Sierra Magazine Announces 2021 Cool Schools

Sierra's 15th annual Cool Schools ranking highlights 328 colleges and universities across the United States and Canada, and classifies the top 20 as the Coolest Schools. To assess colleges' environmental practices, the annual ranking uses data from AASHE STARS and an additional questionnaire about fossil fuel divestment.

Princeton Review Releases 2022 Green Honor Roll

The recently released the 2022 Green Honor Roll by The Princeton Review ranks 27 colleges and universities that received the highest possible Green Rating score (99), out of the 835 higher education institutions evaluated. The ranking takes into account metrics related to student campus quality of life, career preparation for employment in the clean energy economy, citizenship in a world defined by environmental concerns and opportunities, and the degree to which the institution's policies are environmentally responsible.

NWF Campus Race to Zero Waste Announces Winners

Across more than 200 college campuses in 43 states, 2.4 million students and more than 500,000 faculty and staff participated in the 2021 Campus Race to Zero Waste competition. This year there were 18 winners across seven categories.

Oberlin College Secures $80M in Certified Climate Bonds for Geothermal Project

Investors poured $80 million into a Certified Climate Bond offering for a geothermal infrastructure project on Oberlin's campus. The four-year sustainable infrastructure project will convert buildings throughout Oberlin’s campus to geothermal heating and cooling, drawing on 1,100 wells that harness the earth’s natural underground temperatures to replace Oberlin’s current heat source, natural gas.

Colorado State U Pueblo Goes 100% Solar-Electric

In mid-August, the university announced that all university buildings were being powered by energy from the sun. This was made possible through a power purchase agreement that included the installation of a 23-acre solar array on the north side of campus and a rechargeable battery system.

Ryerson U to Change Name

The university's board of governors recently accepted 22 recommendations, which include renaming the institution, sharing materials to recognize the legacy of Egerton Ryerson, and providing more opportunities to learn about Indigenous history and Indigenous and colonial relations. The recommendations come from a task force who conducted research into the university's namesake's life and legacy, and the role of commemoration in the community.

Princeton U to Dissociate From Fossil Fuel Companies

The university recently established an administrative process for dissociating from companies engaged in climate disinformation campaigns or that are involved in the thermal coal and tar sands segments of the fossil fuel industry. The university also has committed to reducing the aggregate harmful climate impact of the entirety of the university’s direct and indirect endowment holdings.