New Resources

Sustainability Education and Curriculum Resource Center

Creative Change Educational Solutions has announced the opening of its Curriculum and Resource Center (CRC). The CRC is an online curriculum library that provides educators (K12, college, and adult) access to a curriculum portfolio on a subscription basis. The materials in the CRC address sustainability topics such as food systems, land use/sustainable communities, brownfields redevelopment, green design, renewable energy, environmental justice, and ecological economics. The site also offers a searchable interface that allows subscribers to select and download materials by grade level, discipline, topic, and more. The CRC also provides access to completely developed units to integrate into courses.
  • Posted Aug 24, 2009

Leading Profound Change - ACUPCC Resource

Second Nature has published "Leading Profound Change: A Resource for Presidents and Chancellors of the ACUPCC." The paper discusses the role of an effective president in a rapidly evolving 21st century organization; successful ways to communicate and foster collaboration; concrete steps to develop clear goals and metrics for accountability; the “Five Disciplines” to create a learning organization; ways to make conversation a strategic tool; and strategies to address limiting factors.
  • Posted Aug 17, 2009

Bioneers Radio Show on Eco Schools

The Bioneers 2009 Radio Series has recorded and posted a free podcasting of a show entitled, "Eco Schools." During the program, Fritjof Capra, co-founder of the Center for Ecoliteracy, and environmental educators Cheryl Charles and David Orr explore what is working for the schools that are successfully integrating ecological awareness, understanding, and practices through the curriculum and the community.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

Climate Change Reference Guide for Students

The Worldwatch Institute's "Climate Change Reference Guide" is now available as a free download for students. The Guide contains sections on sources of climate change, measuring climate change, consequences of greenhouse gas buildup, food and agriculture, health, and coasts, and climate diplomacy.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

Critical Path Issues on the Way to Carbon Neutrality

The National Association of College and University Business Officers has published "Perspectives... Presenting Thought Leaders' Points of View: Critical Path Issues on the Way to Carbon Neutrality." In the document, author Wendell C. Brase gives "an overview of tools, resources, and public policies that colleges and universities need to markedly reduce, or neutralize, their carbon emissions."
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

Editorial on Sustainability in Higher Education

The Spring/Summer 2009 Issue of Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy features an editorial entitled, "Higher Education: the quest for the sustainable campus." In the piece, author Leith Sharp, Founding Director of the Harvard Green Campus Initiative, discusses the history of the campus sustainability movement and advocates for teaching and demonstrating sustainability on campus.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

Interview with U North Texas Sustainability Director

Bike Denton, a blog on cycling in Denton, Texas, has published an interview with Todd Spinks, the Sustainability Director at the University of North Texas. In the post, Spinks discusses the trend of sustainability at UNT, upcoming UNT initiatives, how bicycling ties into the University's goals, and collaboration between operations and academia on campus.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

List of Campus Bottled Water Bans & Use Reduction Campaigns

AASHE has released a new resource that lists institutions that have banned bottled water from campus or have active campaigns to reduce their sale and consumption. The page, which is available to AASHE members only, also lists non-profit organizations that have resources available to students and institutions who wish to reduce bottled water use on campus.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

Mother Nature Network's Top 10 Env'l Scholarships

Mother Nature Network has published an article on its top 10 environmental scholarships. The funding opportunities include: Annie's Homegrown Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship, Brower Youth Awards, Department of Natural Resources' Environmental Education Scholarship, Dr. W. Wesley Eckenfelder Scholarship, Garden Club of American Scholarships, National Environmental Health Association Scholarship, Middlebury Fellowship in Environmental Journalism, Morris K. Udall Scholarship, Switzer Foundation Fellowship, and Windstar Environmental Studies Scholarship.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

Survey Report on Sustainability in Collegiate Athletic Departments

AASHE has released the 2009 Collegiate Athletic Department Sustainability Survey Report . The survey, which was distributed to the 119 athletic departments at National Collegiate Athletic Association Football Bowl Subdivision universities, found that while sustainability efforts appear to be growing within collegiate athletics, commitment to sustainability is lower among athletic departments than compared to their institutions as a whole and to professional sports teams. Nearly three out of four athletic departments reported that sustainability initiatives are a “very high” or “high” priority for their institution as a whole, and less than half (44 percent) of respondents said that sustainability was a very high or high priority for the athletic departments themselves. In addition, almost 75 percent of respondents expect the emphasis on environmental programs in the Athletic Department to increase in the future.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2009

