U Vermont Receives $30K for Renewable Energy Study

The University of Vermont has announced that it will receive a proposed $30,000 grant from Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) to fund a study to improve the energy production of manure-based methane. Methane is the energy source for the CVPS Cow Power initiative. The study will analyze microbes that produce methane in an effort to improve the cost-effectiveness of farm methane energy systems.

Weber State Completes Solar Installation

Weber State University (UT) has installed 84 photovoltaic solar panels atop its Davis building that are expected to offset 1.9 percent of its electricity consumption. An interactive kiosk has been installed to track the constant production of energy. The project is the first in a series of planned campus solar initiatives. Other projects include a 38-kilowatt rooftop solar energy system and the installation of 48 solar thermal panels to heat the gym pool. The Davis building panels were through Rocky Mountain Power’s Blue Sky Program and the Utah’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The planned projects are part of the university’s Climate Action Plan to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Antioch College Creates College Farm

Antioch College (OH) has announced the creation of a college farm as part of its first major sustainability project. The farm will provide opportunities for students to grow produce and learn sustainability practices. The college hopes to integrate the farm into campus facilities, curriculum and the community.

Binghamton U Announces Water Harvesting Project

Binghamton University (NY) has announced the installation of four tanks for a green water harvesting project. Two hundred thousand gallons of water will be retained for toilet flushing and to provide water for the campus cooling towers. Once the tanks are installed, the university will put in a rainwater retention system collected from parking lots and roofs. The accumulation and storing of water is planned for 2013 with the opening of its Center for Excellence.

Boise State U Partners for Geothermal Expansion

Boise State University has announced plans to further expand renewable and natural geothermal heat in Boise, Idaho by bringing geothermal heat across the Boise River and completing a loop through the Boise State University campus. Phase one of the project, announced in the spring of 2009, will connect six existing campus buildings through a geothermal pipeline. The recently announced phase two, funded by matching grant money from the Department of Energy and Department of Housing and Urban Development, along with the university and the City of Boise, will complete the geothermal loop and provide geothermal energy to a total of about one million square feet of campus building space. The project is currently undergoing environmental review with construction expected to occur this summer.

Boston U Seeks LEED Certification with Remodeled Campus Residence

Boston University is expecting its first LEED certification for a residence with its remodeled St. Mary's faculty and staff apartment complex. The 13,700-square-foot building, which was stripped down to its rafters, studs and floorboards, will seek LEED Gold certification. Sustainable features of the $3.5 million renovation include a tankless water heater, bamboo flooring, energy-efficient lighting, individually metered units and countertops made with at least 80 percent recycled materials like glass and metal.

Cal Poly Pomona to Save 30K with Smart Power Strips

About 1,700 faculty and staff campus workstations at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona are being equipped with smart power strips that will save the university $30,000 in energy costs annually. The strips feature an infrared sensor that detects when someone is at a workstation. Thirty minutes after the person leaves, the smart strip powers down. Electricity is restored when it senses the person has returned. Southern California Edison will cover the cost of the smart power strips (about $48 each) and installation through its Energy Efficiency Partnership program. In a few months, the company will perform follow-up checks and audit the program’s effectiveness. California State University, Fullerton and California State University, Long Beach are also participating in the partnership.

Duke U Students Create Guide to Green Living on Campus

Students at Duke University (NC) have created a new Green Book, an online guide to living in an eco-friendly way at Duke University (NC) for first-year students. Many incoming students will also receive a hard copy of the book, printed on recycled paper, as they are distributed during Orientation Welcome Week. The book was created in collaboration with campus offices including Sustainable Duke, Duke Recycles, and Duke Parking and Transportation to develop a comprehensive guide to sustainability resources on campus. Students will find information about dining, recycling, alternative transportation and other aspects of green campus life. The book also provides information that is useful to students before they arrive on campus.

