U Minnesota Morris Launches On-Site Composting

The university has launched an organic waste disposal program as part of its campus-wide sustainability efforts. The initiative was led by a group of students to help avoid a waste hauling fee and create a valuable resource for use in landscaping projects. In the past, all compostable materials were sent off-campus to be incinerated.

U Minnesota Twin Cities Receives Energy Efficiency Award

The university has received the Platinum Award by Xcel Energy for its long-term commitment to energy efficiency. The award recognized the Twin Cities campus for saving 35 million kilowatt hours of electricity over five years.

U Nebraska Omaha Named Tree Campus USA

The university has earned its third designation as a Tree Campus USA from the Arbor Day Foundation.

Yakima Valley CC Receives $600,000 in Grants for Energy Projects

The college has been awarded $503,000 from the state Department of Commerce’s Energy Efficiency Grants program to install new lighting and heating and air-conditioning systems at six buildings on campus. The college also received $97,476 from the Pacific Power Blue Sky renewable energy program to install a 30-kilowatt solar array and monitoring system.

Appalachian State U Begins Zero Waste Commitment

The university has launched a zero waste commitment with the goal of diverting 90 percent of all waste from landfill disposal by 2022. As part of this commitment, single stream recycling and mini-bin waste collection initiatives will be implemented. The initiative will also include institutional purchasing decisions that focus on reducing consumption and increasing recycling.

Bellevue College Adds Electric Car to Growing Car Sharing Program

The college has added an electric vehicle as part of its car sharing program.

Bridgewater College Receives Grant to Improve Recycling

The college has received a $7,000 grant from the Alcoa Foundation for the installation of 75 new recycling containers on campus.

College Presidents Urge Colleagues to Push for Immigration Reform

The presidents of Cornell University, Arizona State University, and Miami Dade College have sent a letter to more than 1,200 of their colleagues, urging them to join an effort to reform immigration laws that limit colleges’ ability to educate and to innovate. Particularly in the STEM fields, American colleges “train many of the brightest minds of the world,” they write, “only to have those students sent abroad to compete against us because our immigration laws do not provide a viable path for them to stay.” In their letter, the three leaders call attention to the plight of foreign-born students who “arrived in our country as children but are prevented from attending college because of their undocumented status.” By denying such young people access to higher education, they write, “we deny our country the talent we very much need.”

Colorado State U Conducts Waste Audit

Students, faculty and staff have conducted an audit of trash gathered from the university’s dorms and dining halls as part of RecycleMania. Volunteers separated items to recycle, compost or discard. Results from the same audit conducted last year found that 26 percent of what was tossed could have been recycled, 36 percent could have been composted and only 38 percent was true trash.

Department of Energy Announces Winners of Student Competition

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced the winners of the second annual Better Buildings Case Competition, which challenges university teams to develop and present real-world business and technical solutions to cut energy waste and improve the efficiency of commercial buildings across the country. The winners included the Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California-Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, and Yale University.

Duke U Adds 2 New LEED Certifications

The Duke Cancer Center and Chilled Water Plant #2 have been awarded LEED Gold certification. Along with bike racks and showers for bicycle commuters, the Cancer Center also features a rooftop garden, large windows to allow for natural lighting and occupancy sensors. The chiller plant is able to capture water condensate on the roof and store it for for the building's cooling towers.

Emory U Releases Report to Help Build Inclusive Community

A Campus Life committee has released the “Campus Life Compact for Building an Inclusive Community at Emory," a student-driven report that outlines a framework and a strategic plan that is designed to guide campus dialogue around issues of social justice.. The report consists of a comprehensive list of recommendations that focus on the need to improve inclusion and address issues of diversity within the campus community.

Feeding McGill Project Wins National Award

The university’s Feeding McGill project has been awarded a silver medal for leadership in education given by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) and Deloitte at the 2012 IPAC Deloitte Public Sector Leadership Awards Gala. Since the project’s creation, Feeding McGill has supplied over 80,000 pounds of produce to university’s Food and Dining Services.

Georgia Tech Housing to Streamline Recycling

The Department of Housing will implement a new single stream recycling system to replace the multi-stream process that is currently in use. Student recycling is expected to increase by 20 percent by the end of the semester.

Humboldt State U Receives $1.75M for Clean Energy Project

The university’s Schatz Energy Research Center in partnership with the Redwood Coast Energy Authority has received a $1.75 million grant from the California Energy Commission for a community-scale renewable energy implementation project. The clean energy initiative will include a biomass power system, community-wide energy upgrades and electric vehicle infrastructure.

Indiana U Purdue U Indianapolis Conducts Sustainability Survey

The university has conducted a survey asking businesses, health care organizations, churches, nonprofits, higher education institutions, and other groups and residents in Indianapolis how they view sustainability. The survey’s purpose is to examine the sustainability practices of those in the Indianapolis community and use the data to determine possible improvements to current and future sustainability practices.

Indiana U Purdue U Indianapolis Named Tree Campus USA

The Arbor Day Foundation has designated the university as a Tree Campus USA for the first time.

