Brookdale CC Offers New Solar Energy Course

Brookdale Community College (NJ) has announced a new solar energy system course to be offered in the fall. Students will have the opportunity to design and install solar photovoltaic systems. The course will cover the basic technology and skills required for the design and installation of a solar energy system. After successfully completing the instructional program, students will be eligible to take the North American Board of Certified Energy Providers exam.

Clinton CC Creates Wind Turbine Technician Certificate Program

Clinton Community College (NY) has created a new wind turbine service technician certificate program. The certificate is designed to prepare students for careers in wind energy or enhance current employment in the renewable energy industry. The 31-credit program will provide students with a background in industrial electricity and mechanical systems. All credit hours are transferable to the wind energy and turbine technology associate's degree program.

Missouri State U to Offer Geotourism Degree

Missouri State University has announced that it will offer an undergraduate geotourism degree in the fall. The degree combines cultural and environmental geography with community planning, development and tourism. The program will include courses that present a holistic approach to the study of local and global tourism impacts, with the primary focus on enhancing the quality of life of all affected by tourism development. The program was developed in consultation with National Geographic’s Center for Sustainable Destinations.

Southern Methodist U Uses Solar Array for Online Teaching Tool

Southern Methodist University (TX) has installed a 68-panel solar array for demonstration purposes. The university plans to share information learned from the online monitoring system with K-12 students. The online feature allows anyone to monitor the energy produced by the system in real time. Time lapse animation is used to demonstrate how the solar panels absorb the sun and transform it to energy. Graphics on the site allow the user to compare highs and lows in energy production across the days and months since the array was installed. The solar array has generated enough electricity to offset the university’s footprint by 10.7 metric tons.

U Rochester Offers Solar Energy Doctoral Program

The University of Rochester (NY) has created a solar energy doctoral program that will start in the fall. With a $3.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation, the university aims to turn out students with advanced degrees in various disciplines but with similar groundings in science, business and solar energy public policy. The program will enroll six students a year.

Eastern New Mexico U Roswell Begins Renewable Tech Program

Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell will debut a new associate of applied science degree program in renewable energy technology this fall. The curriculum will educate entry-level technicians in clean energy systems including solar, wind, water and geothermal. Students will be introduced to industry energy concepts and trends, and learn the fundamentals of energy systems.

Pennsylvania State U Debuts Energy and Sustainable Policy Degree

Pennsylvania State University has launched an online undergraduate degree in energy and sustainable policy that will start this fall. This program is designed to prepare students for policy making and communications in the renewable energy field. Curriculum will focus on client-stakeholder relations, integrative design and decision making for energy solutions, and business strategies in the energy field.

Portland CC to Offer Green Technology Degree

Portland Community College’s (OR) Civil and Mechanical Engineering Technology program has announced a green technology and sustainability option. Starting this fall, the associate's degree program will provide students with the skills to practice sustainable engineering. Courses will include renewable energy, environmental sociology, environmental quality and an introduction to geographic information systems.

U Rochester Announces Renewable Energy Program

The University of Rochester (NY) is looking to train the next generation of renewable energy experts and entrepreneurs with a new renewable energy program. Funded by a $3.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation, students will receive training in economics, public policy, communications and psychology. The program integrates multidisciplinary research involving several academic departments and students will be exposed to the multicultural and global aspects of renewable energy.

Century College Develops Introductory Solar Energy Design Classes

Century College (MN) and the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society have developed one-day introduction courses for students interested in learning the basics of designing solar photovoltaic and solar hot water heating systems. The college will also offer a half-day course for students interested in exploring renewable energy careers.

Lakeshore Tech College Installs Wind Turbine for Training Opps

Lakeshore Technical College (WI) has installed the campus' second wind turbine. At 120 feet, the 50-kilowatt turbine will provide opportunities for student training and field testing. Regular maintenance of the turbine will be performed by second-year students in the wind energy technology associate's degree program. A third wind turbine is scheduled for installation later this summer.

