
2 Week Course: Deep Ecology & Sustainable Living, Costa Rica

Humboldt State University (CA) and the University of San Jose (CA) are offering a two week course, from July 25 - August 7, 2009, entitled, "Deep Ecology & Sustainable Living." The course will consist of an investigation of personal and collective relationships with the Earth through an exploration of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of humans as a part of nature. In particular, discussions, field activities, and individual and group exercises will address the concepts of self-awareness, eco-psychology, ritual and ceremony, voluntary simplicity, and spirituality. Students will explore avenues for improved integration of sustainable living practices into their daily lives. Participants can receive three units of academic credit at the undergraduate or graduate level. Applications will be accepted until April 23, 2010, or until the class is full.
  • Posted Apr 12, 2010

Farmward Bound: Preparation for Farm Operation Leadership

The University of Vermont invites participants to its summer Farmward Bound Program, which features a two week farm-based residential experience in which students have the opportunity live and learn from successful local farmers. Students will gain an understanding of multiple approaches to contemporary small scale sustainable agriculture. Plant and soil science courses in entomology, plant pathology, weed ecology, tree fruit production, and introduction to ecological agriculture will provide students with in-depth content and hands-on field activities including farm/site visits and assessments.
  • Posted Apr 12, 2010

Arbor Day Video Challenge - Win $2500 for Campus Trees

The Arbor Day Foundation invites submissions for its Video Challenge. Videos should be 60 - 90 seconds in length and educate, inspire, and encourage people to go outside and plant trees. The first place winner will receive 25 large trees (estimated value: $2,500) to plant in the community or on a college campus. The top three videos will be featured on arbordaynow.org and aborday.org during the week of Arbor Day. The last day to submit a video is April 9, 2010.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2010

College Sustainability Report Card Opt-In Program

The Sustainable Endowments Institute is offering the opportunity for all institutions of higher education in the U.S. and Canada to be included in next year's College Sustainability Report Card , scheduled for publication in the fall of 2010. Any member of the university community (staff, students, faculty, administration, alumni) may submit an application. A $700 donation is requested to provide complete coverage of an institution in the final report. All schools that contribute will be offered an exclusive customized analysis based on the Report Card data set. Grant assistance is available to schools that have a demonstrated need. The application deadline for inclusion is April 23, 2010.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2010

Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy

The University of California, Davis invites applicants for its Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy. The June 28 - July 2, 2010 training session, which will take place in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, aims to provide science and engineering graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty with the knowledge and skills they need to move environmentally sustainable research out of the laboratory and into the world. The five-day intensive academy provides participants with focused lectures, practical exercises, and hands-on experiences designed to give them the knowledge, skills, and networks to explore how their research can make broader impact in industry, the marketplace, and the world. The deadline to apply is May 14, 2010.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2010

Preservation and Sustainability Short Course

Cornell University's (NY) Historic Preservation Planning Program, in conjunction with the Department of Landscape Architecture, is pleased to announce its Third Summer Institute, Preservation: Sustainability 3, taking place from May 21-22, 2010, at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York City. "Preservation and Sustainability" is open to professionals, academics, researchers, and students in architecture, landscape architecture, planning, and historic preservation. The course will address energy- and resource-conscious design at both building and neighborhood scales through the strategies, tools, and ethos of historic preservation. Topics will include ratings and metrics, planning for sustainability, and negotiating conflicting value systems. The course format will be seminar presentations, discussions, and site visits to projects in the city.
  • Posted Apr 5, 2010

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College, offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The upcoming seminar, The Sustainability Coordinator as an Organizational Change Agent, will be held April 14 - 27, 2010, and will cover proficiency in the use of facilitation, persuasive communication, and collaboration that will be used to guide and motivate an organization to adopt sustainable business processes. Another upcoming seminar, Designing Effective Communication Media, will also be held April 14 - 27, 2010, and will give participants an understanding of how to engage an audience and enhance comprehension of messaging through graphic design and clear, crisp persuasive writing. The registration deadline for both seminars is April 14, 2010 and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Mar 29, 2010

