Arizona State U Facility Earns LEED Gold

College Avenue Commons, the newest university building used primarily by the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, features environmental systems monitoring, an orientation that helps minimize the western exposure and adjustable LED lighting. One major goal of the project was to provide a living and learning resource for engineering and construction education.

Drew U Center Claims LEED Silver

The university's newly redesigned Ehinger Center features a renewable energy system, low-emission paint and recycled construction materials. Other features include an indoor composting station, pervious concrete pavers that allow rainwater to be reabsorbed and waterless urinals in the men’s bathroom.

Energy Department Defines Zero Energy Buildings

After leading a stakeholder engagement process over the past year and a half, the Energy Department states a Zero Energy Building is “an energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable exported energy." The findings were released in the recently published A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings.

University Business 'Inside Look: Sustainable Campus Buildings'

The recent article from University Business highlights the upward trend of colleges and universities that incorporate sustainability into new construction and renovations including energy and water efficiency, aesthetics, monitoring systems and learning opportunities for students.

Eastern Connecticut State U Enters $2M Built Environment Agreement

The new $2 million cooperative agreement involving the university's Institute for Sustainable Energy will launch a pilot program called Accelerate Performance that integrates performance-based procurement into new construction or major renovation projects. The initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and includes Seventhwave and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Frostburg State U Building Obtains LEED Gold

The university's newest LEED Gold-certified building utilizes recycled materials, conserves energy and water, manages storm water quality, minimizes the heat island effect and automatically adjusts temperature and lighting to fit the environment outside.

U Alberta Building Incorporates Sustainability Features

The university's Faculty of Engineering is now housed in the most energy-efficient building on campus and is on track to for LEED Gold certification. The new facility integrates many notable sustainable features including fan wall technology, chilled beam technology, motion-sensor lighting and low-flow fixtures. Future plans include installing a 60-kilowatt photovoltaic system.

Santa Fe CC Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The community college's Trades & Advanced Technology Center building boasts solar thermal and photovoltaic rooftop systems, concentrating solar hot water collectors, rainwater catchment for lavatory use, motion-sensing technology with LED lighting, all wood used is FSC-certified, zero use of refrigerants, and bicycle storage and parking spaces for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles.

U Maryland Building Receives LEED and Green Globes Recognition

A new campus building that houses the Department of Building and Landscape Maintenance recently achieved LEED Silver certification and a rating of Three Green Globes from the Green Building Initiative rating system. This is the first University of Maryland building to receive dual recognition from both LEED and Green Globes.

Eastern Washington U Buliding Receives LEED Gold Certification

The university's largest academic building, Patterson Hall, now includes a new glass facade for natural lighting, low maintenance landscaping and low environmental impact materials.

U Alberta Contracts With Green Cleaning Partners

Aligning with the university’s Cleaning for a Healthy U program, the university’s Buildings and Grounds Services recently announced a new primary custodial services business contract, Avmor, Wesclean Equipment & Cleaning Supplies and BeeClean Building Maintenance, to provide environmentally friendly cleaning products and cleaning equipment.

U California Merced Class Helps Certify LEED Buildings

In partnership with the university's Engineering Service Learning course, students will document and certify the campus’ applications for the LEED operations and maintenance program rating system and provide students with the opportunity to take the LEED credentialing examination.

Shippensburg U to Complete New Cooling System

As part of a $30.2 million project to replace the university's outdated heating and cooling systems and reduce its impact on the environment, four new chillers are replacing 24 separate building units to provide more efficient cooling. The new system is anticipated to reduce the overall footprint by eight percent.

U Dayton Builds New Student Green Housing

Over the next two years, $17 million will build and upgrade student housing that will be certified under the National Association of Home Builders Green Building program, including building features such as additional insulation, energy-efficient furnaces and appliances, tankless water heaters and airtight windows.

Northwestern U to Implement Energy Efficient Lighting

After investing over $1.5 million since 2009 on updating lighting controls and adding occupancy sensors across campus, the next step of the university's energy savings initiative is to retrofit outdoor, athletic and theatrical lighting to LED.

Harvard U Building Receives LEED Platinum Certification

The university's Museum of Comparative Zoology was recently renovated to include lighting and temperature control systems, LED lighting and efficient plumbing fixtures.

