Wallace CC Student Government Launches Recycling Campaign

Wallace Community College’s (AL) student government association has launched a campaign to recycle paper and a program to collect old cell phones. The group has placed paper recycling bins and cell phone collection bins around campus. The phones will be repurposed for military personnel use oversees.

Acadia U Announces New Degree in Env'l & Sustainability Studies

Acadia University (NS) has announced a new program in environmental and sustainability studies beginning in the fall 2010 semester. The program will emphasize group hands-on and individual learning and will be limited to 30 students. Students can choose to pursue either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Recreation Management

Appalachian State U Completes 100kW Wind Turbine

Appalachian State University (NC) has completed the installation of its 100 kW wind turbine. The turbine, which is 121 feet tall, was funded with the $5-per-semester student green fee and is expected to meet the energy needs of 10-15 residential homes.

Chatham U Receives Funding for Solar Installations

The Pennsylvania state government has given out more than $23 million for 36 new solar and alternative energy projects in the state. $113,037 of the funding was given to Chatham University for on campus projects. The University is using the funding to install two solar thermal systems on two different campus residence halls.

Duke U Announces Energy Conservation Policies

Duke University (NC) has adopted a new policy for building temperatures during regular and off-hours in university buildings. Where possible, temperatures in university buildings that are on the central control system will be set at approximately 68 degrees in the winter and 76 degrees in the summer. Those temperatures will be used during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday. Off-hour temperatures of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and weekends will be set as low as 60 degrees and up to 80 degrees. Other buildings, including libraries and research buildings, will have individual heating and cooling settings different from the rest of Duke in order to preserve materials and equipment. The new policy will also discontinue the use of portable space heaters by employees at work. In all, the plan is expected to save Duke more than $600,000 a year.

Eastern Illinois U to Replace Coal with Biomass

Eastern Illinois University has announced a partnership with Honeywell to complete a $79 million renewable energy and building retrofit program. The project, which will combine energy-efficient facility upgrades with biomass-fueled heating plants, will help EIU address deferred maintenance, improve its infrastructure, and save approximately $140 million in energy and operating costs over the next two decades. The focal point of the program is the construction of a new steam plant on the southeast corner of campus that will be driven by two large biomass gasifiers. The plant will use wood chips sourced from the local logging industry to generate steam and heat buildings on campus, and it will replace the University’s aging steam plant, which consumes more than 10,000 tons of coal per year and requires constant maintenance. EIU will finance the improvements and use the savings, guaranteed by Honeywell through a 20-year performance contract, to pay for the work.

Emory U Receives Funding to Promote Walking

Emory University’s (GA) Office of Sustainability Initiatives has received $18,000 from the Urban Land Institute to promote walking. The new project “Walk n’ Roll” encourages people to walk more by using technologies such as podcasts, videos, and online resources to show the benefits. Maps have been created to highlight walking paths that take people past LEED certified buildings and community gardens.

Grand Valley State U Names ED of Renewable Energy Center

Grand Valley State University (MI) has named T. Arnold Boezaart as the second executive director of the Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center (MAREC). Boezaart previously served as the vice president for Grant Programs for the Community Foundation for Muskegon County. In that role, he handled a project that put a wind energy turbine atop the Frauenthal Center in downtown Muskegon. Boezaart, who has been serving as the interim executive director of MAREC since April, hopes to focus MAREC's attention on job creation in the green economy.

Lehigh U Incorporates Biodiesel into Campus Fleet

Lehigh University (PA) has begun to use biodiesel in all of its diesel engines in its campus fleet. These include both maintenance vehicles and student buses. Currently the University uses 40,000 gallons of diesel fuel each year, and now two percent of that will be biodiesel.

Loyola U Chicago Students Make Biodiesel From Used Cooking Oil

Loyola University, Chicago (IL) students have begun converting used cooking oil into biodiesel to use in buses on campus. The program started in as a result of a project in the University’s “Solutions to Environmental Problems” class. The students also use the left over glycerin from the process to create “bio-soap” that is sold at the campus bookstore.

Lyndon State College Receives Federal Grant for Solar Project

Lyndon State College (VT) has received a $32,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to help fund the College’s five kilowatt solar power array. The array costs about $50,000 and is a project initiated by students in the College’s Sustainability Studies Program.