International Sustainable Campus Network Awards

The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) is pleased to announce the second call for applications for the International Sustainable Campus Awards. These awards recognize sustainable campus projects that demonstrate leadership, creativity, effectiveness and outstanding performance in four categories: University Executive Leadership Award, Excellence in Construction Award, Excellence in Impact Award, and The oikos Student Leadership Award. Awards will be given during the Symposium “Better Campus – Better Cities” at the Shanghai World Expo, China, by an outstanding university leader. The jury will select one awardee from the four categories to go to Shanghai, expenses covered, to receive their award in person. The winning projects will be prominently featured in all related public communication activities and especially in the ISCN gallery of landmark projects. Applications are due April 12, 2010.
  • Posted Mar 22, 2010

Intro to Strategic Sustainable Development Summer School

The Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden) invites PhD-level graduate students and university teachers under the age of 35 to "Introduction to Strategic Sustainable Development Summer School," which will take place August 1 - 4, 2010, in Sweden. The focus of the course will be on strategic sustainable development and its applications in the Baltic Sea region. Curriculum will emphasize the interconnectedness of climate and environmental issues, energy, and human-environment interactions. It will also incorporate aspects of social sustainability, including social cohesion, regional development, and policy objectives. Applications are due April 15, 2010.
  • Posted Mar 15, 2010

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College, offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The upcoming seminar, Tools and Techniques for Planning and Managing Sustainability Projects, will be held March 24 - April 6, 2010, and will cover the major phases of a sustainability initiative throughout its lifecycle- from initial conception through evaluation and tools and techniques for advancing initiatives through each lifecycle stage. The registration deadline is March 21, 2010, and discounts are available for AASHE members. Another upcoming seminar, Designing Effective Communication Media, will be held April 14 - 27, 2010, and will give participants an understanding of how to engage an audience and enhance comprehension of messaging through graphic design and clear, crisp persuasive writing. The registration deadline is April 14, 2010, and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Mar 15, 2010

Student Training for Environmental Protection 2010

George Mason University (VA) invites students to its Student Training for Environmental Protection Summer Program, which is designed to give students the skills they need to become effective environmental advocates. The week-long course will be facilitated by experienced youth organizers in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. During the week, participants will learn how to create or extend strong and successful groups that will be able to run effective environmental campaigns on their campuses or in their communities. Workshops will include recruiting, leadership development, coalition building, campaign planning, event planning, public speaking, message development, lobbying, and how to get media attention. The week will include a field trip to Washington D.C. where participants will visit Capitol Hill and have the chance to speak to their elected officials in Congress. The training will be held June 13 - 20, 2010 at Prince William Forest in Triangle, Virginia.
  • Posted Mar 15, 2010

Film Your Issue Competition for Young Adults

The Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) invites adults ages 14 to 24 to participate in the What’s Your Issue? – Film Your Issue competition. Contestants will submit a three-minute video presenting an innovative solution-project idea in one of nine categories: environment, education, health/healthcare, poverty, public service, national security and defense, the economic recessions, and human and equal rights. The deadline for submissions is April 18, 2010. Winners will be selected by both a VIP jury and public online via YouTube.
  • Posted Mar 8, 2010

Submit Green Campus Media for Green Brackets Competition

Second Nature has launched the 2010 version of greenbrackets.com, a website where basketball fans can track the success of ACUPCC signatory schools in the NCAA Division I Basketball Championship. Second Nature is also hosting a related competition, in which members of the campus sustainability community are encouraged to submit photos, videos, and stories about sustainability and athletics on their campuses for competition points. The campus with the most points will win the Green Bracket Competition. The Second Nature team will post the best images and stories online in the effort to generate some friendly competition and publicity for green schools as well as highlight progress on the greening of athletics programs.
  • Posted Mar 8, 2010

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College, offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The upcoming seminar, Tools and Techniques for Planning and Managing Sustainability Projects, will be held March 10 - 23, 2010, and will cover the major phases of a sustainability initiative throughout its lifecycle- from initial conception through evaluation and tools and techniques for advancing initiatives through each lifecycle stage. The registration deadline is March 10, 2010, and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Mar 1, 2010

