U Richmond Stadium Achieves LEED Silver

The University of Richmond's (VA) Robins Stadium has achieved LEED Silver certification. Sustainable features include a reflective roof, low-flow water fixtures and passive solar design. Many construction materials were recycled or extracted and manufactured within 500 miles.

U South Florida Performs Food Waste Audit

The University of South Florida's Office of Sustainability hosted the university's first food waste audit in recognition of Campus Sustainability Day. Students were asked to weigh their waste prior to leaving the Juniper-Poplar dining hall in an effort to compare the university to the national average, as well as develop strategies for what to do with the leftover food. The university may expand the audit to all campus dining halls in the future.

Utah State U BioInnovations Center Earns LEED Gold

Utah State University's Utah Science Technology and Research BioInnovations Center has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The 118,000-square-foot building achieves almost 48 percent in energy savings over the baseline.

Wayne State U Opens Civil Rights and Social Justice Center

Wayne State University (MI) has dedicated the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights, named after the celebrated federal judge and university alum. The 10,000-square-foot addition to the university's law building will serve as a center for civil rights law and social justice programs.

Yale U Management Students Form Sustainability Team

Students at Yale University's (CT) School of Management (SOM) have formed a new Student Sustainability Team to assist the SOM community with environmentally friendly practices. Ranging from reducing electricity use in buildings to running "zero-landfill" events, SOM's first student-run effort aims to implement green initiatives to act as a model for the rest of the university to adopt.

Yale U Named 'Best Company' by Working Mother Magazine

Yale University (CT) has been selected for the second year in a row as by Working Mother magazine as one of the "100 Best Companies" in the nation. The initiative recognizes organizations that support working mothers by providing family-friendly benefits and programs. With a high representation of women in its workforce, the university received high marks for its child care, benefits and work-life programs.

Bergen CC Unveils Energy-Efficient Student Center Renovation

Bergen Community College (NJ) has completed a $5.5 million renovation of its student center. The building features a green roof, energy-efficient lighting and low-flow plumbing fixtures.

Bowdoin College Installs Green Roof

Bowdoin College (ME) has installed its first green roof on the campus heating plant. The living roof includes a variety of flowering plants that will help reduce the urban heat island effect, extend the life of the roof and absorb rainwater.

CA State University System Receives Energy Efficiency Grant

The California State University system has received $400,000 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to initiate energy efficiency projects on campuses that were nearly cancelled after state funding cuts. Through the Energy Technology Assistance Program, campuses at Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, Long Beach, Pomona, San Diego and San Francisco will implement energy-efficient measures including smart lighting for parking lots and wireless air conditioning controls. The system expects to save more than $200,000 in annual utility costs.

Clarkson U to Build Stormwater Detention Pond

Clarkson University (NY) is gearing up to build a drainage system and detention pond that will manage stormwater run-off that currently floods the campus and nearby streets. With the new system, water will flow into a basin and continue into a larger pond, eventually making its way toward the existing campus wetlands. The project is expected to cost about $500,000.

Clemson U Awarded $1 Mil for Sustainable Vehicle Systems Center

As part of its Graduate Automotive Technology Education (GATE) division, the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded $1 million to Clemson University (SC) to create a center for sustainable vehicle systems research and education. Students will study the vehicle life cycle, energy use and emissions, reliability and manufacturing. The GATE division is focusing on the development of automotive hybrid propulsion, energy storage and lightweight materials.

Clemson U Students Debut Bike Trailer for Tailgating

With the goal of reducing the carbon footprint of tailgating by removing the classic car aspect, a group of Clemson University (SC) students has debuted a bike trailer for tailgating. The trailer folds out to include a table and chairs, a grill and a cooler. The group also has created a larger unit that can accommodate up to six families. In related news, the President's Commission on Sustainability and Clemson Recycling have partnered to provide more recycling bins and trailers at football games.

Colo State U Receives $44.5 Mil Grant for EcoCAR 2 Competition

To aid its progress in the three-year national hybrid/electric vehicle design competition EcoCAR 2, Colorado State University has received $44.5 million worth of in-kind software from Siemens AG. Designed to teach students to manage large, complex projects, the software will steer a 40-student team that is working to build a fuel-cell vehicle for the competition.