Michigan State U Starts Green Certification Program

Michigan State University has launched a Green Certification Program that recognizes departments, programs, and individuals on campus for their efforts towards sustainability. In order to receive certification, an entity has to show steps they are taking to reduce MSU’s environmental impact through energy efficiency and conservation, waste reduction and recycling, water conservation, and/or purchasing.

Montana State U Ramps Up Recycling Program

Montana State University’s Environmental Awareness Club and student government have partnered to increase the number of recycling bins around campus. Coca-Cola donated a number of 55-gallon barrels and lids to be used as recycling bins and worked with students to convert the barrels to recycling bins.

Pennsylvania College of Technology Expands Weatherization Ctr

Pennsylvania College of Technology has expanded its Weatherization Training Center with the help of federal money. The Center helps to train men and women to implement programs that assist low-income households become more energy efficient. The expansion will allow the center to train up to 1,000 people a year, compared to 250-350 previously.

Pennsylvania State U Plans to Upgrade Steam Plant

Pennsylvania State University has announced plans to upgrade its west campus steam plant, which has been in operation since 1930, in 2010. The plan is part of an overarching energy master plan that requires reductions in carbon emissions and energy use. The upgrade to the steam plant will most likely result in a change of fuel source.

Rice U Engineering Facility Receives LEED Gold

Rice University (TX) has received LEED Gold certification for its newly renovated Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen. The 12,000-square-foot building, which features a vegetated roof, will use an estimated 19 percent less energy and 31 percent less water than if it had been built to typical codes and standards. In addition, almost half of the materials used in renovation were composted from recycled sources, and 66 percent of the construction and demolition waste was recycled.

Rochester Inst of Technology Announces B.S. in Env'l Sustainability

The College of Applied Science and Technology at Rochester Institute of Technology has launched a Bachelor of Science degree program in environmental sustainability, health, and safety. The program, which evolved from RIT's environmental management program that launched in 1991, will include courses that focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Accreditation by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology is anticipated.

South Dakota School of Mines Installs Wind Turbines

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology’s Renewable Energy Research facility has raised two wind turbines. The turbines will mainly serve as an educational tool for engineering students. Many research projects involving the new turbines have already been designed and some are being carried out.

SUNY Canton Educates Girls Scouts On Sustainable Design

State University of New York, Canton recently hosted 50 young women from the Thousand Island Girl Scout Council to create sustainable pet shelters. The program, which was funded with a grant from the Corning Foundation, is being done to educate youth about sustainable design and help a local animal shelter rehabilitation project.

Texas State U San Marcos Announces Green Exercise Machines

Texas State University, San Marcos has retrofitted 30 elliptical machines in the Student Recreation Center, giving the equipment the capability of converting exercise into renewable energy. The machines, which will be connected to the university power grid, will convert the effort of a typical 30-minute workout into about 50-watt-hours of electricity. The goal of the project is to help promote sustainability efforts and to raise awareness among the student body.

U Arizona Starts Bike Share Program

University of Arizona Parking and Transportation Services has started the Cat Wheels Bike Share Program, offering students an alternative form of transportation. The program currently has 10 bikes and two different check-out locations. Students are able to borrow bikes free of charge for up to 24 hours before they have to be returned or checked out again.

U California Merced Completes 1 Megawatt Solar Power System

The University of California, Merced has completed a one-megawatt solar power system on its campus. The system consists of 4,900 solar panels that follow the sun’s movement and sit on 8.5 acres. The University expects to obtain 20 percent of its annual energy needs from the system, as well as an expected $5 million in savings over the next 20 years.

U Colorado Boulder Renovates Dorm to LEED Gold

The University of Colorado, Boulder has received LEED Gold certification for the renovation of Arnett Hall. The residential building’s renovation was finished in May 2008 and since then has realized a 20-percent reduction in energy use and a 39-percent reduction in water use. Green features include sensors that suspend heating and cooling systems when windows are opened, aerators on faucets, and recycled materials.

U Delaware Dairy Farm Goes Solar

The University of Delaware’s dairy farm has added 44 solar panels, a total of 9.2 kW, to the roof of its manure recycling center. In addition to the renewable energy benefits of the system, the University also hopes the new installation will show the practical use of solar to local farmers.

