New Resources

Rocky Mountain Institute Launches New Climate Change Video

RMI just launched a new video campaign about what an important role building efficiency plays in mitigating climate change.
  • Posted May 5, 2014

Stories of Sustainability: Engaging Students and Removing Silos

The Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium's recent webinar is now available online, both the slides and the audio.
  • Posted May 5, 2014

Elevating Sustainability Through Academic Leadership by ARAMARK

Released this month, the last of 10 chapter essays by David Hales, president of Second Nature, discusses the role and responsibility of presidential leadership in higher education to promote and integrate sustainability across the curriculum using a variety of measures.
  • Posted Apr 28, 2014

SEI Case Study: Denison University: Green Hill Fund

Published by the Sustainable Endowments Institute, the recently released case study is on Denison University's Green Hill Fund, which was created in the summer of 2011. The $1 million dollar fund posts an average return on investment for projects of 17.7 percent and to date has saved the campus 3,346 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.
  • Posted Apr 28, 2014

Educational Series: Years of Living Dangerously

National Wildlife Federation is the education partner for the new series, Years of Living Dangerously (YEARS). The NWF YEARS website provides free access to the first episode of the YEARS series, and provides tools and resources to support the episode for campuses to take action on their campus to address climate change.
  • Posted Apr 21, 2014

Incorporating Sustainability into Campus Strategic Planning

The newly archived webinar discusses Spelman College's integration of sustainability in strategic planning and all campus operations, a focus on personal impact and accountability on the environment and the pursuit of a LEED Gold Standard for all new construction and renovation projects.
  • Posted Apr 21, 2014

New Book: A Power Plant Primer for District Energy Systems

Written for central power plant operators, university professionals working in this setting will learn how to bring efficiency to the system.
  • Posted Apr 21, 2014

Princeton Review's Guide to 332 Green Colleges

The Princeton Review, in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council, has released its fifth annual guide to the greenest institutions in North America. The resource profiles 332 higher education institutions that demonstrate notable commitments to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation. The free publication includes statistics and facts on each institution's use of renewable energy sources, recycling and conservation programs, availability of environmental studies programs and green jobs career guidance.
  • Posted Apr 21, 2014

NWEI Course Book: Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice & Sustainability

This new Northwest Earth Institute discussion course book addresses the need for a holistic approach to the planet's challenges through global context and the influence of human daily actions. Each course book includes tips and guidelines to help facilitators organize a course.
  • Posted Apr 14, 2014

2014 AASHE Webinar Schedule

The 2014 AASHE Webinar schedule will provide the higher education sustainability community with tools and support in the areas of energy, social equity, purchasing, behavior change, certification and much more. New this year, AASHE webinars are free for AASHE members and $50 for non-AASHE members.
  • Posted Apr 7, 2014

ACUPCC Progress Report Video

As part of its ACUPCC 101 Video Series, the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment recently released a video on creating and submitting your institution's Climate Action Plan progress report, which details the progression of carbon neutrality.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

National Action Plan for Educating for Sustainability

Center for Green Schools, together with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, released a National Action Plan for Educating for Sustainability, a call for action to ensure that Education for Sustainability (EfS) is accessible to all students across the United States. The plan outlines a robust goal for all 50 states to adopt a comprehensive green schools policy that includes a graduation requirement around sustainability literacy by 2040. While this resource focuses on K-12, there are chapters that have a relationship with higher education including Collaboration, Economic Drivers, Pre-Service Teacher Preparation and Research.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

NRDC Guide to Composting at Sports Venues

The newly released guide by the Natural Resources Defense Council has been produced to assist stadiums and arenas in increasing their diversion of food and yard wastes for beneficial use.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

2013 EAUC Green Gown Awards Case Studies

In an effort to promote dissemination of good practice, the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges Sustainability Exchange now houses a brochure of case studies from all the 2013 Green Gown winners, highly commended entries and finalists.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

Education for Sustainability Listserv

The new listserv is available to anyone interested in sustainability in teaching and learning in tertiary education. This new communication forum has been organized by the Action Group for Education for Sustainability, which is part of the Educational Developers Caucus.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

Southeastern EcoReps Conference Presentations

After the recent eco-reps conference held by the University of South Carolina, the school has made all the presentations available from the 2014 conference as well as the 2013 and 2012 events. Presentations from 2014 include communicating sustainability, bike sharing, investments, eco-reps training and waste diversion.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

USGBC 2013 Report Card

The recently released infographic from the U.S. Green Building Council provides a snapshot of green building involvement from the higher education community. It catalogs the number of students who attend institutions with green building policies and the amount of people-hours dedicated in support of green building.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

