U Georgia Rolls Out Bike Sharing Program

The new Bulldog Bike Share features a fleet of electric pedal-assist bicycles accessible from 22 hubs across campus. It costs $2 to unlock and 10 cents per minute of ride time, with the option of monthly and annual subscriptions. The bikeshare is a partnership between UGA Transportation and Parking Services and the Office of Sustainability.

U California Santa Cruz Uses Grants for Bike Path Upgrades

Grants totaling $1.13M have enabled the university to widen the bike path to allow for safer bike travel, and install a multi-use trail to accommodate both two-way pedestrian and bike traffic.

U Pittsburgh Partners to Upgrade Fleet to Electric & Hybrid

The university is now leasing a total of 268 electric and hybrid vehicles through an expanded partnership with a national car rental agency. Overall, the agreement is projected to save the university $750,000 over the next five years while supporting the university's carbon neutrality commitment.

Rutgers U Offers Electric Scooters

In an effort to relieve overcrowded buses, the university recently introduced 300 electric scooters on campus. The e-scooters connect to an app and cost $1 to begin the ride plus 28 cents per minute.

SUNY Cortland Installs EV Charging Stations

Starting this fall, the university began offering campus community members the option to recharge personal electric vehicle (EV) batteries on campus for a small fee. The cost to add four chargers to campus was $115,000, much of which was covered by two grants.

Fort Lewis College Installs EV Chargers

Spearheaded by the Campus Sustainability Council, a project to connect two electric vehicle charging stations is now complete. The chargers allow for four vehicles to charge at once. The Campus Sustainability Council received $18,000 in funding from Charge Ahead Colorado, a program of the Colorado Energy Office, for the purchase and installation of the stations.

Vanderbilt U Receives $8.4M for Transportation Initiatives

The Tennessee Department of Transportation's Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program recently awarded the university $8.4 million to scale up its MoveVU sustainability transportation program. Over three years, the funding will enable the launch of a bikeshare service, improvements to shuttle service transit, installation of traffic-detection technologies, data analytics to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of system operations, and development of curbside management and micromobility policies and practices.

U Pittsburgh Offers Bike Service for Free

With support from the university's Office of Sustainability, Office of Parking, Transportation and Services and a grant from Pepsi, the university recently announced an expansion of the Healthy Ride program, which will provide unlimited, free 30-minute rides to students, faculty and staff throughout the 2020-21 academic year.

California State U East Bay Adopts Air Travel Offset Policy

A flat $9 offset fee per trip will soon be charged to the department of any person traveling on university business when funded by the university or related affiliates. The funds collected will be deposited into the university’s Climate Action Plan Fund and used for projects at university-owned sites that provide greenhouse gas reductions.

U College Cork Rolls Out E-Bike Trial

(Ireland) Following a successful pilot in 2019, the university has launched an initiative to provide staff with electric bikes for a trial period to determine if electric bikes are a desired method to commute to and from campus.

Winona State U Installs Electric Charging Stations

The university recently installed two new electric car charging stations. The stations are ready for use and open to students, faculty, staff and the public. The charging stations are free to use for WSU students. Faculty and staff receive a reduced fee of $0.10 per kilowatt-hour. Public users are charged a one-dollar flat rate connection fee as well as $0.10 per kilowatt-hour.

Alabama A&M U Receives $2.2M for Electric Buses

The university's Bulldog Transit System (BTS) has been awarded over $2.2 million from the Federal Transit Administration to further increase its total number of electric buses, as well as to work toward its goal of providing needed infrastructure upgrades, charging stations, and a bus storage facility.

U Puerto Rico Receives $1.4M to Reduce Diesel Emissions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently announced a grant of $1.4 million to the university that will provide funding to replace 15 old, heavy-duty trucks. The university will also develop seminars for diesel vehicle owners and the general public in Puerto Rico to raise awareness about the harmful environmental impacts of diesel emissions, including those from idling, and resources available to help reduce diesel emissions.

Bronx CC Installs EV Charger

The newly installed electric vehicle (EV) charger is available to the campus community for free. The unit did not require any on-site construction, as it is designed to be a stand-alone unit sitting on top of the parking surface.

North Carolina State U Pilots Driverless E-Shuttle

Thanks to a partnership with the N.C. Department of Transportation, the university is conducting a six-month pilot test of an autonomous electric vehicle that can ferry 12 passengers. The vehicle completes a one-mile route in about 12 minutes and is designed to be a first- and last-mile solution for commuters and those with mobility challenges.

