Kansas State U Installs Green Roof

Two professors in Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning, and Design have installed an experimental green roof over a third-floor breezeway on campus. The professors hope to assess how a living roof can reduce the urban heat load and control runoff from the region's intense thunderstorms. The rooftop garden mixes 14 grasses and other plants native to Kansas inside a border of sedum, a shallow-rooted succulent.

U Pennsylvania Installs Water Conserving Shower Heads

The University of Pennsylvania has begun a project to install 2,500 new environmentally friendly shower heads in campus residences. The new devices will save approximately 17.25 million gallons of water per year.

U Colorado Denver Students Install Rain Garden

A group of graduate students at the University of Colorado, Denver have converted a parking lot into a storm water test site. The new water-purification site, also known as a rain garden, uses recycled materials to help filter the pollutants out of the rainwater. The rain garden will also feature solar panels that power the instruments needed to the study the storm runoff.

Western Kentucky U Greens Parking Lots

Western Kentucky University has begun a project to convert at least 5 of its parking lots to permeable asphalt. Once the regular concrete is removed, a layer of coarse gravel will be poured, and the permeable concrete will be laid on top. WKU's Parking and Administrative Services has also asked for funds to purchase two hybrid buses and to install solar carports that would produce enough electricity to service the parking and transportation building.

Bethel U Installs Green Roof

Bethel University (MN) has installed a green roof on its Brushaber Commons building. The roof is covered with approximately 4,000 square feet of sedum.

Anne Arundel CC Installs Rain Garden

Anne Arundel Community College (MD) has installed several rain gardens on its campus. More than 600 plants were installed near storm water drains to slow rushing water and filter out impurities. The project, which was funded by a $24,000 grant from the nonprofit Chesapeake Bay Trust, was initiated by a student in an environmental science course.

U North Carolina Installs Reclaimed Water System

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has constructed a reclaimed water system that serves facilities on the University’s main campus. The reclaimed water system provides non-potable water which has received advanced treatment at the nearby Wastewater Treatment Plant including filtration and disinfection with ultraviolet light and chlorine. The new system will enable the University to reduce its use of drinking water for make-up water at cooling towers by about 660,000 gallons per day in Fiscal Year 2010. The University also plans to extend the reclaimed water system in the near future to serve additional cooling tower, toilet flushing, and irrigation needs on the main campus.

Cal Poly Students Install Energy & Water Efficient Dishwasher

Student interns with the Alliance to Save Energy’s Green Campus Program and California Polytechnic State University’s Campus Dining have identified and installed an energy efficient dishwashing machine in the campus dining facilities. The replacement machine will save the campus 736,920 gallons of water, 9,321 therms of natural gas, and $16,647 annually.

U Georgia Uses Recycled Water in Fountains

The University of Georgia has begun using recycled water in two campus fountains. UGA officials turned off the fountains during the 2007 drought and in the spring of 2008, a group of engineers redesigned the fountains to use rainwater collected on campus. The system also captures air-conditioning condensation to use in the fountains.

U Kansas Installs Rain Garden

More than 200 student and community volunteers at the University of Kansas have installed a rain garden at the campus' Recreation Fitness Center. The 5,500 square foot rain garden, which allows for the absorption of rainwater runoff from urban areas such as roofs, sidewalks, driveways, and lawns, features more than 2,500 native plants. Once established, the garden will be self-sustaining, and the native plants will be able to survive with no fertilizer or pesticides and little maintenance.

Furman U Golf Club Goes Green

The Furman University (SC) Golf Club has begun the Sanctuary Initiative, which aims to green the Club's operations and landscaping. The Club has installed a new irrigation system that uses less water and has allowed 15 acres of previously maintained areas on the course to become natural in an effort to cut down on fertilizer and chemical applications. Integrated Pest Management practices are being employed to reduce or eliminate pesticide use and simultaneously keep pest populations at an acceptable level.

Purdue U Installs Green Roof

Purdue University (IN) has installed a green roof on its Schleman Hall of Student Services. PU received a $68,000 grant from State Farm Insurance to help fund the new installation.

U Wisconsin Platteville Installs Rain Garden, Pervious Concrete

The University of Wisconsin, Platteville has installed a rain garden and a new parking lot made of pervious concrete. The rain garden uses vegetation and special soil to capture and absorb suspended solids such as sand, salt, grease, and garbage before they drain into the water shed. Water that is not absorbed by the soil drains into a pipe that filters out harmful pollutants and is transported to Rountree Branch Creek. The pervious concrete also helps to reduce water pollution. Water is absorbed by the concrete or the thick layer of gravel that lies beneath it. Water that is not absorbed is filtered before being transported to the creek.

App State U Students Pass Water Conservation Legislation

Appalachian State University’s (NC) Student Government Association has passed legislation recommending that all urinals in new campus buildings or renovated structures conform to low-flow standards. The legislation asks that the urinals use only one-eighth of a gallon of water per flush.

Auburn U Reduces Water Usage by Up to 80%

Auburn University (AL) has announced that it has reduced its water usage in landscaping by up to 80 percent in 2008. The University did so by planting drought resistant species, installing drip-tape instead of sprinklers, and using frequency and duration timers.

U Georgia Reduces Water Consumption by 28%

The University of Georgia has announced that it lowered its water consumption by 28 percent over the past year. The University has saved more than $250,000 through conservation, cost-cutting measures, and the cooperation of faculty, staff, and students. Last fall, the University initiated the Every Drop Counts educational campaign and created a Water Resources Task force composed of faculty, staff, students and administrators in response to the severe drought. Water saving measures included replacing and reconfiguring cooling units; replacing 1,500 toilets, 500 urinals, and 2,000 faucet aerators; and installing 63 water meters on cooling towers that enabled the Physical Plan to better measure water usage and detect and immediately repair malfunctions.