Mountain State U Introduces Environmental Sustainability Degree

Mountain State University (WV) is offering a new Bachelor of Science in environmental sustainability. The biology-based program integrates a traditional science curriculum with environmental awareness. The program will prepare students for job opportunities in the fields of academics, research, development and implementation of sustainable and green technologies.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U Creates Clean Energy Systems Degree

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL) has announced the addition of a clean energy systems degree to its engineering department. The curriculum will cover turbines, systems that make energy from the heat of the sun, earth and ocean, and systems for storing energy. Students will have the opportunity to take courses and complete projects related to hybrid vehicles, solar lighting, green engineering and eco-friendly aviation. The program is slated for a fall 2010 start.

Owens CC Installs Solar Panels with Students

Students at Owens Community College (OH) received hands-on training with the installation of the college's new solar array. The 1.7-kilowatt array features eight panels and will be used to convert sunlight into electricity for regular operational purposes within the Community Education and Wellness Center. The college's photovoltaic installation program will teach students about photovoltaic systems and theory. Course content includes system sizing and construction, codes and standards, interconnection safety, troubleshooting and maintenance.

Students at U Hawaii-Maui CC Install Solar Panel Grid

University of Hawaii-Maui Community College has debuted a new solar panel grid that was installed by students. The panels were installed over the course of the spring semester by a team of 20 students as part of the college's solar energy technology training program. Another team of electronics and computer engineering students spent two semesters designing the grid. The solar energy system is made up of 84 photovoltaic panels that feed the campus grid. The college estimates electric bill savings of up to $10,000 per year.

Tennessee Technology Center Opens Green Sustainable Energy Campus

Tennessee Technology Center has opened a Green Sustainable Energy Campus that will serve as a training facility for students. The building is powered by solar energy and harvested from an array of solar panels around the building. Students will learn how to install solar panels and how the solar equipment works. After completion of the program, students will have entry-level knowledge of photovoltaic installation.

Messiah College Approves Sustainability Studies Program

Messiah College (PA) has approved an undergraduate sustainability studies program. Students can select from three areas of focus: community and urban development, public policy and sustainable agriculture. Messiah has also partnered with Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies, a fieldwork program, to provide students with opportunities to travel with Messiah faculty for fieldwork.

Temple U Launches Corporate Social Responsibility Minor

Temple University's (PA) Fox School of Business has announced a new minor in corporate social responsibility beginning in fall 2010. The six-course undergraduate program will integrate sustainability into the business curriculum and expand research and community engagement. The minor will require students to complete 120 hours with partners within the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia.

U Texas Arlington Debuts Sustainable Graduate Program

The University of Texas at Arlington has announced a new sustainable studies graduate program. The yearlong curriculum addresses sustainability across a variety of academic and professional disciplines. Some courses will focus on sustainability concepts like the LEED and Energy Star programs. Other courses will look at cost and regulatory issues within green practices, and the psychological and socio-economic dynamics of the cultural paradigm shift to a more conscientious consumption. The program will start in fall 2010.

Marylhurst U Expands Graduate Sustainable Business Program

Marylhurst University (OR) has launched a campus-based version of its online MBA in sustainable business. The graduate business administration program will begin accepting students this fall. Students will take one course at a time during the 18-month program. Students can choose from concentrations in renewable energy and green development.

Oklahoma State U Creates Renewable Energy Program

Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City has announced plans to offer a renewable/sustainable energy associate in applied science degree. Graduates of the program will be prepared to work in a number of different related fields including solar and wind energy systems, geothermal heating and cooling systems, residential energy auditing, and advanced green building systems. The new program will be offered in fall 2010.

South Dakota State U Receives Grants for Green Education

South Dakota State University has received two grants totaling $150,000 from the South Dakota Department of Labor to promote green jobs training in the state. The first grant will fund two courses and a workshop for people starting or advancing their careers in the ethanol and bio-energy industries. The project will also result in LEED certifications. The mechanical engineering department will use the other grant to develop a minor in sustainable energy systems. Both two-year grants will begin on July 1, 2010.

