
Call for Papers: Building a Global Future Conference

Co-sponsored by West Chester University (PA) and Universidad Nacional at Heredia (Costa Rica), the Knowledge Crossing Borders conference is seeking conference workshop papers that focus on border-crossing perspectives in broad contexts. Themed "Building a Global Future through Research and Innovative Practices," the international conference will examine how knowledge crossing regional and international borders creates both challenges and opportunities for cooperation, change, creativity and innovation. Paper topics may be related to tracks including sustainability, technology and science, globalization and transnationalization in higher education, and funding models for higher education. The conference will take place May 29 - June 3, 2012 in West Chester, Pa.
  • Posted Aug 1, 2011

EAUC 'LiFE' Sustainability Performance Webinars

The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) has announced the launch of its Learning in Future Environments (LiFE) program, a comprehensive performance management and benchmarking tool developed specifically to help colleges and universities manage, measure, improve and promote their social responsibility and sustainability performance. EAUC will host a series of webinars in September and October designed to give participants an overview of the program and to gain feedback from the higher education sector.
  • Posted Aug 1, 2011

AASHE Seeks Board of Directors Nominations

The Nominations Committee of AASHE's Board of Directors invites AASHE members to nominate candidates to fill several slots on the board. The full board holds multi-day, in-person meetings at least once a year (usually twice), and holds bimonthly phone meetings. In addition, each board member is expected to participate in at least one board committee. Committees meet by phone an average of six times per year, depending on their respective work agendas. Overall, board members should expect to contribute an average of five to 10 hours per month to AASHE. The closing date for nominations is August 23, 2011. Before nominating yourself or someone you know, please read the Description of Role and Responsibilities of AASHE Board Members.
  • Posted Jul 26, 2011

Dept. of Energy Student Clean Energy Business Competition

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced $2 million in available funding for the National University Clean Energy Business Challenge. This nationwide initiative will create a network of regional student-focused clean energy business creation competitions whose winners will compete for a national grand prize in early summer 2012. The funding will support up to six regional competitions that will mentor and train students from across the country to develop successful business plans to create a new generation of American clean energy companies. Applications are due on Aug. 22, 2011. Selections are expected to be made before the end of September 2011.
  • Posted Jul 26, 2011

EPA Seeks Students for 'ecoAmbassador' Program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is launching its OnCampus ecoAmbassador program on Sept. 1, 2011. Students are encouraged to participate in the program, a chance for higher education students to green their campuses and promote environmental awareness. Students can educate their peers through informational events or initiate environmental change on their campus through longer-term projects. Past ecoAmbassadors have improved recycling efforts, organized Earth Day celebrations, initiated composting programs and worked to certify campus buildings as Energy Star compliant. Students benefit by developing valuable leadership, research and teamwork skills in addition to working closely with an EPA program to build awareness. The highest achieving students will have the opportunity to visit EPA offices and meet with EPA staff and leadership.
  • Posted Jul 26, 2011

Real Food Challenge to Host National Campus Food Day

The Real Food Challenge (RFC) is partnering with the Center for Science in the Public Interest to plan the first-ever Food Day across campuses nationwide on October 24, 2011. The event aims to bring attention to the issues of obesity, supporting sustainable farming and making real food available to everyone. On Food Day, RFC will launch its GET REAL! Campaign, an effort to get every school in the nation to sign its "Real Food Campus Commitment." The commitment will work to ensure healthy food, fair working conditions, transparency and a $1 billion dollar shift of existing campus food budgets to fair, local and sustainable farms and food businesses. RFC is seeking students, staff and faculty members to be campus coordinators for the event. Coordinators will receive support, help and advice from the RFC office and each individual campus event will be recognized during Food Day.
  • Posted Jul 12, 2011

Deadline Extended: USGBC Research to Practice Program

The Call for Interest deadline has been extended to July 15, 2011 for the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) Research to Practice Program. The program engages interdisciplinary collegiate teams in investigative green building research that will aggregate in-depth analyses of the built environment to inform and educate peer institutions. Research will take place in fall 2011.
  • Posted Jul 5, 2011

