New Resources

New Issue of Sustainability: Journal of Record

The most recent issue of Sustainability: Journal of Record includes an interview with Shana Weber about Princeton's new sustainability action plan; and articles about LEED version 4.1 and global university rankings.
  • Posted Jul 22, 2019

Sustainable Development Goals Online Platform

The curated library, introduced by Taylor & Francis, has over 12,000 articles and chapters corresponding to the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as a selection of materials to help lecturers teach sustainability and enhance students’ satisfaction with their institutions.
  • Posted Jul 22, 2019

Circular Economy Learning Hub

Launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the immersive Learning Hub allows users to learn more about the circular economy through different learning paths using real-world case studies. Content begins at an introductory level by asking, what is the circular economy? Then it dives specifically into fashion, cities, artificial intelligence and food. There are dedicated sections for business engagement in the circular economy and communicating the circular economy.
  • Posted Jul 19, 2019

United We Dream: Higher Education Educators & Schools Toolkit

This toolkit was designed to help undocumented students and educator allies work with their institutions to increase the resources and support systems available to undocumented students at their school. Presented by United We Dream, this toolkit was created to provide examples for institutions to create sanctuary spaces for their students, parents and educators.
  • Posted Jul 15, 2019

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources

The Campus Sustainability Hub is a simple, intuitive and centralized platform that houses best practices, course materials and comprehensive lists including research centers and institutes, publications, outreach materials and more. With advanced search filtering, this key member benefit is designed to facilitate information sharing between campuses and organizations. Recently added publications include:
  • Posted Jul 2, 2019

Free UN Sustainable Development Courses

Seventeen universities have developed an initiative to educate learners about the SDGs. Coursera is the primary platform where online courses are offered for the general public to learn about one or more of the goals. Some of the courses provide a hands-on experience with an NGO or international organization who is working to achieve the SDGs through their work.
  • Posted Jun 24, 2019

Climate Champions Podcast

Launched in summer 2019 by the Sport Ecology Group, the first season of the Climate Champions Podcast is an 11-episode limited series featuring conversations about climate change, zero waste, carbon neutrality, energy conservation, climate adaptation, disaster recovery, ocean plastics and more. Dave Newport, director of the Environmental Center at CU Boulder and Monica Rowand, sustainability manager at University of Louisiana at Lafayette both provide an interview on the podcast.
  • Posted Jun 10, 2019

Internal Carbon Pricing in Higher Education Toolkit

This toolkit provides recommendations, examples and tools to guide schools through the process of exploring, designing and implementing a carbon price on campus. The toolkit is a product of the Carbon Pricing in Higher Education Working Group, a group founded by Yale University, Swarthmore College, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition and Second Nature.
  • Posted Jun 3, 2019

Energize Colleges Free Curriculum Resources

A program of Strategic Energy Innovations, Energize Colleges is an energy education program that offers free curricula that advance energy and sustainability education and workforce development through experiential learning.
  • Posted Jun 3, 2019

Anchor Collaboratives: Building Bridges With Place-Based Partnerships and Anchor Institutions

Released by the Democracy Collaborative, this report discusses the role of anchor institutions and collaboratives in leveraging the power of their economic assets to address social and economic disparities and to revitalize local communities. The report focuses on the work of anchor institutions and partner organizations that have joined to form place-based networks, also called anchor collaboratives, to develop, implement and support shared goals and initiatives that advance equitable and inclusive economic development strategies.
  • Posted Jun 3, 2019

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education: New Issue

The latest issue includes articles on embedding ecological objectives in university planning, sustainability in engineering curricula, university-led educational travel impacts, promoting sustainability literacy through laboratories, and assessing pre-existing conditions for sustainability curriculum.
  • Posted May 27, 2019

Democracy and Climate Solutions Engagement Resources

Organized by the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) and the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS), Beyond Doom and Gloom: Climate Solutions is an initiative to empower students, educators and the public to advocate for climate solutions through resources and policy engagement opportunities.
  • Posted May 27, 2019

Diversifying Graduate Schools and the Faculty Report

Released by Inside Higher Ed, the report provides models for building diverse pipelines from graduate school to faculty. Topics include diversity in doctoral programs that create blockages in the diversity faculty pipeline, graduate school admissions processes that encourage a more holistic review of prospective students, bridge programs and HBCUs' role in increasing diversity in graduate school programs, and the importance of putting diversity and inclusivity into strategic plans and messages from university leaders.
  • Posted May 27, 2019