Knox College Theatre Students Promote Sustainability

Theatre students have raised an emphasis on reducing waste and promoting sustainability for its latest stage production. All items were reused from past shows, purchased from second hand/vintage shops, or created with the intention of being used again. The students also created a Sustainability Crew which included initiatives like sewing tote bags from old t-shirts, posting student videos promoting sustainability on YouTube, and encouraging others to be more sustainable in their everyday lives.

Massachusetts CLA Student Government Passes Divestment Resolution

The Student Government Association has approved a resolution urging the President, Board of Trustees, and Foundation Board to divest from publicly traded fossil fuel companies. The divestment plan calls for the college to cease any new investments in fossil fuel companies and to end all holdings by February 2016.

Morgan CC Creates Community Garden

The college has created a community garden to provide food for the community, help fund scholarships through produce sales, and provide a student educational component. Classes will be held to assist participants in becoming more self-sufficient with their own gardening sustainability efforts.

Rochester IT Debuts Living Wall, Fuel Cell Power Unit

The institute has installed a green wall and a fuel-cell power unit at the new building for Goslisano Institute for Sustainability. The green wall spans 8 feet wide and 38 feet tall, containing 1,776 green plants that contribute to air quality as well as aesthetics. The fuel cell will produce 400 kilowatts of continuous electric power and will serve as the building’s primary energy source.

Tulane U's New Law Program to Focus on Sustainable Development

The Law School and the Payson Center for International Development have partnered to create a new law and development graduate degree. Students will receive multidisciplinary training in sustainability, development, international human rights, and comparative environmental law.

U California Santa Cruz Announces Carbon Fund Awards

The university’s Carbon Fund Committee has awarded over $30,000 to six projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions on campus and the surrounding community. Projects include installing LED lighting; working with at-risk youth to build bike generators; improving the BLEST machine, which is used to convert waste plastic into bio-diesel; conducting a bike route quality and safety index; and the development of a new smart phone application that will show on-campus residents how much energy their building is consuming.

U Cincinnati Students Advocate for Organic Food

Student advocates for organic food have received approval to go forward with the Real Food Calculator, the first step to the Real Food Challenge. The calculator determines how healthy the food currently being served is and how much it needs to improve. The university can use the calculator without signing a commitment to the challenge, a national campaign to provide students with more sustainable food in school systems.

U Maryland Greek Community Launches Composting Initiative

Eleven Greek fraternities and sororities on campus have launched composting initiatives since 2010. Compost collected from each participating house is taken to a compactor at one of the dining halls. The university has seen a significant increase in composting across the campus since the initiatives launched. In 2012, the university composted 566.18 tons, up from 138 tons in 2010.

U Maryland to Install Bottle Refilling Stations

Facilities Management has announced it will replace water fountains on campus with filling stations as part of the Sustainability Council’s Terps Love the Tap project. The new fountains will include a traditional water fountain head, a filtered filling station for reusable bottles and “green counters” that track how many plastic bottles have been saved over the course of the fountain’s use.

U Oklahoma Completes Switch to Renewable Energy

The university is now receiving all of its purchased energy from renewable sources. The switch to renewables is part of a 2008 agreement made with Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company. Under the agreement, the university purchases all of its energy from OG&E, which in return has constructed the OU Spirit Wind Farm, a 10,000-acre development with a generating capacity of 101 megawatts. The university receives about 85 percent of the renewable energy certificates from the wind farm and can trade or sell them at its discretion.

Wake Tech CC Unveils Rooftop Solar Array

More than 1,300 solar panels have been installed on the roof of the college's Public Safety Education Campus. Progress Energy will purchase the energy produced at a fixed price over the next 20 years as part of its SunSense program. The project is expected to generate more than $300,000 over the next two decades for student scholarships through the Wake Tech Foundation.

Yale U Hosts Community Food Justice Conference

Yale Divinity School hosted Nourish New Haven, a local food justice and sustainability conference to engage with the community connecting leaders across the university and New Haven. Panel discussions, workshops, films, food, neighbors, and visitors celebrated food justice and food literacy initiatives.

Agnes Scott College Named Tree Campus USA

The college has been certified as a Tree Campus USA institution by the Arbor Day foundation.

Appalachian State U Students Lobby to Legalize Skateboards

The university’s Sustainability Council has begun a campaign to make skateboards legal in the town of Boone and on campus. A transportation study conducted last year showed that among the general population, a significant percentage of students had a strong, positive response toward legalizing this type of eco-friendly transportation.

Barnard College Senior Gift to Fund Sustainability on Campus

The college’s Senior Fund committee has announced that the 2013 senior gift will fund sustainability initiatives on campus. The committee asked students and groups last semester to submit proposals for how to use the fund, and members of the senior class voted online in favor of the sustainability initiative.

Central State U to Save $1M Annually with New Energy Program

The university has announced a new project that is expected to reduce energy consumption by 41 percent and save the school more than $1 million annually in utilities. Funded by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, the project will use $20 million in low-interest and interest-free bonds to upgrade exterior and interior lights, expand the campus boiler system, improve roofs and building envelopes, and complete other related projects.