Davidson College to Install 2 Solar Arrays

Davidson College (NC) has announced plans to install two arrays of solar panels atop its sports complex. The installation is expected to save the college $25,000 a year in energy expenses. The $600,000 cost is being funded by the college, the Duke Endowment and a state grant that is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Eastern Illinois U Opens Renewable Energy Center

More than two years after its Board of Trustees approved the construction, Eastern Illinois University has opened its $55 million renewable energy center. The facility, which houses a biomass gasifier, can store enough wood chips to supply the campus steam needs for 10 days and is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent. The energy savings will finance the center.

Elon U Adopts Green Building Policy

Elon University (NC) has adopted a Green Building Policy that calls for future construction projects to be designed and built to LEED standards.

Georgia Tech Students Design Electric Vehicle System for Atlanta

A team of undergraduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology are helping the City of Atlanta toward its goal of becoming the first region in the country to have 50,000 electric vehicles on its roads. The city will use funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to implement the students’ proposal, which outlined electric vehicle adoption and marketing strategies and emphasized ways of reducing the cost to the city government.

Hispanic CC Completion Rates Increase 440% in 20 Years

Minorities have shown triple-digit jumps in enrollments and credentials awarded at community colleges in the past 20 years, according to a new policy brief from the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Hispanics saw the highest jump in earned credentials with a 440 percent increase. Enrollments according to race and ethnicity increased 17 percent for whites, 137 percent for African Americans and 226 percent for Hispanics.

Illinois Institute of Technology Installs Composter

The Illinois Institute of Technology has installed a new composter that will divert waste for use as fertilizer and soil amendment on campus. The project was initiated by a group of students in partnership with the Office of Campus Energy and Sustainability, the Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research and Cook County.

Johnson & Wales U Welcome Center Earns LEED Gold

Johnson & Wales University's (RI) Grace Welcome Center has received LEED Gold certification. The university's second LEED-certified building incorporates passive solar design to minimize the use of artificial lighting.

Kennesaw State U Grows Farm-to-Campus Program

Kennesaw State University (GA) has partnered with a local farming family to add 40 acres to its two-acre farm-to-campus program. With 10 acres of heirloom apple trees and two 1,500-square-foot greenhouses, the university expects the farm to provide 20 percent of campus dining hall produce.

League of American Bicyclists Names 6 New Bike Friendly Campuses

Announced during the AASHE 2011 conference in Pittsburgh, the League of American Bicyclists has designated six new institutions as bicycle friendly. With 26 institutions in the U.S. to date, the Bicycle Friendly University program recognizes campuses that offer a strong on-campus bicycle culture, a growing bicycle infrastructure, and cooperation with nearby towns and cities, among other criteria. The new bike friendly institutions include Chatham University (PA), George Mason University (VA), Ohio State University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of North Carolina Wilmington and University of Vermont.

Medical U South Carolina Achieves $28K in Energy Savings

The Medical University of South Carolina achieved $28,000 in energy savings by participating in a local Green Business Challenge. For the challenge, which aimed to promote environmental sustainability while enhancing profitability, occupants of the university building worked together to turn off lights in unoccupied rooms and pull down blinds to reduce heating effects.

MIT Recognized as Business Leader for Efficiency Forward Program

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been recognized as a Business Leader by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership for its MIT Efficiency Forward program. MIT plans to invest more than $13 million and use incentives from local utility provider NSTAR over the next three years to reduce campus electricity use by 15 percent by 2013. In its first year, the program exceeded goals by 30 percent with a savings of more than 13 million kilowatt hours.

Naropa U Named as EPA Green Power Partner

Naropa University (CO) has announced its recognition as a Green Power Partner by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. One of 20 colleges and universities nationwide officially recognized for offsetting 100 percent of their emissions using green power and renewable energy, the university is purchasing more than 1 million kilowatt-hours of green power annually.

