Bowling Green State U Rolls Out Campaign to Reduce Food Waste

The university Dining Services and Campus Sustainability Committee began a new program called Project Clean Plate, which educates students on the importance of not wasting food at its all-you-can-eat dining facilities.

Duke U Builds Cardboard Structure to Conceptualize Waste

Reusing boxes from the recent student move-in, Sustainable Duke, Duke Arts Festival, and Duke Sanitation and Recycling Services collaborated on Fort Duke to break the world record and enable students to visualize the move-in waste stream.

Oklahoma State U Announces Coordinated Recycling Effort

The campus community now has a new campus-wide comprehensive recycling program called OSU Recycles, which will work to educate campus about what can be recycled and where.

West Virginia U Implements Single Stream Recycling

In an effort to decrease its waste stream and increase revenue, the university's decision to deploy single stream recycling helps simplify the process of recycling for campus members.

Emory U Partners for Textile Recycling

(U.S.): Reducing its waste load and carbon footprint, the university's new partnership with re:loom allows old uniforms to be remade into new products. In summer 2013, the university donated over 100 pounds of custodial uniforms and 300 pounds of athletic uniforms to the service.

Illinois Wesleyan U Implements Single Stream Recycling

(U.S.): Furthering the institution's commitment to sustainability, the new recycling system is meant to lessen people's anxiety and annoyance over spending time sorting materials.

St. Olaf College Students Open Thrift Shop

(U.S.): Attempting to connect the dots between what students purchase and what they discard, the newly opened thrift shop collects unwanted items from the end-of-year on-campus move out. Proceeds from the store support environmental projects on campus and local organizations.

Virginia Tech Expands Use of Reusable To-Go Containers

(U.S.): Due to students' dissatisfaction with Styrofoam, the university's West End market is offering a $12, year-long membership program, which gives students three containers at any given time.

Indiana U Bloomington Starts Composting Program

Continuing to increase waste diversion, the university has partnered with the Local Growers Guild to allow for the collection of pre-consumer food waste for off-campus composting.

U Arkansas Little Rock Installs Bottle Fill Station

In an effort fulfill the university Sustainability Committee’s mission to conserve resources and protect the environment, the Donaghey Student Center’s new water bottle filling stations help reduce the school’s waste stream. In the first two weeks over 400 bottles were filled.

Auburn U Begins Move-In Recycling Program

With the help of staff volunteers, the newly introduced recycling program Move-in Mania enables students living on campus to recycle cardboard, #1 & #2 plastic and aluminum and steel cans. Of the 77 tons of material collected, 15 tons were cardboard.

Franklin & Marshall College Implements Waste Reduction Measures

As part of its sustainability plan, the college has installed 22 water bottle filling stations, discontinued the sale of single-use water bottles at campus dining facilities, distributed 2,500 reusable bottles to all students, implemented single stream recycling, and deployed two solar trash compactors.

Georgia College & State U Transitions to Single Stream Recycling

In a recent transition from a student-run initiative to a college-owned program, the newly adopted recycling initiative replaces all trash cans with single stream recycling bins.

U Florida Athletic Stadium to Offer Composting

In line with its zero waste commitment, the university’s Ben Hill Griffin Stadium will offer composting and recycling, whereas previously only waste and recycling were offered. Labeling and increased staffing will help to eliminate contamination of either waste stream.

U Oregon Athletic Stadium Captures Oil for Biodiesel

The university’s athletic department recently made a deal with an alumni-founded local biodiesel manufacturer to capture its used vegetable fryer oil on game days.

Elmhurst College Hosts No Waste Lunch

Promoting green lifestyles to the incoming freshman class, the college’s no waste lunch efforts included compostable napkins, plates and silverware, and a team of volunteers to person the waste receptacles.

U Adelaide Feeds Community from Surplus Ingredients

(Australia): Partnering with OzHarvest Food Rescue, the Office of Sustainability recently fed more than 500 campus community and general public members with campus food that would have otherwise been thrown away.

Wesleyan U Admissions Goes Paperless

(U.S.): With this newly implemented paperless application system, applicants are able to submit all application materials and set up interviews online.

Western Illinois U Deploys Water Bottle Filling Stations

(U.S.): New this fall, the campus community can refill water bottles at six working stations, and by the end of the academic year, an additional 14 across campus. Since the installation of the initial stations, an estimated 77,200 16-ounce bottles have been diverted from the landfill.

Benedictine U Receives $46K for Food Composting

Made possible through a Food Scrap Composting Revitalization and Advancement Program grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the new composting project is expected to divert 105,000 pounds of waste per year. Managed by student workers, the food scrap diversion program will collect organic waste from the Lisle campus cafeteria.

