Frostburg State U Creates Sustainability Studies Minor

Frostburg State University (MD) has created a minor in sustainability studies. The minor is designed to encourage students to explore environmental, economic, and social equity issues relating to sustainability in modern societies. Students will be able to pursue the minor beginning in the fall.

Illinois State U Approves Renewable Energy Degree

Illinois State University has approved a new bachelor’s degree in renewable energy. The degree program is a multi-disciplinary undergraduate major that includes a technical, economics, and public policy sequence. The program will provide an overview of renewable energy industries.

Indiana U Announces Sustainability Grant Recipients

Indiana University has announced four recipients of its Sustainability Research Development Grants. The winning research initiatives cover topics that include agroforestry in southern Mexico, the impact on community sustainability of Home Depot's product donation program, remediation of exotic invasive species in Dunn's Woods, and food waste at Indiana University. Each project will receive $10,000 that can be used for graduate fellowships, faculty research fund awards, or summer faculty fellowships.

John Carroll U Starts Bike Share Program

John Carroll University (OH) has implemented a new bike share program. Students of the Environmental Issues Group have collected 28 bikes donated by the city. Students will be able to check out bikes free of charge. The Environmental Issues Group hopes to use the bikes for other programs including physical education courses.

Luther College Installs Low-Flow Showerheads

Luther College (IA) has installed more than 75 low-flow showerheads in campus residence halls. The project resulted from a successful student-led pilot project.

Michigan State U Starts Sustainability Specialization

Michigan State University has announced plans to begin offering an undergraduate specialization in sustainability. The program, which is set to launch this fall, will require 18 credit hours of study, with a core of three required courses and a number of electives.

New Jersey Inst of Tech to Offer Grad Certif in Sustainability

The New Jersey Institute of Technology has announced plans to launch a new 12-credit graduate certificate in sustainability policy and environmental management. Beginning this fall, students will have the option to customize their study plans from a menu of courses that will include sustainability politics and policy, environmental economics and management, environmental communication, environmental law, industrial ecology, and global environmental problems.

NY State Schools Announce Winners of Green Business Competition

The University at Albany's  (NY) College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering and School of Business, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute's Lally School of Management and Technology, and the Union Graduate College's School of Management have announced the winners of the Tech Valley Business Plan competition, the area's first business plan competition focusing on renewable energy and sustainable innovations.. Winners of the competition, all located at the three institutions, pitched next generation battery storage technology, recyclable teddy bears, and a year-round organic produce project.

Ohio Northern U Constructs 3 Wind Turbines

Ohio Northern University has constructed three wind turbines. Each turbine is 220 feet tall and generates 400 kilowatts of power. The University will distribute the collective 1.2 megawatts of power generated throughout the campus. The three turbines are expected to meet five to 10 percent of the University’s electricity needs.

Oregon State U Students Build Green Roof

Oregon State University students have begun building a green roof on top of a storage shed as part of a landscape construction course. The green roof will help regulate temperature and minimize storm water runoff. Sensors will allow students to monitor a variety of factors including rainfall patterns.

U Alabama Huntsville Receives Recycling Bin Donation

University of Alabama, Huntsville has been selected by Alcoa as the recipient of 500 recycling containers. The recycling bins will be a vehicle for bringing residence halls into the campus recycling program. The cost of collection containers has previously prevented the University from expanding the recycling program. The donation will fully meet the University’s needs and will allow the program to grow.

U Buffalo Receives Grant for Solar Array

The University at Buffalo (NY) has received a $7.5 million grant to construct a 1.1-megawatt solarenergy array. The solar array, consisting of 5,000 photovoltaic panels, will provide power to 735 student apartments. The solar array will be designed to operate in a cold-weather environment and withstand heavy snowfall, serving as a benchmark for future systems in similar climates. In addition, the facility will start training and certifying personnel in the installation of solar panels.

U Massachusetts Amherst Food Service Increases Local Purchases

University of Massachusetts Amherst Dining Services has increased the amount of local foods offered in campus dining halls. 25 percent of its food items were purchased from local farms in 2009, up from eight percent in 2002. The institution has also begun offering twice as much fruit and has cut meat portions by 3 ounces at lunch and 4 ounces at dinner. In addition, UMass has noticed a 20 percent food waste decrease. The University hopes to increase local food purchases by 27 percent in 2010.

U Nevada Reno Receives Grant for National Geothermal Institute

The University of Nevada, Reno has received a $1.2 million federal grant to develop and operate the National Geothermal Institute. The institute will provide research and augment work at the University’s Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy. The institute will serve as a consortium of geothermal schools, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cornell University (NY), Stanford University (CA), the Oregon Institute of Technology, and the University of Utah. The geothermal program is expected to offer a series of eight one-week courses with additional field trips and a project required. Classes may begin as early as the spring semester of 2011.

