Medical U of South Carolina Receives LEED Gold

The building’s features include occupancy sensors, lighting controls, high value insulation and reflective roof, window and building overhangs and water saving fixtures.

U Minnesota Opens New Sustainable Housing

Intentionally designed to foster community among residents, features of the new 17th Avenue Hall include regional and renewable materials, a Fresh Food Company restaurant, a greywater system, a green roof and Energy Star certified equipment.

Prescott College Housing Project Awarded LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The Village’s sustainable features include a photovoltaic array that creates a net zero energy building, high-efficiency design, LED lighting, use of recycled materials, designated parking for low emissions or carpool vehicles, native landscaping and riparian habitat restoration.

SUNY College at Old Westbury Building Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): The first new academic facility constructed at the college since 1985, sustainable features include natural light, efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, stormwater infiltration, native landscaping and a reflective roof. Approximately 43 percent of the materials were sourced regionally.

U California Merced Building Received LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The Social Sciences and Management building is the university’s 11th LEED certified building. The building adheres to the school’s Triple Net Zero Commitment, meaning that it consumes zero net energy, produces zero landfill waste, and produces zero net greenhouse gas emissions.

Stanford U Achieves LEED Platinum for Existing Building

The university’s Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building incorporates efficient water and energy performance, reduced waste and promotion of alternative transportation. This is the first LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) certification for the university.

Burlington County College Renovation Awarded LEED Silver

The restoration and adaptive reuse of the college's historic Culinary Arts Center includes water-saving plumbing fixtures, recycled and regionally-produced finish materials, a reflective-coated roof, water-efficient landscaping, photovoltaic solar panels, and minimal parking capacity to encourage carpooling and public transportation.

Elon U Residence Halls Earn LEED Gold Certification

(U.S.): Sustainable features include preferred parking spaces for low-emitting vehicles, a stormwater management plan, geothermal system and a building dashboard for monitoring real-time energy consumption.

U Melbourne on Track for Green Star – Communities Rating

(Australia): The university has committed to achieving Green Building Council of Australia's rating for its Parkville Campus. All new buildings will have a minimum rating design target of 5 Star Green Star, and all major building upgrades will need to achieve 4 Star Green Star.

2 North Carolina State U Buildings Earn LEED Certification

Receiving LEED Silver certification, the university's James B. Hunt Jr. Library features a green roof to assist with rainwater runoff, solar thermal panels and a robotic book retrieval system that enables the library to be 40 percent smaller. The Eastern 4H Center, which earned LEED Gold certification, includes insulation made from recycled denim, recycled ceramic tile, concrete exterior panels, a rain garden and bamboo flooring.

U North Carolina Greensboro Quad Renovation Earns LEED Gold

The renovated collection of residence halls features water-efficient landscaping, common-area lighting sensors, and low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints, carpets and other flooring materials.

Harvard U Housing Project Achieves LEED Platinum

The newly renovated Graduate Common Area maximizes daylight and incorporates efficient LED lighting. Twenty-seven percent of the project’s construction materials were manufactured within 500 miles.

Historic Harvard U House Awarded LEED Gold

Originally constructed in 1807, the university's Fay House at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study now features ground source heat pumps to provide building heating and cooling and LED lighting. Eighty-seven percent of the existing structural walls, floors, and roof were preserved including the restoration of the wood windows and original hardwood floors.

U Wisconsin-Oshkosh Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

Horizon Village features a green roof, a geothermal ground-source heat pump for heating and cooling, geothermal hot water production and a designated area for interior bicycle storage. Additionally, the limestone façade from the building formerly on site was recycled for reuse in the fireplace surround in the student lounge.

Indiana U-Purdue U Indianapolis Building Earns LEED Gold

The university's Glick Eye Institute features energy-efficient lighting and heat recovery systems, reduced-flow toilets and sinks, native landscaping, occupancy and air-monitoring systems, and a small rain garden feature and detention structure for irrigation through a drip distribution system.

Jamestown CC Science Center Achieves LEED Gold

Sustainable features include a rainwater harvesting system, vegetated roof garden, sun tunnels, water-permeable pathways, demonstration photovoltaic solar array and a geothermal well system. About 40 percent of the project area is a wetland meadow/habitat restoration space.

Central U Jharkhand Receives National Green Rating

(India): Currently being constructed on 500 acres, the university has received a five-star Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA), the national rating for environmentally friendly buildings.

Dickinson College Earns 4th LEED Gold Certification

The renovation of the college's Waidner Admissions House includes water-efficient landscaping, low-emitting materials, stormwater management and green cleaning initiatives.