U Kansas Approves $25.6 M for Conservation Projects

The University of Kansas's Board of Regents has approved a $25.6 million contract with Energy Solutions Professionals (ESP) to carry out conservation projects on campus. Under the contract, the University expects to attain an annual savings of $2.2 million. ESP has developed seven categories in which to address conservation: including water conservation, lighting improvements, and lab improvements.

U Maine Brings Back Bike-Share Program

The University of Maine has re-launched its campus bike-share program after making some changes to how the program is run. In previous years, the bikes were available on an honors system basis and were left unlocked. The bikes were abandoned throughout campus, leaving them vulnerable to damage that would make them unsafe to use. Students checking out Blue Bikes under the new program must sign a contract that requires that each borrower lock the bicycle to a rack to prevent theft and, after a month, return it to the GCI offices. Borrowers can renew the contract each month. By signing the contract, borrowers agree to be held responsible for any serious damages. Bikes not returned or severely damaged cost borrowers $100. There are currently 15 bikes for use and a waiting list of 50 students.

U Memphis Professor Receives Grant for Biodiesel Research

University of Memphis (TN) professor Srikant Gir has been awarded a $500,000 grant to conduct research on biodiesel research and development. Dr. Gir is focusing on creating a smaller waste-into-fuel converter so that the process can be done in a more local way. He sees small businesses using it to convert vegetable oil and fallen leaves into energy.

U Nebraska Lincoln Receives $1.5 M for Organic Agriculture

The University of Nebraska, Lincoln has received a $1.5 million grant to conduct research exploring issues around organic agriculture. The grant is part of $19 million in funding awarded to universities across the country from the USDA’s “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food" initiative, which is designed to create local and regional food systems.

U New Mexico Opens Alternative Transportation Information Ctr

The University of New Mexico has opened the Transportation Information Center. The center will act as a location for students to come and learn about the alternative transportation options on campus and in the surrounding area. The University hopes it will make alternative transportation options more accessible and visible to students.

Unity College Weatherizes Local Homes

Unity College (ME) has participated in the second annual Neighbor Warming Neighbor program, which took place in November 2009. As part of the program, students and faculty from the College teamed up with members of the community to help weatherize homes in the surrounding area. The goal of the project is to help community members support themselves through the winter season, as well as to reduce the carbon footprint of the town. Teams of four or five were sent out with weatherization kits specific to the houses they would be working on based on earlier energy audits. On average, each team worked on two houses. The team left the homeowner with additional supplies if needed, suggestions on what else they could do, and a blanket. Over the two weekends that the program was held, roughly two dozen homes in the area were weatherized.

Universities at Shady Grove Opens Green Parking Garage

The Universities at Shady Grove (MD) has celebrated the opening of its first new parking garage, which features a green design and adds 600 parking spaces to the campus. The garage features designated parking spaces for hybrid, carpool vehicles and bicycles, and the structure was built with LED lighting and includes daylight sensors to reduce power requirements and light pollution. Its white concrete top deck helps to decrease the heat island effect. Materials with recycled content such as fly ash, concrete, and rebar were used as well as carbon fiber reinforced precast. Rainwater collection, water efficient landscaping, and water control devices also reduce water runoff. In addition, there is an energy efficient elevator and reclaimed green spaces.

U North Carolina Adopts Sustainability Policy

The University of North Carolina Board of Governors has adopted the UNC Sustainability Policy. The new Policy, which is in response to the UNC Tomorrow recommendation that the University assume a leadership role in addressing the state's environmental challenges, establishes sustainability as a core value guiding institutional operations, planning, capital construction, and purchasing practices.

U Shady Grove Starts Composting

The Universities at Shady Grove (MD) have begun a composting initiative in its kitchen operations. The trial composting program started earlier this fall and has already composted over 1,900 pounds of waste. The composting bins, which are collected three times per week, are taken to a local composting facility off-site where the material is turned into mulch.

U Tulsa Partners to Increase Native American Graduation Rates

The University of Tulsa (OK) and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) have partnered in an effort to help Native Americans in Oklahoma achieve their education goals and to increase Native American graduation rates in higher education. As part of the partnership, TU will reach out to students as early as the eighth or ninth grade through the CNO Scholarship Advisement Program’s workshops, college preparation testing, and school visits. TU also will act as a resource for the CNO Scholarship Advisement Program on issues related to college admission and financial aid.