Ecotech Institute Launches Student Mentorship Program

The Ecotech Institute (CO), a trade school focused entirely on renewable energy, sustainable design and green technology that opened its doors at the start of this year, has announced a new student mentorship program for incoming students. The program pairs the new students with a continuing student to help with the course material and often unfamiliar surroundings.

Environmental Champion Ray Anderson Dies at 77

Ray Anderson, founder and chairman of Interface, passed away last week of cancer at age 77. "He was and continues to be the icon of what a successful business must look like to survive indefinitely and lead society on a more healthy, fair and sustainable path," says Second Nature President Anthony Cortese in a tribute. The keynote speaker at the first AASHE national conference and several Second Nature regional workshops, Anderson was known as the "darling of college campuses," giving several commencement speeches and about 500 lectures and presentations at colleges and universities. As founder and chairman of modular carpet manufacturer Interface, Anderson focused his time and energy on the business case for sustainability, delivering more than 1,000 speeches and authoring two books on the topic. "Whenever I wanted someone from the private sector to make the case for education for sustainability, Ray was always at the top of the list and always the best," says Cortese.

Inside Higher Ed Covers Rise in Student Farms

The efforts of the University of Montana and Prescott College (AZ), among others, are profiled in a recent Inside Higher Ed article that looks at the current growth of student-run farms on college campuses. The article highlights the new book, "Fields of Learning: The Student Farm Movement in America," in which Iowa State University Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture's Frederick L. Kirschenmann says that student farms play a critical role in training the next generation of farmers.

Kennebec Valley CC Opens Solar Tech Training Lab

Kennebec Valley Community College (ME) has opened a new solar heating and cooling lab on campus. The lab will be home to a solar technology training program to prepare participants from other community colleges, career and technical education centers, apprenticeship programs and private companies to be solar technology trainers. After the 40-hour course, the trainers will return to their respective areas and prepare their students for careers as solar energy installers. The U.S. Department of Energy chose the college as one of nine regional resource and training sites across the nation.

Linfield College Library Renovation to Reduce Energy Use by 30%

With the recent renovation of its historic library building, Linfield College (OR) expects to decrease the building's energy use by 30 percent. Built in 1936, the library offered inadequate space to install a modern heating and cooling system. The college selected radiant ceiling panels for both heating and cooling.

Monmouth College Installs Rain Garden to Curb Water Pollution

Monmouth College (IL) has installed a rain garden at the front of its educational garden to help minimize water pollution. The garden features low maintenance perennial plants and is expected to help reduce stormwater runoff, recharge ground supplies, increase wildlife habitat and reduce the need to mow. To help cover the costs, the college received a $740 Illinois Rain Garden Initiative grant from the Illinois Conservation Foundation and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Education, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

New Report Reveals Continued Gender Gap in STEM Fields

A new report from the U.S. Department of Commerce highlights the gender gap in science and technology fields. Although women fill close to half of all jobs in the U.S. economy, they represent less than 25 percent of the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs. The report also notes that women with a STEM degree are less likely than their male counterparts to work in a STEM occupation.

Oregon Public Universities Plan to Go Solar

Oregon public universities have announced plans to launch a new solar project. A 5-megawatt solar system is planned for Oregon Institute of Technology, Oregon State University and Eastern Oregon University. Officials expect to start construction by the end of August once the contracts are finalized. Students will have the opportunity to learn about renewable energy and also benefit from the energy cost savings. Four other Oregon public universities will build solar projects next year as part of the second phase. Much of the total costs, estimated at more than $26 million, will be covered by state and federal tax credits.

Salisbury U Receives First LEED Gold with Renovation

The renovation of Salisbury University’s (MD) Pocomoke Hall has achieved the university’s first LEED Gold certification. More than 15.8 percent of building materials were sourced and manufactured within 500 miles of the construction site and 22 percent were made from recycled materials. Approximately 75 percent of construction waste was diverted from landfills and 67 percent of the wood used in the building was from Forest Stewardship Council-certified products.