U Texas Arlington Offers Sustainability Minor

The University of Texas at Arlington will offer a minor in sustainability through its School of Urban and Public Affairs beginning fall 2010. The 18-credit interdisciplinary undergraduate program will aid science majors who want to work in environmental science or liberal arts majors who want to explore public policy. A new three-hour core sustainability course will be offered in spring 2011.

Antioch U New England Debuts Resource Mgmt Graduate Degree

Antioch University New England (NH) has begun accepting applications for a new master's degree in resource management and conservation. The four-semester program, which will begin this fall, is tailored to working professionals in the natural and environmental sciences who want to broaden their leadership expertise and expand their career options. Courses take place on Fridays and weekends in a collaborative learning environment focused on socio-economic sustainability.

Antioch U New England Offers Sustainable Dev't Concentration

Antioch University New England (NH) has added a new concentration in sustainable development and climate change to its environmental studies graduate program. Studies include ecological and climate sciences, policy formulation and implementation, resource management, stakeholder participation, and organizational decision making. Applications to the 20-month program are now being accepted for the fall.

Rosemont College Launches Environmental Studies Major

Rosemont College (PA) has added an environmental studies major to its undergraduate curriculum for the fall. The new interdisciplinary degree is designed to prepare students for graduate school or professional work in conservation, preservation, environmental studies, science, and policy.

U Buffalo to Offer Environmental Geosciences Degree

The University at Buffalo (NY) has announced plans for a new undergraduate environmental geosciences degree this fall. Students who choose the interdisciplinary major will study topics ranging from the movement of pollutants in aquifers to the ability of reef corals to respond to climate change. The curriculum aims to prepare students for graduate school or professional work in sustainable resource management, restoration, monitoring and mitigation.

U North Texas Creates International Sustainable Tourism Degree

The University of North Texas School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management has created a new international sustainable tourism graduate degree. The master's degree will offer students an interdisciplinary perspective on sustainability and tourism with one year of study at the University and one year of study in Costa Rica. Courses will include: environmental impact assessments, environmental ethics, sustainable tourism, natural resource management, and environmental policies. The program will begin in the fall of 2010.

West Chester U to Offer Education for Sustainability Certificates

West Chester University's (PA) Professional and Secondary Education department is now offering undergraduate and graduate level education for sustainability certificate programs. The programs develop knowledge, skills, and perspectives in a way that integrates classroom work with outdoor, experiential, and project-based learning. Teachers, community organization leaders, and those interested in sustainability may register.

Frostburg State U Creates Sustainability Studies Minor

Frostburg State University (MD) has created a minor in sustainability studies. The minor is designed to encourage students to explore environmental, economic, and social equity issues relating to sustainability in modern societies. Students will be able to pursue the minor beginning in the fall.

Illinois State U Approves Renewable Energy Degree

Illinois State University has approved a new bachelor’s degree in renewable energy. The degree program is a multi-disciplinary undergraduate major that includes a technical, economics, and public policy sequence. The program will provide an overview of renewable energy industries.

Michigan State U Starts Sustainability Specialization

Michigan State University has announced plans to begin offering an undergraduate specialization in sustainability. The program, which is set to launch this fall, will require 18 credit hours of study, with a core of three required courses and a number of electives.

New Jersey Inst of Tech to Offer Grad Certif in Sustainability

The New Jersey Institute of Technology has announced plans to launch a new 12-credit graduate certificate in sustainability policy and environmental management. Beginning this fall, students will have the option to customize their study plans from a menu of courses that will include sustainability politics and policy, environmental economics and management, environmental communication, environmental law, industrial ecology, and global environmental problems.

Education Corp of America Launches Renewable Energy College

Education Corporation of America has launched the Ecotech Institute, a college entirely focused on preparing graduates for careers in the fields of renewable energy, sustainable design, and energy efficiency. The first campus will be located in Aurora (CO), offering seven associate's degrees and a certificate program for people seeking careers in the emerging cleantech economy. Programs include electrical engineering, energy and environmental paralegal, energy efficiency, environmental technology, renewable energy technology, solar energy technology, sustainable interior design, and wind energy technology.