Real Food Cooking & Real Food Video Contests

The National Farm to School Network invites submissions for two contests: "Cooking Up Change" and "Real Food Is...2010 National Video Contest." Cooking Up Change challenges teams of high school and college students to create a healthful and delicious school meal that meets the Institute of Medicine nutrition standards, incorporates a local food item, draws from ingredients commonly available to food service, and can be easily prepared in a school kitchen. Finalists will prepare their recipes at the National Farm to Cafeteria Contest in May in Detroit for a panel of judges. Recipe submissions are due March 26, 2010. The Real Food Is...2010 National Video Contest challenges students to define what real food means to them by creating a short video that completes the phrase "Real Food is..." The contest is open to K-12 and college students and runs until March 29, 2010. The winners will receive $1,000 and an all expenses paid trip to the conference to show their videos during the opening plenary.
  • Posted Mar 1, 2010

Renewable Energy for Intl Development Program

Madison Area Technical College (WI) invites students to apply to its Renewable Energy for International Development program, which will take place in Costa Rica May 15 - 24, 2010. Students will work hands-on with solar, wind, hydroelectric, and/or biofuels applications for the rural developing world. The program combines a 10-day travel program to rural Costa Rica with an eight-week online course that builds on the experience and data gathered in the field. Students will learn about the geography, history, and culture of Costa Rica and the Central American region and study how issues of energy, the environment, and economy in developing countries differ from the United States. During the study abroad service-learning experience, students will be engaged in hands-on installation of renewable energy systems to benefit the residents of the Costa Rican host community near the village of Durika. The application deadline is Friday, March 26, 2010.
  • Posted Mar 1, 2010

SustainUS Citizen Science Paper Competition

U.S. youth and U.S. students ages 13-26 are invited to submit original scientific research or position papers to the Citizen Science Technical Board for the 2010 Citizen Science paper competition! Winners will, in addition to publication, have the chance to present their work at the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UN CSD), convening at the United Nations Headquarters, New York City, from May 4-15, 2010. Papers should be written for a non-scientific audience on natural or social science topics related to the economic, social, technological, or environmental dimensions of sustainable development addressed by the current session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. UN CSD-18’s topics are: Transport, Chemicals, Waste Management (Hazardous & Solid Waste), Mining, and 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns. Submissions are due March 1, 2010.
  • Posted Feb 22, 2010

Ithaca College Online Sustainability Leadership Certificate

The Professional Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Ithaca College, offered in partnership with AASHE, is for practitioners who want to apply best practices in leading sustainability initiatives. The certificate catalog features 12, two-week seminars delivered online - anytime, anywhere - with open enrollment. The upcoming seminar, A Systems Approach to Sustainability, will be held February 17 - March 2, 2010, and will cover awareness of sustainability as a multi dimensional, dynamic interaction between interrelated and interdependent elements in an organization. Organizational decision-making and planning efforts based on a systems approach will also be discussed. The registration deadline is February 17, 2010, and discounts are available for AASHE members.
  • Posted Feb 15, 2010

Summer Train-the-Trainer Academies in Biofuels & Photovoltaics

The Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) invites two-year college instructors to apply for its Train the Trainer Academies in biofuels and photovoltaics. Accepted applicants will receive hands-on experience and instructional training necessary to incorporate renewable energy technology into their own classrooms. The academies are taught by veteran industry experts, and are based on existing programs certified by national training/accrediting bodies such as the National Alternative Fuel Training Consortium and the Institute for Sustainable Power Quality. Two academies will be offered each summer in a staggered pattern to meet the scheduling needs of teachers. Funding through the National Science Foundation allows CERET to provide teachers with stipends to offset the costs of tuition, travel, room, and board for the class.
  • Posted Feb 15, 2010

Clinton Global Initiative U Outstanding Commitment Awards

The 2010 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Outstanding Commitment Awards, made possible by Walmart, are grants given to exceptional student Commitments to Action aimed at improving communities and lives around the world. Winners will receive funding to implement their CGI U commitments, which are new, specific, and measurable plans which make a difference in one or more of CGI U’s five global challenge areas: Education, Environment & Climate Change, Peace & Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health. All currently-enrolled students (both undergraduate and graduate) may apply for these awards.
  • Posted Feb 8, 2010