Taylor U Installs 2 Wind Turbines

Taylor University (IN) has installed two wind turbines on campus. The twin turbines are part of a plan to power the new science complex with a combination of wind, geothermal and solar energy. The two 50-kilowatt turbines are expected to be operational by the end of August. The 137,000-square-foot science complex, scheduled to open for the fall 2012 semester, will use 42 10-kilowatt solar cells.

Temple U Creates Community Medicinal Garden

Temple University (PA) has unveiled a community medicinal garden on campus with the intent to engage students and the community in the natural origins of medicine. In addition to allowing first-hand experience with plants with medicinal purposes for health sciences students, the garden contains planters with edibles like tomatoes, basil and cucumbers that community members are free to take as they pass by.

U Alaska Anchorage Debuts First Student Campus Garden

Student members of the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Sustainability Club have constructed a raised-bed garden and whiskey barrel planters for the first student garden on campus. Students planted swiss chard, radishes, spicy salad mix and lettuce. The whiskey barrels are being used to grow potatoes, zucchinis, herbs and berry shrubs. The Sustainability Club plans to harvest the produce and hold a community feast.

U California Los Angeles Offers Green Commuting Incentives

The University of California, Los Angeles' Transportation department has launched a web-based program that offers incentives for students to commute to campus in an environmentally friendly manner. Members of the Bruin Commuter Club can access services ranging from discounted parking to an emergency ride service. The program is designed for students, faculty and staff who carpool, use public transportation or bike and walk to campus. Since the club’s induction on July 11, more than 1,000 members of the university community have registered. The incentives, including an annual gift card for restaurants and online carpool matching program Zimride, will continue to be added to the program in 2012 to encourage ongoing sign-ups.

U Kentucky Earns First LEED Certification

The University of Kentucky has earned its first LEED certification with the recent LEED Gold certification of its Davis Marksbury building. Part of its College of Engineering's Digital Village, the three-story, 45,014-square-foot building includes photovoltaic collectors on the roof to convert sunlight into electrical power to help serve the building and provide research opportunities.

U New Hampshire, Climate Counts Partner to Address Climate Crisis

The University of New Hampshire has partnered with independent nonprofit Climate Counts to expand the effort to bring consumers and companies together in addressing the climate crisis. Climate Counts will operate its main office on campus to take advantage of the university’s climate research, engaged scholarship and campus-wide Sustainability Academy. The partnership will provide new research opportunities for students and will advance the work of Carbon Solutions New England, which conducts independent analysis and research on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and growing economic opportunities.

U Notre Dame Installs Thin-Film Solar Array

The University of Notre Dame has completed the installation of a 10-kilowatt flexible thin-film solar array and monitoring system on the roof of its Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering. The lightweight flexible panels lie flat and are attached directly to the surface of the roof with an adhesive. Connected directly to the university's power grid, the array will help meet the building's electricity demand. The array will also offer research opportunities for faculty and students with a real-time monitoring system that will allow for an analysis of the array's productivity under different conditions.

U Notre Dame to Save 45K with Fume Hood Set-back Modes

The University of Notre Dame (IN) is installing a set-back mode on its teaching lab fume hoods. The set-back mode will be activated by the last faculty member to use the lab each day by pressing a button near the door, which will reduce the minimum flow in the hoods from 240 to 90 cubic feet per minute. The set-back mode is being installed on 158 hoods in Jordan Hall and is expected to reduce the university's carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 711 tons per year and save $45,000 in annual energy costs. The savings is expected to repay the cost of the retrofit in about six and a half years.

U Texas Arlington to Add Free Electric Vehicle Charging Station

In anticipation of an expanding electric car market, the University of Texas at Arlington has announced plans to add a free public electric vehicle charging station on campus. Donated by City Electric Supply's Arlington office, the charger is being installed in a new campus garage that is slated to open in 2012. Room for six additional chargers are included in the plans for the final phase of the garage.

