
CFP: Climate Action Planning at US & Canadian Campuses

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) have announced a call for papers for a special issue of the Journal on climate action planning at campuses in the United States and Canada. Judy Walton, AASHE's Acting Executive Director, will guest edit this special issue. Submitted articles must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length. The closing date for submissions is August 29, 2008.
  • Posted Jul 10, 2008

Opportunity to be a Student Campus Rep for One Penny Per Mile

One Penny Per Mile, a non-profit carbon offset organization that collects one penny for every mile a car is driven to construct and donate renewable energy production systems, seeks student volunteers to start pilot programs at their campuses. Responsibilities will include representing OPPM at campus events, soliciting contributions from students, staff, and members of the general public, and helping OPPM to develop an educational campaign on driving reduction strategies. Participants must be full-time students currently enrolled in good standing at a recognized institution of higher learning in the U.S.; be over 18 years of age; and have college-level computer, writing, and discussion skills.
  • Posted Jul 10, 2008

Socially Innovative Idea Competition

Conscious Lifestyle and Youth Venture invite submissions for the 2008 Venture Competition. The competition will award up to $1,000 in start-up funding, web space, a monthly skill-building workshop, and mentoring from a professional to a group of full-time high school or college students with the best idea to help students and schools be more socially responsible. The idea should work on both the individual and institutional levels; be created, led, and managed by students; and have a credible plan and budget. Applications are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Jul 10, 2008

5 Fulbright Awards in Environment, Health, and Sustainability

The Fulbright Scholar Program with Canada is offering five Research Chair awards in Environment, Health, and Sustainability for 2009-10. The awards provide the opportunity for scholars to pursue full-time collaborative or independent research in affiliation with the faculty and resources at McMaster University, the University of Alberta, the University of Lethbridge, the University of Prince Edward Island, and the University of Winnipeg. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the global food system and food safety, nutriscience studies, water resources management, environmental studies, bioscience and other fields; interdisciplinary projects are welcome. Junior scholars with promising research records as well as established senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Awards range from four to nine months. U.S. citizenship and a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree are required. The application deadline is August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Jul 3, 2008

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2008 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Achievement Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. Applications are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Jul 3, 2008

Become an AASHE 2008 Supporting Institution

In an effort to encourage strong student participation at its 2008 conference, AASHE is inviting colleges and universities to become Supporting Institutions. Supporting Institutions offer to cover the cost of participation in the conference for at least one of their students, and provide $250 to support the conference. In exchange, they will be recognized in the conference website, printed program, signage and other publicity materials.
  • Posted Jul 3, 2008

Call for Theses and Dissertations on Campus Sustainability

AASHE invites submissions of completed and in-progress theses and dissertations related to sustainability in higher education to add to its "List of Dissertations and Theses on Campus Sustainability" resource. Please email relevant papers to resources@aashe.org.
  • Posted Jul 3, 2008

KIWI 2008 Green College Report Application

Kiwi Magazine invites colleges and universities to complete its "2008 Green College Report Application." The schools that submit the application could be featured in KIWI's "2008 Green College Campus Report" which profiles 50 colleges and universities that are making a significant commitment to the environment.
  • Posted Jul 3, 2008

Opportunity to Become a Higher Education Sustainability Fellow

The Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium invites applications for the Higher Education Sustainability Fellows Program. Fellows will spend 4-5 hours each week working with their professional association and other related higher education associations, helping them to collect and share quality sustainability information with their members. Fellows will serve as mentors to others doing sustainability work on college campuses. Their role is to nurture, connect, assist and inspire the very important but often challenging work being done by disconnected individuals across the country. The review of applications will begin August 1, 2008 for the 2008-2008 academic year.
  • Posted Jul 3, 2008

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2008 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. The Student Sustainability Achievement Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due August 1, 2008. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner of this year's award will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Jun 26, 2008