Summer Short Course on Sustainable Communities in Australia

AustraLearn, in partnership with James Cook University (Australia), invites applicants for its summer 2010 short course that is designed to provide students with an advanced understanding of the challenges in planning for green urbanism, focusing on the question: "How can we foster the development and care of sustainable communities?" Through hands-on exploration and practical field experience, students will explore a number of key topics and challenges for settlements, covering issues of particular significance to Australia and the world, including: the sustainable management of marine and terrestrial resources, water use and allocation; regional sustainability; local government and Indigenous groups; urban planning and renewable energy resources; disaster preparedness and community resilience; and implications of climate change and greenhouse gas abatement. The program will take place June 20 - July 3, 2010. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA or higher and have completed at least one year of full-time study and the college/university level. Students must have also successfully completed at least two first and/or second year biology or environmental science courses.
  • Posted Feb 8, 2010

2010 Green Building in Higher Education Fellowships

The Kresge Fellowship Program within the Advancing Green Building in Higher Education Initiative will provide free registration, accommodations, and travel expenses (up to $2000/fellow) for fellows to attend one national green building-related conference. As part of the program, Second Nature will award fellowships to 25 university executives who will learn the skills and technical information they need to be effective champions for green building at their own under-resourced campuses. Schools that have received Title III/V designation from the Department of Education are invited to apply. Senior Managers of colleges and universities including campus planners, facilities directors, or vice presidents of finance and business are eligible for the fellowships through which they will take part in learning and networking opportunities, such as AASHE's 2010 Conference and the U.S. Green Building Council’s Greenbuild Conference 2010. Applications are due March 15, 2010.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2010

Call for Papers - Journal of Sustainability Education

The Journal of Sustainability Education invites paper submissions for its inaugural issue, "Emerging Themes in Sustainability Education." Workers from any discipline with a connection to sustainability and education are encouraged to submit. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2010.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2010

Chance to Join SustainUS Youth Delegation to CSD-18

Agents of Change (AoC) is now accepting applications to join the SustainUS youth delegation to the Eighteenth Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-18), which will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City from May 3 – 14, 2010. Selected delegates will have the opportunity to work with government officials, scientists, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world to review progress on issues related to sustainable development. Applicants are required to be between the ages of 18 and 26 as of April 2010. Applications are due February 6, 2010.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2010

Discount on Mattress Recycling

Ohio Mattress Recovery and Recycling is extending a 5 percent discount on their services to AASHE members. In addition, they will rebate 10 percent of the recycling proceeds back to the school. Offer applies to AASHE members only (code available at the member-only link above.)
  • Posted Feb 1, 2010

People, Ecology and Development Study Abroad Program - Thailand

The International Sustainable Development Studies Institute is now accepting applications for its Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 People, Ecology and Development study abroad semester in Thailand. Designed in partnership with local communities, courses focus on sustainable development by experientially studying the link between culture and ecology. Students will be learning from local activists and village elders, backpacking into remote Karen villages, and sea kayaking and skin diving the reefs and mangroves of Southern Thailand. Summer internships with Thai NGOs are also available for spring semester participants. The Fall 2010 semester deadline is March 15, 2010, and the spring 2011 semester deadline is September 15, 2010.
  • Posted Feb 1, 2010

2010 Campus Sustainability Staffing Survey

AASHE’s 2010 Campus Sustainability Staffing Survey is now in progress.  All paid sustainability staff on college and university campuses in the U.S. and Canada are encouraged to take 10 minutes to complete the survey.  This includes part-time or full-time employees with sustainability, or an aspect of it, as one of their primary responsibilities.  The survey closes on February 12, and aggregate results will be shared publicly (no individuals or institutions will be identified).  AASHE urges all eligible employees to take the survey and let others know about it. The results should provide the most complete and up-to-date picture yet of campus sustainability staff positions, backgrounds and salaries.
  • Posted Jan 25, 2010