U California Davis Opens Net Zero Winery

The one-story, 8,500 square-foot building will eventually house equipment and systems for capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide from wine fermentation, and for filtering and recirculating water for wine, beer and food processing. Made possible by a $3 million pledge from the late Jess Jackson and his wife, Barbara Banke, of Jackson Family Wines, the winery is expected to be certified Net Zero Energy under the Living Building Challenge.

U Iowa College of Public Health Earns LEED Platinum

Sustainability features include reflective roofing, natural lighting, storm drainage that uses vegetation and landscaping rather than curbs and gutters, low maintenance and zero irrigation landscape design, waste reduction and recycling practices, occupancy sensors in offices and other common areas to provide lighting as needed, proximity to public transportation routes, and water use reduction through low-flow plumbing.

UC Davis Earns 5th LEED Platinum Certification

The university's new Student Community Center features low-flow water fixtures, hydration stations, high-efficiency lighting, a lawn-less landscape of drought-tolerant plants and permeable paving, and computers powered partly by solar energy. During construction, students from the campus Waste Reduction and Recycling program developed a job-site composting program, and builders also donated scrap materials to the university’s student-run Aggie ReUse Store.

U Utah Residence Hall Receives LEED Gold

The residence hall's high-efficiency heating and cooling systems, heat recovery system, occupancy sensors, and natural day lighting and ventilation have exceeded minimum efficiency standards by more than 30 percent with $55,000 in annual energy savings.

McGill U Launches Green Building Analysis Tool

The Material Analysis Tool, available to the public, is designed to help university staff and contractors select more environmentally friendly materials for new construction and renovation projects. The online ranking system considers manufacturer certification, durability, health impacts, rapidly renewable content, recycled content, recyclability and region of manufacture and extraction.

Harvard U Gutman Library Renovation Achieves LEED Platinum

Ninety-six percent of the construction waste during the renovation of the Harvard Graduate School of Education library was diverted from landfill, and the renovation achieved a 36 percent reduction in annual water use.

Loyola Chicago Nursing School Earns LEED Gold

The building features radiant heating and cooling systems, natural ventilation and high-efficiency glazing. Ninety-percent of the building needs no artificial light during the day.

Texas State U San Marcos Housing Complex Earns LEED Gold

The first LEED Gold certification for the Texas State University System was awarded for features including light occupancy sensors and a 40,000-gallon tank that collects condensation from the air-conditioning system and rain run-off to irrigate the three acres of native landscaping surrounding the complex. More than 30 percent of the building materials contain recycled content and more than 35 percent are from regional sources.

College of Saint Benedict Townhomes Earn LEED Platinum

The university is celebrating its first LEED certification with Centennial Commons, a 125-person student housing development. The complex includes high-efficiency windows and furnaces, natural daylight harvesting, on-demand water heaters, low-flow plumbing and exterior LED light fixtures. The university's Residential Life, Facilities and Office of Sustainability have partnered to develop an education program for residents that includes water, gas and electricity usage reports for each apartment.

Harvard U’s Fay House Renovation Achieves LEED Gold

The building incorporates passive solar design, occupancy sensors, and powers down appliances when not in use.

U Hong Kong Centennial Campus Earns LEED Platinum

(China): Sustainable features include the careful positioning of buildings to capture natural light, breezes and storm water; solar panels and wind turbines for electricity generation and demonstration purposes; green roofs and sky gardens; and greywater and stormwater treatment.

U Iowa Renovation of Stuit Hall Earns LEED Gold

The building incorporates passive solar design, a rain garden to capture storm water from the roof, occupancy sensors to control electric lights, new insulation and windows, low-VOC and formaldehyde-free products, energy-efficient mechanicals, and recycling storage and collection centers on every floor.

Rochester IT Debuts Green Education and Research Hub

The institute has opened its new Sustainability Institute Hall, a living lab that represents RIT’s commitment to the environment. The 84,000-square-foot facility was designed to exceed LEED Platinum standards and features solar panels, vertical wind turbines, and specialized research areas that include the Staples Sustainable Innovation Lab, Eco-IT test bed and a fuel cell test bed.

U Buffalo Davis Hall Achieves LEED Gold

Among the hall’s eco-friendly features are an outdoor plaza that includes water-efficient landscaping and methods to capture stormwater, a small green roof, bicycle racks, the use of recycled building materials, and energy-efficient heating, cooling and ventilation systems.