U Victoria to Pilot Green Ship Technology

With $1.19 million in federal funding, the University of Victoria (BC) has announced plans to retrofit the former Tsekoa II into a plug-in hybrid "green ship," powered by electricity, hydrogen fuel cells and low-emission diesel fuel. The hybrid system will provide energy for low-speed maneuvering and power for ship systems, communications and instrumentation. The new green ship technology was created by the university's green transportation research team and the Province of British Columbia's marine engineering and alternative power system sectors.

U Wisconsin Madison Fights Invasive Species with Goats

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has enlisted a herd of goats to clear an overgrown slope behind its School of Human Ecology building, which is undergoing a renovation and expansion. The goats are clearing invasive species like black locust, honeysuckle and buckthorn, which will be replaced with terraces of native canopy trees and a mix of native wildflowers and grasses.

Vanderbilt U Launches Sustainability Project

Vanderbilt University (TN) has launched the Sustainability Project for the 2011-2012 academic year with the goal of creating a dialogue across all parts of the campus about environmental, social and economic sustainability. More than 30 classes will incorporate sustainability themes, and the initiative will infuse sustainability into many other phases of the coming academic year including a speaker series, documentary film series and field trips. The initiative is supported by the College of Arts and Science Fant fund.

Washington and Lee U to Install 450 kW Solar Energy System

Washington and Lee University (VA) has signed an agreement with solar energy developer Secure Futures L.L.C. to install two solar photovoltaic arrays totaling 450 kilowatts on campus. As part of the 20-year power-purchase agreement, the university will buy solar-generated electricity from Secure Futures and will have the option to purchase the solar arrays in the future.

Western Oregon U Building Earns LEED Platinum

Western Oregon University’s Ackerman Hall has achieved LEED Platinum certification. The 91,000-square-foot facility mixes both scholastic and housing programs into a single community on university grounds. Rooftop solar thermal panels preheat water and air for use in the facility, resulting in a 50 percent reduction in potable water usage and 35 percent reduction in energy consumption. Other sustainable features include energy monitoring systems, low-flow plumbing fixtures, a rainwater harvest system, permeable paving and passive solar design.

Yale U Awards Microloans to 3 Campus Sustainability Projects

Yale University (CT) has chosen three campus projects to be supported by the Yale Sustainability Microloan Fund in the coming year. The fund promotes creative ideas that make the university a more environmentally and financially sustainable place by providing small loans for projects with short payback periods. Thin-film photovoltaic arrays, consumer-level smart grid technology and high-efficiency lighting installations are features of the three winning projects.

Appalachian State U Pilots Program to Remove Classroom Trash Cans

Appalachian State University (NC) has developed a pilot program to remove trash cans from campus classrooms in an effort to increase recycling rates and improve collection efficiency across campus. Recycling and trash collection containers will be placed throughout the hallways in each building for convenience. The university expects the program to increase campus recycling rates and improve waste collection and recycling efficiency. In addition, expenses associated with the costs of trash bags will be reduced.

Arizona State U Announces Patent-Pending Solar Design

Arizona State University's Tempe campus has revealed a patent-pending solar structure design planned for a parking lot adjacent to its Sun Devil Stadium. A partnership between the university and NRG Solar, the 5.25-acre PowerParasol™ design will cover 800 covered parking spaces and generate 2.1 megawatts of electricity. Within the 25-year, $10.5 million agreement, NRG will own and operate the PowerParasol™ and in exchange, the university will pay flat electricity rates during the term. Within three to four years, the university should experience reduced electricity rates. The university can also reduce the total project cost through revenue streams including PowerParasol™ advertising. Construction is slated for mid-August and should be completed before the end of 2011.

Bridgewater College Debuts Sustainable Residence Hall

Bridgewater College (VA) has debuted a new green student residence hall that will seek LEED Silver certification. Some of its environmentally responsible features include reduced stormwater runoff, recycled building materials, insulation composed of renewable materials, occupancy sensor lights and low volatile interior paints and adhesives. Twenty percent of all materials used during construction were made or harvested within 500 miles.

