Texas State U Partners on Resource Efficiency

Under a recent memorandum with a private company, the partnership will collaborate to improve operation and management of social infrastructure such as water conservation and preservation.

U Maryland Completes Sustainable Residence Hall

The new 462-bed dormitory features gender-neutral bathrooms on every floor and energy-efficient amenities.

Hampshire College to Open Living Building

Built to Living Building Challenge requirements, the college's new building, slated to open in November, will have a 100-kilowatt photovoltaic array, high-efficiency windows and a rainwater collection system. The Living Building Challenge, a program of the Living Future Institute, is a building certification program, advocacy tool and philosophy that defines advanced measures of sustainability in the built environment and acts to rapidly diminish the gap between current limits and end-game positive solutions.

Onondaga CC Buildings Earn LEED Gold

The university's music hall was designed with natural daylighting, reduced energy consumption, water saving fixtures, and about 10 percent of the building materials came from less than 500 miles away. The second building, an arena and events center, features reduced water consumption, landscape design requiring zero irrigation, reduced energy consumption and 33 percent of the building materials are made from recycled content.

Australian Catholic U Brisbane to Open Green Building

(Australia): Designed to improve the health and well-being of occupants and to support productivity and work performance, the building will feature energy and water efficiency elements, attention to waste management, and natural lighting.

Heriot-Watt U Malaysia Opens Sustainable Building

(Malaysia): The new building features an accessible green roof, natural daylight throughout, a rainwater harvesting system and energy-efficient HVAC systems.

Manhattan College Constructs New Green Building

(U.S.): The new 70,000-square-foot building features a green roof, regional materials and recycled content, high-efficiency and occupancy-based lighting, and low-flow bathroom fixtures.

Middlebury College Building Earns LEED Platinum

The campus' new athletic center addition features natural light, an energy-efficient heating, ventilation and air condition system, low-emitting construction materials for indoor air quality, a green roof and a rooftop solar array.

Portland State U Building Attains LEED Platinum

The university's recently completed Collaborative Life Sciences building features natural light, communal spaces, green roofs, stormwater collection and energy-efficient lighting.

Indiana U South Bend Building Earns LEED Silver

The Education and Arts building was recently renovated and awarded certification through elements such as using natural resources when designing the space. This renovation promotes environmental awareness to students.

U Utah Recognized for Energy Efficiency Leadership

The Department of Energy recently recognized the university in its Better Building Challenge for its work toward reducing energy use by 20 percent by 2020. This goal is achieved through building upgrades and renovations to save money, reduce energy consumption and cut waste. One major upgrade included the heating and cooling system at its Dumke Health Professions Education Building that, upon completion, reduced the environmental impact.

Western Michigan U Building Earns LEED Silver

The university's Lee Honors College building received this environmentally friendly status due to renovations that include low-plumbing fixtures to reduce water use and native plant species added to the landscape that reduced irrigation water usage by 69 percent.

Bowling Green State U Building Earns LEED Gold

The university's dining service building received LEED certification due to 75 percent of the construction waste being recycled, all building materials used were purchased within a 500-mile radius, Ohio barn wood was utilized throughout and the construction used less structural steel.

Concordia U Students Design Energy-Efficient Building

(Canada): University students participated in an intensive nine-day, post grad course this past summer that focused on net-zero energy buildings and completed designs to promote energy efficiency.

Lady Doak College to Build Eco-Friendly Satellite Campus

(India): In three years the college aims to open a campus that will be 100 percent water efficient and promote clean energy toward their goal of becoming a zero-waste institution.

Binghamton U to Build Smart Energy Research Building

Construction began this past August for a new building that will allow students and faculty to conduct research into renewable energy at the unversity.

North Carolina State U Building Earns LEED Silver

The university's Yarbough Steam Plant recently earned LEED silver after a renovation that included the replacement of boilers, new insulation and updated ventilation.