U Kansas Launches Athletic Waste Diversion Program

In partnership with Rock Chalk Recycle, KU Recycling will introduce a waste diversion program that includes recycling and composting at all university home athletic events.

Vancouver CC Diverts 1K+ Gallons Waste from Landfills Per Week

Through its new recycling program, the university sends campus food scraps and expired products to a local ranch to be turned into compost.

North Carolina State U Donates, Diverts Unwanted Move-Out Items

(U.S.): Twenty-six thousand pounds of reusable items left behind during the student move-out from residence halls was recently donated to local nonprofits and 47,500 pounds of material recycled.

Elmhurst College Receives $28K Composting Grant

Awarded by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s Food Scrap Composting Grant Program, the funding will allow the college to purchase a grinder that will help divert up to 900 gallons of compostable material and food scraps from the landfill per week.

U New Hampshire Student Turns Recycling Prgm into Nat'l Nonprofit

The launch of a new nonprofit, PLAN: The Post-Landfill Action Network, is a national expansion of the university's student-led Trash 2 Treasure program, which to date has salvaged more than 100 tons of usable materials, recycled over 2,000 electronics, and donated more than five tons of food and clothing to local shelters. Trash 2 Treasure co-founder and recent graduate Alex Fried founded PLAN to work with student groups, administrators and sustainability offices to reduce campus waste nationwide.

U Wisconsin-Oshkosh Breaks Ground on $7M Biodigester Facility

Funded by the UW Oshkosh Foundation, the new biogas production facility at the state’s largest dairy farm will be able to generate 1.4 megawatts of electricity using livestock waste to generate, capture and combust methane. The biodigester will also be used by the university's environmental science, microbiology and sociology students as an off-campus laboratory.

York U Students Divert Nearly 27K Pounds of Waste from Landfill

The FreeStuff tables set up in each undergraduate residence during April and early May, where students were able to swap unwanted items, helped saved nearly 27,000 pounds of waste from the landfill this year. At the end of the move-out period, leftover items were donated to a local charity.

Carleton College Move Out Sale Raises $30K for Local Nonprofits

Community volunteers helped keep unwanted student items out of the landfills, sorting and organizing clothing, kitchen items, mini fridges, printers, bedding, books, and mirrors for the recent "Lighten Up" sale. After raising $30,000 for local nonprofits, the remaining items were donated to the Salvation Army or sent to electronics recycling.

Babson College Launches Pilot Food Waste Diversion Program

(U.S.): The joint initiative between Facilities Management, Sustainability Office and Sodexo Campus Services is expected to divert 1-2 tons per week of food waste produced by one campus dining hall from the landfill. Food waste will now be taken to local farms to be composted into soil. The college plans to expand the initiative to collect pre-consumer scraps from kitchen work stations and eventually collect post-consumer food waste.

Boston U 'Project Robinhood' Reduces Campus e-Waste

(U.S.): Since starting the initiative in March of 2013, IT staff Aaron Freed and Benny Soto have kept 20 computers from the landfill by refurbishing them for researchers in need. Freed and Soto haul the old computers back to their workstations with a "TRecycle," a three-wheeled vehicle built out of an old bicycle, scrap lumber and a wheel from a flea market.

Lehigh U Move Out Drive Raises $16K for Community Engagement

(U.S.): Volunteers recently helped keep items left behind by students from the the landfill by sorting and pricing them for sale. The funds raised from the initiative will support after-school homework clubs that pair university students with local schoolchildren.

Florida State U Saves 29K Pounds of Unwanted Items from Landfill

The Chuck it for Charity partnership between the university's Sustainable Campus and Housing & Residence Life includes weighing, sorting and redistributing unwanted items left behind during student move-outs to local community agencies. In the five years since its inception, the program has diverted more than 50 tons from the landfill.

Portland State U Conducts Waste Audit to Boost Diversion Efforts

With the goal of providing recommendations for improving waste diversion and reduction efforts on campus, university staff sorted through 690 pounds of campus garbage to find out what portion of materials could have been diverted from the landfill through recycling and composting, or avoided altogether by using durable goods. Recommendations to lower the percentage of materials that could have been composted (35 percent) and recycled (13 percent) include increased collection and education, enhanced recycling infrastructure and signage, and replacing restroom paper towels with efficient air hand driers.

UC Santa Cruz, City Partner to Reduce Move Out Waste

The university and the City of Santa Cruz are working with local charity organizations to provide free pick-up of bulky Items, clothing, e-waste, books and furniture from off-campus student residences as they move out for the summer. The first 100 student houses to sign up receive free pizza coupons.

