Ohio State U Announces Student Sustainability Grant Winners

The Ohio State University's Office of Student Life has announced the winners of its Student Sustainability Grant. Funded through a partnership with Coca-Cola, the grant provides seed funding to undergraduate, graduate and professional students for projects that directly contribute to reducing environmental impacts on campus. Winning projects include a campus garden that will provide local, sustainably grown fare to the campus cafe; a mobile bike repair station; and a project to examine savings from the use of smart power strips.

Pittsburg State U Expands Energy Conservation with Submeters

Building upon $4.7 million in energy efficiency improvements last year including a new geothermal heating and cooling system, Pittsburg State University (KS) is installing 147 submeters to record and transmit real-time electric, gas, steam and water use data to an on-campus server. That information will be used to monitor, track and analyze campus utility use, evaluate energy conservation efforts and identify additional conservation opportunities. The university will also install at least one kiosk that will allow students, faculty and staff interactive access to all of the real-time data, information and results for each building. The $750,000 project is being funded by an American Reinvestment and Recovery Act grant.

Rice U Named Tree Campus USA

Rice University (TX) has emerged after a rough year of drought, pathogens and insects with a Tree Campus USA designation from the Arbor Day Foundation. The university is being recognized for sustainable watering efforts during last year's drought and for its careful monitoring of the health of its trees. The program honors colleges and universities that use sustainable practices and engage students in tree planting and conservation initiatives.

Richard Stockton College Installs Water Refill Stations

Richard Stockton College (NJ) has installed seven water bottle filling stations on campus. The stations, part of the college’s sustainability program, have refilled the equivalent of more than 80,000 plastic water bottles since the first installation. According to a campus study, 89 percent of students said the water from the refill stations are better or just as good as bottled water.

Southeast CC Installs Wind Turbine as Teaching Tool

Southeast Community College (NE) has installed a 1.6-kilowatt wind turbine with a $318,333 grant from the Nebraska Energy Office to develop renewable energy curricula. Students in its energy generation operations program will use the turbine as part of their training.

Southeastern Louisiana U to Implement Recycling, Solar on Campus

Southeastern Louisiana University’s Physical Plant Services Office has announced new sustainability initiatives including the installation of solar panels on its kinesiology and administration buildings for heating water and an expanded recycling program. The university is working toward the eventual eradication of dumpsters on campus within the next 10 years.

Student Occupy Rally Largely Shuts Down U California Santa Cruz

Several hundred students at the University of California, Santa Cruz gathered for a largely peaceful demonstration against state budget cuts and tuition increases. Most of the campus was shut down as a result. The demonstrations at the campus and other California campuses are timed with a national day of action that is calling for an overhaul of the way public education is financed in the state.

Study Finds Disconnect between Athletics and Sustainability

A recent study of sustainability practices at NCAA athletics departments reveals that cost concerns and a large disconnect with other campus departments charged with advancing sustainability appear to be preventing green efforts in athletics. While some schools are replacing incandescent light bulbs and utilizing recycling bins at stadiums, the North Carolina State University study concludes that most haven't included long-term sustainability planning in athletics departments' strategic plans.

SUNY Sullivan Partners for Waste Management

State University of New York at Sullivan has announced a partnership with HospitalityGreen to further its environmentally friendly purchasing and waste management initiatives. The sustainable operations consultants will develop recommendations for waste improvements in the cafeteria, dorms and all academic and administrative departments.

Supreme Court to Readdress Affirmative Action

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a new challenge to affirmative action, reports recent articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education and New York Times. While higher education admissions officials worry that the Fisher V. Texas decision could make diversity harder to maintain, a Chronicle of Higher Education blog cites Texas and California institutions that are banned from using race by voter initiative or court order, and have still been able to produce substantial racial and ethnic diversity by instituting alternative forms of affirmative action.

U Chicago Promotes Sustainable Drinking Options

The University of Chicago's (IL) Facilities Services has instituted a bottled water policy that eliminates bottled water in all departmental buildings, meetings and events. The university has also partnered with a new water supplier to perform a university-wide assessment for transitioning bottled water coolers to sustainable water delivery systems including filtration systems.