Student Sustainability Film Festival

The Northwest Institute for Social Change invites high school and college student from North America to submit entries to its "Sharing Solutions: Student Sustainability Film Festival." The 2010 Festival encourages teams to create short films about programs or projects that their campus or community is doing to create sustainable solutions to environmental concerns. The films should be inspired by real-life events, issues or solutions. All final selections will be screened at a public event in Portland, Oregon in late May 2010 and prizes will be awarded that evening for the following categories: “Best in Show” (high school and college categories; cash prize); Individual Judge’s Acknowledgement; and Audience Favorite. The deadline to submit is May 14, 2010.
  • Posted Jan 25, 2010

Survey on Campus Sustainability & Recruitment

A graduate student from Hawai'i Pacific University in the Global Leadership and Sustainable Development program invites members of the higher education community to complete a survey on the relationship between campus sustainability activities and student recruitment and retention. The information in the survey will be used for a master's thesis.
  • Posted Jan 25, 2010

Campus Green Building Technical Assistance Grants

As part of the Advancing Green Building in Higher Education Program, Second Nature will award 15 technical assistance grants of up to $2000 each to provide building professionals that work with under-resourced higher education institutions with green building training opportunities. Schools that have received Title III/V designation from the Department of Education and that are in states with relatively low numbers of green building projects are invited to apply. The deadline for application is February 12, 2010.
  • Posted Jan 18, 2010

2010 Green Building in Higher Education Fellowships

The Kresge Fellowship Program within the Advancing Green Building in Higher Education Initiative will provide free registration, accommodations, and travel expenses (up to $2000/fellow) for fellows to attend one national green building-related conference. As part of the program, Second Nature will award fellowships to 25 university executives who will learn the skills and technical information they need to be effective champions for green building at their own under-resourced campuses. Schools that have received Title III/V designation from the Department of Education are invited to apply. Senior Managers of colleges and universities including campus planners, facilities directors, or vice presidents of finance and business are eligible for the fellowships through which they will take part in learning and networking opportunities, such as AASHE's 2010 Conference and the U.S. Green Building Council’s Greenbuild Conference 2010. Applications are due March 15, 2010.
  • Posted Jan 11, 2010

Call for Papers - Journal of Sustainability Education

The Journal of Sustainability Education invites paper submissions for its inaugural issue, "Emerging Themes in Sustainability Education." Workers from any discipline with a connection to sustainability and education are encouraged to submit. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2010.
  • Posted Jan 11, 2010

Chance to Join SustainUS Youth Delegation to CSD-18

Agents of Change (AoC) is now accepting applications to join the SustainUS youth delegation to the Eighteenth Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-18), which will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City from May 3 – 14, 2010. Selected delegates will have the opportunity to work with government officials, scientists, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world to review progress on issues related to sustainable development. Applicants are required to be between the ages of 18 and 26 as of April 2010. Applications are due February 6, 2010.
  • Posted Jan 11, 2010

Discount on Mattress Recycling

Ohio Mattress Recovery and Recycling is extending a 5 percent discount on their services to AASHE members. In addition, they will rebate 10 percent of the recycling proceeds back to the school. Offer applies to AASHE members only (code available at the member-only link above.)
  • Posted Jan 11, 2010

People, Ecology and Development Study Abroad Program - Thailand

The International Sustainable Development Studies Institute is now accepting applications for its Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 People, Ecology and Development study abroad semester in Thailand. Designed in partnership with local communities, courses focus on sustainable development by experientially studying the link between culture and ecology. Students will be learning from local activists and village elders, backpacking into remote Karen villages, and sea kayaking and skin diving the reefs and mangroves of Southern Thailand. Summer internships with Thai NGOs are also available for spring semester participants. The Fall 2010 semester deadline is March 15, 2010, and the spring 2011 semester deadline is September 15, 2010.
  • Posted Jan 11, 2010