AASHE Member Discount: Springboard Biodiesel Processor

Springboard Biodiesel is offering $1,000 off the regular MSRP sales price of any BioPro™ 190 or 380 processor purchased. Offer ends March 31.
  • Posted Mar 18, 2014

CURC Zero Waste Campus Toolkit

Recently released by the College and University Recycling Coalition and University of Oregon, the toolkit provides information about business principles, how to start a campus zero waste program, and policy and implementation strategies.
  • Posted Mar 17, 2014

Full 2014 AASHE Workshop Line-Up

We are pleased to offer the full schedule of 2014 AASHE Workshops, allowing you to plan ahead by viewing the full list of workshops for the year. The 2014 Workshops were chosen from those submitted on behalf of the AASHE Professional Development request for proposals. This year's event topics include campus-as-living-lab, behavior change, sustainability curriculum and sustainability on community colleges.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

New Issue: Int’l Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

The latest issue includes articles about attitudes toward climate change, electronic textbooks, community sustainability, U.S. campus sustainability plans, and student perceptions of Education for Sustainable Development.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

Toolkit for Academic Libraries: Educating for Sustainability

Recently released by Library Juice Press, this edited collection captures the current status and future direction of libraries’ commitment to advance the focus of educating for sustainability. It is designed as a toolkit offering a wide range of best practices, case studies, and activities ready for implementation within academic libraries.
  • Posted Feb 10, 2014

HEASC Paper: Advancing Sustainability in Higher Education

A recently released paper entitled What Are We Advancing from the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium examines the shifting role of the university and college development office in a national trend toward advancing sustainability in higher education. The paper presents a range of ideas in support of a more whole-system approach to the conservation, alignment and development of resources in support of more sustainable institutions.
  • Posted Feb 4, 2014

Composting Strategies for Colleges and Universities

This recently archived webinar discusses how the campus community can work to reduce and eliminate food waste from traditional campus sources, and by reducing the waste stream save money and reduce its environmental impact.
  • Posted Feb 3, 2014

Energy Efficiency & Clean Energy Funding Resource Guide

The U.S. Department of Energy recently released the Federal Finance Facilities Available for Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Clean Energy Deployment as a resource guide that lists the various federal financing programs for which energy efficiency and clean energy qualify.
  • Posted Feb 3, 2014

New AASHE Guide: Campus Green Funds How-to Guide

AASHE’s newest resources aim to help colleges and universities finance campus sustainability projects. Developed in partnership with the Campus Green Funds Collaborative, the Campus Green Funds How-to Guide outlines best practices and lessons learned in designing, managing, promoting, and evaluating campus green funds and their respective projects. AASHE is debuting the Campus Sustainability Green Funds Database in tandem with the publication, providing information on funds at over 130 higher education institutions.
  • Posted Jan 28, 2014

EAUC Communities of Practice Resource

(U.K.): To encourage more specialized learning and information sharing, the Environmental Association for Universities & Colleges offers a member exchange of ideas, skills and experience within the following groups: Fair Trade, information technology, attitudes and behaviors, carbon intensive research and travel planning professionals. AASHE members can gain access to the member-only content of EAUC by logging into and viewing this page.
  • Posted Jan 27, 2014

Green and Sustainability Jobs and Career Resources

This resource includes both U.S. job boards and U.S. career pathway resources that can help students explore which careers they are interested in, what competencies are desired for different paths, and what jobs are presently available, made possible by the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium, the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability and the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development.
  • Posted Jan 21, 2014

Drilling for Natural Gas at Case Western Reserve U Case Study

Researchers at the university analyzed the process by which a college or university would go about making the decision to drill for natural gas on its property, including financial and non-financial factors. The paper was recently published in Planning for Higher Education Journal.
  • Posted Jan 13, 2014

Princeton U 2013 Single-Stream Pilot Results

The downloadable PDF offers the results and conclusions from the recently completed single-stream recycling pilot program.
  • Posted Jan 13, 2014

SEED Center 'Campus as a Living Laboratory' Guide

The recently published guide highlights eight essential elements to building effective living labs to revitalize college education.
  • Posted Jan 13, 2014

New Issue of Sustainability: Journal of Record

The latest issue features articles about sustainable consumption, curriculum, international sustainability advancement, shared governance and distributed leadership among others.
  • Posted Dec 17, 2013

AASHE Member Discount: Sustainability: The Journal of Record

A voice in the sustainability community, the publication documents the implementation of sustainability programs in higher education and business. When AASHE members subscribe today they will save up to 40 percent! Just enter Group Code "AASHE" when subscribing. Discount offer expires January 1, 2014.
  • Posted Dec 10, 2013