Cal Poly Pomona Students to Conduct Campus Restaurant Audit

Students and faculty at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona are conducting an environmental audit of the university's Collins College of Hospitality Management restaurant. Food sourcing, food waste and energy, and water consumption will be studied closely. The restaurant operates as a classroom where undergraduates can learn all aspects of a hospitality business. Each quarter, a lunch class and a dinner class operate the restaurant, which is open to the public. The restaurant currently features a culinary garden, energy- and water-efficient equipment, and some locally sourced food.

CC Students Receiving Pell Grants Increases 92% in 5 Years

The number of community college students receiving Pell Grants has increased by 92 percent in the last five years according to a new policy brief from the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). In the past academic year alone, the number of recipients increased 21 percent. The cost of the federal program in helping students in part pay for a higher education has also increased; over the same five-year period, expenditures for Pell Grants have swelled 182 percent, including 19 percent in the last year. In related news, Pell Grants were spared in the debt bill at the maximum of $5,500 for all students, reports Inside Higher Ed. While it provides stability to the program for a couple of years, all programs will face a difficult Congressional environment with spending cuts going forward.

Duke U Debuts New Car Sharing Program

Duke University (NC) has announced that it is replacing its current car sharing service with Enterprise Rent-A-Car's WeCar. The new service provides the university with 16 vehicles, including an electric car that can be rented by students, faculty and staff. The WeCar vehicles will be spread across the university’s campuses. Vehicles can be reserved online, accessed using a membership card and returned to the same location where it was picked up. The new program also offers several enhancements including longer reservations, a higher daily mileage limit and competitive overnight rates.

Florida Int'l U Solar House to Become Sustainability Office

A team of Florida International University students and faculty have designed and engineered a house for the 2011 Solar Decathlon competition, taking place in the fall. When the house returns to the university, it will become the new home of the Office of University Sustainability. The house emphasizes adaptability and customization as key components of its energy performance. Designed for south Florida’s potentially harsh hurricane seasons, the house features floor-to-ceiling windows protected by an advanced louver system designed to both provide shade when opened and protection from high winds when closed. One hundred percent of the total energy will be produced by solar panels.

Harvard U Earns 50th LEED Certification

Harvard University (MA) has become the first higher education institution to achieve its 50th LEED certification. The green building milestone includes six platinum-level projects and represents more than 1.5 million square feet of labs, dormitories, libraries, classrooms and offices. An additional 3 million square feet of space is registered and pursuing LEED certification. In April, the university announced a 10 percent decline in the university’s overall greenhouse gas emissions reflecting energy supply improvements, efficiency measures and the engagement of faculty, staff and students in activities designed to transform behavior.

Illinois Central College to Provide Green Building Training

Illinois Central College has announced plans to offer a 12-week training course for green building professionals. The training will provide a comprehensive look at the design, construction and operation of green buildings and communities. Emphasis will be placed on the categories developed by the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program including sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, and innovation in design. The training is sponsored by the Green Workforce Alliance. Funding for the training is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor.

New York U Reduces Energy by 15% During Heat Wave

New York University students and employees took the lead in reducing their energy usage during recent record-high temperatures, cutting the university's energy consumption by about 15 percent. The university's executive vice president announced in a university-wide email that unnecessary lighting, elevators and air conditioning were to be shut off per the request of Con Edison, which faced a peak power emergency as a result of record-breaking temperatures across the New York City. Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to change their individual behaviors to reduce electrical usage and campus sustainability advocates helped spread the word about the curtailment and the need for conservation on campus.

Northwestern U Students Construct 'Tiny House'

Students and alumni of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University (IL) have begun construction on a Tiny House project that will serve as a display to the community. Part of a movement stemming from high energy prices and an increased interest in sustainability, the tiny zero net-energy house - with a toilet in the shower - will produce its own electricity using solar panels and collect all of its water. The tiny house movement, which emphasizes living simply and creatively using the space one has, is defined by some enthusiasts as less than 140 square feet. Construction began in the spring and the team intends to complete the home in the fall.