CFP: Climate Action Planning at US & Canadian Campuses

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) have announced a call for papers for a special issue of the Journal on climate action planning at campuses in the United States and Canada. Judy Walton, AASHE's Acting Executive Director, will guest edit this special issue. Submitted articles must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length. The closing date for submissions is August 29, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 26, 2008

Join US Youth Network at the UN Climate Negotiations, COP14

The SustainUS Agents of Change program is now accepting applications for its delegation to the UN Climate Negotiations, the Conference of Parties 14, to be held in Poznan, Poland this December. COP14 will determine the future of international policy on climate change, and this is an opportunity for youth to make their voices heard. The SustainUS delegation, comprised of key leaders in the youth climate movement from various organizations and backgrounds, will have the unique opportunity to represent American youth at the COP. Delegates will work with each other and with international youth in advance of the conference to educate themselves, develop policy priorities, acquire skills in effective lobbying, and engage the broader youth population in a conversation about international climate policy.
  • Posted Jun 26, 2008

AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award

AASHE invites undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. or Canadian institutions of higher education to submit research papers of any length on campus sustainability that have not been previously published, are written in English, and were completed after August 1, 2007. A version of the winning paper will be published in Sustainability: The Journal of Record (subject to editorial review). Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards. Papers are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 19, 2008

Call for Papers: Climate Action Planning at US Campuses

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) have announced a call for papers for a special issue of the Journal on climate action planning at campuses in the United States. Judy Walton, AASHE's Acting Executive Director, will guest edit this special issue. Submitted articles must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length. The closing date for submissions is August 29, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 19, 2008

Lifecycle Building Challenge 2 Student Competition

The American Institute of Architects, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Building MaterialsReuse Association invite students and professionals to participate in the Lifecycle Building Challenge 2. The contest challenges participants to submit creative ideas or designs to advance cutting-edge design for adaptability, disassembly, and local reuse of building materials. This year's competition features Building and Innovation Categories and new awards for Best Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Best School, and Best Residential Designs. Teams of up to 5 contestants can enter. The registration deadline is July 31, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 19, 2008

Power Vote MEGA Training Camp

The Energy Action Coalition will be convening an intensive 5-day training program from August 13 -17, 2008 to prepare organizers for their role in running the Power Vote program and beyond. Training participants will leave with a clear understanding of the Power Vote program goals, timeline, implementation plan, and their role in making it happen. The training will be highly interactive with a great emphasis on actually testing out the skills with time for discussion and feedback. Skills will be applicable for climate campaigning throughout the year. Priority will be given to low-income youth, youth of color and non-student youth. College, high school, and non-student youth are all encouraged to apply.
  • Posted Jun 19, 2008

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2008 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Achievement Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. Applications are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 12, 2008

Sustainability in the Urban Built Environment Summit

The Oregon Business Council and the Oregon University System invites applicants for its 2008 sustainability summit, "Sustainability in the Urban Built Environment," to take place July 21 – 24, 2008 in Portland, Oregon. The summit will teach participants the latest approaches to implementing sustainable strategies and policies in the urban built environment; methods to make the case for sustainability in a range of different projects; direct input on situations you're facing in your community or projects; a
  • Posted Jun 12, 2008

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2008 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. The Student Sustainability Achievement Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due August 1, 2008. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner of this year's award will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Jun 5, 2008

Call for Papers: Climate Action Planning at US Campuses

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) have announced a call for papers for a special issue of the Journal on climate action planning at campuses in the United States. Judy Walton, AASHE's Acting Executive Director, will guest edit this special issue. Submitted articles must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length. The closing date for submissions is August 29, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 5, 2008

CFP - Community Literacy Journal Articles

The peer reviewed Community Literacy Journal invites articles for its Fall 2009 special issue on Sustainability, the Environment, and Community Literacy. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that explore the interconnections among community literacy, sustainable practices, and cognizance of biospheric situatedness. Particularly welcomed for this issue are pieces co-authored in collaboration with community partners. Submissions of shorter and longer works including scholarly articles, essays, case studies, ethnographies, and reflective narratives are invited. Poems, drawings, photographs, and cartoons are invited as well. Submissions are due July 15, 2008.
  • Posted Jun 5, 2008