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College (NY), offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The program currently has two upcoming seminars that will take place July 14-30, 2011. Participants in "Communicating the Organization's Sustainability Efforts" will learn the technical knowledge and judgment to assure that sustainability reports highlight the documentable priorities and achievements of the organization. "The Sustainability Coordinator as an Organizational Change Agent" will enhance proficiency in the use of facilitation, persuasive communication and collaboration toward sustainable business processes. The registration deadline for each is July 14 and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Jul 5, 2011

Dept. of Energy Funding Opp: Industrial Assessment Centers

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) invites funding proposals for its Industry Assessment Center (IAC) program, a workforce development initiative aimed at creating the next generation of energy engineers with a mixture of engineering and energy management expertise. Currently funded in the amount of $1 million annually, the DOE is expanding the program to $6 million per year for the next five years ($30 million total). As a result, 20 to 30 colleges and universities throughout the U.S. will be selected as IACs. Each IAC will provide extensive training for undergraduate and graduate engineering students in industrial processes, energy assessment procedures and energy management principles. Proposals are due on August 2, 2011. For questions, use FedConnect. You must be a registered user in the system and submit questions by sending messages in your FedConnect email box.
  • Posted Jun 28, 2011

Deadline Extended: AASHE 2011 Awards Program

The deadline has been extended to June 24 for the 2011 AASHE awards program. AASHE is accepting applications in six categories that will be presented at the "AASHE 2011: Creating Sustainable Campuses and Communities" conference. New this year are the Faculty Sustainability Leadership and Innovation in Green Building awards. These join the existing Student Sustainability Leadership and Student Research on Campus Sustainability awards, and the "Best" and "Oops!" categories of the Campus Sustainability Case Study award.
  • Posted Jun 21, 2011

EPA 'Apps for the Environment' Challenge

Colleges and universities are encouraged to participate in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "Apps for the Environment" challenge. An effort to encourage the development of innovative environmental applications for people and communities, the challenge invites the information technology community to create applications that help people make informed decisions about environmental issues that can affect their health. Winners will receive recognition on the EPA website and at an event in Washington, D.C. in the fall where the winning apps will be presented to senior EPA officials and other interested parties. The public will also vote for a "People's Choice" winner. Submissions are due by Sept. 16, 2011.
  • Posted Jun 21, 2011

'Building Community in the Long Emergency' Summer Course

Schumacher College's (UK) "The Road Ahead: Building Community in the Long Emergency," to be held June 27 - July 2, 1011, will focus on what communities can and are doing to create maximum resilience and sustainability in a time of change and instability. Featuring Oberlin College's (OH) Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics David Orr and Steve Mayer, chair of the psychology department and the peace and conflict studies program, this summer course is open to the public and will look at the larger theoretical issues of psychology, philosophy, economics and politics. Also featuring Transition Town Totnes and Transition Network co-founder Rob Hopkins, the majority of this course will focus on issues of food, energy, shelter, water and economy at a scale commensurate with neighborhood, community-wide and regional action, and how these might be linked into effective networks at regional, national and global scales.
  • Posted Jun 14, 2011

Call for Interest: New USGBC Research to Practice Program

The U.S. Green Building Council invites interdisciplinary college and university research teams to participate in its new Research to Practice Program, designed to engage collegiate teams in investigative green building research that will aggregate in-depth analyses of the built environment to inform and educate peer institutions. The scope of the project is open to one building, multiple buildings or neighborhoods, which can include LEED-certified, LEED-registered or non-LEED buildings. The Call for Interest closes June 30, 2011, with research scheduled for fall 2011.
  • Posted Jun 14, 2011

American Public Power Student Research Grants

Students studying energy-related disciplines in the U.S. or Canada are invited to apply for one of 10 American Public Power Association student research grants/internships in conjunction with its Demonstration of Energy-Efficient Developments (DEED) Program. Provide assistance to DEED member utility sponsors, the $4,000 grants support students and increase awareness of career opportunities in public power. Applications are due by October 15 and February 15 each year.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