North Shore CC Debuts Zero Net Energy Building

North Shore Community College (MA) has opened a new zero net energy Health Professions and Student Services building, designed to generate more energy than it consumes. The 58,000-square-foot features solar panels, a green roof to filter rainwater for use in toilets and 60 geothermal wells. Excess electricity produced by the solar panels will be used to power a neighboring building and sold to the local utility company.

Park U Initiates Campus Green Cleaning Program

Park University (MO) has partnered with Aramark to implement an environmentally friendly "Blue Cleaning" program. The university will use electrically activated water in place of general purpose cleaning chemicals. The program includes extensive staff training and an education and engagement component.

Stetson U Adopts Water Conservation Theme for the Academic Year

Stetson University (FL) has adopted "water sustainability" as its theme for the 2011-2012 academic year. Stetson GREEN, a sustainable initiative program, will bring together people who have worked independently on water conservation issues to plan conservation-themed activities and projects. Efforts will include field studies, surveys on water usage, water-themed academic courses, public education, research, guest lecturers and community volunteerism focused on protecting natural water resources.

Student Interest Drives New Food Pulper at Oberlin College

Oberlin College (OH) is installing a machine that pulps and condenses food waste in its largest dining hall after several years of research and student input. The ground and drained food waste, collected from food prep to post-consumer scraps, will be used as compost at a nearby farm. In its second phase, the pulper will grind up disposable, compostable containers offered for carry-out food.

Syracuse U Residence Hall Awarded LEED Gold

Syracuse University's (NY) newest residence hall has earned LEED Gold certification. The university's first LEED-certified building features low-flow plumbing, a stormwater retention system, enhanced site permeability and landscape design that incorporates native plants. Additional sustainable features include a white roof, high-performance insulated glass windows, passive solar design and variable-speed kitchen and laundry dyer exhaust fans to reduce electricity use.

U Alaska Anchorage Plants Trees at Local Farm

More than 20 volunteers from the University of Alaska Anchorage recently planted over 250 trees at the Palmer Experimental Farm north of Anchorage.

U California Berkeley Hosts Community Service Day

Volunteers during the University of California, Berkeley's recent community service event tackled landscaping, mural painting, walking path construction, crop planting and graffiti removal. Launched in 2006, the Berkeley Project Day aims to build a legacy of community service by creating a strong relationship between campus students and community residents.

U Hawaii to Expand Sustainability Curriculum Offerings

The University of Hawaii has announced plans to expand its focus on sustainability and native Hawaiian studies. Eight new professors will be hired for the fall 2012 semester to focus on coastal civil engineering, coastal policy and community development, environmental economics, and native Hawaiian health and knowledge. The university aims to foster a campus-wide sustainability dialogue beyond its Natural Resources and Environmental Management departments.

U Montana Native American Center Earns LEED Platinum

The University of Montana's new Payne Family Native American Center has received the first LEED Platinum certification for the campus. Green features of the building include an east-facing, canted roof with a slotted skylight for natural light; low-flow faucets, showers and toilets; a groundwater-based cooling system; and high-efficiency air filters that minimize dust. The building also features salvaged wood including 12 poles dredged from the Blackfoot River after the local Milltown Dam was removed that encircle the center's gathering place and represent Montana's 12 tribes.

U Notre Dame Creates Required Sustainability Seminar

The University of Notre Dame has created a mandatory seminar for first-year students titled "Contemporary Topics." The material, in comic strip and video format, is designed to engage students in sustainable energy and resource use topics through humor.

U Notre Dame Switches to 100% Recycled Stationery

Starting this November, letterhead, envelopes and business cards at the University of Notre Dame (IN) will be printed on 100 percent recycled content paper. The conversion is expected to save 29,000 pounds of wood and 43,000 gallons of water, as well as avoid 8,900 pounds of carbon emissions annually.

U Oregon Produces Campus Sustainability Tour App

The University of Oregon has released a new campus sustainability tour feature on its iPhone app. Users can tour the university's sustainable features through photos, descriptive text and web links. In its first month of release, the app has received about 1,000 downloads a day.