Gateway Technical College Dedicates Training Propulsion Lab

Gateway Technical College (WI) has dedicated a new Advanced Propulsion Lab. The 12,800-square-foot addition will provide graduates with the opportunity to receive hands-on training, including instruction on green propulsion methods such as hybrid biodiesel and electricity. The lab will consist of four-bay areas. The first bay will be a “green garage” which will use sustainable chemicals and related processes. Another bay will be equipped with torque technology and offer training required for wind industry technicians. Training in other sustainable technologies include learning how to mix biodiesel fuel and learning the intricacies of charging stations for today’s vehicles powered by electricity.

U Wyoming Students Complete Sustainability Projects

Students in a University of Wyoming sustainability class have completed campus sustainability projects. Projects included designing a storage shed on a student farm, creating a system to recycle furniture, installing equipment to reduce energy used by campus vending machines, and conducting research and surveys. The course included students from a wide range of departments.

Washington State U Receives Grant For Clean Energy Courses

Washington State University has received a $2.5 million grant to develop courses to train engineers in clean energy and the smart electric power grid. The University will begin offering courses related to installing a smart grid and producing solar energy, wind energy, and biofuels. The three-year project will allow for the development of an undergraduate certificate, graduate level certificates, and a professional master’s degree in the field of clean energy and smart grid engineering.

Creighton U to Create Renewable Energy Prgm, Install Solar & Wind

Creighton University (NE) has received $1.4 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to begin assembling a solar array and four wind turbines across campus. The solar panel installation, which is expected to produce 110 kW, and the construction of the 30-foot wind turbines will be part of a new degree program that will allow students to study the policy, ethics, and science surrounding alternative energy. Students will have opportunities to research the solar array and assist with construction. An additional $1.2 million will fund the development of the curriculum for the degree program. The electricity generated from the solar panels and the wind turbines will be used in the institution's Lied Education Center.

Maharishi U Mgmt Course Plants Edible Forest on Campus

A Permaculture and Design course at Maharishi University of Management (IA) recently crafted and planted an edible food forest on campus. The students planted raspberries, two Asian pear trees, a hedge of service berries and hazelnuts, two paw paw trees, an elderberry tree, comfrey, Egyptian walking onion, and edible perennial flowers.

U Idaho Expands Sustainable Distance Education

Five faculty members from University of Idaho will receive grants totaling $20,000 from the Sustainable Idaho Strategic Initiative to assist in the development of new online courses related to sustainability. The Sustainable Idaho Strategic Initiative is an interdisciplinary group of faculty, staff, and students whose goal is to infuse sustainability into academic and operational activities at the University of Idaho. Courses will include: The History of Energy, Water-Energy Connections, Principles of Sustainability, and Case Studies in International Environmental Justice. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Wayne State U Approves Electric Car Engineering Programs

Wayne State University (MI) has approved three academic programs to train electric car engineers. The new programs, scheduled to launch in fall 2010, include a bachelor of science in Electric Transportation Technology, a master of science in Electric-Drive Vehicle Engineering, and a graduate certificate program in Electric-Drive Vehicle Engineering, a subset of the master's degree. Students in the programs will learn how to power, put together, design, develop, and promote electric hybrid engines. The new curriculum additions were funded by a $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.

2 US, 2 Canadian Institutions Announce Masters in Sustainability

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation today announced grants totaling $5.6 million to 10 universities in eight countries to establish new Master’s in Development Practice programs. The University of California, Berkeley; the University of California, Davis; the University of Waterloo (ON); and the University of Winnipeg (MB) were the only North American institutions selected. The programs combine training in the natural sciences, social sciences, health sciences, and management to help practitioners address global challenges such as sustainable development, climate change, and extreme poverty. The universities were selected through a competitive process that included reviews by experts outside the Foundation.