Antioch U New England Conservation Psychology Institute

Antioch University New England (NH) will host a new Conservation Psychology Institute, a week-long event to bring together students, scholars and faculty to explore how the tools of psychology can be used in conservation and sustainability practices. Slated for July 25-29, 2011, participants will look at what determines environmental worldviews; effective behavior change; and the psychological benefits of restorative natural settings. The registration deadline is June 24.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

Call for Applications: Focus the Nation Recharge! Retreat

Focus the Nation College invites students between the ages of 18-28 who have a passion for clean energy to apply for Recharge! The organization will select and fund 20 rising clean energy leaders for the August 2011 retreat, a week-long event on Mt. Hood in Oregon where participants will explore the skills needed to stay committed to clean energy throughout the entirety of their careers through collaboration with critical counterparts and multi-sector counterparts. The organization will choose young leaders in the areas of technicians, innovators, politicos and storytellers. Applications are due by June 22, 2011.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

Call for Submissions: Australasian Campuses Sustainability Conf

Australasian Campuses Toward Sustainability (ACTS) invites abstracts from the sustainability community for its 2011 conference. Themed "Sustainability as Core Business: Building the Case for Change," the September event will reflect the new direction of ACTS by moving away from a traditional conference format and creating an interactive environment to learn and engage with like-minded colleagues. Submissions are due by July 1.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College (NY), offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The program currently has two upcoming seminars that will take place June 16 - July 2, 2011. "How Green is Your Organization? Sustainable Policy and Practice" will explore and apply rating tools and environmental scans that help assess an organization's level of achievement with industry standards in policy and practice. "Tools and Techniques for Planning and Managing Sustainability Projects" will help organizations create a structure for completing tasks that advance goals, timelines and key milestones while putting sustainability initiatives into practice. The registration deadline for each is June 16 and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

Outdoor Nation Regional Youth Summits

Outdoor Nation is seeking delegates between 18 and 28 years of age to participate in multiple three-day regional youth summits in New York City, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Denver and San Francisco from June 23 through July 31, 2011. In each location, delegates will brainstorm project ideas that address regional issues and ultimately engage more young people in the outdoors by removing barriers to participation. They will vote on the top ideas in each region and receive funding and training from the Outdoor Foundation to carry out these projects.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

USGBC Students Program Seeks Regional Chairs

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) seeks to train a small group of regional chairs for its USGBC Students program. Including the recruitment, training and facilitation of the activities of USGBC student groups, this volunteer position will assist USGBC in advancing campus sustainability and green building goals through student engagement. Ideal applicants will have experience working on sustainability initiatives in higher education and experience in grassroots initiatives and/or community engagement. Chairs should be able to donate two to three hours a week to the program for one year.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2011

2011 Architectural Portfolio Contest

Adaptive reuse is a new category in this year's 2011 Architectural Portfolio contest, which invites portfolios for school or university projects. Also including renovation and community use categories, the contest's winning entries will be featured in the November issue of American School & University magazine for use by administrators at schools and universities across the country. Entry forms are due June 10, 2011 and submission binders by July 11, 2011.
  • Posted May 31, 2011

Call for Applications: AASHE 2011 Awards Program

The expanded 2011 AASHE awards program is now accepting applications in six categories that will be presented at the "AASHE 2011: Creating Sustainable Campuses and Communities" conference. New this year are the Faculty Sustainability Leadership and Innovation in Green Building awards. These join the existing Student Sustainability Leadership and Student Research on Campus Sustainability awards, and the "Best" and "Oops!" categories of the Campus Sustainability Case Study award. The deadline for applications is June 17, 2011.
  • Posted May 31, 2011

Fulbright Scholar Awards in Environmental Sciences, Technology

Administered by the Institute of International Education's Department of Scholar and Professional Programs, the Fulbright Scholar Program is now accepting grant applications for 2012-2013. Grants for teaching or research in the Middle East and North Africa in specializations of environmental sciences and technology will be awarded. Water resources, alternate energy, resource management, pollution prevention, waste management and other fields will be supported for periods of three to 10 months in Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar or Kuwait. The application deadline is Aug. 1, 2011.
  • Posted May 31, 2011