Elon U Receives 25th LEED Certification

Located in central North Carolina situated on 620 acres, six buildings in the Global Neighborhood on campus recently received U.S. Green Building Council LEED Silver certification. Five are residential and house a total of 600 students.

U District Columbia Completes Food-Producing Rooftop

The new 40,000-square-foot vegetated rooftop that produces food replicates the university's 143-acre research farm by using techniques from its sustainable agriculture certificate program. The rooftop also boasts a stormwater harvesting system to collect rainwater in two 500-gallon cisterns.

U Hawai'i Mānoa Plans for Net Zero Energy

The university continues to add occupied space and decrease energy usage through a focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and evaluating the natural qualities of a piece of land when assessing building design.

U Illinois Urbana-Champaign Institutes Net Zero Growth Space Policy

To halt growth of gross square footage in buildings on the university's campus, a commitment made in the 2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan, the new policy, which went into effect July 1, 2015, is meant to reduce the campus carbon footprint with more efficient space use in future projects and renovations.

Three Universities Receive $600K From Energy Dept

Drexel University, Georgia Tech and University of California, Davis have been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to receive $200,000 each to support building energy efficiency research and development funding, develop partnerships with industry, and improve manufacturing education. More than 50 percent of expenditures in each project will be used to support undergraduate students.

Stanford U Pilots Green Lab Program

The new university Cardinal Green Labs program aims to provide resources specifically tailored for laboratories to help them operate as sustainably as possible. The pilot program is a 30-minute online assessment that identifies how sustainable the lab currently is and points out tips for improvement.

San Diego State U Buildings Earn LEED Certifications

The university's student union received Platinum with a green roof, Forest Stewardship Council certified doors, daylighting, solar panels and rainwater capture and reuse. The recreation center earned a Gold rating after being renovated with photovoltaic panels and high-efficient fluorescent light fixtures.

Williams College Opens Environmental Center

Designed to be a Living Building Challenge (LBC) building, the college's newest structure has office space for faculty and staff, a classroom, study areas, two small conference areas, a commercial kitchen, an outdoor amphitheater, and a number of gardens all related to the LBC's guidelines that stipulate minimal negative impact on human and ecosystem health, and support local manufacturers.

Delta College Health Professions Building Earns LEED Gold Certification

Sustainable design and construction strategies that contributed to the project's LEED Gold Certification included recycling 95 percent of the demolition materials, using low-emitting materials and certified wood, ensuring that more than 20 percent of the materials were harvested and manufactured within 500 miles, and incorporating stepped dimming lighting into all the classrooms.

Cornell U Building Earns LEED Gold

The new 480,000-square-foot research facility features high-efficiency mechanical systems that enable it to consumer 18 percent less energy than a minimally code-compliant structure by employing energy-saving mechanical systems, including a high-efficiency HVAC system, energy conserving heat exchangers, and daylight-responsive lighting controls.

St. Edward's U Buildings Earn Green Rating

St. Edward’s University is happy to report that the Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) program has awarded its 3-star rating certificates to the John Brooks Williams Natural Science Center-South and the UFCU Alumni Gym. These buildings serve as yet another example of the university’s commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Loyola U Chicago Buildings Receive Green Designation

Loyola University Chicago has added five green-certified buildings to its list of high-efficiency constructions across its campuses. The United States Green Building Council recently granted Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) designations to the university buildings, including three Gold certifications.

SUNY ESF Building Receives LEED Platinum

The building features a green roof used as a research and demonstration project, native plant species, solar panels, permeable pavement, rain gardens, and no-mow zones.

Heriot-Watt U Malaysia Opens Green Campus

(Malaysia): The new campus features a green roof, daylighting, a rainwater harvesting system, and an energy-efficient thermal control system.

Simon Fraser U Building Earns LEED Silver

The newly renovated space, certified through the Canada Green Building Council, features 30 percent reduction of potable water use from the baseline buildings, use of recycled lab furniture, and re-use of the existing raised floor system, including in wet labs.

U California Merced Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The university's student housing building, Half Dome, features water-efficient landscaping, a 96 percent construction waste diversion rate, a 48 percent of building materials feature recycled content, and a 98 percent of the building's wood is Forest Stewardship Council-certified.

