsin system during the 2010-2011 academic year. Energy efficiency was measured by the number of British thermal units (Btu) of fossil fuels, electricity and overall energy used per gross square foot.

Arizona State U Announces 'Zero Solid Waste' Goal by 2015

Arizona State University has announced a new "Roadmap to Zero Solid Waste" collaboration with Waste Management of Arizona. The three-phase program aims to eliminate at least 90 percent of the university’s solid waste on all four campuses by 2015. Waste Management is working to assess the university’s complete waste collection process, waste generation and material conveyance, and will provide guidance and direction throughout the roadmap development process.

Carleton College Partners with Community for Art Center

Carleton College (MN) partnered with the local school system to turn a "much-loved" school building into the Weitz Center for Creativity, reports a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article. The $40 million renovation and expansion of the building has resulted in a new space for the community and "allowed the college to fulfill a long-held goal of expanding its arts facilities." In addition to connecting the college and the community through performances offered there, the building features creative reuses including old gym bleachers that now act as cladding for elevator shafts.

College of St. Benedict Eliminates Dining Trays

The College of Saint Benedict (MN) has eliminated trays at its buffet-style cafeteria with the aim of reducing water use and food waste. An estimated 3,000 trays will no longer need to be washed every day.

Cornell U Contest Saves $230K in Energy Use

A yearlong competition in Cornell University's (NY) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences department, sponsored by the department's Green Initiative and the university’s Office of Energy and Sustainability, has saved approximately $230,000 by reducing an estimated 2 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions in six buildings. Several students were responsible for identifying areas in which buildings could conserve energy or become more efficient.

Iowa State U Creates Sustainability Minor

Iowa State University has launched a new minor in sustainability. The program includes two core classes with elective courses in many different majors including agronomy, food science and English.

Kwantlen Polytechnic U Library Awarded LEED Gold

Kwantlen Polytechnic University's (BC) Coast Capital Library has received LEED Gold certification. Featuring natural ventilation, the building consumes 65 percent less energy compared to the model National Building Code and more than 40 percent of construction materials were sourced locally.

Maharishi U Management Reduces Carbon Count by 22%

With the help of energy efficiency measures including fixing gas leaks, replacing boilers with more efficient models and more efficient lighting, the Maharishi University of Management (IA) has reduced its carbon count by about 22 percent over the past three years. Stationary combustion (such as natural gas appliances) has been reduced by 23 percent; mobile combustion by 35 percent; and electricity usage by 22 percent.

New York U Announces 2012 Green Grant Winners

New York University's Sustainability Task Force has announced eight 2012 Green Grant projects proposed by students, faculty and staff. Projects include seed funding for a student food co-op; student-led composting collection for academic spaces and events; a LEED evaluation study for the university's existing building stock; a "meatless Mondays" campaign exploring relationships between food and climate change; and a series of solar-powered kinetic sculptures that resemble flowers and biomimetically open and close their petals. Since its establishment in 2007, the Green Grant program has awarded nearly $400,000 to a total of 61 projects.

Portland CC Announces New Solar Array

Portland Community College (OR) has announced plans to install a large ground-mounted solar array at its Rock Creek Campus. The 35,000-square-foot array is expected to provide 60 percent of the energy needs of a 72,000-square-foot campus building. The array will be built in partnership with the Energy Trust of Oregon, SolarCity, SolarWorld and the Oregon Department of Energy. The college is prepaying $830,000 for 20 years of solar energy under a power purchase agreement with SolarCity.

Rhode Island College Introduces Car Sharing Program

Rhode Island College has partnered with Zipcar, Inc. to launch a campus car sharing program for students, faculty and staff. Offering two cars to start, the college aims to reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emissions on campus.

Southern Adventist U Plans Solar Panel Installation

Southern Adventist University (TN) has announced plans to install 806 solar panels atop its Plant Services warehouse. The electricity generated will be directed into the campus’ main power grid and is expected to provide approximately 3 percent of the university’s total power consumption. The project was initiated last year by the campus’ Students in Free Enterprise chapter.

Southern Illinois U Carbondale Announces Green Fee Projects

Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Sustainability Council has announced nearly $29,000 in awards for campus sustainability projects including the creation of a climate action plan; the compilation of sustainability curriculum and research; recycled art workshops; and an environmental ambassador award. The funding comes from a $10 per semester student green fee.