U Pennsylvania Selected for Sustainable Landscape Rating Pilot

A University of Pennsylvania project has been selected as a pilot for the nation’s first rating system for green landscape design, construction, and maintenance - the Sustainable Site Initiative. The selected project is designed to turn aging paved tennis courts into an urban park. The project is expected to improve water quality, minimize runoff, restore biomass, increase local biodiversity, and reduce the urban heat island effect. The Sustainable Sites Initiative will pilot more than 150 projects in the U.S., Canada, Iceland, and Spain to evaluate its new rating system for sustainable landscapes.

U Tennessee to Host Farmers' Market

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture has announced plans to host a farmers' market once a week. Proceeds from the market will be use to fund the University’s Organic and Sustainable Crop Production Program, a multi-disciplinary internship program for students to foster interest in farming and farmland preservation.

U Washington Establishes Sustainability Fund

The University of Washington's Services and Activities Fee Committee has given $339,805 to establish a Campus Sustainability Fund. The Fund will create guidelines for how to allocate the donation. Current proposals include a large campus farm, renewable-energy installations, covered bike racks, and digital textbooks.

Washington State U Installs Permeable Paving

Washington State University has installed permeable paving at its Research & Extension Center. The concrete is designed so water flows through it and into the ground beneath. The installation is part of a $1 million stormwater research effort to help revolutionize urban development.

American U Celebrates Newest Green Building

American University (DC) has opened the doors to the School of International Service. The 70,000-square-foot, eco-friendly building was designed for LEED Gold certification. The building is a reflection of the School of International Service’s commitment to advance ecological stewardship, preserve transparency and human dignity, and work for social justice. Elements of green design and construction include natural lighting, nontoxic materials, and climate controls. The roof is home to 7,000 square-feet of photovoltaic panels.

Asheville-Buncombe Technical CC Provides Water Heated By Solar

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (NC) has entered an agreement to have 39 solar panels installed on four campus buildings. The thermal collectors will be used to provide 1,885 gallons of hot water a day. The College expects to save approximately $22,000 over the next ten years.

Colgate U Senior Class Donates Gift to Env'l Sustainability

The Colgate University (NY) 2010 graduating class has donated a gift to the Environment Sustainability Fund. The gift will be used to fund future green efforts and may help fund a community garden. The garden would produce vegetables that could be used in dining halls on campus and serve as an educational tool to promote the importance of local food. The Class of 2008 donated $23,000 to launch the Environmental Sustainability Fund.

Education Corp of America Launches Renewable Energy College

Education Corporation of America has launched the Ecotech Institute, a college entirely focused on preparing graduates for careers in the fields of renewable energy, sustainable design, and energy efficiency. The first campus will be located in Aurora (CO), offering seven associate's degrees and a certificate program for people seeking careers in the emerging cleantech economy. Programs include electrical engineering, energy and environmental paralegal, energy efficiency, environmental technology, renewable energy technology, solar energy technology, sustainable interior design, and wind energy technology.

EPA Announces 2010 P3 Award Winners

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced the winners of its 2010 P3 (People, Prosperity, and the Planet) Awards Competition. The national competition enables college students to research, develop, and design scientific, technical, and policy solutions to sustainability challenges. Paul Anastas, EPA's Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research & Development, increased the number of awards issued to 14 (totaling $1 million) this year because the projects were so impressive. The winners include: Appalachian State University (NC); Clarkson University (NY); Clemson University (SC); Cornell University (NY); Drexel University (PA); Harvard University (MA); Humboldt State University (CA); North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Roger Williams University (RI); Texas A&M University; University of Illinois at Champaign; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Virginia Tech.

EPA Designates North Carolina State U as Ctr of Excellence

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated North Carolina State University (NCSU) as a Center of Excellence for Watershed Management. To become a recognized Center of Excellence, the institution must demonstrate technical expertise in identifying and addressing watershed needs; involve students, staff, and faculty in watershed research; demonstrate the capability to involve the full suite of disciplines needed for all aspects of watershed management; and have the financial ability to become self-sustaining, the willingness to partner with other institutions, and the support from the highest levels of the organization. NCSU is the managing entity of the Water Resources Research Institute for the entire University of North Carolina system.

Gateway Technical College Dedicates Training Propulsion Lab

Gateway Technical College (WI) has dedicated a new Advanced Propulsion Lab. The 12,800-square-foot addition will provide graduates with the opportunity to receive hands-on training, including instruction on green propulsion methods such as hybrid biodiesel and electricity. The lab will consist of four-bay areas. The first bay will be a “green garage” which will use sustainable chemicals and related processes. Another bay will be equipped with torque technology and offer training required for wind industry technicians. Training in other sustainable technologies include learning how to mix biodiesel fuel and learning the intricacies of charging stations for today’s vehicles powered by electricity.