Pell Grant Paycheck Pilot Program Shows Early Success

A pilot program that uses surplus Pell Grant money after tuition costs as a biweekly paycheck for students has earned positive results in its first year at Mt. San Antonio College (CA), reports Inside Higher Ed. Believing that students who are receiving a paycheck may be more likely to give their studies more focus, "Aid Like a Paycheck" - a joint project from the Institute for College Access and Success and policy research organization MDRC - aims to improve completion rates. Students in the pilot phase have reported that being paid to stay in college makes them take their studies more seriously, and that they have pared back hours on outside jobs, giving them more time to focus on school.

Robert Morris U Fosters Diversity through Student Service

With nearly 50 students from Saudi Arabia's cultural-exchange program scheduled to arrive in the fall, Robert Morris University (PA) has announced a new service project designed to expose the incoming students to as diverse a set of classmates as possible, reports The Chronicle of Higher Education. The students from Saudi Arabia will join members of the university's Black Male Excellence Network, Hillel chapter, Coalition for Christian Outreach and Hispanic Student Association for a service project in Coraopolis, a distressed Pittsburgh community near the university. The students will work on activities like outfitting a building to operate as a food pantry and clothing bank, setting up a community garden, and serving a Thanksgiving dinner. The program was initiated in response to President Barack Obama's Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge, which invites higher education institutions to commit to a year of interfaith and community service programming on campus.

Saginaw Valley State U Hall Earns LEED Silver

Saginaw Valley State University’s (MI) Pioneer Hall has earned LEED Silver certification. Sustainable features of the $16 million renovation include high-performance glass for optimized energy performance and thermal comfort, regionally manufactured materials and passive solar design.

Santa Clara U Debuts Sustainable Energy Graduate Program

Santa Clara University’s (CA) School of Engineering has announced a new graduate degree in sustainable energy. Debuting this fall, the interdisciplinary program’s coursework will focus on societal responses to environmental problems, allowing graduate students to later pursue careers in energy management, smart grids, and energy generation and distribution. The program places a heavy reliance on project-based learning, case analyses and industrial practices. The master’s degree program is open to all students who have completed their bachelor’s in any engineering discipline.

Six Colleges Selected for Green Campus Network Program

The Tennessee Valley Authority and the Alliance to Save Energy have selected six regional colleges to participate in the Green Campus Network pilot program. Including Calhoun Community College (AL), University of Alabama, University of Memphis (TN), University of Mississippi, University of the South (TN) and Western Kentucky University, the program involves students, faculty, administrators and campus support staff in cutting energy use on college campuses. The program will also work to incorporate energy efficiency into curricula, encouraging students to pursue careers in sustainability after graduation, and increasing general awareness of energy efficiency. The Tennessee Valley Authority funding will cover program implementation and wages for student interns, who will develop and execute on-campus energy efficiency projects and campaigns with support and guidance from the Alliance.

STARS Ratings Pass 100 Institution Mark

With submission deadlines last week, 104 institutions have now submitted reports to AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS) during the past year. A total of 22 institutions have received a gold rating, 55 have earned a silver rating, and 21 have received a bronze rating. Six institutions also submitted their data as a STARS Reporter, indicating that they were not seeking an overall score but wanted to make their data public. The ratings are indicators of the sustainability performance of an institution using a broad and comprehensive set of credits. More than 260 institutions from the U.S. and Canada are currently participating in STARS. The remainder will be submitting their reports throughout the next year.

St. Michael’s College Installs Solar Electric Vehicle Chargers

St. Michael’s College (VT) has installed two solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations. The stations will be paired with a solar photovoltaic system placed atop the college's Klein Center. When the electricity generated by the solar array isn’t needed to charge vehicles, it will go into the grid and offset the college’s overall energy consumption. The stations are compatible with all types of electric vehicles currently available on the market.