St. John Fisher College Installs Water Bottle Refilling Stations

St. John Fisher College's (NY) Recycling and Sustainability Committee has installed several water bottle filling stations on campus, funded by PepsiCo, Inc. as part of their contract with the college to support sustainability efforts. The college plans to purchase additional stations next year.

Students Spearhead Hydration Station Installation at Rice U

Rice University (TX) has installed a student-initiated campus water station designed for filling reusable water bottles. The project, which was funded by Rice Endowment for Sustainable Energy Technology, originated in an “Environmental Issues: Rice Into the Future” course, which uses the campus as a lab for learning about sustainability.

SUNY Cortland Debuts Eco-Friendly Buses

State University of New York at Cortland has purchased a new fleet of environmentally friendly buses that use cleaner fuel. Featuring messages to increase climate issue awareness among the campus community, the propane-fueled vehicles are part of the university's Climate Action Plan toward carbon neutrality by 2050.

U California San Diego Renovation Earns LEED-EBOM Gold

The University of California, San Diego’s Supercomputer Center has achieved LEED Gold certification in the Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance category. The renovated includes the increased use of natural day lighting, a comprehensive recycling program, low-flow plumbing fixtures, and environmentally responsible cleaning and landscape maintenance programs.

U Chicago Announces Campus-wide Energy Efficiency Upgrades

The University of Chicago (IL) has announced an enhanced focus on campus-wide energy efficiency upgrades in 2012. Lighting changes and adjustments to heating and cooling systems are underway in several campus buildings and a total of 16 buildings will be retro-commissioned. An additional 19 buildings are in line for energy efficiency upgrades immediately afterwards. A $2.5 million grant is helping fund the projects.

U Colorado Boulder Leads in Peace Corps Volunteers

With 112 undergraduate alumni serving around the world, the Peace Corps has named the University of Colorado Boulder as No. 1 in the nation for graduates serving as Peace Corps volunteers for the second year in a row. The university ranks No. 5 on the all-time list of Peace Corps volunteers with 2,317 total alumni.

U Kentucky Releases Campus Energy Dashboard

The University of Kentucky has released an interactive, educational resource featuring a web-based, real-time campus energy dashboard that measures energy consumption in residence halls, classrooms and labs, as well as offices and public spaces. The Empowered dashboard is accessible through touch-screen kiosks located around campus, a public website and a mobile version for smartphones and tablets.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Launches Social Innovation Incubator

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has launched a pilot Social Innovation Incubator program. Supporting the Innovate@Carolina Roadmap, the university’s plan to help North Carolina become a leader in launching university-born ideas for the good of society, the program will provide student teams with organizational resources to build their social ventures.

U.S. Department of Energy Announces 2013 Solar Decathlon Teams

The U.S. Department of Energy has named 20 collegiate teams from around the world that will compete in the Energy Solar Decathlon 2013, slated to take place in Irvine, Calif. Competing in 10 categories ranging from architecture to energy production, the teams will build solar-powered, highly energy-efficient homes that combine affordability, consumer appeal and design excellence. The University of Maryland took the top honor during the Solar Decathlon 2011.

U.S. Dept. of Energy Announces $10 M toward Solar Energy Research

As part of its SunShot Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced initiatives to drive transformational research in solar energy by engaging U.S. institutions. To advance promising utility-scale solar energy technologies, DOE will make up to $10 million available to support the development of more efficient heat transfer fluids to reduce the cost of energy from concentrating solar power systems. DOE has also opened the second round of SunShot Initiative postdoctoral research awards for applied research at institutions and other research facilities.

Utah State U to 'Green' Landscaping with Carbon Offset Fund

Faculty and staff at Utah State University now have the opportunity to contribute to the university's Carbon Offset Travel Fund to help mitigate the impact of their university-related travel. The funds collected will be used to help make campus landscaping operations more sustainable.

U Vermont Bans Bottled Water, Mandates Healthy Vending Options

Spearheaded by the student-run Vermont Student Environmental Program, the University of Vermont has announced plans to eliminate the sale of bottled water and introduced a mandate that one-third of drinks offered in vending machines be healthy options. The sale of bottled water in the university’s 57 vending machines and retail outlets will end in January 2013, allowing time for the university to retrofit drinking fountains across campus and for the affected campus departments to make adjustments.