Invitation to Become an AASHE 2008 Supporting Institution

In an effort to encourage strong student participation at its 2008 conference, AASHE is inviting colleges and universities to become Supporting Institutions. Supporting Institutions offer to cover the cost of participation in the conference for at least one of their students, and provide $250 to support the conference. In exchange, they will be recognized in the conference website, printed program, signage and other publicity materials.
  • Posted Jun 5, 2008

AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award

AASHE invites undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. or Canadian institutions of higher education to submit research papers of any length on campus sustainability that have not been previously published, are written in English, and were completed after August 1, 2007. A version of the winning paper will be published in Sustainability: The Journal of Record (subject to editorial review). Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards. Papers are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted May 29, 2008

Green Power Leadership Awards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Center for Resource Solutions invite applications and nominations for the 2008 Green Power Leadership Awards. The Awards recognize the actions of individuals, companies, and organizations that are significantly advancing the development of renewable electricity sources through green power markets. Awards will be given in the area of purchasing, supplying, and market development. Applications and nominations are due June 27, 2008 at 5pm.
  • Posted May 29, 2008

5 Student Scholarships: National Recycling Coalition

The College and University Council, a technical council of the National Recycling Council is partnering with The Coca Cola Company to sponsor five scholarships for college students to attend the NRC’s annual Congress and Exposition in Pittsburgh, PA, September 21-24, 2008. The scholarships cover travel, hotel, meals and conference registration. The scholarships are intended as a way for college students interested in a professional career in recycling to gain exposure to the field. They will have the opportunity to attend over 35 conference sessions, workshops and tours, as well as to meet and network with community, state and national recycling leaders. Applications are due July 25, 2008.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards 35. 5 Student Scholarships: National Recycling Coalition Conference

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2008 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Achievement Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. Applications are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

Call for Papers: Climate Action Planning at US Campuses

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) have announced a call for papers for a special issue of the Journal on climate action planning at campuses in the United States. Judy Walton, AASHE's Acting Executive Director, will guest edit this special issue. Submitted articles must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length. The closing date for submissions is August 29, 2008.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

College Recycling/Composting Bin Design Contest

Busch Systems is hosting its second annual recycling bin and/or composting bin design contest. The winner will receive $1000 towards his or her recycling program, and the bin will be featured in the Busch Systems Fall Newsletter. The deadline has been extended to May 30, 2008.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

Invitation to Comment on ACUPCC Carbon Offset Protocol Draft

The American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) invites comments on its first Voluntary Carbon Offset Protocol draft, which it is developing to provide guidance to ACUPCC institutions on how to decide whether or not to engage in the offset markets, and if so, what are the best ways to make effective investments and reduce risks. Deadline for comments is May 27, 2008. Feedback received will be presented to ACUPCC presidents and chancellors at the 2008 ACUPCC Climate Leadership Summit in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 5th, and will be taken into account as the Protocol is further developed.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

Invitation to Comment on Campus Sustainability Rating System

AASHE is inviting feedback from the campus sustainability community on the latest draft of the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS). AASHE intends for STARS to provide a standardized system for tracking information about sustainability performance and to enable better information sharing about campus sustainability practices. The public comment period ends on May 30, 2008.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

Lifecycle Building Challenge Competition

The Lifecycle Building Challenge is a web-based competition open to students and professional architects, designers, engineers, planners, reuse professionals, contractors, builders, and educators. Lifecycle designs are sought in two categories: building and innovation. Teams of up to 5 contestants can enter, and only residents of the U.S. and its territories are eligible. Registration for the Challenge closes June 15, 2008.
  • Posted May 22, 2008

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2008 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. The Student Sustainability Achievement Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due August 1, 2008. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner of this year's award will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted May 15, 2008