New Issue of Sustainability: Journal of Record

This issue is themed The Learning Foundations and Practice of The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and currently offers free access to all articles. The issue includes commentaries from Akpezi Ogbuigwe writing from the year 2030, the conclusion of the current SDGs; David Orr about the politics of environmental education; Julian Keniry on biodiversity; Mitchell Thomashow regarding migration and displacement; and more. Case reports in the issue cover integrating the SDGs in higher education and the impact on teaching, research and engagement.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2019

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources

The Campus Sustainability Hub is a simple, intuitive and centralized platform that houses best practices, course materials and comprehensive lists including research centers and institutes, publications, outreach materials and more. With advanced search filtering, this key member benefit is designed to facilitate information sharing between campuses and organizations. Recently added journal articles include:
  • Posted Apr 23, 2019

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources

The Campus Sustainability Hub is a one-stop shop for AASHE members to access toolkits and resource collections in all aspects of sustainability in higher education. With advanced search filtering, this key member benefit is designed to facilitate information sharing between campuses and organizations. Recently added journal articles include:
  • Posted Apr 8, 2019

APPA Facilities Manager Magazine: Sustainability Excellence and Collaboration

The March/April issue of APPA's Facilities Manager magazine focuses on Sustainability Excellence and Collaboration. It includes articles about renewable energy aggregation in higher education, sustainability as an institutional priority, optimizing building sustainability, and APPA's student internship program.
  • Posted Apr 1, 2019

Field Guide for Urban University-Community Partnerships

This field guide is intended to advance the growing field and practice of university-community partnerships. It seeks to provide the first survey of the field through a scan of 100 urban universities and colleges. It also seeks to offer a framework and methods by which individual universities and colleges can track the progress of the field, compare learning across institutions, and distill best practices for their own work in university-community partnerships. In this way, it seeks to complement a range of capacity-building resources that already exist by offering a stepwise opportunity for practitioners to locate themselves within the field of their peers, discern a best next step for their institutions and communities, and connect with the resources they need to be successful.
  • Posted Mar 29, 2019

Free Guide: Policies to Protect Against Donor Interference

The aim of this report is to provide models for university policies that will protect against interference from all private donors. The guide contains templates for faculty senate motions, improving gift acceptance procedures, approving and overseeing donor-sponsored centers and institutes, and disaffiliation from the Charles Koch Foundation. The report also includes background on Koch’s strategy for higher education, examples of donors violating academic freedom and faculty governance, and stories of faculty taking a stance against undue donor influence.
  • Posted Mar 18, 2019

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources

The Campus Sustainability Hub is a one-stop shop for AASHE members to access toolkits and resource collections in all aspects of sustainability in higher education. With advanced search filtering, this key member benefit is designed to facilitate information sharing between campuses and organizations. Recently added journal articles include:
  • Posted Mar 15, 2019

Gender Lens Investing: A Primer For College And University Endowments

This primer explores the link between value creation and gender diverse companies; highlights the rising trend of colleges and universities moving towards mission-aligned investing; and outlines a diverse range of tools and investment strategies available to decision makers as they consider the integration of gender lens products in endowments.
  • Posted Mar 11, 2019

STARS Online Community

The STARS Community in AASHE Connect is an online platform for those working in higher education sustainability to connect, communicate and collaborate with peers regarding STARS. The platform can be used to ask questions, brainstorm ideas and share resources. To use the platform, log in with your user ID and password. Then navigate to Communities > All Communities, and click the blue “Join Community” button.