Green Power Leadership Awards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Energy and Center for Resource Solutions invite nominations for the 2011 Green Power Leadership Awards. The awards seek to recognize the actions of individuals, institutions, companies and organizations that are significantly advancing the development of renewable electricity sources through green power markets. Nominations are due by June 21, 2011.
  • Posted May 31, 2011

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College (NY), offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online —anytime, anywhere— with open enrollment. The program currently has three upcoming seminars that will take place May 26 – June 11, 2011. "A Systems Approach to Sustainability" will cover awareness of sustainability as a multidimensional, dynamic interaction between interrelated and interdependent elements in an organization. Participants in "Communicating the Organization's Sustainability Efforts" will learn the technical knowledge and judgment to assure that sustainability reports highlight the documentable priorities and achievements of the organization. "Marketing Research for Sustainability Initiatives" will provide an orientation to qualitative research methods and their use in designing and implementing tools and methods for identifying high value opportunities. The registration deadline for all is May 26, 2011, and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted May 24, 2011

AASHE Members: Sustainability Workforce Survey

California Community Colleges and the California Employment Development Department invite AASHE members located in California to provide input as part of their research on the sustainability and environmental compliance workforce. This survey will help community colleges and workforce developers prepare the present and future labor pool for working with sustainability issues. The survey addresses what types of tasks and job functions related to sustainability and environmental compliance are performed; what skills and knowledge are needed to accomplish these tasks; and the necessary training and education pathways. The 10-minute survey should be completed by May 25, 2011 and participants will have the chance to win an iPod Nano.
  • Posted May 17, 2011

Deadline Extended: AASHE Cover Art Contest

AASHE has extended the cover art contest deadline of its upcoming publication, "2010 Campus Sustainability Review," to May 19. We invite photo, illustration and graphic design submissions that represent a higher education sustainability initiative, and creative takes on this theme are encouraged. The winning entry will be featured on the cover of this publication and the initiative will receive a 50- to 100-word write-up on the inside cover page. Submissions will also be considered for inclusion in sections of this publication and future AASHE publications. Submissions should be print quality resolution of at least 300 dpi in a .pdf, .jpeg, .eps or .tiff format. For questions, email bulletin@aashe.org.
  • Posted May 17, 2011

Keynote Contest: Campus Progress National Conference

This year's Campus Progress National Conference is holding a Keynote Contest. The national organization that works with and for young people to promote progressive solutions to key political and social challenges is asking youth to grab a video camera, cell phone, laptop or technology of choice and answer the question, "In your own life, how are you changing the rules of our race conversation, and creating real solutions for racial and social justice?" Winners will get the chance to address attendees at the conference with a free trip to Washington, D.C. Last year's winners included an undocumented student activist, a young man once caught up in gang violence who now advocates for peace, and a first-generation college student working to bring young people to the table in discussions about policies that impact their lives. Submissions will be accepted through May 22, 2011. Themed "Turning Truth to Power," this year's conference will take place July 6-7, 2011.
  • Posted May 17, 2011

U.S. Dept of Energy Seeks Energy Literacy Stakeholders

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has started the Energy Literacy Initiative, a collaborative effort to define and promote energy literacy. DOE's energy literacy efforts bring together stakeholders from federal agencies, universities, community colleges, professional societies, national labs, power utilities, museums, community organizations, business and industry, and interested members of the public through public meetings and online collaborative tools. Stakeholder input helped inform a guiding document on energy literacy titled "Energy Literacy: The Essential Principles of Energy Education," slated for a fall 2011 completion. DOE is also exploring the possibility of establishing an "Energy 101" course at colleges and universities nationwide. DOE is calling on educators and academic institutions, among others, to increase support for energy education.
  • Posted May 17, 2011

Students: CoFed Regional Leadership Summer Trainings

The Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive (CoFed) is offering week-long summer incubations to prepare students to launch new student-run food co-ops on their campuses. CoFed will teach campus teams the skills and strategies for establishing new co-ops including how to write a business plan, conduct market research, raise start-up capital, collaborate with local farmers, gain support from college administrators and recruit a team of fellow students committed to practicing the cooperative business model.
  • Posted May 10, 2011