Vanderbilt U Partners with Students for Bike Sharing Program

Vanderbilt University (TN) has announced that re{cycle}, the winner of its Vanderbilt Ventures Competition, will receive start-up money, compensation, support and resources from the Dean of Students office to launch a campus bike sharing program. The student-run company will offer access to daily bicycle rentals for $10 a day to undergraduate students at the university.

Virginia Commonwealth U Plans New Community Garden

Virginia Commonwealth University's Green Unity Club has started construction on a new community garden on campus. With space for 26 separate plots, the garden will host workshops for beginning gardeners and all of the produce grown will be donated to local food banks.

Virginia Tech Embarks on $5.3 M Energy Savings Project

Virginia Tech has partnered with Pepco Energy, Inc. to implement a comprehensive energy savings performance contract project. The company will install more than $5.3 million in new energy conservation measures for five buildings on campus. The improved energy infrastructure is expected to reduce energy consumption by more than 10 percent in each building for a savings of more than $8.4 million over the 11-year performance period.

Walsh College Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Walsh College (MI) has installed three car charging stations on campus with plans for additional stations if there is a demand. A $20,000 grant from the Department of Energy helped offset the project cost.

White House to Consult Higher Education on Affordability Policy

The Obama administration will consult independent colleges while developing the president's proposed financial aid overhaul, reports The Chronicle of Higher Education. Noting that two external barriers to affordability include decreased state appropriations for higher education and the pressure that college leaders face to spend on new facilities that make their institutions more attractive to potential students, the administration says it will engage in an "honest and open dialogue" with the entire higher education community.

Appalachian State U Expands Green Transportation Options

Appalachian State University (NC) has teamed up with UHaulCarShare to expand its car sharing program. Through the partnership, students, faculty and staff will have access to three vehicles 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to UHaulCarShare, the university offers ride sharing through Zimride, a ridesharing social network that helps people share commutes or one-time rides.

Bennett College, EPA Partner to Create Sustainability Center

Bennett College (NC) has announced a collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to launch a center on its campus that will focus on environmental justice, globalization, leadership and sustainable entrepreneurship. The EPA has also pledged to support on-campus initiatives including a campus garden, recycling program, energy audits and health literacy programs.

Columbia U Basketball Team Saves Emissions with Biodiesel Travel

The Lions men's basketball team at Columbia University (NY) saved 77 percent in carbon dioxide emissions traveling by biodiesel bus to a recent away game. The trip was a chance to use Greenway Transit's software program that calculates the estimated footprint reduction by riding in a biodiesel bus. The company is working with the Forest Foundation and Carolina Biodiesel to develop a franchise model for value-adding waste vegetable oil into green transportation for university and college towns across the country.

Cumberland County College Approves 1.5 MW Solar Energy Project

Cumberland County College (NJ) has approved a 1.5-megawatt solar energy project. Funded by AMSOLAR, solar panels will be constructed as a canopy over existing parking spaces. In addition to savings of about $2 million over 15 years, the project will provide a hands-on educational experience for students with solar technology.

Davidson College Completes Solar PV, Thermal Installation

Davidson College (NC) has completed a two-part solar installation that is expected to save the college about $25,000 a year in energy expenses. Photovoltaic solar panels now provide electricity to the campus sports complex and solar thermal collector panels heat the campus pool and tennis showers. To help offset the $600,000 installation costs, the college received funding from a state grant and the Duke Endowment.

Florida Atlantic U Opens Campus Community Garden

Florida Atlantic University's Mission Green campaign has initiated a new organic campus community garden. Eight beds are available for use to students, faculty and staff, and the university plans to invite local farmers to teach the fundamental basics of gardening. Mission Green also plans to provide food to a local soup kitchen.

Higher Education State Support Falls 7.6% in 2012 Fiscal Year

Total state support for higher education declined 7.6 percent from the 2011 to the 2012 fiscal years, according to an annual report from the Grapevine Project at Illinois State University and the State Higher Education Executive Officers. Reports a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article, state spending on higher education is now nearly 4 percent lower than it was in the 2007 fiscal year. Twenty-nine states appropriated less for colleges this year than they did five years ago. The current year's large decline was due in part to the expiration of about $40 billion in federal money given to the states to prop up spending on education.

