Salem State U Residence Hall Achieves LEED Gold

Marsh Hall’s sustainable features include solar panels, green roofs, low-flow plumbing and a vegetated swale water-reclamation system.

San Diego State U Students Partner with Solar Company for Project

Electrical engineering students have partnered with Sullivan Solar Power to create a senior design project. The renewable energy company is providing a group of students, called “Growing in Solar,” guidance and counsel on a weekly basis to analyze the design and implementation of solar technology. The company has also provided students two sets of solar panels for research.

Supreme Court Takes New Case on Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a second case involving affirmative action in higher education. In October, the justices heard arguments in a case dealing with the University of Texas’ race-conscious admissions program. This one, from Michigan, tests whether voters, by referendum, can bar affirmative action programs in higher education.

Texas Tech U Student Senate Approves Steps for Sustainable Campus

The Student Senate has passed a resolution that supports all public relations efforts to promote sustainability on campus. The resolution states the senate supports reducing costs of beverages when students use their own containers, the placement of more recycling bins in residence halls, the use of recyclable containers for all to-go meals in dining facilities and the exploration of a more efficient watering system on campus.

Tufts U Campus Sustainability Council Releases Draft Report

The Campus Sustainability Council has released a drat report that outlines recommendations for the university to improve sustainability on campus. The Office of Sustainability will gather feedback from the campus community to determine if additional changes will need to be considered.

U Massachusetts Introduces New Sustainable Food and Farming Major

The university has approved a new major in sustainable food and farming, to begin in Fall 2013. Originally offered as a concentration within the Plant and Soil Sciences major, the program has grown from five students in 2003 to seventy-five in 2013.

U Wisconsin Green Bay Band Holds Sustainability Themed Concert

In an effort to create awareness for campus sustainability initiatives, the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble held a “Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle” themed concert. The band performed compositions from notable composers that aligned with the theme and the older songs were ‘reused’ and performed in new ways.

Washington U St. Louis Invests $30M on Energy Conservation

The university has announced plans to spend $30 million on energy conservation projects over the next five years. The roughly 60 projects, which will help improve energy efficiency, heating and cooling systems, and waste management, are projected to reduce emissions by more than 50,000 metric tons of CO2

Youngstown State U College of Business Building Earns LEED Gold

The university’s Williamson College of Business Administration features passive solar design, low-flow plumbing and a ventilation system that allows for 30 percent more airflow through the building.

Ben-Gurion, U Michigan Partner for Energy Research

(Israel, U.S.): Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the University of Michigan have signed a $2 million partnership to develop a three-year collaborative renewable energy research program. The project aims to tackle challenges in the fields of vehicle fuels, solar energy and thermoelectric materials.

Dundee U Launches Recycle and Reward Initiative

(U.K.): The university has installed four reverse vending machines that accept bottles and cans as part of the Recycle and Reward initiative. Students and staff will be rewarded for recycling through a variety of incentives including cash, discount vouchers or vouchers for donations to charities.

East Tennessee State U to Receive Recycling Bins

(U.S.): Alcoa Foundation ha partnered with Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and the College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC) to provide 60 recycling bins to the university as part of the Recycling Bin Grant Program.

Harvard U Energy Plant Receives EPA Award

(U.S.): The Longwood Medical Center’s energy plant has received a 2013 Energy Star “Combined Heat and Power” award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The system produces steam, chilled water, and electricity for the five hospitals, biomedical and pharmaceutical research centers, and Harvard-affiliated teaching locations.

Harvard U Heroes Program to Recognize Sustainability Achievements

(U.S.): The Office of Sustainability has partnered with Human Resources to recognize staff achievements in sustainability through the university-wide Harvard Heroes Program. Recognizing sustainability leaders as Harvard Heroes is an effort to institutionalize sustainability across the university and incorporate green actions into the workplace culture on campus.

Metropolitan CC Named Tree Campus USA

(U.S.): The Arbor Day Foundation has designated the college as a 2012 Tree Campus USA for the first time.

Moraine Valley CC Installs Electric Vehicle Chargers

(U.S.): Two electric vehicle charging stations are now open to the public at the cost of one dollar per hour. The station infrastructure was fully paid for through the EV Project, a U.S. Department of Energy funded program administered by ECOtality.

Muskingum U Installs Solar Array

(U.S.): The university has constructed a 75-kilowatt, 297 panel solar array atop its Recreation Center. The array is expected to save about $15,000 annually in electricity costs. The project was paid for through university capital improvements funds.

National Hispanic U Partnership to Expand Access to Higher Ed

(U.S.): The university and StraighterLine have announced an agreement that will enable students to transfer American Council on Education courses for credit at the university. The transfer agreement is part of the university’s mission to support greater access to higher education.