U Wisconsin Madison Prof Awarded Grant for Green Chemistry

Shannon S. Stahl, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison has been awarded a $747,166 grant for green chemistry research. Her research focuses on developing innovative approaches in chemistry and engineering to make the development of pharmaceuticals more environmentally friendly. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences awarded the grant as part of $16.4 million in research grants around the country.

Appalachian State U Students Sell Produce on Campus

Students at Appalachian State University (NC) have begun a new program to sell leftover produce from the ASU research farm on campus after the community farmers' market ends for the season. Participants in the campus's Goodnight Family Sustainability Development Program Teaching and Research Farm sell late fall land early winter produce, such as kale, mustard greens, lettuce, turnips, radishes, and celeriac, to students, faculty, and staff on campus. Since the farm has a meat handlers license from the Noth Carolina Department of Agriculture, it is able to sell pork from farm-raised pigs on occasion, processed by a USDA licensed meat processor nearby. Proceeds from the sales help purchase garden tools, seeds, animal feed, and other items to support the farm’s operation.

Students Persuade Russell Athletic in Anti-Sweatshop Agreement

The New York Times has published an article on the United Students Against Sweatshops' (USAS) recent success in convincing Russell Athletic, a leading sportswear company, to agree to rehire 1,200 workers in Honduras who lost their jobs when the company closed soon after its workers had unionized. USAS launched a national campaign against Russell Athletic soon after the shutdown by convincing administrators of over 90 colleges and universities to suspend their licensing agreements with Russell. The article mentions Georgetown University (DC); the University of California, Los Angeles; Boston College (MA); Columbia University (NY); Harvard University (MA); New York University; Stanford University (CA); the University of Michigan; the University of North Carolina; University of Miami (FL); Cornell University (NY); and Western Kentucky University.

U Notre Dame Launches Green Dorm Room Initiative

Two architecture graduate students at the University of Notre Dame (IN) who interned in the Office of Sustainability have created an interactive, virtual "Green Dorm Room." The room, created with 3D rendering techniques, is fully outfitted with things a student needs to live more sustainably. Objects in the room include a drying rack for clothes, a reusable water bottle, an Energy Star television and mini-fridge, a smart strip, and organic cotton sheets. Visitor to the site can pan around the room, zoom in and out on the various items, and click on the “green” items to learn more.

11 Campuses Post Greenhouse Gas Inventories

10 signatory campuses of the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) have submitted public greenhouse gas inventories since the last update in the AASHE Bulletin on October 19, 2009. The GHG inventory is the first major reporting requirement of the Commitment and is due within a year of signing. New inventories were submitted by: University of Vermont; University of Maine at Machias; University of South Carolina, Upstate; University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; University of Wisconsin, Whitewater; Goucher College (MD); Harvey Mudd College (CA); School for International Training (VT); Bellevue College (WA); and Houston Community College (TX). In related news, Washington University in St. Louis (MO) has also published a greenhouse gas inventory

9 New Institutions Sign Presidents Climate Commitment

Nine new institutions have signed the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment since the last update in the September 14, 2009 issue of the AASHE Bulletin . In doing so, these campuses have committed to develop comprehensive plans for achieving climate neutrality. The new signatories are: Philip Dubois of University of North Carolina at Charlotte (NC); Robert Davies of Eastern Oregon University; Stanley Jensen of Colorado Mountain College; Penelope Kyle of Radford University (VA); Richard D. McCrary of Brookhaven College (TX); Michael Viollt of Robert Morris University (IL); Robert Martin of the Institute of American Indian Arts (NM); Debra A. Derr of North Iowa Area Community College; and Warrick Carter of Columbia College, Chicago (IL). 659 college and university presidents and chancellors have now signed the Commitment.

Arizona State U Polytechnic Complex Receives LEED Gold

The new academic complex at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The complex consists of six buildings that feature recycled concrete, photovoltaic panels, and use of natural light.

Brandeis U Eco-reps Start Green Certified Dorm Room Program

Brandeis University (MA) dorm residents will now have the opportunity to have their dorm room green certified by campus Eco-reps, also known as peer-to-peer sustainability outreach representatives. The Green Rooms program allows students to obtain a certificate if they promote green living through a number of room adaptations, including energy-saving electrical habits like pulling out chargers as well as using cold water and recycling. The initiative was piloted earlier this year by the Brandeis eco-reps, environmental advocates, and Students for Environmental Action. In an effort to increase awareness on campus about sustainability and about the new program, the organizations set up a model “green” room in a campus atrium.