USGBC Natural Talent Design Competition

The US Green Building Council's Emerging Green Builders Program is inviting submissions for this year's Natural Talent 2008 Design Competition. Participants compete in local competitions, and the top winner of each moves on to compete for a national award at USGBC’s annual Greenbuild International Conference and Exposition. Awards include green building scholarships, as well as travel and registration to Greenbuild, where finalists’ entries are displayed and final judging occurs.
  • Posted May 15, 2008

AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award

AASHE invites undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. or Canadian institutions of higher education to submit research papers of any length on campus sustainability that have not been previously published, are written in English, and were completed after August 1, 2007. A version of the winning paper will be published in Sustainability: The Journal of Record (subject to editorial review). Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards. Papers are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted May 8, 2008

AASHE Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2008 Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Achievement Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. Applications are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted May 1, 2008

Call for Papers: Climate Action Planning at US Campuses

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) have announced a call for papers for a special issue of the Journal on climate action planning at campuses in the United States. Judy Walton, AASHE's Acting Executive Director, will guest edit this special issue. Submitted articles must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length. The closing date for submissions is August 29, 2008.
  • Posted May 1, 2008

Invitation to Become an AASHE 2008 Supporting Institution

In an effort to encourage strong student participation at its 2008 conference, AASHE is inviting colleges and universities to become Supporting Institutions. Supporting Institutions offer to cover the cost of participation in the conference for at least one of their students, and provide $250 to support the conference. In exchange, they will be recognized in the conference website, printed program, signage and other publicity materials.
  • Posted May 1, 2008

AASHE Student Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for the 2008 Student Sustainability Leadership Award, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. The Student Sustainability Achievement Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications are due August 1, 2008. The Student Sustainability Leadership Award includes a $750 prize. In addition, the winner of this year's award will be featured in Sustainability: The Journal of Record .
  • Posted Apr 24, 2008

Invitation to Comment on Campus Sustainability Rating System

AASHE is inviting feedback from the campus sustainability community on the latest draft of the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS). AASHE intends for STARS to provide a standardized system for tracking information about sustainability performance and to enable better information sharing about campus sustainability practices. The public comment period ends on May 9, 2008.
  • Posted Apr 24, 2008

Survey on College Sustainability Report Card

The Sustainable Endowments Institute has launched a web survey to gain feedback on its annual College Sustainability Report Card . The short survey seeks input on the Report Card's content and focus as well as suggestions for improvement. Participants are also invited to share stories about how they have used the Report Card or how they have seen it used. The survey is open to everyone.
  • Posted Apr 17, 2008

AASHE Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award

AASHE invites undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. or Canadian institutions of higher education to submit research papers of any length on campus sustainability that have not been previously published, are written in English, and were completed after August 1, 2007. A version of the winning paper will be published in Sustainability: The Journal of Record (subject to editorial review). Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards. Papers are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Apr 10, 2008

Campus Sustainability Whitepaper Series: 10% off for AASHE Members

PaperClip Communications is offering a 10 percent discount to AASHE members on their recently released Campus Sustainability Whitepaper Series. The series is comprised of 6 whitepapers: Greening Your Events: How to Plan and Implement Sustainable Campus Events; Sustainable Campus Food Service Programs: From Little Changes to Large Initiatives That Change the Environmental Balance; Going Green in Residence Life: Putting Your Operation in Line with Sustainable Practices; Sustainable Campus Practices: Green Campus Facilities, Purchasing and Business Practices; Sustainable Student Initiatives: What's Working on Our Campuses; and Hosting a Campus Sustainability Day: 40 Campus Examples, How-to Tips & Resources. The whitepapers offer ideas, strategies, and best practices for moving toward sustainability.
  • Posted Apr 10, 2008

Opportunity to Become an AASHE 2008 Supporting Institution

In an effort to encourage strong student participation at its 2008 conference, AASHE is inviting colleges and universities to become Supporting Institutions. Supporting Institutions offer to cover the cost of participation in the conference for at least one of their students, and provide $250 to support the conference. In exchange, they will be recognized in the conference website, printed program, signage and other publicity materials.
  • Posted Apr 3, 2008

