U Ottawa to Divest From Fossil Fuels

The university recently announced that it will divest all its direct equity fossil fuel holdings by 2023 and all indirect holdings by 2030. The university also announced plans to set a 10 percent target of its overall long-term portfolio to be committed to sustainable investments by the end of 2025.

U Alabama Renames Hall After First Black Student

The university's board of trustees unanimously voted recently to remove the name of a former Ku Klux Klan leader from a campus building and rename it for the first Black student to attend the institution, Autherine Lucy Foster.

Ontario Tech U Signs Charter on Anti-Black Racism

Ontario Tech recently joined Canada’s post-secondary community in committing to the principles and objectives of the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education. The Scarborough Charter outlines principles, actions and accountabilities to build practices of ongoing dialogue and action that remove structural barriers to equity, to yield inclusion, substantive equality and social transformation.

U Albany Adopts Official Land Acknowledgement

The University at Albany, part of the State University of NY system, has adopted an official land acknowledgment that recognizes the homelands of the Kanien’keháka and Muh-he-con-neok people upon which the campus resides.

Ohio State U to Create Path for Debt-Free Bachelor Degree

The university recently announced an initiative to offer students a path to graduate debt-free, through scholarships, work opportunities that allow students to gain experience while earning a paycheck, grant assistance, and coaching on financial education, leadership and work skills.

Emory U to Establish Civil Rights & Social Justice Center With $7M Donation

The university recently received a grant from Southern Company Foundation to establish the Emory University School of Law Center for Civil Rights and Social Justice and to support other student success and access initiatives. The newly established center will serve as a hub for interdisciplinary scholarship, research, teaching, evidence-based policy reform, and community outreach that improves the lives of individuals who have experienced violations of their civil rights and been impacted by social injustice.

Ryerson U to Change Name

The university's board of governors recently accepted 22 recommendations, which include renaming the institution, sharing materials to recognize the legacy of Egerton Ryerson, and providing more opportunities to learn about Indigenous history and Indigenous and colonial relations. The recommendations come from a task force who conducted research into the university's namesake's life and legacy, and the role of commemoration in the community.

Two California CCs Shift Toward Open Education Resources

With a goal of increasing access, Compton Community College recently announced a goal of using 85 to 100 percent open educational resources (OER), rather than textbooks, by 2035, while College of the Canyons is aiming for a third of its courses to eliminate textbooks over the next two years.

Hope College Pilots New Financial Model for Tuition

The college announced recently a new pilot program whereby instead of charging tuition before receiving an education, the college will ask students to give to the college after they graduate, paying-it-forward to future students. Called Hope Forward, the program will welcome a cohort of 22 students this fall whose tuition will be fully funded by an anonymous donor. In the future, the college aims to fully fund tuition for all students.

Virginia State U Clears Account Balances for Pandemic Period

The university recently announced that it will clear all unpaid tuition and fee balances for students enrolled during the COVID-19 pandemic impact period of spring, summer, fall and winter 2020, and spring 2021 semesters. The payoff applies only to balances currently owed to the university.

Simon Fraser U Establishes Endowment for Indigenous Students

The university's publishing program has established a new endowment in recognition of its first Indigenous graduate of the Master of Publishing program (MPub). The Greg Younging Publishing Award Endowment aims to create a fully funded opportunity for an Indigenous student to complete the degree.

NC A&T State U Launches Free Textbook Program

A new partnership between North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and Barnes & Noble College will enable NC A&T to make textbooks available for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years free for all undergraduate students.