New Resource on Campus Electric Vehicle Fleets

AASHE has published a new resource that lists higher education institutions with electric vehicles in their fleet. The resource also provides the number of electric vehicles each campus owns and news stories or web pages where readers can obtain more information about each campus' fleet. This resource is only available to AASHE members.
  • Posted Jul 27, 2009

AASHE Resource on Alumni Sustainability Funds

AASHE has posted a new resource on Alumni Sustainability Funds. The resource lists institutions that have giving programs which allow alumni to contribute to campus sustainability initiatives.
  • Posted Jul 20, 2009

Cool Campus! A How-To Guide for Climate Action Planning

AASHE has released Cool Campus! A How-To Guide for College and University Climate Action Planning . The guide, which was written by Walter Simpson, is a revised and printer-friendly version of the climate action planning wiki released this spring. It provides a how-to approach for each of the various steps required to develop and implement a plan for campus climate leadership. The guide was produced with financial support from the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment.
  • Posted Jul 20, 2009

Encouraging Pro Env'l Behavior Call Recording Posted Online

The second call in the Media Strategies for Sustainability Conference Call Series has been posted online. "Encouraging Pro Environmental Behavior – How Social Psychology Can Help Us" addresses how institutions can incorporate the power of social norms into sustainability messaging and avoid a frequently-made error in the process.
  • Posted Jul 20, 2009

New Issue of Intl Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

A new issue of International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education is now available. Issue 3 of Volume 10 includes papers on: using a class to conduct a carbon inventory, climate action planning at the University of New Hampshire, assessing carbon dioxide emissions from energy use at a university, and student-led campus climate change initiatives in Canada."
  • Posted Jul 20, 2009

Association of Intl Educators Creates Sustainability Group

NAFSA, the Association of International Educators, has created a Special Interest Group (SIG) for Sustainability in International Education. The new Group will function as a forum for international education professionals to discuss, learn about, and address the environmental impacts inherent in the development and management of international programs. The SIG also hopes to help educators by sharing opportunities to educate students on issues related to the global environment.
  • Posted Jul 13, 2009

Higher Ed Associations Sustainability Consortium's Annual Report

The Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) has released its 2008 Annual Report. The document provides a view of the Consortium's collective and individual efforts including webcasts and professional development opportunities at annual meetings and conferences and articles, practical guides, and comprehensive books on renewable energy, climate neutrality, and the financing strategies higher education institutions can employ to make the transition to a clean and green economy a reality.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2009

Q&A on Sustainability in the Data Center at U Notre Dame

Campus Technology has posted a two part interview with Gorden Wishon, the Chief Information Officer at the University of Notre Dame (IN), entitled "Sustainability in the Data Center." In the question and answer sessions, Wishon discusses the structure of the IT department at UND, explains how his department is able to reduce the growth of the number of physical servers on the data center floor, and gives examples of what UND is doing to reduce its environmental impact.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2009

AASHE Annual Review of Campus Sustainability

AASHE has announced the release of AASHE Digest 2008 . The 356-page report, available as a free download on the AASHE website, includes over 1,350 stories that appeared in the weekly AASHE Bulletin last year. Initiatives from nearly 700 institutions are organized into 28 chapters, spanning education and research, campus operations, and administration and finance. In addition, the publication contains over 90 new campus sustainability resources that were released in 2008.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

AASHE Interview Series: Chief Info Officer, George Washington U

AASHE has posted a new interview as part of its Campus Sustainability Professionals Interview Series. In this installation, David Steinour, Interim Chief Information Officer at George Washington University (DC), discusses the work he and his colleagues have done to green GWU's IT department, the role information technology plays in campus sustainability efforts, and the steps being taking in procurement and purchasing decisions that affect sustainability and IT at GWU. Steinour also offers some advice to those just getting started in a position similar to his.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

New AASHE Resource on Campus Car Bans

AASHE has posted a new resource on campus car bans. The resource provides a list of institutions that prohibit first year students from bringing cars to campus and a list of campuses that have wider bans that include sophomores, residents in general, or some other category of student. The resource is available to the public.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