People, Ecology & Development Study Abroad Program, Thailand

The International Sustainable Development Studies Institute is now accepting applications for its Spring 2009 People, Ecology and Development study abroad program in Thailand. The program focuses on the links between culture, ecology and sustainability through the experiential study of specific communities and ecosystems. ISDSI Expedition Field Courses are upper division courses which require living cross-culturally and traveling in remote areas--villages, islands, rivers and mountains; while traveling by foot, sea kayak or canoe. Students earn a semester of academic credit while on the program. The Spring semester includes the intensive study of Thai, as well as studies of rivers, human rights and the environment; islands, reefs and mangrove ecosystems; and ethnic peoples and forests. The deadline for applications is October 10, 2008.
  • Posted Apr 3, 2008

The Summer of Solutions Program for Students

Grand Aspirations is inviting youth across the nation to attend The Summer of Solutions, an experiential training and community organizing program run by college students who are pioneering systemic and transformative solutions to global warming. This summer, the program will apply the vision of a renewable energy society and a just and sustainable economy in ways that will give students the tools to generate concrete and sweeping changes in their communities nationwide. The Summer of Solutions will take place June 1 – August 1, 2008 in St. Paul, MN. Applications are due April 1, 15, and 29, 2008.
  • Posted Apr 3, 2008

AASHE Sustainability Leadership Awards

AASHE is now accepting applications for its 2008 Sustainability Leadership Awards, to be presented in November at AASHE 2008: Working Together for Sustainability – On Campus and Beyond. Four Campus Sustainability Leadership Awards and one Student Sustainability Leadership Award will be presented. The Campus Sustainability Achievement Award recognizes the institutions that have made the greatest overall commitment to sustainability as demonstrated in their governance, curriculum and research, operations, campus culture, and community outreach. The AASHE Student Sustainability Achievement Award honors an undergraduate student from an AASHE member institution who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus sustainability. Applications for both awards are due August 1, 2008.
  • Posted Mar 27, 2008

Brower Youth Awards

The Earth Island Institute is inviting applications for the 2008 Brower Youth Awards, which recognize people ages 13 to 22 living in North America who have shown outstanding leadership on a project with positive environmental and social impact. Recipients will receive a $3000 cash prize and weeklong trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. During that week, award recipients will participate in a week of media and public outreach and be recognized at an awards ceremony attended by 900 members of the public. Applications are due May 15, 2008.
  • Posted Mar 20, 2008

Climate Fellowship Program for Students

Clean Air–Cool Planet has created the Climate Fellowship, a competitive program designed to pair outstanding students with real-world opportunities to propel society toward a low-carbon future. This program seeks highly qualified graduate and undergraduate students in fields such as environmental policy, economics, statistics, engineering, physical and biological sciences. Projects are challenging and in-depth, and may include creating or updating greenhouse gas inventories; conducting feasibility studies or implementing operational and process changes to reduce GHG emissions; creating and updating web-based tools and resources, or others identified by partner organizations. Applications are due by April 4, 2008.
  • Posted Mar 20, 2008

Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy

The Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy, which will be held July 7-11, 2008, will provide science and engineering research faculty, post-docs and doctoral students with the necessary knowledge and skills to move environmentally sustainable and green technology research out of the laboratory and into practice. Participants will leave with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize, develop, and communicate potential commercial and knowledgeable distribution opportunities arising from their research. The Academy is a five-day intensive program integrating lecture, exercises, and team projects. Applications are due May 2, 2008.
  • Posted Mar 20, 2008

Urban Sustainability Initiative Graduate Assistantships

The Urban Sustainability Initiative at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas is accepting applications for the inaugural USI Graduate Assistantships. Qualified master’s and doctoral students may pursue research and/or educational activities associated with any facet of sustainability. Applicants must be admitted or in the process of applying to a UNLV graduate program. Preference will be given to doctoral students. Fall applications are due May 1, 2008, and spring applications are due November 1, 2008.
  • Posted Mar 20, 2008