New Report: Diversifying Graduate Schools and the Faculty

The new report released by Inside Higher Ed features recommendations and practical ideas from nearly 30 experts across higher education on how to hire and promote faculty members, as well as how to recruit diverse groups of graduate students.
  • Posted Mar 4, 2019

New Issue: Sustainability: Journal of Record

The latest issue includes an article about making the connection between environmental justice and sustainable development, and a review of books, reports, films, websites and applications.
  • Posted Feb 25, 2019

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education: New Issue

The latest issue includes articles on sustainability in chemistry curriculum and textile and apparel education, the impacts of higher education institutions on sustainable development, and teaching the health impacts of climate change.
  • Posted Feb 25, 2019

Metropolitan Universities Journal: Urban and Metropolitan Universities: The Transformative Power of Anchor Institutions

The new issue of Metropolitan Universities Journal focuses on the role of urban and metropolitan universities as anchor institutions in their community to address long standing inequities. Anchor institutions are nonprofit or public institutions that are rooted in place. These institutions have a mission to serve and are the largest employers and purchaser of goods and services in many communities. Also, they have other assets and capacities that can be leveraged to support reciprocal community development, including local hiring, procurement, and investment practices.
  • Posted Feb 25, 2019

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources: Green Fund Database

The Green Fund Database is a new content type in the Campus Sustainability Hub. The database aspires to be a comprehensive listing of green and revolving funds at higher education institutions. There are currently 265 resources and 215 institutions featured. New green funds can be added at any time.
  • Posted Feb 22, 2019

Incorporating Sustainability in Management Education

Responding to the need of business schools to incorporate sustainability thinking into their curricula, this book is structured on a typical MBA program. Each chapter explores how sustainability thinking can be integrated into existing subject areas. Rather than being prescriptive, the chapters provide opportunities to reflect on successes as well as challenges associated with embedding sustainability into MBA courses. Contributors explore the employability implications of sustainability and how these are reflected in course designs, pedagogy and assessments.
  • Posted Feb 18, 2019

AASHE STARS Benchmarking Tool & Website

AASHE’s new STARS website, which features the new Benchmarking Tool, was redesigned to make it easier for institutions to learn about and participate in STARS and get support during the reporting process. Facilitating advanced data analysis, the STARS Benchmarking Tool allows AASHE members to compare colleges and universities based on scores and metrics reported through STARS.
  • Posted Feb 8, 2019

Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators

Communicating Climate Change provides environmental educators with an understanding of how their audiences engage with climate change information as well as with concrete, empirically tested communication tools they can use to enhance their climate change program. An open access version of this book is available through Cornell Open.
  • Posted Feb 5, 2019

New Report: Business School Rankings for the 21st Century

This new report gives an overview of the current state of business school rankings and suggests possible changes to help align business school education with the needs of the 21st century. The report suggests 20 actions to improve evaluation and ranking, including incorporating criteria that measure environmental, social and/or SDG-linked factors within core curricula, research output, hiring and special research clusters, and awarding credit to schools that train students who work for low-paying but societally valuable organizations after graduation.
  • Posted Jan 24, 2019

Docademia: Documentaries for Academia

Docademia's mission is to bring marginalized voices into the classroom by using documentaries and live interviews with the documentaries' filmmakers to open a discussion about pressing issues of the world. The platform matches curriculums and syllabi with documentaries.
  • Posted Jan 18, 2019

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources

The Campus Sustainability Hub is a one-stop shop for AASHE members to access toolkits and resource collections in all aspects of sustainability in higher education. With advanced search filtering, this key member benefit is designed to facilitate information sharing between campuses and organizations. Recently added journal articles include:
  • Posted Jan 14, 2019

SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee Meeting Report

The new report summarizes the Feb. 28 through March 2, 2018, meeting in Paris on the Sustainable Development Goal 4: Education. It defines positions and recommendations by the SDG-Education 2030 steering committee on key strategic areas, discusses the critical role of regional engagement, provides broad strategic policy guidance, and proposes a global advocacy, communication and outreach strategy.
  • Posted Jan 7, 2019

The Impact of Real Food: 8 Ways Institutional Procurement is Building a Real Food Economy

The Impact of Real Food: 8 Ways Institutional Procurement is Building a Real Food Economy is a report from Real Food Challenge that is based on research focused on vendors who sell to colleges and universities that have signed the Real Food Campus Commitment. The report identifies patterns in farm/vendor-to-institutional relationships that have a positive effect on the food supply chain.
  • Posted Dec 18, 2018

Green Guy Podcast: Auburn University's Awards Program

Mike Kensler, director of the Office of Sustainability at Auburn University, joined the College Sustainability Summit Series to talk about the university's Spirit of Sustainability Awards that recognize individual students, groups, faculty, staff and/or alumni that exemplify the Auburn spirit by making significant contributions towards sustainability on campus.
  • Posted Dec 14, 2018