George Mason U Student Training for Enviro Protection Program

George Mason University's (VA) Environmental Action Group invites applications for its Student Training for Environmental Protection Summer Program, to be held July 8-15, 2011 at Prince William Forest, Va. Designed to give students the skills they need to become effective environmental advocates, the week-long course focuses on how to create or extend strong and successful groups that will be able to run effective environmental campaigns on campuses or in their communities with workshops in areas including recruiting, leadership development, coalition building, campaign planning, event planning, public speaking, message development and lobbying.
  • Posted May 2, 2011

USGBC Classroom to Boardroom Diversity Mentorship Program

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) invites students at under-resourced U.S. institutions who are pursuing degrees in the field of sustainability to apply for its new Classroom to Boardroom Diversity Mentorship Program. The initiative aims to support undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in fields related to sustainability and is structured to provide executive level mentoring by members of the USGBC Board of Directors. Selected students will be matched with board members. Applications will be accepted through May 18, 2011.
  • Posted May 2, 2011

USGBC Students Program Seeks 10 National Chairs

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) seeks to train 10 national chairs for its USGBC Students program to assist USGBC National in its charge to advance campus sustainability and green building goals through student engagement. The primary responsibilities of this volunteer position will include the recruitment, training and facilitation of the activities of USGBC Students regional chairs and new student groups. USGBC Students recruits, connects and equips the next generation of green building leaders by empowering them to transform their campuses, communities and careers. The group represents college and university-based groups of students from all disciplines. Ideal applicants will have a bachelor's degree and the ability to travel, expenses paid, to Washington, D.C. for trainings in addition to donating up to five hours a week to the cause. The deadline to apply is May 20, 2011.
  • Posted May 2, 2011

Call for Proposals: ACPA Institute on Sustainability

The deadline for proposals for the fourth annual ACPA (College Student Educators International) Institute on Sustainability has been extended to April 22, 2011. Hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder, the event will bring together students, staff and faculty from colleges and universities across the country. Proposals are sought that meet the programmatic goals of exploring sustainability in higher education and fostering healthy environments, social justice and strong economies. The goal of the Institute is to provide individuals and institutional teams with a plethora of knowledge about sustainability so that they can return to their campuses prepared to contribute to the development of sustainable policies and practices and the education of campus community members. AASHE members can register at the member rate.
  • Posted Apr 18, 2011

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College (NY), offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online —anytime, anywhere— with open enrollment. The program currently has three upcoming seminars that will take place April 28 - May 14, 2011. "Designing Effective Communication Media" will give participants an understanding of how to engage an audience and enhance comprehension of messaging through graphic design and clear, crisp persuasive writing. "Integrating Sustainability into Training and Curriculum" will explore opportunities for investigating and leveraging cross disciplinary solutions to contemporary issues through the lens of sustainability. "Using Evaluation to Craft the Business Case for Sustainability" will cover two common methods—Return on Investment and Social Return on Investment—for establishing the quantitative and qualitative benefits of investing in sustainability initiatives. The registration deadline for both is April 28, 2011, and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Apr 18, 2011

New U Virginia Summer Sustainability Program

The University of Virginia is inviting applications for its inaugural Morven Summer Institute, a four-week experience held on the grounds of its Morven Farm. Open to students and the public, the program is designed for people with interests in sustainability, design, food systems and ecology. Alongside coursework in architecture and interdisciplinary food studies, the Morven Kitchen Garden will be both a highlight and focus of the experience. Applications will be accepted through April 22, 2011.
  • Posted Apr 18, 2011

National Real Food Awards Program

The Real Food Challenge is announcing its first-ever Real Food Awards program, which honors the people that produce, prepare, organize around and coordinate food on college campuses. The organization seeks nominations from students for Outstanding Worker Leaders, Producer of the Year, Student Group or Student Activist of the Year, and Faculty or Administrator of the Year. Winners will receive a cash prize or be featured as a speaker at one of the Real Food Challenge regional summits. Nominations are due April 15, 2011.
  • Posted Apr 11, 2011