Webinar: Making IT a Key Part of the Campus Sustainability Effort

Educause has posted a webinar on its website entitled, "Making IT a Key Part of the Campus Sustainability Effort." The session focuses on Indiana University's approach to making IT a key component of its sustainability initiatives. In the presentation, IU staff give a model for such activities, describe lesions learned, and discuss the future roles of IT in sustainability.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2009

AASHE Interview Series: Sustainability Coord for Res Life, U Kentucky

AASHE has posted a new installment of its Interview Series. In the most recent interview, Shane Tedder, the Sustainability Coordinator in the Office of Residence Life at the University of Kentucky, discusses the sustainability initiatives on which he is current working, how he incorporates the social dimensions of sustainability into his work, how UK tracks its progress towards sustainability, how students are involved in sustainability initiatives on campus, and a future initiative that will involve using social network analysis to map and connect the sustainability-focused people and projects at UK.
  • Posted Jun 15, 2009

June Issue of University Business Focuses on Sustainability

The June issue of University Business includes several articles on higher education sustainability initiatives that seek to save money and reduce environmental impacts. Topics include green cleaning at Eastern Kentucky University; composting at Green Mountain College (VT), Ohio University, University of Washington, and University of Minnesota; solar panels at Unity College (ME); indoor air quality initiatives at Central Michigan University and Sewanee: The University of The South (TN); biomass projects at the University of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota, Morris, Virginia Tech, University of Illinois, North Carolina State University, and Texas A&M University; green renovations at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College and Florida International University; car-sharing at University of California, San Diego, Virginia Tech, Washington University in St. Louis (MO), and Stanford University (CA), electronics recycling at Temple University (PA); and green procurement at Arizona State University and University of California, San Diego.
  • Posted Jun 15, 2009

AASHE Resource on Sustainable Landscaping on Campus

AASHE has posted a new resource on sustainable landscaping on campus. The resource contains links to information about sustainable landscaping practices, policies, and plans, and is available to both AASHE members and non-members.
  • Posted Jun 8, 2009

New Resource on Campus Renewable Energy Research Centers

AASHE has released a list of campus renewable energy research centers. The new resource is only available to AASHE members.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2009

AASHE Interview Series: Dir of Sustainability, Los Angeles CC District

AASHE has posted a new installment of its interview series in which Bharat Patel, the Director of Sustainability for the Los Angeles Community College District, discusses the projects he is currently working on, offers advice to others getting started as sustainability officers, and talks about how LACCD is working to incorporate sustainability into its curriculum.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

New Book on Sustainability at U New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire Press has published The Sustainable Learning Community , a book that describes 10 years of sustainability initiatives at UNH, including using organic farming techniques to train and feed students; constructing a 12.7 mile pipeline to bring landfill gas to a new co-generation plant; and fostering engagement in public policy.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

New Publication on Education for Climate Neutrality & Sustainability

The American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment has published, "Education for Climate Neutrality and Sustainability: Academic Guidance for ACUPCC Institutions" to assist ACUPCC signatory institutions in implementing the educational component of the Commitment. The document is designed to clarify the spirit and intent of the Commitment, identify some of the best practices across higher education, and provide resources to assist signatories in creating their own strategies. The intended audience is higher education leaders, including presidents, provosts, deans, faculty, ACUPCC Implementation Liaisons and others that are working on the implementation of the ACUPCC.
  • Posted May 18, 2009

ACUPCC Releases Annual Report

The American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment has released its 2008 Annual Report. The document describes the impact the Commitment has had and highlights initiatives in the Foothill-DeAnza Community College District (CA), Arizona State University, and Furman University (SC), among others.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

Customizable Book on Campus Sustainability

Great Gifts 4U has released a customizable book that contains tips for students on what they can do to make their campus more sustainable. Topics include green purchasing for campus living, how to reduce water and energy use, and sustainable transportation. Institutions can insert their logo and a welcome letter into the publication.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

Podcast: U Kentucky Dir of Campus Rec on Green Exercise Machines

AASHE has posted a podcast and written transcript of an interview with Ron Lee, the Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Kentucky. In the interview, Lee discusses the University's 14 elliptical machines that have been retrofitted to generate energy for the Recreation Center.
  • Posted May 11, 2009