Ursinus College Receives State Grant for Lighting Retrofit

Ursinus College (PA) has received a $120,645 grant from the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority to retrofit campus lights. Parking lot and walkway lights will be replaced with LED bulbs for an annual savings of $20,000.

USA Today Highlights Student Push for 'Real Food'

Students at 216 campuses in 46 states and five countries are asking their campuses for healthier and sustainable foods, reports a recent USA Today article. The student groups are a part of the national The Real Food Challenge movement, which calls for institutions to serve more organic, locally grown foods that don't come from industrial farms. The challenge recently launched the Real Food Campus Commitment, a pledge for institutions to spend 20 percent of their food purchasing budget on "real foods."

U Southern Mississippi Cuts Energy Costs by $2 Mil

With the installation of energy meters, energy-efficient boilers and energy management systems that adjust energy settings when buildings are unoccupied, the University of Southern Mississippi has achieved energy savings of nearly $2 million in the past year. The savings are a result of a three-year energy efficiency initiative that included a campus-wide energy assessment, the implementation of new technology and energy use adjustments, and an outcome analysis.

U Wisconsin Stevens Point Installs Solar Panels

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point has installed solar panels on a campus residence hall to help heat water for the building. The university is also looking to upgrade existing solar panels once funding is available.

Vancouver Island U Adds Gathering Place for Aboriginal Students

Vancouver Island University has opened a new meeting place for aboriginal students on campus. Designed to resemble a traditional Coast Salish longhouse with sustainable features including a green roof, the 3,900-square-foot Shq'apthut building is one of 27 being created at public postsecondary institutions across British Columbia through a $13.6 million investment by the province.

Western Carolina U Enlists Goats for Weed Eradication

Western Carolina University recently welcomed goats to its campus as an environmentally friendly weed-eradication strategy. The goats took a few weeks to clear kudzu at the site of an old campus landfill, a task that would have taken the university's grounds crew a few months to accomplish. The university will enlist the goats again in the spring.

Xavier U Opens Green Dining Complex

Xavier University (OH) has opened its new residential and dining complex. The 245,000-square-foot building features a multi-layer green roof system, low-flow plumbing fixtures, lighting occupancy sensors and plans for a “how low can you go” energy reduction competition among residents.

Arizona State U Creates Social Justice Graduate Degree

Arizona State University has created a new master's degree in social justice and human rights. The program will offer a non-governmental organization management track and a research track to prepare students for agency careers and doctoral programs in social sciences and law.

Arizona State U Expands Global Institute of Sustainability

Arizona State University has partnered with Tecnologico de Monterrey to launch the Latin America office of ASU's Global Institute of Sustainability. The Latin America office will conduct applied, transdisciplinary research to address Latin American issues, offer an innovative curriculum, and develop business solutions and governance models that accelerate the adoption of a sustainable culture.

Arkansas State U Installs E-Waste Recycling Bins

Arkansas State University has installed two electronic waste recycling bins. Personal cell phones, rechargeable batteries, ink cartridges and other electronics up to five pounds can be recycled. Facilities Management has partnered with MARCK Recycling and WW Recycling to cover the cost of the bins.

CA Institutions to Launch Student Clean Technology Competition

The California Institute of Technology, University of Southern California, OnGreen and University of California, Los Angeles have received a $360,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to accelerate clean technology innovation through student entrepreneurship. A new Western Regional business plan student competition will work to double the number of student groups engaged in clean technology production.

California's 'Dream Act' Becomes Law

California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that will allow illegal immigrants who graduated from high school in-state to receive state financial aid for college, reports the Chronicle of Higher Education. Known as the California Dream Act, the law will allow undocumented students to apply for state grants, fee waivers at community colleges and institutional financial aid at public universities, starting in 2013. In related news, the governor vetoed another bill that would have allowed public colleges to consider race in admissions.

Chattahoochee Technical College Campus Receives LEED Gold

The Canton campus of Chattahoochee Technical College (GA) has earned LEED Gold certification. The one-building campus features drought resistant landscaping, light pollution reduction, optimized energy performance and recycling facilities.