U Illinois Chicago Building Earns LEED Gold

The university's Mile Square Health Center earned certification due to aspects that include a green roof, high-efficiency flush fixtures and low-VOC carpet, paint and furniture to reduce chemicals and improve air quality.

Southern Oregon U Sells Carbon Credits

In an effort to reduce the university’s carbon footprint at a rate of 10 percent by 2020 and 100 percent by 2050, carbon credits from a campus LEED building are being sold to Chevrolet in order to receive funding that will boost green building practices.

George Washington U Building Earns LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The building incorporates natural lighting with floor to ceiling windows, lighting controls, a green roof, recycled and renewable building materials, yoga and meditation rooms, desks that can be converted into standing workstations, and bike racks inside and outside the building.

Northern Arizona U Building Achieves LEED Gold

(U.S.): Recent renovations of the Liberal Arts building at the university included a 75 percent diversion of construction waste from landfills, a reduction of water usage by 30 percent, and lighting controls for more responsible use of energy.

Dickinson College Building Earns LEED Gold

The college opened their fifth LEED Gold building this month that features storm-water management, innovative light structure and natural ventilation with reversible fans.

Roane State CC Opens Green Buildings

The college completed construction of two new buildings this past March, built with LEED certification in mind, with features such as daylighting, motion and daylight sensors, geothermal heating and cooling, and indoor water use reduction.

Simon Fraser U Opens Green Labs and Offices

As part of the university’s goal to reduce energy consumption by 2 percent each year, a new campus-wide engagement program allows labs and offices to receive a toolkit that includes resources whereby points tally toward certification. During its pilot program the trial building reduced energy consumption equal to power for 30 households and heat to 20 households for one year.

North Carolina State U Receives APPA Sustainability Award

Designed to recognize leadership and sustainability advancements in facilities, this Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA) award, announced in August 2014, honors the university for maintenance and operations, energy and utility use, and planning and construction.

U Pennsylvania Buildings Receive LEED Gold

The university's new nanotechnology science building features high-efficiency mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment for public spaces, 90 percent waste diversion of construction material, natural light, low volatile compound emitting interior finish materials, two green roofs and outside public community spaces. The second certified space, an addition, includes green roofs and community common areas.

U Iowa Installs Green Roof

Located on the university's Health Science Campus, the sedum-covered roof acts as a rainwater retention feature, reducing runoff impacts to the watershed, and assists in energy conservation through reducing heating and cooling load.

Western Michigan Building Earns LEED Gold

The new 230,000-square-foot building features on-site storm water retention, 975 rooftop solar panels with a 1/4 megawatt annual output suppling at times more than the building's use, energy-efficient lighting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and a green roof.

Western Michigan U Building Awarded LEED Silver

The university's new climate-controlled Archives and Regional History Collections facility features ground-source heating and cooling, LED lighting, an underground stormwater retention system and water-efficient plumbing fixtures.

Northern Arizona U Building Earns LEED Gold

The new designation was recently given to the university's 272,000-square-foot Health and Learning Center, which houses a recreation facility, health services and flexible classroom space.

Kishwaukee College Student Center Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): The new building features natural daylighting, a geothermal system, sustainable materials and low-volatile organic compound paints.

U Albany Building Achieves LEED Gold

(U.S.): The new building features a geothermal heating and air conditioning system, energy efficient windows and doors, recycled and locally-sourced materials, rain gardens and permeable pavement.

U Northern British Columbia Building Receives Top CaGBC Honor

(Canada): Canada's Green Building Council Awards recently presented the university with the honor for its Bioenergy Plant, which is LEED Platinum and employs biomass gasification technology.

Coe College to Perform Energy Retrofit Project

(U.S.): The new project aims to reduce the environmental impact of the 20-building campus through implementation of a number of HVAC improvements, high-efficiency lighting and occupancy sensors, weatherization improvements to reduce the loss of conditioned air, and new plumbing fixtures to cut water waste.

