Rice U Announces 2030 Carbon Neutrality Plans

The university's recently announced plans for carbon neutrality by 2030 include sustainability goals related to the institution's endowment, campus operations and curriculum, research, and student leadership.

U Indonesia Publishes GreenMetric World University Rankings

Universitas Indonesia has published the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2021, which are based on 6 dimensions of sustainability: setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation and education. Wageningen University & Research was ranked first among the 956 universities from 80 countries that submitted data.

U Southern California Sets 2025 Carbon Neutral Date

The university is now aiming for a carbon neutral date of 2025 through efforts such as building upgrades, reducing energy waste and switching to electric vehicles.

AASHE Announces 2021 Sustainability Award Winners

AASHE recently celebrated 12 winners selected from over 360 applications submitted into the 2021 Sustainability Awards program. Catawba College won the inaugural Racial Equity and Sustainability Collaborations Award. David Shi was selected as the fourth Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Other categories of awards were Campus Sustainability Achievement (three winners), Student Sustainability Leadership (one winner), and Campus Sustainability Research (six winners). There were 50 finalists across all categories.

Georgia Tech Hires Inaugural VP for Infrastructure & Sustainability

The university recently announced Maria Cimilluca as the inaugural vice president for Infrastructure and Sustainability (I&S). Under Cimilluca’s leadership, the newly created unit will continue to evolve and improve Georgia Tech’s physical environment, which spans more than 400 acres in midtown Atlanta. This role is responsible for leading the institute’s campus sustainability plans as well as the design, planning and operations of the campus infrastructure.