Brevard CC Recognized for Sustainability Efforts

Brevard Community College (FL) has been named a Certified Green Business by the Green Business League, an organization out of Illinois, for its work towards sustainability. The group recognizes businesses that have adapted processes and practices needed to enhance their company’s environment. The College was noted for: transitioning to a four-day work week, more efficient boilers, and tighter regulations of air-conditioning systems.

Butte College Receives Funding for New Solar Project

Butte College (CA) has acquired $16.9 million in federal stimulus money to complete the third phase of its solar project. The new installation will increase the College’s solar generation capacity by 145 percent, generating 95 percent of the College’s electrical needs. The stimulus money will pay for 70 percent of the total cost and the College will cover the rest.

California Awards $27M for Green Collar Job Training

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced the 34 recipients of $27 million in grants to jump-start the California Clean Energy Workforce Training Program (CEWTP), a state-sponsored green jobs training program. Under the this first phase of the program, anticipated to train 5,600 participants, workers will be prepared for hands-on jobs, such as installing solar panels and maintaining electric vehicles to computer programming and researching fuel cell technologies, to help develop the state’s low-carbon, clean energy economy of tomorrow. The following higher education institutions received a portion of the funding: Contra Costa Community College District, Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Kern County College District, Long Beach Community College District, North Orange County Community College District, College of the Desert, Hartnell College, Imperial Valley College, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Peralta Community College District, San Bernardino Community College District, and Solano Community College.

Caltech Opens Green Ctr for Information Science and Technology

California Institute of Technology has opened its Walter and Leonore Annenberg Center for Information Science and Technology. The structure is now home to interdisciplinary research and instruction that address the growth and impact of information as it relates to all scientific and engineering practices. The new facility, which is registered for LEED Gold certification, has achieved a 30 percent reduction in water use, a 28 percent reduction in energy use, and a 2 percent use of recycled contents or local or regional materials. The Center also contains storm water control mechanisms, individual HVAC controls and operable windows, and a minimum of 75 percent of spaces with daylight access.

Clarion U Establishes Sustainability Institute

Clarion University (PA) has announced the formation of its Sustainability Institute. The Institute will be self-sufficient, have faculty support, supply information to the University and local area interest groups; bring in resident scholars to focus their research on sustainability; promote faculty, graduate, and undergraduate research; provide opportunities for internships; offer CEU credits for attendance at conferences; and provide certification on sustainable development and sustainability.

Dow Chemical Announces Student Sustainability Challenge Winners

The Dow Chemical Company has recognized the inaugural winners of its Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge, an awards competition established to encourage and promote solutions to the world’s most pressing social, economic, and environmental problems. Graduate student teams from the following U.S. institutions were recognized: Northwestern University (IL), Tufts University (MA), and University of Michigan. Some of the project highlights included: building a community-based sustainable food system; energy efficient low-income homes in South Africa – an evaluation of international support mechanisms; new generation transportation fuels based on coal, natural gas and biomass; and biotechnological production of xylitol using sugarcane bagasse – an evaluation of operational parameters and economical feasibility. Graduate student teams selected for their research and innovations received $10,000 for use at the students’ discretion. In addition, The Dow Chemical Company Foundation donated $20,000 in financial support directly to each university to offset costs of managing the selection process and travel for students to the recognition event.

Emory U Designated First Green Certified Campus by GFA

Emory University (GA) has been designated as the first certified college campus in the U.S. under the Green Certification Program by the Green Foodservice Alliance (GFA). Emory was noted for: recycling materials like aluminum and steel, glass, cardboard, glass, paper and plastics; repurposing used grease for the local production of biodiesel; and not using any polystyrene (Styrofoam) in its dining facilities (if Emory uses polystyrene, a recyclable or compostable alternative is made available to users). The Green Certification Program focuses on reducing waste on college campuses, in restaurants, and from other large venues like convention centers and business districts.

Fairfield U Students Earn Money for Recycling

Fairfield University (CT) has installed four new recycling machines on campus. The recycling machines are a “reverse vending” machine, so that when students deposit a glass, plastic, or aluminum beverage container, the machine adds five cents to the student’s campus account, which can be used for food, books, laundry, and other campus expenses.