American U Studies Results of Trayless Dining

An Environmental Science class at American University (DC) has performed a study measuring the amount of waste that is reduced through trayless dining. Between February 24, 2009 and April 7, 2009, the class of 23 students provided or removed trays in a randomly controlled pattern during lunch and dinner. They selected the first 30 diners of each meal, and collected the solid waste left behind on their plates, weighed it, and recorded the results. The class found that during lunch, there was a 14.4 percent reduction in solid waste when they removed trays, and during dinner, they found a 47.1 percent reduction in solid waste. A second part of the study measured the reduction in dishes used, which the class hypothesized could lead to less water waste and energy use during washing cycles. The class found that during lunch, there was a 22.5 percent reduction in dishes used, and at dinner, there was a 30.8 percent reduction when trays were not available to diners.
  • Posted May 4, 2009

New AASHE Resource on Biodiesel in Campus Fleets

AASHE has released a new resource that lists campus biodiesel programs. The resource lists programs that produce biodiesel on campus, those that purchase it, and the type of biodiesel that each campus uses if the information is available. This resource is available to AASHE members only.
  • Posted May 4, 2009

Virginia Tech Studies the Impacts of Trayless Dining

The Virginia Tech Housing and Dining Services Department and the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise has released "Food and Non-Edible, Compostable Waste in a University Dining Facility," a study of that analyzes the differences in food and compostable waste with and without the use of trays in an all-you-can-eat university dining facility. The results indicated that the use of trays resulted in significantly more waste than no access to trays.
  • Posted May 4, 2009

Conf Call Podcast: The Role of the System Office in Sustainability

AASHE has posted the podcast of its first Open Space Conference Call, "The Role of the System Office in Sustainability: An Introduction to the Concept of Sustainability in the System Office." Presenters included Matt St. Clair, Sustainability Manager at the University of California; Bridget Burns, Policy and Research Associate for the Oregon University System; and Corey Hawkey, Sustainability Projects Coordinator for the Ohio Board of Regents. This resource is only available to AASHE members.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2009

Energy Financing Toolkit

The American Colleges and Universities Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) and the William J. Clinton Foundation’s Climate Initiative, with the assistance over 35 industry experts, have created a best practices toolkit as a resource for ACUPCC signatories interested in learning about and conducting an Energy Performance Contract (EPC). EPC is a contractual and financing mechanism through which building owners can undertake comprehensive energy efficiency retrofits with minimal financial exposure and maximum energy and financial savings.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2009

AASHE Interview Series: Terry Link, ED of Greater Lansing Food Bank

AASHE has posted a new installment of its sustainability leaders Interview Series. The latest interview is with Terry Link, founder and former Director of Campus Sustainability at Michigan State University and current Executive Director of the Greater Lansing Food Bank. In the interview, Link discusses how he got started working on campus sustainability issues, the areas in which he sees the biggest room for growth in the campus sustainability field, and how he is incorporating the social dimensions of sustainability into his work.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

'New Book: Boldly Sustainable'

Peter Bardaglio and Andrea Putman have published, Boldly Sustainable: Hope and Opportunity for Higher Education in the Age of Climate Change . The book examines how colleges and universities can leverage their commitment to sustainability to not only save money and have a positive impact on the environment, but also to carve out a distinctive niche in the marketplace. Citing real world examples of innovative solutions in higher education, Bardaglio and Putman illustrate how building a culture of sustainability through creative leadership, a signature curriculum, connecting the classroom and campus operations, and reaching out to the surrounding community can help institutions to distinguish themselves from the pack, bolster their value proposition, and enhance organizational effectiveness. They explain why sustainability makes sense even in tough economic times. The book is geared to both newcomers and experienced practitioners.
  • Posted Apr 20, 2009

A Beginners Guide to On-Campus Solar Development

AASHE has added a new research paper entitled, "A Beginners Guide to On-Campus Solar Development" to its list of student research papers on campus sustainability. The publication aims to help higher education institutions to "research, analyze, and plan for the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on their campus." The guide discusses the costs of a solar PV system, available funding options, the processing of siting and sizing a system, and the process behind gathering students, faculty, and staff support. The guide was completed by Tom Nagawiecki, a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Idaho Sustainability Center.
  • Posted Apr 13, 2009

New Issue of 'Sustainability: The Journal of Record'

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. has released the April 2009 issue of Sustainability: The Journal of Record . This month's issue includes a roundtable discussion on greening existing buildings on campus, a sustainability program profile of the University of Minnesota, Morris, an article on sustainability initiatives at community colleges, and a book review of Sustainability by Design: A Subversive Strategy for Transforming Our Consumer Culture.
  • Posted Apr 13, 2009