California State U Channel Islands Receives Grant for EV Charging Ports

The university recently received a grant from the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District to install an additional six electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on campus, bringing the university's total to 15 charging ports. The new charging stations will be the first networked stations on campus, enabling the university to gather data on charging patterns and energy usage.

U California Santa Cruz Shifts to Biodiesel

The university moved to 100 percent biodiesel in 2019 for all its diesel-fueled student shuttles and other fleet vehicles.

U Georgia Receives $7.46M for Electric Buses

The Federal Transit Administration’s Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program will allocate $7.46 million to the university to purchase an additional 13 electric buses. The funding, along with UGA’s 30 percent matching share, will grow the university’s fleet to 33 electric buses.

Washington U St. Louis Opens Active Commuter Hub

Offered by the Office of Sustainability and Parking & Transportation Services, the new Active Commuter Hub supports staff, faculty, students and contractor employees that bike, walk, use public transit or other active forms of transportation by offering access to showers and lockers. The space is also accessible to people wanting to exercise over breaks or at lunchtime.

Georgetown U Offers Discount on Bikeshare

A new low-cost partnership with the Capital Bikeshare University Program makes bicycling more financially accessible by decreasing annual membership costs from $85 to $25 for all Georgetown undergraduate, graduate, Law Center and Medical Center students.

League of American Bicyclists Recognizes Bicycle Friendly HEIs

The fall 2019 cohort in the Bicycle Friendly University program included 16 universities and colleges earning the award for the first time, 12 that earned upgraded awards, and 20 renewing institutions, plus four earning honorable mentions. Among those upgrading are three universities certified as Platinum for the first time–the University of California Irvine, the University of California Santa Barbara, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Cleveland State U Installs 3 EV Charging Stations

The three new electric vehicle charging stations, located in the Student Center Garage, are provided at no additional charge to the campus community.

Portland State U Pilots E-Tricycles for Mail Delivery

The package delivery service UPS has teamed up with the university to use electric tricycles to deliver packages on campus. Especially meant for the final leg of delivery routes, the pilot is testing to see if e-trikes can supplement or even replace traditional gas-powered trucks.

Dickinson College Installs EV Charging Stations

Dickinson recently installed three electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, each with two plugs, allowing for six EVs to charge at once.

U Virginia Pilots Electric Cargo Bikes

In a year-long pilot program, the university is testing out the viability of electric bikes with a trailer for moving items such as tools and annual plants.

George Mason U to Offer E-Scooters

Dockless, electric scooters will soon be introduced on campus for faculty, staff and students to rent. Parking and Transportation plans to partner with academic departments to facilitate research related to the use of scooters.

U Miami to Offer Electric Scooters

The university recently partnered with a company that offers ride-and-park electric bikes. Users can pick up a scooter through a free app, which tracks where scooters are located to make finding transportation easy.

U Pittsburgh Deploys Electric Box Trucks

The university added four new zero-emission electric box trucks to its fleet. Designed to travel 60 to 80 miles on a single charge, the light-duty trucks are used for campus moving and delivery services.

U Pittsburgh Pilots Free Bike-Share Rides for First-Year Students

In a partnership with the Healthy Ride bike-share program, the university will provide all first-year undergraduate students and resident assistants with unlimited 30-minute rides during the academic year fall and spring terms of the 2019-20 academic year.

Virginia Tech Pilots E-Scooters

Starting in September, 1,300 electric scooters will be available at university ride-share stations for check out. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has partnered with the Ford-owned Spin company to conduct an 18-month pilot research initiative focused on micro-mobility. The research is intended to lead to recommendations for more effectively governing dockless programs on colleges and in cities.

U Virginia Earns Sustainable Fleet Accreditation

The university's Facilities Management Fleet recently garnered tier 2 of the Sustainable Fleet Accreditation, recognizing its efforts to build a fleet of cleaner and more sustainable vehicles. In the last year, facilities replaced 10 of its older, less efficient vehicles with electric and hybrid vehicles, and reduced the number of older diesel vehicles. The accreditation is a joint program between the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) and Calstart, both transportation-related nonprofits.

U Georgia to Purchase 20 Electric Buses

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions and increase alternative transportation options, the university recently established a contract to purchase up to 20 electric buses. Energy costs for operating the electric buses amount to less than $10 per day per bus, compared to energy costs for a diesel bus that total $90 per day per bus. The new buses also will have twice the horsepower and five times the efficiency of a diesel bus. The purchase is made possible by a $10 million grant from the GO! Transit Capital Program administered by Georgia’s State Road and Tollway Authority.

Union College Installs EV Charging Stations

In an effort to encourage more electric vehicle users, the college has added nine new dual-port charging stations around campus, bringing the number of spots available for electric vehicle users to 22 from four. The stations were paid for in part through grants from National Grid and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.