Delta College Announces Global Peace Studies Degree Program

Delta College (MI) has announced a new associate's degree and certificate of achievement in global peace studies. The program will cover some of the complex causes of our world’s major issues, such as war, domestic violence, crime, environmental decline, and poverty. Incorporated into the program are internships, service learning, and national/international travel opportunities.

Saint Michael's College Approves Major, Minor in Env'l Studies

The Saint Michael's College (VT) Board of Trustees has approved a new major and minor in environmental studies. The program will focus on the environment from the perspective of the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Students choosing environmental studies as a major will select one of these areas to fulfill specific requirements including a self-designed concentration carried out through a research project.

Student Leaders Submit Letter to Congress for Green Jobs Training

A group of more than 100 university and college student government presidents submitted a letter today urging Congress to launch a national program for clean energy science and engineering education. The presidents – representing more than one million American students –warned Congress that advanced energy education is critical for U.S. leadership in the global clean energy industry. The letter, organized by Americans for Energy Leadership and the Associated Students of Stanford University (CA), calls on Congress to support the RE-ENERGYSE (“Regaining our Energy Science & Engineering Edge”) proposal, which would invest tens of millions of dollars annually in energy science and engineering education programs at universities, technical and community colleges, and K-12 schools. It was originally proposed by President Obama in April 2009 and is currently under consideration in Congress as part of the Department of Energy’s 2011 budget request.

Ecotech Institute Announces College Focused on Renewable Energy

The Education Corporation of America, an owner of private higher education institutions in the U.S., has announced the launch of Ecotech Institute, a college focused entirely on preparing America's workforce for careers in renewable energy and sustainable design. Ecotech Institute launched its first campus in Aurora, Colorado, offering seven associate's degrees and a certificate program for people seeking careers in the emerging cleantech economy. Once its flagship campus is fully established, Ecotech plans to expand across the U.S. to help fuel rapidly-growing industries in the clean energy sector.

Gateway CC Launches Sustainability Studies Certificate

Gateway Community College (CT) has launched a new certificate in sustainability studies. The new professional development courses may be taken together to earn a certificate, or individually. Available courses include sustainable business and economic development, green technologies for the new economy, understanding green employment and living, and home energy savers career awareness program.

U Idaho Launches Grad Prgm in Natural Resources & Env'l Science

The University of Idaho has launched a new Professional Science Master’s program in natural resources and environmental science. The PSM, which is designed for completion in 18 months, combines advanced science and math skills with training in areas like project management, communications, ethics and leadership. Students will enroll in one of nine program tracks related to topics like sustainability science, fire ecology, water resources management and climate change. In addition to this focused science curriculum, students will take a series of transferable skills courses, and complete both an internship and research project to gain hands-on experience applying what they have learned.

U Michigan, Harvard U Profs Awarded for Green Business Curriculum

The University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business has awarded its second annual D. Alfred N. and Lynn Manos Page Prize for Sustainability Issues in Business Curricula. The competition is designed to encourage and support efforts to introduce or substantially upgrade sustainability courses and/or associated coursework into the curriculum of business schools, both nationally and internationally. Dr. Andrew J. Hoffman of the University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business and Dr. Michael W. Toffel and Dr. Forest L. Reinhardt of the Harvard University Business School were each noted as Grand Prize winners. Hoffman's course syllabus, “Green Construction & Design,” was selected for the innovative way in which it examines sustainability from the perspectives of design, construction, and environment. Toffel's and Reinhardt's graduate-level course, “Business and the Environment,” was selected because it represents an exemplary case-based curriculum for educating future business leaders on the impact of environmental considerations on business strategy.

Dept of Energy Announces $100M for Smart Grid Workforce Training

U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has announced that the Department of Energy is announcing award selections for nearly $100 million for 54 smart grid workforce training programs that will help prepare the next generation of workers in the utility and electrical manufacturing industries. These projects will leverage more than $95 million in funding from community colleges, universities, utilities, and manufacturers to develop and implement training programs. The award selections will support two types of workforce training initiatives - developing and enhancing workforce training programs for the electric power sector and smart grid workforce training.