Western Illinois U, George Washing U Install Green Roofs

Western Illinois University has installed four vegetated roofs on the school's new Multicultural Center. All of the plants used on the roof are native to Illinois and are drought resistant. The plants, which are all species of sedum, will grow between 5 and 6 inches tall and will resemble a course shrub. George Washington University (DC) has also installed a green roof on the Elliott School of International Affairs. The 2,000 square-foot development was organized by campus environmental groups. Graduate students from GW's Sustainable Landscape Design program and members of Green GW and Net Impact installed the roof. More than 4,000 plant "sedums" were planted in a three-color layout.

U Maryland, College Park Completes Green Roof

The University of Maryland, College Park has completed the installation of a green roof on Cumberland Hall. The $350,000 green roof features extra insulation and 15 species of plants. UMD also plans to install a green roof on the Stamp Student Union in the near future.

Sarah Lawrence, Princeton, & Swarthmore Install Green Roofs

Sarah Lawrence College (NY) has installed a green roof on campus. The new roof, which is the second of its kind on campus, was paid for by the student engagement fund and features modular trays that contain sedums, succulent plants that retain water. Princeton University (NJ) has also installed a green roof on its campus. The new roof, located on its newest building, Sherrerd Hall, aims to reduce water pollution, energy costs, and greenhouse gas emissions that result from heating and cooling. Likewise, Swarthmore College (PA) has installed its third green roof on its campus. Swarthmore planted 15 different types of sedums and 7 other types of plants on the roof of the new dorm, Kemp Hall.

Duke U Med Center Installs Green Roof

The Duke University (NC) has installed a green roof on its Medical Center entrance. The diamond-shaped patch of plants is a pilot project to help the University decide whether or not to install a green roof on the $596 million hospital expansion.

The College of St. Joseph Installs Green Roof

The College of Mount St. Joseph (OH) has installed a green roof on its library. The roof features 8,880 plants that were obtained locally. The Library’s green roof is designed to reduce heating and cooling costs, extend the lifespan of the roof membrane, and decrease storm water runoff and pollutants into storm sewers.

U Kansas Installs Green Roof on Football Complex

The University of Kansas has installed a green roof on a portion of its new football complex. The weight room of the complex has been built underground, which reduces heating and cooling costs, so the green roof has been planted with grass and functions like a normal lawn. The University expects the green roof and underground building to save approximately $20,000 per year in energy costs.

U Idaho Installs Green Roof

The University of Idaho has begun a renovation project to install a green roof on its Student Union Building. The project will be nearly self-sufficient and will include a storm water run-off mitigation system that will collect and store run-off water. The run-off will have a higher water quality and will be stored in a series of 550-gallon containers that will be reused to water the plants on the roof in dry periods.

Triton College to Install Environmentally Friendly Roof

Triton College (IL) plans to install a one-inch layer of marble chips topping off the tar and insulation on the College Center's roof to reflect sunlight and keep the roof cool. This cooling effect will reduce cost and energy use from the building's air-conditioning and refrigeration units. Additionally, 85 percent of the original insulation will be used for the new roof. The roof has qualified for an Energy Star label.

George Washington U to Install Green Roof

George Washington University (DC) recently announced plans to install a green roof atop the Elliot School of International Affairs City View Room Terrace this summer. The 2,000 square foot green roof pilot project is the result of an initiative by GWU's Net Impact chapter, and will feature storm water run-off reduction and potential energy savings and will offer research opportunities to students.

Rice U Installs Rainwater Collection Tank

Rice University (TX) recently installed an 8,000 gallon, underground rainwater collection tank at the Rice Children's Campus which is currently under construction. The water collected in the harvesting tank will be filtered and used to irrigate the Rice Children's Campus' native trees and plants. The installation is part of several measures aimed at achieving LEED certification.

Dickinson College Building to Feature Green Roof, Light Sensors

Dickinson College (PA) recently announced its plans to install a green roof, light occupancy sensors, and other green features into the new science building on campus. The green roof will feature flowers of Dickinson's school colors, red and white, and the lighting system will include sensors that dim lights when it is bright outside and shut off the lights when there is no one in the room.

Grand Rapids CC to Install Green Roof

Grand Rapid Community College (MI) recently announced its plans to install a green roof on campus. The roof will be used to grow cilantro, sage, basil, thyme, and other herbs. GRCC received a donation from the Steelcase Foundation to fund the project.

Princeton U Installs Water-saving Toilets in Dorms

Princeton University (NJ) recently installed water-saving toilets in two residence halls on campus. The new dual-flush toilets allow users to push the flush handle one way to use less water for liquid waste and another way to release more water for solid waste. Facilities Management installed water-saving shower heads as well.

UT Arlington Volunteers Install Campus Green Roof

The University of Texas at Arlington recently installed a 1000 square feet experimental green roof with the help of volunteers. The project included the installation of the roofing systems, irrigation, plants and about 30,000 pounds of soil.

UCSD Seeks to Reduce Water and Energy Use through Weather Sensors

The University of California, San Diego plans to install a network of up to 30 weather sensors on rooftops across campus. The data retrieved from the sensors will serve to provide an accurate display of weather conditions, which will allow for better control of the inside temperatures. The program could also help run the university irrigation system more efficiently and help determine the best placement for solar arrays.