Tufts U Bolsters Carpooling With App

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions, the university entered a partnership with the carpooling app miles2share in early March, which allows students, faculty and staff within the Tufts community to connect with riders and drivers with overlapping routes.

Mills College Offers Car Sharing

At the end of January, the college placed two Zipcar vehicles on campus that can be used by any student or staff member at a discounted rate.

West Chester U Implements Bike Sharing

The Office of Sustainability at the university implemented a bike-share program across campus through a company called Zagster. The program allows students to rent bicycles with a one-time, annual fee for up to three hours at a time.

U Victoria Launches Campus Cycling Plan

The university's inaugural Campus Cycling Plan provides a comprehensive and coordinated approach to support cycling as a safe, enjoyable and convenient mode of transportation on campus for students, faculty, staff and visitors. It includes bicycle parking, cycling paths and end-of-trip facilities, as well as policy direction on strategies to improve levels of comfort and safety on shared paths and roads.

Parul U Bans Gas & Diesel Vehicles on Campus

In an effort to reduce pollution on campus and protect the health of teachers and students, the university recently banned the use of gasoline and diesel vehicles inside campus boundaries. To facilitate transportation across campus, one hundred bicycles have been placed across the campus, which the campus community can rent at a minimal cost.

Rider U Wins Electric Vehicle Challenge

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection named the university a winner of the New Jersey Charging Challenge: Electrify Your Workplace recognition program in December 2018. Rider received a certificate of recognition for its installation of five single-port, level-two EV charging stations and the use of smartphone applications that provide information on proper charging etiquette.

U Kentucky Offers Support for Bicycle Commuters

Earlier in January, the university opened an indoor bike room that has indoor parking available for 60 bicycles, four showers, lockers, a fix-it station and water fountains with bottle fillers.

U Arkansas Opens Bike Lane

Green and white paint now mark a formal bike route on campus that was previously used by cyclists as a common route to avoid pedestrians.

U New Hampshire Pilots Employee Bike Program

A total of 30 facilities department staff members have been trained to participate in the new bike program. They are replacing trips to meetings that previously would have included the use of a car with bike travel. To support the program, UNH purchased six bikes, lights, racks, lock, and helmets. The facilities team plans to share information with new groups across campus that want to adopt the program.

Duke U Adds Electric Buses to Fleet

The two new battery-electric buses will replace two diesel vehicles, saving Duke about $924,000 in maintenance, fuel and vehicle costs over the lifespan of the two buses. Each bus can carry up to 40 seated passengers and operate for about 200 miles on a single charge. Besides zero greenhouse gas emissions, the buses require no oil changes and use no liquid fuels.

U Washington Uses E-Bikes to Deliver Campus Mail

The university's Mailing Services now uses a fleet of electric-assist cargo bicycles to deliver nearly all mail to 455 departments on the Seattle campus. Mailing Services used a grant from the Campus Sustainability Fund to purchase five of the bikes. Since phasing out trucks, deliveries now take 10 percent less time and 30 percent fewer miles traveled.

League of American Bicyclists Honors 45 Bicycle Friendly Universities & Colleges

Of the four achievement levels of Bicycle Friendly Universities, Bronze to Platinum, the League presented seven Gold, 16 Silver, and 22 Bronze awards in 2018. No Platinum level recipients were chosen. The League also recognized five universities and colleges with Honorable Mention status.

Yale Divinity School Announces Air Travel Offset Program

The Yale Divinity School has launched a new program to offset the environmental impacts of academic and administrative travel. Inspired by other universities with offset programs, domestic flights will incur a $50 charge and international flights will incur a $100 charge. The revenue from the charge/tax will be used to support sustainability efforts at Yale Divinity School.

Purdue U Studies Best Practices for E-Scooters on Campus

In the coming weeks, 40 scooters will be distributed across Purdue's campus to begin the initial four-week research project to study how e-scooters can best be incorporated into an urban environment. While the research results are intended to be used by civil engineering and city planners worldwide, Purdue will be using the information for future decisions about whether to allow scooters on campus and how they should be used.

San Francisco State U Receives Funding to Offer Bike-Share Memberships for Free

The San Francisco County Transportation Authority board approved a $56,000 grant to provide free bike share memberships for university students for two years. Lyft will contribute funding to continue the program beyond the two-year pilot phase. Each year, the grant will provide free bike sharing to 400 Pell Grant-eligible students, and for 150 non-Pell Grant-eligible students. About 300 single month passes will also be provided to other students.