Colgate U Fitness Center Awarded LEED Gold

The university’s Trudy Fitness Center features passive solar design, a reflective white roof, and landscaping that does not require an irrigation system. Twenty percent of construction materials were locally sourced and 89 percent of construction waste was diverted from landfills.

Elon U Station at Mill Point Achieves LEED Silver

The environmentally responsible Station at Mill Point residence hall has achieved LEED Silver certification.

Harvard U Café Pilots Reusable Container Program

The Food Literacy Project and Dining Services have partnered to introduce a reusable container pilot program in Dudley Café aimed at reducing excess waste from disposable food containers and packaging. Students and regular customers at the Café may claim a token upon returning a reusable container, which can then be redeemed for discounts at the next meal. Depending on impact and engagement, the Food Literacy Project and Harvard University Dining Services hope to consider opportunities to expand the program for the new school year.

Harvard U Launches System to Reuse Interoffice Envelopes

In an effort to reduce costs and promote reuse, the university’s School of Public Health Eco-Opportunity team members have launched a new reuse system for interoffice envelopes. A pop-up notification on the website page for new interoffice envelopes now directs purchasers to the appropriate contacts for receiving surplus envelopes at no cost.

Indiana Passes Bill to Promote Transfer of CC Credits

The Indiana Senate has passed a bill that will make it easier for students to transfer to four-year universities or colleges and keep all the credits they’ve earned through an associate’s degree. The bill requires that the state’s four-year schools accept an associate’s degree from another state school as two years worth of classes – as long as student majors will be in related fields.

Indiana State U Dedicates First Wind Turbine

The 30-foot turbine is expected to generate between 5,000 and 11,000 kilowatts annually to help offset the university’s energy usage.

Lamar U Creates Office of Sustainability

As part of the university’s strategic plan to promote sustainability in all aspects of university life, a new office of sustainability has been established. Assistant professor of biology, Jim Armacost, has been named the first director of sustainability.

Longwood U Receives Grant to Study Biomass Fuel Processing

The university has received a $50,000 Dominion renewable energy grant to commission a pre-planning study for a biomass fuel processing center. The focus of the study is to find efficient ways to dry sawdust used to fuel the biomass boilers using alternative energy sources. The university has been using biomass to heat the campus for 30 years, and currently uses almost 26,000 tons of sawdust from local logging and sawmills annually.

North Carolina State U Winter Break Energy Savings Top $280,000

The university has saved $281,774 in energy costs during winter break, Dec. 21, 2012 – Jan. 1, 2013. Since the baseline year of 2004, this annual energy-saving initiative known as the Winter Holiday Energy Setback has saved the university more than $2.1 million.

Northeastern U Installs Bike Repair Station

The university has installed a self-service bike repair stand on campus. The Student Government Association’s Renewable Energy Initiatives Board purchased the stand with money from the Renewable Energy Fund.

North Lake College Student Life Center Earns LEED Silver

Sustainable features include low-flow plumbing, campus-wide alternative transportation strategies, and exterior view optimization to increase occupant wellness and reduce electrical lighting demand.

Northwestern U Council Proposes Diversity Requirement

Following six months of collaboration between administrators, students and faculty members, the Diversity Council has formulated a proposal for a university-wide diversity requirement for undergraduate students. The Social Inequalities and Diversities requirement, recommended for implementation in fall 2015, would include an academic curricular component and a discussion-based activity completed outside the classroom.

Northwestern U Students Lead Charge to Divest from Coal

The university’s Associated Student Government has passed a resolution urging the administration to divest from the coal industry. Since passing the resolution, the student government and the Responsible Endowment Coalition has received more than 1,000 signatures from faculty, staff, alumni and students asking the university for three things: a full divestment from the coal industry, an increase in renewable energy and clean technology investments, and the full divestment from the fossil fuel industry in the near future.

Princeton U Students Participate in Investment Dialogue

In response to increased interest on campus in issues of socially responsible investing, the Resources Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community will host a March 7 talk on ethical investment models for the 21st century. Following the talk, students chosen through an application process will have the opportunity to respond with their own thoughts on University investments. The event is open to the public.

Purdue U Institutes Two Year Tuition Freeze

In an effort to make education more affordable and accessible, the university has announced that it will institute a two-year freeze on tuition and most fees at the West Lafayette campus. “In this period of national economic stagnation, it’s time for us to hit the pause button on tuition increases. Our students and their families deserve a high-value education that they can afford,” said President Mitch Daniels.

Quinnipiac U Partners with CT Rides

The university’s Sustainability Committee has partnered with CT Rides, a program sponsored by CT Department of Transportation, to encourage students to use alternate forms of transportation. Students will have the opportunity to earn rewards and discounts from local restaurants and businesses by riding the shuttles.

Salem State U Residence Hall Achieves LEED Gold

Marsh Hall features solar panels on green roofs, low-flow plumbing, use of recycled materials and a vegetated swale water system.