U Chicago Students Help Restaurants Earn Green Certification

Students in an "Environment, Agriculture, and Food: Economic and Policy Analysis" course at the University of Chicago (IL) are partnering with restaurant owners to create a green certification program for Chicago restaurants. Students have begun by reviewing existing building and operating standards for restaurants in the area, as well as existing green certifications for industries such as buildings, hotels and businesses. Students are acting as advisors to the Chicago Green Restaurant Coalition.

U Maryland Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

The University of Maryland, College Park’s Oakland Hall has become the first LEED-certified dorm on campus with a LEED Gold designation. The residence hall features low-flow plumbing fixtures, energy-efficient lighting and solar reflective surfaces on the roof to lower the building's air conditioning use.

U North Carolina Wilmington Students Plant 1,000 Trees

As part of an applied learning experience in a new campus sustainability class, students at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington recently planted 1,000 pine trees at the Ev-Henwood Nature Preserve. The effort was part of a restoration project.

USA Today Covers Growth of Campus Food Banks

This USA Today article profiles Oregon State University's campus food pantry as part of a growing trend on college and university campuses nationwide. For students struggling to get enough food and supplies, the pantries offer sundries including cereals, meats and toiletries. The Oregon State University pantry sees several hundred students plus community members each month, while Michigan State University's pantry saw a spike in users in the 2005-2006 academic year and has remained busy with about 300 people served every other week. The article also cites Tennessee State and Austin Peay State universities in Tennessee, University of Arkansas, University of Georgia and Utah Valley University as schools that have establish pantries in the past year.

U Southern Maine Upgrades with Energy-Efficient Lighting

The University of Southern Maine has embarked on an energy-efficient lighting upgrade for all campus parking lots and roadway fixtures. A $135,000 competitive grant from Efficiency Maine will help fund the LED lighting retrofit.

U South Florida Science Building Achieves LEED Gold

The new Interdisciplinary Science Teaching & Research building at the University of South Florida has attained LEED Gold certification. The energy-efficient building features high-performance glazing construction, reduced interior lighting, occupancy sensors and sustainable materials including post-industrial scrap and pre-consumer recycled content.

U Texas Austin Installs Photovoltaic Inverters

The University of Texas at Austin has installed seven 30-kilowatt photovoltaic inverters operating at their new 200-kilowatt solar system. The inverter enables a 90 percent weight reduction and more than 90 percent reduction in magnetic components, significantly reducing installation and shipping costs.

Vanderbilt U Expands Plastic Recycling

Vanderbilt University (TN) has partnered with Waste Management, Inc. to expand its recycling program to accept all plastic containers. The university aims to increase its recycling rates and diminish the impact on the local landfill.

Wood County Tech Students Build Solar Teaching Lab

Students at the Wood County Technical Center (WV) have built a model house to be used as a solar lab for West Virginia University at Parkersburg's solar energy technology programs. Students in the program will receive hands-on experience with the model including the opportunity to install solar panels.

ACUPCC Reports Positive Growth toward Higher Ed Carbon Neutrality

The American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) is celebrating its five year anniversary with new data that reveals an annual average of 970 metric tons saved in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by signatories that have submitted more than one greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Collectively, the ACUPCC network has purchased more than 1.28 billion kilowatt-hours of renewable energy credits, making it the third-largest buyer in the country. Eighty-two percent of signatories reported savings in the range of $46.8 and $246.7 million from their Climate Action Plans.

Calif. State U Sacramento Students Convert Waste Oil to Biodiesel

With $6,000 in grants from the university's Greenovation Fund and Sustainability Steering Committee, mechanical engineering students at California State University, Sacramento are converting waste oil from campus kitchens into biodiesel fuel. The students are aiming to create enough diesel to fuel the grounds maintenance equipment on campus.

Cambridge College Launches Social Justice Teaching Concentration

Cambridge College (MA) has created a social justice teaching concentration for its Master of Education in interdisciplinary studies. The program will use diverse written and visual texts from around the world to address the systemic structures that lead to domination and oppression. Students will also be introduced to alternative world views with hopes to inspire them to teach and communicate in ways that will promote justice and compassion.

Canadian Federal Gov't to Raise Student Debt Ceiling to $19 B

The Canadian federal government has announced plans to raise the legal limit for outstanding Canada student loans from $15 billion to $19 billion. The regulatory amendment is in response to projected increases in post-secondary enrollment rates and a way to ensure student access to federal loans for another 10 years.