Call for Abstracts: AASHE 2011 Conference

AASHE invites abstracts from the campus sustainability community for "AASHE 2011: Creating Sustainable Campuses and Communities." The AASHE conference offers a platform to present innovations, design frameworks, learning outcomes or leadership initiatives to university, college, business and governmental partners focusing on campus sustainability through cross-sector collaboration. New this year, AASHE has collaborated with the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education to peer-review a select group of accepted presentations to appear in a special IJSHE issue, provisionally scheduled for spring 2012. The online submission process will remain open through April 14, 2011.
  • Posted Apr 4, 2011

International Sustainability Leadership Project

The International Sustainability Leadership Project invites students aged 18-24 to participate in an educational, business engagement and community development event to be held in Beaverton, Ore. from July 18 – August 5, 2011. A total of 60 representatives from Beaverton and its six sister cities in Germany, France, Russia, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan will converge during this project to cooperatively explore sustainability issues and to evaluate local city, corporate and community sustainability initiatives and successes from a global perspective. The project will introduce participants to local and regional sustainability projects, products and services through site visits, experiential learning workshops and Q&A sessions with local leaders in business, governmental and community organizations. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2011.
  • Posted Apr 4, 2011

U British Columbia Summer Sustainability Leadership Institute

The University of British Columbia's Summer Institute in Sustainability Leadership will take place July 4-8, 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The one-week professional development program is designed for those taking a leadership role in developing policy, creating plans and implementing sustainability projects in college, university, business and government contexts. Interactive formatting encourages networking and the exchange of ideas across sectors. Early registration prices are available through May 13, 2011.
  • Posted Apr 4, 2011

Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership Workshop

The deadline for applications for AASHE's Sustainability Across the Curriculum Leadership workshop has been extended to April 8, 2011. The workshop is slated for July 7-8, 2011 at San Diego State University (CA). For faculty leaders of all disciplines who wish to develop curriculum change programs around sustainability on their campuses, the workshop will include two days of presentations, exercises, discussions, reflection and planning. Participants will experience a range of workshop strategies, hear local experts, enjoy outdoor place-based activities and dialogue with faculty from around the country as they gain help in adapting this model to their own campus.
  • Posted Mar 28, 2011

Call for Proposals: Keene State College 2011 Symposium

Keene State College (NH) invites proposals for its 2011 Symposium, to be held Nov. 2-4, 2011. Themed "What Sustains Us? Envisioning the Future," the symposium will focus on discussions that broadly explore sustainability from multiple perspectives, paying particular attention to promising models, successful action plans, and/or innovative solutions that address, or have addressed, sustainability issues. Scholars, artists, journalists, business leaders and community members are encouraged to explore connections between individual responsibility and global solutions. The deadline for proposals is March 25, 2011.
  • Posted Mar 21, 2011

Call for Proposals: SCUP Southern Regional Conference

The Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) invites proposals for its Southern Regional conference, "Surviving the Battle, Reshaping the Future." Slated for October 2-4, 2011, this conference will look at current survival strategies of institutions that are stretched to their structural limits due to a lack of available resources. Some private institutions have been sold to for-profits while others have partnered with for-profits or used corporate partners to provide in-kind services to fund a capital project when state appropriations are inadequate. Proposals should speak to this theme; forging previous competing factions into a team, seeking funding from unique sources, designing singular projects that resolve multiple needs, creating a for-profit component in a nonprofit institution, and merging scattered efforts toward a definite value or a common view. Submissions will be accepted through April 4, 2011.
  • Posted Mar 21, 2011

Call for Submissions: Student Sustainability Film Festival

Portland State University's (OR) Institute for Sustainable Solutions invites high school and higher education students from North America to submit entries to its "2011 Student Sustainability Film Festival." The festival encourages teams to create short films about programs or projects that their campus or community is doing to create sustainable solutions to environmental concerns. The films should be inspired by real-life events, issues or solutions. All final selections will be screened at a public event in Portland, Ore. in May 2011 and prizes will be awarded for the following categories: "Best in Show," "Individual Judge's Acknowledgement" and "Audience Favorite." The deadline to submit is May 14, 2011.
  • Posted Mar 21, 2011