Discount for STARS Charter Participants Ends December 31

AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) program is offering a discount to STARS Charter Participants. AASHE members and non-members that register on or before December 31, 2009, will pay a discounted fee of $650 and $1,150 respectively. Regular fees are $900 for members and $1,400 for non-members. Registration is available online.
  • Posted Dec 14, 2009

Now Accepting Nominations for the STARS Steering Committee

AASHE invites nominations for Steering Committee members for the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS). The STARS Steering Committee plays a key role in shaping one of AASHE’s most important programs. The Committee provides guidance on the strategic and fiscal direction of STARS and serves as the decision-making body on issues related to the technical content of the rating system. AASHE is currently seeking seven campus representatives to join the AASHE staff and board members who already serve on the Committee. Representatives will be selected to reflect the diversity of STARS users and AASHE members. Campus representatives will be drawn from the pool of nominees and appointed by the STARS Manager and AASHE Executive Director. Preference will be given to AASHE members and STARS Charter Participants. The closing date for nominations is January 15, 2010
  • Posted Dec 14, 2009

Talk to Campus Delegations Live from the Copenhagen Negotiations

December 16, 2009; 3pm Eastern
AASHE will host its third and final conference call with the 'Kyoto to Copenhagen' delegation, which is made up of members of the Dickinson College interdisciplinary student research team, to hear eyewitness accounts of the negations and side-events as they happen. The final call will focus uniquely on the implications of the negotiations for the higher education sustainability movement, namely: What do the negotiations mean for institutions of higher education? What are some key takeaways from the COP15 for campus sustainability advocates? How can colleges and universities use models of international climate change mitigation for their particular campus needs? What are students learning from the COP15? Questions may be submitted in advance to niles@aashe.org. Dial in number: (218) 862-7200 with passcode 151307.
  • Posted Dec 14, 2009

AASHE Seeks Nominations for New Board Members

The Nominations Committee of AASHE's Board of Directors is inviting members to nominate candidates to fill several slots on the Board. The full board holds multi-day, in-person meetings at least once a year (usually twice), and holds monthly phone meetings. In addition, each board member is expected to participate in at least one board committee. Committees meet by phone an average of six times per year, depending on their respective work agenda. Overall, board members should expect to contribute an average of five to 10 hours per month to AASHE. The closing date for nominations has been extended to December 14, 2009.
  • Posted Dec 7, 2009

Discount for STARS Charter Participants Ends December 31

AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) program is offering a discount to STARS Charter Participants. AASHE members and non-members that register on or before December 31, 2009, will pay a discounted fee of $650 and $1,150 respectively. Regular fees are $900 for members and $1,400 for non-members. Registration is available online.
  • Posted Dec 7, 2009

EPA Fellowship Grants for Undergraduates

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is making available 30 grants of $46,500 each to enhance and support quality environmental education for undergraduates. The hope is that this assistance will encourage more students to continue their education beyond the baccalaureate level and pursue careers in environmentally related fields. The fellowships are intended to help defray costs associated with environmentally oriented study leading to a bachelor's degree. Fellowships are funded in the following fields of study: natural and life sciences, environmental science and interdisciplinary, engineering, social sciences and decision making, physical sciences, and mathematics and computer science. All students currently enrolled at an accredited college or university are eligible to apply for these grants. The deadline for application is December 10, 2009.
  • Posted Dec 7, 2009

UN Commission for Social Development Delegation

Applications are now available for the SustainUS Agents of Change (AoC) delegation to the 48th Session of the Commission for Social Development, which will take place at the United National Headquarters in New York City February 3-12, 2010. Selected delegates will have the opportunity to work with government officials, scientists, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world to review progress on issues related to social development. In the past, AoC delegates have presented case studies and policy statements on behalf of youth; participated in forums with fellow representatives of civil society; and met with government delegates, international organizations, and the US State Department. CSD-48 is a policy session and addresses the topic of Social Integration. Applicants are required to be between the ages of 18 and 26 as of January 2009 and to either (a) be a US citizen or (b) study or work in the US for more than six months. Applications are due December 17, 2009.
  • Posted Dec 7, 2009