Cornell U Announces Campus-wide Diversity Initiative

Cornell University (NY) has announced plans to increase the diversity of its faculty, staff and students, boost intercultural dialogue, make the campus more accessible for those with disabilities, and increase the number of veterans employed by 2015. The university’s deans and vice presidents will choose five diversity initiatives each year that best address their departments’ needs and results will be measured. An annual report will highlight best practices across campus.

Dickinson College Gears Up for Campus Energy Challenge

Students will spar dorm against dorm in Dickinson College's (PA) March Energy Challenge. The winning residence hall will capture the Dickinson Green Cup, and receive $500 toward "greening" their building's lounge. Faculty and staff will also work to reduce campus electricity consumption for an overall campus goal of 10 percent compared with March 2011 rates. If the college reaches its goal, a portion of the funds saved will be reinvested in an on-campus solar project.

Duke U Encourages Sustainability with 'Green Devil Smackdown'

Duke University (NC) has launched the "Green Devil Smackdown," a wrestling-themed competition to encourage sustainable behaviors on campus. For eight weeks, teams of campus community members will earn points for "green" actions including taking public transportation or carpooling to campus. The team that earns the highest average points per participant will be named the champion with a Green Devil championship belt, among other prizes.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U Students Develop Biodiesel Fuel

Students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL) have begun developing a biodiesel source to save fuel costs for the university. The biodiesel will be created from recycled oil from campus kitchens and will be used to fuel campus tractors. The university expects to save $3 a gallon and reduce emissions.

Fleming College Rolls Out Enviro Visual Communication Cert.

Fleming College (ON) has partnered with the Royal Ontario Museum to launch an environmental visual communication graduate certificate program. Taught on-site at the museum, the six-month program will focus on strategic messaging and technical savvy, teaching students to use photography, videography, multimedia and design principles to bridge environmental competencies with thoughtful communication. Students will study ways to identify strategies to inform and educate, garner engagement and support, and build and share campaigns to address conservation issues.

Flint Hills, Emporia State U Partner for Sustainability Programs

Kansas-based Flint Hills Technical College and Emporia State University have partnered to offer a sustainability studies program this fall. The program will allow students to receive an associate degree at the technical college and then pursue a bachelor’s degree at the university. The technical college curriculum will focus on alternative energy, green building practices and local food systems, while the university curriculum will explore specified interests, politics and ethics.

Georgetown U Broadens Socially Responsible Investing

Georgetown University (DC) has expanded the scope of its Committee on Investments and Social Responsibility to consider investment proposals written by members of the university community. It also plans to broaden the constituency of the committee by the fall to foster open dialogue and diverse perspectives.

Harford CC Installs Solar Array

Harford Community College (MD) has installed 45 photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of its STEM Center. A monitoring system will be included to allow hands-on learning for students who will be able to observe the amount of energy being generated. Funding was made possible through a five-year pledge of $50,000 from the J.M. Huber Corporation.

Kentucky Schools Partner to Address Economic, Education Needs

The presidents of 12 central Kentucky colleges and universities have formed a new Bluegrass Consortium of Higher Education that will work to advance educational and economic life of the region. The consortium will explore collaborative opportunities that address life-long learning, college readiness and economic and workforce needs with goals including a university-center sharing model featuring a faculty exchange, academic program/course sharing and credit transfers.

Meredith College Awarded $380K Grant to Support Sustainability Ed

Meredith College (NC) has received a gift of more than $380,000 from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation to support new and existing programs in environmental sustainability including research opportunities and sustainability curriculum.

New York U Doubles Bike Share Efforts

New York University will more than double the size of its bike share fleet this month, officially moving the program out of its pilot phase. The program has grown "exponentially" since its launch in summer 2010, said the university's bike share coordinator, and has helped inform plans for a New York City bike share.

Oberlin College Expands Composting Efforts Amid Success

With a reported 704 pounds of food waste diverted from landfills last semester, Oberlin College (OH) has announced plans to expand its compost initiative. This spring, the college's Resource Conservation Team will aim to double the 14 pick-up locations currently available on campus and select captains to lead each one.

Portland State U Announces 'Solutions Generator' Student Projects

Portland State University (OR) has announced the 13 projects selected for funding through its Solutions Generator student award program. Initiatives include a testing ground for processing compost; treating wastewater with a living wetland; and feasibility studies for a universal transit pass to encourage students to take mass transportation and a new bicycle route to campus.