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College (NY), offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The program currently has two upcoming seminars that will take place March 24 - April 9, 2011. "A Systems Approach to Sustainability" will cover awareness of sustainability as a multidimensional, dynamic interaction between interrelated and interdependent elements in an organization. "How Green is Your Organization? Sustainable Infrastructure" will help sustainability coordinators apply rating tools and environmental scans to assess an organization's level of achievement with industry standards in infrastructure. The registration deadline for both is March 24, 2011, and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Mar 21, 2011

Second Nature Climate Leadership Awards

Second Nature invites nominations from American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) signatory institutions that demonstrate excellence in climate leadership. Like last year's award recipients, who provided examples of how higher education is shifting behavior on campus and within communities to make a low-carbon economy possible, Second Nature would again like to share with the entire ACUPCC network and general public the best examples of how ACUPCC signatories are moving society to a sustainable future. Up to five Institutional Excellence in Climate Leadership awards will be presented, one for each basic Carnegie Classification institution type. The winners, who will be honored at the 2011 ACUPCC Climate Leadership Summit in June, will be selected by Second Nature board members not affiliated with signatory institutions. Applications are due by April 15, 2011.
  • Posted Mar 21, 2011

Foresight Immersion Summer Sustainability Career Training Program

Foresight Design Initiative, a Chicago nonprofit dedicated to urban transformation, is recruiting for its Foresight Immersion summer program that trains emerging/transitioning professionals to be sustainability change agents. College graduates looking to gain experience to professionals accelerating their career development are invited to apply for the six-week program. After two weeks of a comprehensive overview of urban sustainability, participants spend four weeks working in career-focused tracks including business, product design, graphic design, buildings or civic innovation. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until April 1, 2011 or earlier if spaces fill.
  • Posted Mar 14, 2011

Summer Renewable Energy Train the Trainer Academies

The Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) invites two-year college science and technology instructors to apply for its Train the Trainer Academies in biofuels and photovoltaics. Accepted applicants will receive hands-on experience and instructional training necessary to incorporate renewable energy technology into their own classrooms. The academies are taught by veteran industry experts, and are based on existing programs certified by national training/accrediting bodies such as the National Alternative Fuel Training Consortium and the Institute for Sustainable Power Quality. Two academies are offered each summer in a staggered pattern to meet the scheduling needs of teachers. Funding through the National Science Foundation allows CERET to provide teachers with stipends to offset the costs of tuition, travel, room and board for the class. The deadline to apply is March 20, 2011.
  • Posted Mar 14, 2011

U.S. Dept of Labor Green Jobs Innovation Fund

In the midst of the regional community college summits being hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Labor has announced the Green Jobs Innovation Fund grant competition. The initiative will award approximately $40 million to support five to eight grantees with awards ranging from $5 million to $8 million each. Applications are invited from national and state organizations that work with local communities that currently offer career training programs and benefit a minimum of six communities per grant. The funds will enable organizations to develop training programs that incorporate green career pathways by forging linkages between apprenticeship programs and integrating technical and basic skills training through community-based partnerships. The deadline for applications is March 29, 2011. In related opportunities, the Department of Labor invites grant applications for the $122 million Career Pathways Innovation Fund, which replaces the Community-Based Job Training Program. While at least $65 million of the total funds is slated for projects that focus on the health care sector, financial awards will be given to community colleges developing or expanding career pathway programs in partnership with education and training providers, employers, and the workforce investment system.
  • Posted Mar 7, 2011

Ars Electronica 'Next Idea' Art and Technology Grant

Higher education staff and students with innovative campus sustainability projects from around the world are encouraged to apply for Ars Electronica's "Next Idea" grant. The art and technology grant invites submissions for "new and extraordinarily promising ideas" in the form of artistic, social, technological and/or scientific innovations. The Austria-based digital media organization seeks to nurture projects that deal with energy, mobility and access in relation to the future of humankind. Each submission should include a three-minute video documentation in which the author of the project personally introduces the concept. The concept description should explain the essentials of the idea and how it could be realized in terms of technical details (hardware and software), production tasks and spatial requirements. Submissions will be accepted through March 18, 2011.
  • Posted Mar 1, 2011