NY Times: 'U Tennessee Wins Approval for Hydraulic Fracturing Plan'

(U.S.): The University of Tennessee has received permission from the Tennessee Building Commission to lease more than 8,000 acres of state-owned land to an energy company for hydraulic fracturing, a process known as “fracking,” and then use the profits from the lease to study the environmental impact of the natural gas extraction technique. The proposal has been met by public protests and environmentalists worry the process could release harmful chemicals that would contaminate drinking water.

Oregon Moves to In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students

(U.S.): The Senate has joined the House of Representatives in approving a bill that would grant in-state tuition rates to undocumented Oregon high school graduates.

Shanghai Jiaotong U to Construct Solar Decathlon House

(China): The university has partnered with JinkoSolar Holding Co. to construct an energy-efficient home for the 2013 Solar Decathlon China competition. Over 20 student teams have been selected to participate in the first Solar Decathlon China competition in August.

Trinity U Installs Water Bottle Refilling Stations

(U.S.): The university has installed 18 water bottle filling stations in both academic buildings and residence halls. The project received funding from the campus administration and Association of Student Representatives.

U California Santa Barbara Approves Water Action Plan

(U.S.): The university has approved a Water Action Plan. This water guidance document identifies historic and current water use and provides water conservation recommendations on a 15-year planning horizon. The plan was designed and produced by six graduate students in collaboration with various stakeholders from the university, as well as local, regional, and national water conservation stakeholders.

U Chicago Launches Paperless Payroll

(U.S.): In an effort to reduce paper consumption, Financial Services has implemented a paperless payroll system. This digitization effort increases security and transparency while also reducing the costs of printing, shipping, archiving, and shredding.

U Houston to Offer Sustainability Minor

(U.S.): The university has created an interdisciplinary minor in energy and sustainability as part of a strategic plan to enhance and expand its energy-related educational and research initiatives. Courses to be offered include sustainable development, the environmental biology of Texas, the economics of energy, introduction to air pollution, international energy politics and an energy-related writing class.

U Iowa Expands Initiative for Sustainable Communities

(U.S.): The university has expanded its Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities to become a campus-wide and statewide project. The initiative was created to enhance the capacity of Iowa's communities to address the economic, environmental, and social-cultural issues they face today and build a more sustainable future. With its expansion, more departments across campus will partake in future projects.

U Nebraska Lincoln Alumni Raise Money for Organic Farm

(U.S.): Two alumni have been working with current environmental studies students to raise money to turn a half-acre of university land into an organic farm. The student-run farm has received commitment from the university for the land, and more than $2,000 toward the $3,500 needed to renovate a greenhouse on the site has been raised.

United Arab Emirates U Organizes First Green Week

(United Arab Emirates): The university’s first Green Week featured events linked together via specific themes aimed to raise awareness about environmental sustainability. The event aims to increase students' awareness regarding the preservation of the environment and applying green strategies in their daily lives.

U North Texas Named Tree Campus USA

(U.S.): The Arbor Day Foundation has recognized the university as a Tree Campus USA for the fifth consecutive year.

U South Carolina Installs Solar Trash Compactors

(U.S.): The facilities department has installed eight BigBelly Solar trash compactors and Smart Belly recycling units at the Russell House University Union. The new compactors replaced 40 trashcans and will serve as a pilot program. The trashcans will be repurposed to offer more recycling cans in other areas of the campus.

U Toronto Debuts Veggie Mondays Campaign

(Canada): Food Services has launched Veggie Mondays, a campus-wide campaign to encourage students to consume more plant-based foods at least one day of the week. The first phase of this campaign implemented a vegetarian and vegan standard which allows students and staff to easily identify vegan and vegetarian foods in campus eateries. The second phase will introduce student discounts on vegan and vegetarian meals as well as a weekly comic strip to raise awareness.

12 Canadian Institutions Participate in Earth Hour Competition

Twelve post-secondary institutions from across Alberta, Canada will take collective action against climate change through the One Hour, No Power: Campus Challenge. The fourth annual inter-campus competition, hosted by the University of Alberta’s Office of Sustainability, will see which school can get the greatest number of students, faculty and staff to pledge to power down all non-essential lights and appliances during Earth Hour 2013 on March 23.

Chatham U Recognized as Tree Campus USA

The Arbor Day Foundation has recognized the university as a 2012 Tree Campus USA.

College of the Atlantic to Divest all Fossil Fuel Investments

The college’s Board of Trustees has voted to divest from all fossil fuel-related investments, going into effect immediately. The move follows a student push to sell investments in companies whose businesses are believed to be harmful to the environment.