Global Change Education Program

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) invites applicants for its Global Change Education Program (GCEP) which promotes undergraduate and graduate education and training supportive of the Department's global change research activities. GCEP has two components: the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) and the Graduate Research Environmental Fellowships (GREF). SURE's primary goal is to involve undergraduate students at the end of their sophomore or junior year in BER-supported global change research, then continue this experience during subsequent undergraduate summers. GREF's primary goal is to support research designed and conducted collaboratively between graduate students, faculty advisors and DOE researchers at national laboratories or universities. GREF graduates are encouraged to continue climate change careers in postdoctoral and permanent positions in academia, government laboratories, and industry. Applications are due December 31, 2009.
  • Posted Nov 30, 2009

Intl Society of Sustainability Professionals Competency Survey

The International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) has announced a call for participation in its research project to determine the core competencies needed by sustainability professionals. ISSP hopes that the results of the research will help bring cohesion and definition to the emerging profession, inform the design of educational programs, and help sustainability professionals prepare for their futures. The survey will take about 15-20 minutes to complete, and all participants will be eligible to win a $150 credit toward ISSP membership or classes.
  • Posted Nov 30, 2009

Professional Certificate in Sustainability

The International Society of Sustainability Professionals has announced a certificate program that will provide attendees with the skills, tools, and methods to take on positions such as sustainability director, sustainability coordinator, sustainability consultant, or climate officer. All courses are delivered online via distance learning. AASHE members may register at the ISSP member price.
  • Posted Nov 30, 2009

RecycleMania Registration is Open

Registration is now open for the spring 2010 RecycleMania Tournament. The competition, which is open to all colleges and universities in the US and Canada and internationally, provides a framework for schools to rally students to increase recycle and reduce overall waste generation. The competition will run from January 17 through March 27, 2010.
  • Posted Nov 30, 2009

Clinton Global Initiative University Competition with SustainUS Support

SustainUs invites its college/university student members to make a Commitment to Action and attend the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Meeting. One or more projects will be selected to receive funding and support from SustainUS. SustainUS will select one or more projects to support by November 16th, and will work with them to finish the application by the CGI U deadline of November 20th. The contest is open to all college and university students throughout the world. The deadline to submit is November 13, 2009.
  • Posted Nov 2, 2009

Opportunity for Wind Power Funding

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have announced a Request for Proposals to expand Wind Powering America's Wind for Schools activities to an additional three to six states. This opportunity provides universities, state institutions, and nongovernmental organizations funding and technical support to develop educational programs to improve the understanding of wind technology and its implementation. One objective of the Wind for Schools project is to educate engineers in wind applications analysis and development through the development of Wind Applications Centers located at colleges or universities in wind-rich states. Projects are expected to begin in fiscal year 2010 and last for approximately three years. DOE expects to contribute up to approximately $60,000 per selected activity per year. Final proposals are due November 20, 2009.
  • Posted Nov 2, 2009

NWF Chill Out Competition

National Wildlife Competition Campus Ecology invites submissions to its 2009 Campus Chill Out Competition. US college and university campuses are encouraged to submit their projects that address global warming by filling out the entry form and creating a short video. Categories include Green Jobs and Education; Cutting-Edge Research, Design, and Technology; Students in Action; and Campus Actions in Administration, Operations, and Planning. Winners will receive grant money and a chance to be featured in Chill Out: Campus Solutions to Global Warming , a multimedia Earth Day broadcast in April 2010. Students, faculty, and staff are all eligible to submit either written or video competition entries. The deadline is December 31, 2009.
  • Posted Oct 19, 2009

7th Annual P3 Awards: Student Design Contest for Sustainability

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of the P3 Award Program, is seeking applications proposing to research, develop, and design solutions to real world challenges involving the overall sustainability of human society. The P3 competition highlights the use of scientific principles in creating innovative projects focused on sustainability. The P3 Awards program was developed to foster progress toward sustainability by achieving the mutual goals of economic prosperity, protection of the planet, and improved quality of life for its people. The EPA offers the P3 competition in order to respond to the technical needs of the world while moving towards the goal of sustainability. The deadline to apply is January 5, 2010.
  • Posted Oct 12, 2009