New Issue: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

The latest issue includes research articles examining sustainability assessment in higher education, engaging students in energy savings initiatives, climate adaptation in higher education, and competency-oriented education.
  • Posted Dec 9, 2018

New Campus Sustainability Hub Resources

The Campus Sustainability Hub is a one-stop shop for AASHE members to access toolkits and resource collections in all aspects of sustainability in higher education. With advanced search filtering, this key member benefit is designed to facilitate information sharing between campuses and organizations. Recently added journal articles include:
  • Posted Dec 3, 2018

IEN Case Study: Sustainable Investing at Arizona State University

This case study, produced and published by Intentional Endowments Network, discusses the university's move toward sustainable investing, specifically how analysis of sustainable investing strategies allow the foundation to fulfill its fiduciary duty while aligning with the university’s values and sustainability leadership.
  • Posted Nov 19, 2018

New Issue: Sustainability: The Journal of Record

Reporting on the implementation of sustainability programs, initiatives and practices in higher education and industry, the most recent issue of Sustainability: The Journal of Record focuses on China and includes a Michigan Sustainability Case. Michigan Sustainability Cases is an initiative of the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability that produces case studies for sustainability education. This case explores the largest hydroelectric power station in the world, the Three Gorges Dam in China.
  • Posted Nov 15, 2018

Green Guy Podcast: University of Carolina Charlotte Campus & Community Engagement

University of North Carolina Charlotte's sustainability officer, Mike Lizotte, joined the College Sustainability Summit Series to talk about the award-winning sustainability programs on campus, student engagement, collaborations with the business community and the city of Charlotte.
  • Posted Nov 13, 2018

Projects That Matter

Projects That Matter is a free nonprofit website connecting practitioners, students, faculty and volunteers with real world sustainable development projects. Researchers and practitioners can register their projects, and students and volunteers can search the database for course projects, independent study, thesis, capstone, and alternative assignments and activities. The platform is an initiative of the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development in collaboration with Changing the Present.
  • Posted Nov 13, 2018

AASHE 2018 Conference Presentations & Materials

Conference presentations and materials from the 2018 AASHE Conference and Expo are available in the Campus Sustainability Hub. There are 519 presentation uploads. Additional AASHE 2018 files may be uploaded to the Hub upon request by emailing and including the presentation name and file attachment.
  • Posted Nov 6, 2018

Going Green: Implementing Sustainable Strategies in Libraries Around the World

This publication examines aspects of reducing the ecological footprint in libraries’ operations and the social role and responsibility of libraries as leaders in environmental sustainability. Also discussed are the theoretical background and practical applications of contributions made by worldwide libraries to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Posted Nov 5, 2018

Green Guy Podcast: University of Notre Dame's Comprehensive Sustainability Strategy

The university's senior program director of Sustainability, Allison Mihalich, discusses UND's Comprehensive Sustainability Strategy for campus and the impact of student engagement on the South Bend community.
  • Posted Nov 2, 2018

Environment and Pedagogy in Higher Education

This book proposes concrete pedagogical approaches to the study of environmental issues outside of the humanities and aims at inspiring and motivating both educators and students to become actively engaged in the pursuit of ecological preservation.
  • Posted Oct 29, 2018

The Role of Business in Education and Training for Sustainable Development

This new report demonstrates how business can help people gain the skills and knowledge to advance sustainable development, navigate the future of work and create a more prosperous society. The report also shares insights and recommendations for business to promote education and training for sustainable development. The project was led by Business Fights Poverty, Pearson, Arizona State University and PRME, an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact.
  • Posted Oct 29, 2018

Sustainability: Key to Long-Term Institutional Success

This report gives guidance and examples of how universities that embed sustainability in their vision, mission and values can realize a host of business benefits across four key pillars of institutional success: financial resilience; student outcomes; research and innovation, and societal impact. The publication was developed by the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC) and University of Edinburgh.
  • Posted Oct 26, 2018

Green Guy Podcast: The Environmental Center at the University of Colorado-Boulder

Dave Newport, director of the Environmental Center at CU Boulder, joins the College Sustainability Summit Series to discuss the student-led center's accomplishments and service to the campus and surrounding community.
  • Posted Oct 26, 2018