U Oregon Sports Arena Earns LEED Gold

The 400,000-square-foot Matthew Knight Arena features bike-friendly enhancements, recycled and regional building materials, and water efficiency measures that include a 50 percent reduction in water used for landscaping and a 30 percent reduction in building water use.

U Calgary EEEL Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The Energy. Environment. Experiential. Learning (EEEL) building uses 78 percent less energy than a conventional laboratory building. It features vertical green sunshades that move throughout the day to reduce glare and solar heat gain, concrete “Earth Tubes” that run air underground to the main lecture theatre to regulate temperature, and captured rain water mixed with recycled process water for graywater use.

Vanderbilt U Commons Center Earns LEED Gold

The Commons Center is the thirteenth certified project on campus and features locally sourced and manufactured building materials and low-flow plumbing fixtures. Additionally, an innovative green housekeeping was implemented and low-vapor emitting materials were used during construction.

Salem State U Residence Hall Achieves LEED Gold

Marsh Hall’s sustainable features include solar panels, green roofs, low-flow plumbing and a vegetated swale water-reclamation system.

Youngstown State U College of Business Building Earns LEED Gold

The university’s Williamson College of Business Administration features passive solar design, low-flow plumbing and a ventilation system that allows for 30 percent more airflow through the building.

New Mexico State U Barnes & Noble Awarded LEED Gold

Sustainable features include highly efficient mechanical, electrical and water systems, connectivity to the community, efficient lighting, systems to lower greenhouse gases and xeriscaping.

U Iowa Dental Science Building Addition Earns LEED Gold

The 33,754-square-foot addition features collection and storage areas for recyclable materials, energy cost savings of 41 percent above standard building codes, and wood-based materials harvested from Forest Stewardship Council certified forests.

U La Verne Residence Hall Achieves First LEED Gold

Vista La Verne, a campus residence hall, has earned the university’s first LEED Gold certification. Sustainable features include a reflective roof, low-flow plumbing, preferred parking for energy efficient vehicles and a covered bike shelter.

U Minnesota Duluth Residence Hall Awarded LEED Silver

The Lawrence A. Ianni residence hall features energy efficient windows, substantial insulation, low-flow plumbing, irrigation reduction, and occupancy sensors.

Duke U Adds 2 New LEED Certifications

The Duke Cancer Center and Chilled Water Plant #2 have been awarded LEED Gold certification. Along with bike racks and showers for bicycle commuters, the Cancer Center also features a rooftop garden, large windows to allow for natural lighting and occupancy sensors. The chiller plant is able to capture water condensate on the roof and store it for for the building's cooling towers.

Rochester IT Debuts Living Wall, Fuel Cell Power Unit

The institute has installed a green wall and a fuel-cell power unit at the new building for Goslisano Institute for Sustainability. The green wall spans 8 feet wide and 38 feet tall, containing 1,776 green plants that contribute to air quality as well as aesthetics. The fuel cell will produce 400 kilowatts of continuous electric power and will serve as the building’s primary energy source.

Colgate U Fitness Center Awarded LEED Gold

The university’s Trudy Fitness Center features passive solar design, a reflective white roof, and landscaping that does not require an irrigation system. Twenty percent of construction materials were locally sourced and 89 percent of construction waste was diverted from landfills.

Elon U Station at Mill Point Achieves LEED Silver

The environmentally responsible Station at Mill Point residence hall has achieved LEED Silver certification.

North Lake College Student Life Center Earns LEED Silver

Sustainable features include low-flow plumbing, campus-wide alternative transportation strategies, and exterior view optimization to increase occupant wellness and reduce electrical lighting demand.

Salem State U Residence Hall Achieves LEED Gold

Marsh Hall features solar panels on green roofs, low-flow plumbing, use of recycled materials and a vegetated swale water system.

Wesleyan U Renovation Achieves LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The renovation of the multi-purpose academic building features a 2,500 square foot green roof, low-flow plumbing, triple glazing on windows, and over 52 percent of the total wood-based building materials that were harvested from FSC-certified forests.

Western Michigan U Chemistry Building Earns LEED Silver

(U.S.): The Chemistry Building features an integrated stormwater retention system, underground service tunnel that preserves green space, and energy-efficient lighting.

Elon U Francis Center Earns LEED Silver

The renovations of the Gerald L. Francis Center incorporated 95 percent of existing structural elements, included the use of sustainably harvested wood, and resulted in a 96 percent diversion rate for construction waste. The center is the tenth LEED-certified building on campus.