Luther College Implements Energy Conservation Program

Luther College (IA) has developed an Energy Conservation Program to help the institution meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent. The two major goals of the program include reducing energy consumption by three percent per year through investments in more energy efficient equipment and to reduce energy consumption by two percent per year through implementation of an energy awareness educational program. Short term goals include installing a system that allows the college to track real time energy use and communicate that information on campus to the college community, developing a team of students to foster the implementation of energy conserving measures on campus, and completing the installation of additional meters to monitor the consumption of electricity, steam heat, and water in all major campus buildings.

Middlebury College to Purchase Bio-Methane Gas

Middlebury College (VT) has agreed to purchase bio-methane gas from a Vermont farm energy company, with the agreement contingent on the College raising money to build storage facilities for the gas on campus and retrofit its current heating plant to burn the new fuel. The project would cost approximately $9 million. Middlebury hopes that their agreement will provide a boost to the farm-based methane industry, which uses cow manure and food waste to produce methane gas.

Millikin U Receives LEED-EB Gold Rating

Millikin University (IL) has received LEED Existing Building (EB) Gold certification for the renovation of a residence hall. The renovation reduced CO2 emissions and improved energy savings, water efficiency, and indoor air quality.

Milwaukee Area Technical College Starts Solar Educational Farm

Milwaukee Area Technical College (WI), in collaboration with Johnson Controls, has begun construction for its new Photovoltaic Educational Farm. The 32-acre, 510 kW facility will provide energy to operate the Milwaukee Public Television transmitter. The facility will serve as a training center for technicians, designers, site assessors, electricians, sales personnel, and other professionals in the field of renewable energy.

MIT Hires Concrete Sustainability Hub Director

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has hired Hamlin Jennings as the inaugural director of its Concrete Sustainability Hub, a research center established in October 2009 with the goal of accelerating emerging breakthroughs in concrete science and swiftly transferring those research advances into industry. Research projects in the Concrete Sustainability Hub will fall under three areas: concrete materials science, building technology, and the econometrics of sustainable development. Hamlin will also hold the position of adjunct professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Recovery Act Awards $106 M for 37 Green Research Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy will be awarding $106 million in funding for 37 projects, a portion of which will be located on college campuses. Projects will focus on transformational energy including the production of biofuels from renewable electricity, new types of batteries to make electric cars more affordable, and the removal of carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants. Educational institutions will receive 57 percent of the grants awarded. Two institutions have been identified to lead research on the two of the three focus areas: Harvard Medical School (MA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Richland College Students Present Commuting Habits

Six Richland College (TX) students have collected data regarding commuting habits amongst their fellow students. 2,600 students participated in the survey. The data collected was presented at the Student Sustainable Transportation Summit. Plans have been developed to reduce emissions from student commuting.

Syracuse U Computer Becomes Greener

Syracuse University (NY) has opted to rebuild 30 6-year-old training PCs instead of purchasing new ones. Syracuse's Energy and Computing Management department chose this more sustainable computing option because it bypassed the need to purchase new desktop hardware, while also saving University resources and energy.

Syracuse U Receives $35K for Sustainable Enterprise Partnership

Syracuse University (NY) has received $35,000 from the Carrier Corporation to support the Sustainable Enterprise Partnership (SEP). The SEP, a collaboration among SU’s Whitman School of Management, the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF), and the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, provides education and research to encourage businesses to incorporate sustainability into their practices, products, services, supply chain, distribution, culture, and management.

Tufts U to Go Trayless this Fall

Tufts University (MA) has announced plans to stop offering trays in two dining centers starting this fall. The initiative is the result of the success of a pilot program that ran this past spring. The pilot recorded an 11.4 percent decrease in electricity use and a 29 percent decrease in food waste.

U California San Diego Receives Access to Trolley

San Diego’s Metropolitan Transit System Board of Directors has endorsed a trolley extension that would provide direct service to the University of California, San Diego. The new route will provide students with an alternative means of transportation.

U Central Arkansas Installs Green Roof

University of Central Arkansas has installed a $60,000 green roof on campus. The roof includes 2,000 square-feet of various sedum plants and is designed to reduce heating and cooling costs, extend lifespan of the roof, and decrease storm water runoff. If the green roof is successful, it could be expanded throughout the campus.

U Kentucky Announces Ride Home Express

University of Kentucky has plans to offer an alternative travel option to students and employees beginning in the fall. The Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) Ride Home Express will provide transportation to and from hometowns during major academic breaks. The PTS Ride Home Express will serve 29 cities along eight routes. Riders will be able to reserve a seat on one of the Ride Home Express buses via the Web, by telephone, or in person. Fares for the service will range from $39-$129, with prices varying based on the final destination.