Linfield College Students Produce 'Tap That' Documentary

Two students at Linfield College (OR) have produced a short documentary about the social justice, public safety and environmental implications of bottled water. The students are using the video to reach out to groups on campus - and beyond - to raise awareness of these issues and move toward a ban of bottled water.

Montana State U to Invest $9.1 M toward Green Dorm Updates

Montana State University has announced plans to invest $9.1 million on updating residence halls with new windows, lighting, water conservation improvements and mechanical changes. Scheduled for completion in the next 20 months, the project is expected to yield about $370,000 in energy savings per year. Half of the money is being loaned by the Montana Board of Investments.

Morgan CC Classroom Building Earns LEED Gold

Morgan Community College’s (CO) Spruce Hall has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The building features a 19-kilowatt photovoltaic system and water-efficient landscaping. Additional sustainable features include low-flow plumbing fixtures, passive solar design and low emitting materials.

Obama Proposes Plan to Link Aid for Institutions to Affordability

President Obama has proposed a financial aid overhaul that for the first time would tie institutions' eligibility for campus-based aid programs to the institution's success in improving affordability and value for students, reports The New York Times. Under the plan, the amount available for Perkins loans would grow to $8 billion from the current $1 billion. In a speech last week at the University of Michigan, Obama announced a $1 billion grant competition that would reward states that take action to keep higher education costs down, and a separate $55 million competition for individual institutions to increase their value and efficiency. All of the proposed changes will require Congressional approval.

President Obama Puts Colleges and Universities 'On Notice'

"If you can't stop tuition from going up, the funding you get from taxpayers will go down," said President Obama last week to colleges and universities during his State of the Union address. "You're on notice," he told them, calling for plans to reduce the interest rate on student loans, extend popular tax credits and shore up support for community colleges job training programs. While he did not mention Pell grants, reports the Inside Higher Ed article, Obama urged Congress to forestall a planned increase on the interest rate on federal student loans (which will double to 6.8 percent in July if no action is taken) and proposed doubling the number of federal work-study jobs in the next five years.

San Diego State U Opens Student Sustainability Center

With the goal of enabling students to take action, San Diego State University's (CA) Center for Regional Studies has opened a Student Sustainability Center. Students will work with faculty at the center to create action plans to ensure the school reduces its carbon footprint. The action plans will be informed by research conducted by student interns on the successes of energy efficiency programs at other institutions.

Southeastern Louisiana U to Use Biodiesel in Campus Vehicles

Southeastern Louisiana University Physical Plant Services has installed a tank on campus to collect used and unwanted cooking oil from the campus community. The oil will be used to produce biodiesel to fuel off-road campus vehicles and equipment.

Student Groups Help Small Businesses Get Off the Ground

Student groups at a handful of institutions across the country have helped hundreds of community members start small businesses in the last few years, reports a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Campus Microfinance Alliance, a national network whose student members include Bentley (MA) and St. Cloud State (MN) universities, is one of several student-led groups offering loans to local residents who want to start businesses but are unlikely to qualify for traditional bank loans. Other groups profiled in the article include those at Grinnell College (IA) and Yale (CT), Brown (RI) and Rutgers (NJ) universities. The clubs, often established as nonprofits, have helped start barbershops, bakeries and hot-dog stands with modest loans of typically less than $5,000.

Texas State U Installs Water Refilling Stations

Texas State University has installed 23 water bottle refilling stations outfitted with a bottle counter that reveals the quantity of bottles saved from landfills. The project was made by possible by a $20,000 grant from the university's Environmental Service Committee.

U California System Considering 'No-Tuition' Student Proposal

A plan to replace tuition with post-graduation payments proposed by a group of students at the University of California, Riverside is being studied by the University of California system president and his staff. Calling themselves Fix UC, the student group's no-tuition proposal would require most graduates to pay 5 percent of their wages (not investments) for 20 years. It would offer discounts for transfer students, graduates who work in public service careers and those who stay and work in the state.

U Cincinnati Students Push for Green Energy

Members of the University of Cincinnati's (OH) Beyond Coal student organization are urging the administration to retire one of its campus coal-fired boilers. Students have gathered more than 2,000 signatures calling for the replacement of the aging boiler with a more efficient source of energy.