Portland State U Saves Energy with Efficient Class Scheduling

Portland State University (OR) has reduced its Urban Center Building's electricity consumption by 18.5 percent by consolidating night and weekend classes to five buildings. The Buildings and Energy subcommittee of the university's Climate Action Plan Implementation Team worked to consolidate the classes, previously spread across 21 buildings, into the most energy-efficient buildings on campus. The team is working to further reduce energy demands by investigating ways to consolidate classroom assignments into building subsections that use the same heating and cooling supply.

Quebec Students Strike Over Tuition Hikes

Following a National Day of Action in protest of the rising cost of higher education organized by the Canadian Federation of Students, thousands of college students in Quebec took part in strikes over tuition hikes that will nearly double tuition over five years. Premier Jean Charest said that scholarships and loans would increase in order to guarantee student access, as part of a broader series of measures to increase funding for Quebec universities.

San Diego State U Offers Water Management Certificate

San Diego State University (CA) will begin offering a water management and landscape sustainability online certificate in March. The program is designed to prepare students for occupations in the water conservation industry and will explore new areas of development in the region including desalination and water purification plants.

The George Washington U to Offer Sustainability Minor

The George Washington University (DC) has announced a new minor in sustainability beginning this fall. Developed based on student interest and employers' demand for students with sustainability education, the minor will include tracks in science and engineering; human well-being and society; and policy, governance and leadership.

U California Merced Installs Hydration Station

In an effort to reduce the number of plastic water bottles on campus, the University of California, Merced has installed a new hydration station to refill reusable bottles. The station will cost the university $54 a month to operate including the maintenance, electricity and filter. The university is planning to install three more stations.

U Colorado Boulder Student-Fee Funded Bldgs Go Carbon Neutral

The Student Government at the University of Colorado Boulder has reached carbon neutrality with its student-fee funded facilities. The three facilities have reduced energy use by 15 percent over the last five years, when the goal was first announced, and saved about $1.6 million in energy costs. To offset the remaining emissions needed to reach zero, student fees were used for projects including solar thermal installations to heat water for low-income housing.

U Idaho Awarded $3.5 M for Sustainable Transportation Research

The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded $3.5 million to the University of Idaho's National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology to lead efforts to make the nation's transportation system more sustainable. Researchers will study driverless intersection controls, eco-driving methods, eco-routing based on time and traffic, communication between vehicles to steady traffic flow, vehicle performance adjustments for efficient operation in controlled traffic systems, optimized freight routing, decision support tools for policy makers, and encouragement of driver behavior that reduces fuel consumption and increases safety.

U Kentucky Pilots Single Stream Recycling Program

A graduate student has spearheaded a single-stream outdoor recycling pilot program at the University of Kentucky. The $12,990 initiative was made possible by a funding and maintenance partnership between the Student Sustainability Council and the Physical Plant Division.

U Michigan Debuts Interactive Campus Sustainability Map

Developed from a student project in a "Sustainability and the Campus" course, the University of Michigan has unveiled an interactive map with information on sustainable sites and programs located on campus. Highlighting LEED buildings, campus improvement sites, academic programs and event locations, the map allows users to customize their search by selecting the categories they are most interested in.

University of Wisconsin-Manitowoc Launches Energy Analysis

The University of Wisconsin-Manitowoc has partnered with Honeywell to perform an in-depth energy analysis of all campus facilities and promote energy awareness on campus. The analysis will identify opportunities for energy savings and infrastructure improvements. Based upon preliminary analysis, savings opportunities in excess of 20 percent have been identified.

U North Texas Dining Services Reduces Food Truck Deliveries

The University of North Texas’ Dining Services has partnered with a local food distributor to provide a delivery truck dedicated solely to the university, minimizing the number of deliveries per week from 17 to three. The new vehicle also features emission-lowering and fuel-efficiency technologies.

U South Carolina Debuts Campus Community Garden

The University of South Carolina has dedicated a community garden available to students, faculty, staff and community members through a semester-long rental agreement. There is a waiting list for the garden's first planting season.

U Vermont Lab Building Earns LEED Gold

The University of Vermont’s James M. Jeffords Hall has achieved LEED Gold certification. The 97,000- square-foot, $56 million lab and office building features an underground central steam and chilled water system, occupancy system for lighting and ventilation, and regionally produced construction products. More than 90 percent of construction and demolition waste was diverted from the landfill.