U Minnesota Duluth Constructs Rooftop Garden

University of Minnesota Duluth has constructed a vegetable garden on a campus rooftop. The newly constructed straw bale gardens are part of an on-going project that focuses on campus gardens that produce edible foods as well as develop educational opportunities for food-raising at the University. The garden will also serve as a temperature control, keeping the building cooler during the summer. The total cost of the project was $5,000.

U Rochester Develops New Environmental Curriculum

University of Rochester (NY) has developed a new curriculum in environmental sustainability. The program will help two independent schools in the U.S. and Africa educate and lead communities toward a more sustainable energy future by teaching about the science, maintenance, and use of energy technologies. Research on curriculum, learning, and assessment, conducted by faculty and students from the University of Rochester, will help middle school students at both schools gain a better understanding of renewable energy and how to operate the systems installed at their schools.

U Texas San Antonio Receives Funds for Solar Panels

University of Texas, San Antonio has received $1.08 million in Department of Energy stimulus funds to install solar panels. The panels are expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions up to 273,661 pounds annually and save the University $64,000 per year. Students will be given the opportunity to work on the project.

U Western Ontario Plans Wind Research Center

University of Western Ontario has announced plans to build a $25 million dollar wind turbine research center. The Wind, Engineering, Energy and Environment (WindEEE) Dome will serve as a wind tunnel, test turbine designs and parts, and study the most efficient way to capture wind energy. The facility will help improve the structural engineering of wind turbines and the design of wind farms. The WindEEE Dome is designed to be 40 meters across and will contain more than 100 fans, each about one meter in diameter. Together, they can create winds of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

U Wyoming Students Complete Sustainability Projects

Students in a University of Wyoming sustainability class have completed campus sustainability projects. Projects included designing a storage shed on a student farm, creating a system to recycle furniture, installing equipment to reduce energy used by campus vending machines, and conducting research and surveys. The course included students from a wide range of departments.

Washington State U Receives Grant For Clean Energy Courses

Washington State University has received a $2.5 million grant to develop courses to train engineers in clean energy and the smart electric power grid. The University will begin offering courses related to installing a smart grid and producing solar energy, wind energy, and biofuels. The three-year project will allow for the development of an undergraduate certificate, graduate level certificates, and a professional master’s degree in the field of clean energy and smart grid engineering.

25 Institutional Fellowships Awarded for Green Building

Second Nature has presented 25 under-resourced colleges and universities with 2010 Kresge Green Building Fellowship Awards. With funding from The Kresge Foundation, Second Nature presented these fellowships as a way to provide under-resourced institutions with information and networking opportunities that will develop champions for green building on their campuses. The Kresge Fellowship Program within the Advancing Green Building in Higher Education Initiative will provide free registration, accommodations, and travel expenses for fellows to attend one national green building-related conference.

American U Switches to 100% Green Power

American University (DC) has purchased wind-generated renewable energy credits (RECs) equivalent to 100 percent of the University’s annual electricity usage.

Bunker Hill CC Dedicates Green Health & Wellness Center

Bunker Hill Community College (MA) has dedicated its new Health & Wellness Center. The two-story structure is registered for LEED Gold certification and houses classrooms, laboratories, a gymnasium, and a fitness center.

California State U Northridge Builds Safe Place for Bikes

California State University, Northridge has partnered with the local police department to unveil a bicycle complex. The new Matador Bicycle Compound located in a parking structure is secure and fully-enclosed by fences. To access the bike compound, students must pay a one-time $7 administration fee. There are 20 to 25 available spaces. By providing a safe place to park, the University hopes it will encourage students to commute by bicycle. If successful, the University will build more parking structures.

Central Michigan U Students Reduce Waste to Improve Soil

The Central Michigan University Student Environmental Alliance has begun collecting food scraps from student dining services in order to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. More than 1,000 pounds of waste have been collected for compost since the program began. The Student Environmental Alliance hopes to save money for the institution and create nutrient rich soil. Food produced in the gardens is donated to local food pantries and soup kitchens.

Cornell U Forms New Groups to Advance Sustainability Efforts

Cornell University (NY) has introduced two organizations to promote sustainability initiatives on campus: the President’s Sustainable Campus Committee (PSCC) and the Energy and Sustainability Department. The new 13-member PSCC, which includes representatives from operations and academic staff, students, and faculty, will oversee all aspects of sustainability in campus operations and facilities.  The Energy and Sustainability Department, formed by Facilities Services, will provide energy for campus and coordinate the implementation of PSCC initiatives. Sustainability Coordinator Dan Roth will continue to oversee coordination and communication support for campus sustainability initiatives through the Sustainability Office.