Recorded Webcast: Sustainable IT at Stanford

Educause has posted a webcast on its website entitled, "Sustainable IT at Stanford." The one hour webcast discusses Stanford University's (CA) energy- and cost-saving green IT initiatives that address desktop computing, administrative computing, research computing, and telecommuting.
  • Posted Apr 13, 2009

AASHE Launches Campus Climate Action Planning Wiki

AASHE has launched the Campus Climate Action Planning Guide Wiki. The intent of this wiki is to serve as a comprehensive and "how-to" oriented guide to campus climate planning. The initial text was provided by Walter Simpson, CEM, LEED AP, a retired Energy Officer from the University at Buffalo (NY) and the former Director of UB Green. Anyone can contribute to the wiki by creating an account on the AASHE website.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

Campus Climate Neutrality: Yes We Can!

Walter Simpson, the former energy officer at the University at Buffalo (NY), has released, "Campus Climate Neutrality: Yes We Can!" in APPA's March/April 2009 issue of Facilities Magazine . The 8 page guide gives an overview of how to create a plan to reach campus climate neutrality.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2009

AASHE Announces Open Space Conference Call Line

AASHE has launched its new Open Space Conference Call Line. The conference call line allows AASHE members to host discussions on topics related to campus sustainability. For example, the conference line could be used to hold a discussion on ways to integrate sustainability into the curriculum or on how to start a campus recycling program. While only AASHE members are permitted to schedule and manage calls, members and non-members alike are allowed to join and participate in calls, unless otherwise requested by the organizer. AASHE will help publicize events scheduled on the open space line by announcing them in the AASHE Bulletin and posting them on the AASHE Calendar and on the Open Space Conference Call Line webpage.
  • Posted Mar 30, 2009

AASHE Interview Series: Student, Whitman College

AASHE has posted an interview with Lisa Curtis, and environmental studies and politics student at Whitman College (WA) as the next installment of its interview series. Curtis is also an intern for Northwest SEED, an organization devoted to establishing a clean, diverse, and affordable Northwest energy system based on the efficient use of renewable resources, and is one of twenty regional representatives working for the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) "Kick the Carbon Habit" Education Campaign. In the interview, Curtis talks about her experience as a Northwest SEED intern, how her campus sustainability efforts involve the local community, and how Whitman's sustainability efforts are funded.
  • Posted Mar 30, 2009

AASHE Resource on Sustainability in Urban & Regional Planning Prgms

AASHE has posted a new resource that lists Urban and Regional Planning programs that focus on sustainability. The resource includes undergraduate programs, minors, certificates, graduate programs, concentrations, and academic centers. This resource is available to both AASHE members and non-members.
  • Posted Mar 30, 2009

AFT Publication Features Sustainability in Higher Education

The March/April 2009 issue of On Campus , the bimonthly publication produced by AFT, the American Federation of Teachers, includes an article entitled, "Greening the Campus: The sustainability movement in higher education looks for critical mass." The article discusses higher education's growing commitment to sustainability in curriculum and operations. The story mentions initiatives at the University of Vermont; Glendale Community College (CA); the Los Angeles Community College District; Shoreline Community College (WA); Washington State University; Los Angeles Trade Technical College (CA); Western Illinois University; the University of Oregon; and the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009

Guide to Starting a Campus Garden

The Real Food Challenge has released a guide to helps students start a garden on campus. The guide was written by a Harvard University (MA) student.
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009

IARU Shares GHG Reduction Targets, Releases Sustainability Toolkit

The International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) has posted the greenhouse gas reduction targets of each of its 10 member universities, Yale University and the University of California, Berkeley included. In addition, the IARU has released a sustainability toolkit reflecting the universities’ experience that other institutions of higher learning may use as a guide to assist in developing a comprehensive sustainability plan that suits a particular campus. The six-point toolkit includes the strategies to address the following elements: mapping current situation and developing a governance structure; measuring environmental impacts; integrating campus activities; determining goals and a strategy for the process; establishing strategies to create a sustainable campus; and education and awareness. Accompanying the online toolkit are resources, strategies, and case studies on sustainability efforts by IARU members.
  • Posted Mar 23, 2009