Managing Organizational Sustainability: The Business Case

The newly released report from the Center for Green Schools and McGraw Hill Global Institute presents the business case for sustainability professionals in the workplace.
  • Posted Dec 10, 2013

Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability

The United States Teacher Education for Sustainable Development Network and Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, released the white paper on the importance of teaching sustainability in U.S. classrooms.
  • Posted Dec 10, 2013

SEI Publishes Article about Development of Green Revolving Funds

Recently published in the Society for College and University Planning Journal, Sustainable Endowments Institute's Leading the Way in Sustainability Through Hassle-Free Green Revolving Funds highlights the benefits of green revolving fund model for colleges and universities, and details 10 steps to successful green revolving fund development and management.
  • Posted Dec 10, 2013

AASHE Member Discount: Free Solar Consultation

EcoMotion is offering AASHE members eight hours of free solar consultation services from its Solar Advisors. EcoMotion specializes in developing and advancing sustainability programs at colleges and universities. This offer expires January 1, 2014.
  • Posted Dec 3, 2013

AASHE Member Discount: Green Mountain College Sustainable MBA

As a benefit of AASHE membership, eligible professionals can enroll in Green Mountain College's online Sustainable MBA program and receive 10 percent tuition reduction, a one-time $500 scholarship and no application fee. Discount offer expires January 1, 2014.
  • Posted Dec 3, 2013

EAUC Releases Legislative Update on Environmental Issues

The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges released an updated edition outlining Acts of Parliament legislation that effect the higher education sector. AASHE members can access member-only resources of EAUC.
  • Posted Nov 26, 2013

A Report on Responsible Energy Investing by Yale U

Consistent with methodology in its 1972 publication, The Ethical Investor: Universities and Corporate Responsibility, the recently published report details reasons for divestment from fossil fuels.
  • Posted Nov 12, 2013

Divest Fossil Fuels National Student Network

The new student network, birthed from the recent Power Shift youth climate conference, is a national network devoted to coordination and collaboration between student fossil fuel divestment campaigns around the country.
  • Posted Nov 12, 2013

Trends in College Pricing Report

The recently published Trends in College Pricing report provides information on changes over time in undergraduate tuition and fees, room and board, and other estimated expenses related to attending colleges and universities and includes data through 2013-14.
  • Posted Nov 5, 2013

Campus Sustainability Day 2013 Photos & Keynote Broadcast

October 23, 2013 marked the 11th annual Campus Sustainability Day! Climate Adaptation: Resilient Campuses & Communities was the theme and AASHE captured nearly 90 events happening across the U.S. Continue to share photos from your events on the Campus Sustainability Day Facebook Page Hosted by Second Nature, watch the keynote broadcast, a discussion from higher education leaders on the role of campuses in adapting to a changing climate, innovations in climate resilience and mitigation, and advancing community partnerships and opportunities.
  • Posted Oct 29, 2013

Sustainability Jobs Resource List

This new resource, housed by Community College Sustainability Collaborative, provides a listing of sites that feature sustainability-related jobs.
  • Posted Oct 29, 2013

AASHE Listening Project Summit Materials

The discussion notes from the AASHE 2013 Listening Project Summit table breakout sessions are now available on the Listening Project web page. Also posted is the Powerpoint presentation shared during the Summit, a compilation of interviewee responses to date, and a preliminary analysis of the AASHE membership survey.
  • Posted Oct 22, 2013

Rebels, Outlaws & Storytellers at AASHE 2013

This new AASHE blog captures the ways in which this year's presenters suggest defying convention to create real change toward climate resiliency and adaptation in campus communities.
  • Posted Oct 22, 2013

New Report: The State of Solar on Campus

This newly released report from EcoMotion, Inc highlights relevant policies, global market conditions, the U.S. solar market, campus leadership with solar, lessons from the field, and resources to help campuses get started.
  • Posted Oct 15, 2013

New Issue: Int’l Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

The latest issue includes articles about using technology for sustainability literacy, systems approach learning, sustainability themes in engineering, assessing education for sustainability and environmentally conscious design.
  • Posted Sep 24, 2013

Elevating Sustainability Through Academic Leadership by ARAMARK

A collection of 10 chapter essays by college and university presidents addresses how higher education can support environmental stewardship initiatives while incorporating sustainability into their curriculum. Beginning in September, one chapter essay will be released per month.
  • Posted Sep 17, 2013

New Issue of Sustainability: Journal of Record

The latest issue, focusing on institutionalizing sustainability, offers articles on the state of the planet, communicating sustainability, experiential-based learning, “Teaching Sustainability 101” and an analysis of energy and water performance in LEED certified buildings.
  • Posted Sep 17, 2013