Antioch College Holds Sustainable Housing Charrette

The college recently gave an open invitation to the campus and surrounding community to provide input on a housing project that will focus on affordability and environmental impact. Located on campus but open to the community to rent or purchase, the connected units will contain renewable energy and water filtration systems.

Ohio U Collaborates on Campus Sustainable Design

A new project will bring together several university offices to brainstorm the best ways to keep university facilities up-to-date on modern, sustainable designs, such as sustainable stormwater runoff and green roof technologies. The main goal of the project, which is on a one-year trial, is to focus on waste management and energy efficiency throughout the construction process, while also maintaining LEED green building certifications.

Western Michigan U Recognized by USGBC

The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council recently recognized the university for energy conservation efforts, recycling and waste reduction programs, and for facilitating cooperative research into green manufacturing practices.

Zane State College Building Achieves LEED Gold

Home to the college's alternative energy program, the building features a wind turbine and photovoltaic panels.

Harvard U Building Receives LEED Gold

The university's Harvard Art Museums features energy-efficient LED lightbulbs, natural lighting, a rainwater recovery system, waterless urinals, and 96 percent of all construction-related waste and debris was diverted from landfills.

Texas A&M U Students Design Green Roof for Renovation

Engineers Serving the Community, a student organization that seeks to improve local communities through engineering, has designed a roof they hope will be incorporated into the renovation of the university's engineering building.

U California Davis Building Claims LEED Platinum

Sustainable features include easy separation for disposing of recyclable products, natural light and views in common areas, high-recycled content in building materials, an energy-efficient mechanical design, and water-efficient sustainable landscaping.

Cornell U Building Earns LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The new addition boasts a vegetative roof, an energy efficient HVAC system and automated building control systems, recycled and regionally-procured materials, and carbon dioxide detectors to circulate fresh air only when the space is occupied.

Washington U St. Louis Completes Green Renovation

(U.S.) The recently completed renovation of the university's Arts & Sciences department features a green roof with native plants and is used as a new green-space learning environment where faculty and students work in experimental garden plots to study the human use of plants.

Washington U St. Louis Building Earns LEED Platinum

The new residential and retail building features solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, rain gardens that treat stormwater, and aluminum sun shades for energy efficiency.

Washington U St. Louis Buildings Achieve LEED Gold

The university's two new buildings are co-located near alternative transportation options and feature an electric vehicle charging station, water bottle refill stations, energy efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and 22 percent of all building materials are recycled while 27 percent are locally sourced from within 500 miles.

Northampton CC Building Accomplishes LEED Gold

The features of the 200,000-square-foot, three-building campus include solar photovoltaic panels, central geothermal heating and cooling system, high efficiency heating and cooling, and lighting systems.

U California Merced Building Receives LEED Platinum

The building includes sun shades and glazing to reduce heat gain, roofing material to deflect heat rather than absorb, low-flow faucets, shower heads, irrigation and restroom facilities, drought-tolerant and native landscaping, and construction waste diversion of 82 percent.

Arizona State U Building Achieves LEED Gold

(U.S.): The building's features include daylighting, Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood, high efficiency LED lighting, occupancy sensors, native plants and a 297-panel photovoltaic installation.

Cosumnes River College Building Earns LEED Platinum

The buildings' features include solar panels, skylights, a water-efficient irrigation system, drought-resistant plant species, on-site rainwater harvesting, radiant floor heating and cooling, and lighting occupancy sensors.

Swarthmore College Completes Green Building

The college's new 21,000-square foot fitness, wellness and theater space was finished and appointed with many of the old materials from the original structure and college-owned stone that had been piled in nearby woods. Other features include stormwater runoff remediation, green spaces, and heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting controls that work with the time of day and occupancy.

U Pennsylvania Commits to LEED Construction

In keeping with the guidelines established under the university's Climate Action Plan 2.0, the university announced that all of the school’s new buildings will seek LEED Silver certification.

Weston College Offers Educational Eco House

(U.K.): The custom-made house is used to train construction workers in sustainable building techniques and features solar panels and a rainwater capture system for flushing toilets.