Colorado Approves In-State Tuition for Immigrant Students

The governor of Colorado is expected to sign into law a bill, passed by the state’s House of Representatives, that would allow students who entered the United States illegally to pay in-state tuition at Colorado’s public colleges. Currently, these students must pay the higher rate for nonresidents.

Cornell U to Launch Sustainability Major

The university’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will debut a new environmental science and sustainability major this fall. The major will take an interdisciplinary approach to environmental science, examining both biological and physical sciences as well as the social dimensions of sustainability. Students will have the opportunity to specialize in concentrations including biogeochemical sciences and environmental policy and governance.

Dickinson College Launches Student Sustainability Fellows Program

The Center for Sustainability Education has launched the Baird Fellows Program designed to bring together student leaders who have helped advance sustainability at the college. The intent is to create an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and collaboration. Senior participants will engage with guest speakers and the community throughout the semester, sharing ideas about how to create a more sustainable world.

DOE Announces Better Buildings Case Competition Winners

The Energy Department has announced the winners the 2013 Better Building Case Competition, an annual U.S. Department of Energy contest that challenges collegiate students to develop and present real-world solutions to boost the energy efficiency of buildings across the country. The winners included Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California-Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, and Yale University.

Louisiana State U Kicks Off Campus Sustainability Campaign

Residential Life and Campus Sustainability have launched UNPLUG, a three-week campaign that aims to inform students about energy and water consumption, conservation, recycling and sustainability. Residential halls will also compete against one another to see who can save the most energy.

McGill U Receives Sustainable Seafood Certification

The university’s Food and Dining Services has received the Marine Stewardship Council Chain of Custody certification, becoming the first Canadian post-secondary institution to be recognized by the MSC for its commitment to serving sustainable seafood. Supported by the university’s Sustainability Projects Fund, the certification effort was kickstarted by a capstone class project and picked up by students who were able to work in partnership with Food and Dining Services to see the certification through to completion.

Michigan State U Offers Boxed Water

The university has added its single-serve, boxed water product to its main campus offerings. Students will have the option to purchase Boxed Water at the Student Union and in three campus residence halls. The University partnered with Boxed Water is Better because of the company’s focus on sustainability, environmental awareness and its distinct package design.

New Mexico State U Barnes & Noble Awarded LEED Gold

Sustainable features include highly efficient mechanical, electrical and water systems, connectivity to the community, efficient lighting, systems to lower greenhouse gases and xeriscaping.

New Mexico State U Explores Sustainable Wastewater Treatment

Researchers have begun testing a new system to treat wastewater that uses less electricity than conventional sewage plants and uses photosynthesis to produce renewable surplus energy. If successful, the POWER (photosynthetically oxygenated waste-to-energy recovery) system will provide a more sustainable method for treating wastewater, a new viable approach to producing electric power and liquid biofuels, and a revenue stream to offset infrastructure improvements.

Portland State U Joins Fresh Air Campus Challenge

The university has signed on to the Fresh Air Campus Challenge, an effort that brings together campuses and local, state and national health organizations in a partnership to help all institutions of higher education begin the process of adopting a tobacco-free policy. Students and administrators are assessing tobacco issues on campus and working with the City of Portland to move toward a smoke-free campus.

Salisbury U Purchases Local Renewable Energy Credits

The university has committed to purchase 8,000 renewable energy credits from Ingenco, a renewable energy company operating throughout the mid-Atlantic. The company has partnered with the Wicomico County to use methane gas produced from a local landfill that is also used by the university.

Sierra College Student Constructs Solar Array

Students have constructed a solar array composed of 99 panels that will provide nearly 18,000 watts of annual energy production. The array was built over the last three years by over 50 students enrolled in the college’s Energy Technology Program.

Spelman College to Receive 75 Recycling Bins

The college will receive 75 recycling bins as part of the Alcoa Foundation Recycling Bin Grant Program. The program is an effort to help schools boost their recycling results during the eight-week RecycleMania Tournament, and expand their recycling efforts throughout the year.

U Iowa Dental Science Building Addition Earns LEED Gold

The 33,754-square-foot addition features collection and storage areas for recyclable materials, energy cost savings of 41 percent above standard building codes, and wood-based materials harvested from Forest Stewardship Council certified forests.

U La Verne Residence Hall Achieves First LEED Gold

Vista La Verne, a campus residence hall, has earned the university’s first LEED Gold certification. Sustainable features include a reflective roof, low-flow plumbing, preferred parking for energy efficient vehicles and a covered bike shelter.

U Minnesota Duluth Residence Hall Awarded LEED Silver

The Lawrence A. Ianni residence hall features energy efficient windows, substantial insulation, low-flow plumbing, irrigation reduction, and occupancy sensors.