U Oregon, Local Schools Team Up to Reduce Move Out Waste

Area high school students received an hourly credit to "buy" any items they were interested in for helping collect and remove the items left behind as University of Oregon students recently moved out of residence halls. Items not "bought" by the high school students were donated to the Springfield Public Schools Family Resource Centers.

Hartwick College Increases Recycling Efforts

Student leaders, staff, faculty and administrators are collaborating to raise awareness and improve recycling rates on campus with projects including the installation of clear, consistent recycling labeling; the addition of new recycling bins throughout campus; and Zero-Sort Recycling program outreach.

U California Santa Cruz Dorms Go Paper Towel-Free

In support of zero waste goals for 2020, paper towels will no longer be provided for drying hands in shared residential restrooms on campus. Thirty-four percent of the waste coming out of the residence halls is paper towels. Students will be asked to bring a supply of reusable cloth hand towels to school with them in the fall.

Vassar College Students Keep Unwanted Items from Landfill

Hundreds of pounds of clothing, appliances and other household items left behind as students recently moved out of the dorms were collected, sorted and donated to local nonprofit agencies by the college's SWAPR (Students With a Purpose Recycling) team. Before SWAPR started 13 years ago, the college would deploy 20 extra dumpsters outside the dorms to handle the flood of discarded material at the end of every school year. This year, says a Vassar College Committee on Sustainability intern, they only needed three to four.

Colorado State U Keeps 35K Pounds of Unwanted Items from Landfill

The university's "Leave it Behind" program sorts and sells unwanted items during student move-outs from residence halls. The proceeds will be donated to the campus EcoLeaders program.

New Mexico State U Adds 6 New Water Bottle Filling Stations

Since the installation of its first bottle filling station in March 2012, the university has saved more than 89,000 disposable plastic bottles from going to the landfill. Additional stations will be added by the end of the summer.

Towson U 'Trash-to-Treasure' Event Raises $3K for Sustainability

Staff, faculty, and community members bought items left behind during the student move-out at bargain prices, raising $3,007 for campus sustainability initiatives in areas including environmental education, recycling and renewable energy. Items left after the sale were donated to local charities and electronics were recycled through National Reclamation.

Denison U 'Operation Move Out' Donates Unwanted Student Items

As students recently moved out of the dorms, several local agencies like Big Brothers/Big Sisters and New Beginnings Shelter and Services were invited to the residence halls to look for donated usable items like couches, TVs, coffee makers and refrigerators.

Richland College Anthro Students Uncover Recycling Patterns

After digging through almost 600 pounds of trash on campus, the students determined that campus recycling rates will improve if recycling receptacles are placed in outlying areas of campus including soccer fields and parking lots.

Missouri State U Expands Move-out Recycling to Nearby Students

This year, students who live adjacent to campus can discard unwanted belongings on campus, where they will go to local charities.

New Mexico State U Increases Athletics Recycling

Through a grant from Keep America Beautiful and the Coca-Cola Foundation, the university has added 24 recycling bins at its sports stadiums and fields.

North Carolina State U Recycling Site Diverts 93% Waste

Ninety-three percent of the campus yard waste, scrap metal, wooden pallets, used tires, discarded electronics and more at the university's Dearstyne Roll-off Convenience Site are reused or recycled. The site is part of the university’s goal is to increase the overall diversion rate of campus waste from landfills to 65 percent from the current 50 percent. **

Cabrillo College Switches to Refillable Dry Erase Markers

In addition to reduced waste, this non-toxic alternative has saved about $600 per semester in the Physics Department compared to the cost of using regular, single-use markers.

Western Carolina U Adds 75 Recycling Bins to Campus

One of 35 colleges and universities to receive a donation of recycling bins as part of the Alcoa Foundation Recycling Bin Grant Program, the university will now be able to expand its recycling program to athletic facilities, where students reported a need.

U Illinois Chicago Expands Recycling Efforts

(U.S.) The university will install 60 recycling bins around campus and in residence halls. The bins were made possible by a grant from the Alcoa Foundation, in partnership with Keep America Beautiful.

Bowdoin College Athletes Implement Shoe Reuse Program

Bowdoin Green Athletes (BGA) looks to continue its campaign to ingrain sustainability into the athletic culture through a team-by-team strategy and a shoe reuse initiative. As part of the Rerun Shoes initiative, BGA has installed two boxes for students to donate their old, unwanted sneakers. About 200 pounds of shoes have been collected so far.