Instituto Superior Técnico Wins International Award

(Portugal): Instituto Superior Téchnico recently received the 2014 International Energy Project Award of the Year from the Association of Energy Engineers. The project Sustainable Campus at Técnico was developed under the school's Energy Initiative and aims to exchange ideas, information and good practices to ensure the sustainability on the university campus.

U Buffalo Building Earns LEED Gold

The newly completed building houses the university's Educational Opportunity Center, which provides a range of tuition-free remedial, vocational and academic programs that help prepare students for college and careers.

U Colorado Boulder Buildings Achieve LEED Gold

The two buildings feature low-flow plumbing, efficient lighting, efficient heating and cooling systems, energy efficient windows, and power outlets in the student rooms that cut off electricity when rooms are unoccupied. Approximately 80 percent of all of the construction waste from the buildings was diverted from landfills.

Southern Oregon U Gains LEED Gold Building

The new residential and dining complex features solar water heating and photovoltaic electricity generation, water-conserving plumbing fixtures, lighting sensors, reduced on-site parking and non-potable water for landscaping.

U Maryland Building Attains LEED Silver

The science and research building features daylighting, energy-efficient lighting and fixtures, materials including rapidly-renewing sources or recycled content, reduced water use, a green roof, and bioremediation of water runoff.

Colorado State U Celebrates Energy Research Building Opening

(U.S.): The recently completed 100,000 square-foot Powerhouse Energy Campus, associated with 13 research centers across campus, features a greenhouse for biofuel feedstock development and an algae photobioreactor, rooftop solar arrays generating 20 kilowatts of electricity, a passive air conditioning system, energy efficient windows and LED lights.

HKUST Buildings Receive BEAM Gold Award

(Hong Kong): Two residential buildings of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, awarded the Building Environmental Assessment Method Eco Building honor, feature energy efficient elevators, occupancy sensors, water-saving devices, green rooftops, solar panels, and recycled glass paving blocks.

U Maryland Uses Moss to Clean Pool

In an effort to reduce the amount of chemicals used to clean the university's pool, sphagnum moss aids in the cleaning process by stabilizing the pH, which makes the chlorine more effective.

Penn State Transitions to Soy-Based Elevator Fluid

In order to lessen the environmental damage and costs associated with leaks, the university has installed the new hydraulic fluid in all campus hydraulic elevators.

Arizona State U Building Receives LEED Gold

The university's fitness complex features a solar pool heater and solar panels, and achieved a high number of points toward energy efficiency from design including a breezeway that was designed to funnel air to remove heat and provide shade.

U Dayton Building Receives LEED Gold

The building features recycled and low volatile organic compound materials, over 90 percent landfill waste diversion, and water-efficient landscaping.

Boston U Residential Building Receives LEED Gold

The new building features bus and bike options, indoor and outdoor bike storage, a green roof, low-flow water faucets, day-lighting and recycling options.

UC Riverside Renovation Receives LEED Silver

Meeting the new University of California policy that all new construction or major renovations earn a LEED Silver certification or higher, the building features light-colored roof to reflect heat, low-wattage fluorescent lighting, drought-resistant landscaping, low volatile organic compounds in paints, adhesives and cleaning supplies, and during construction, a waste diversion rate of 95 percent.

U Maryland Distributes Indoor Plants for Air Quality

(United States): Representatives from the university's Green Office program recently received plants grown by students in the Institute of Applied Agriculture for their offices to help create a healthier workplace.

Arizona State U Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The university's Health Services Building renovation features solar electric panels, recycled materials and sustainable design and construction in both interior spaces and exterior landscaping.

U North Carolina Charlotte Receives BBI Green Globes

The university's Belk Hall recently achieved the two-globe rating from the Green Building Initiative's Green Globes for New Construction program, a program used to certify a building's environmental performance. The building's features include a reflective roof, energy efficient windows, occupancy sensors, and regionally-appropriate landscaping to reduce water use.