Eight U California System Schools Collaborate to Research Climate

(U.S.): The state's university system has allocated $1.9 million in funding over four years to Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego and Santa Barbara for a coordinated approach to studying climate impacts in diverse natural and human-dominated ecosystems. Scientists from the nine campuses will form an institute, develop a strategy to synthesize climate research in a common framework, assess climate change models for California, and extend collaborative research across the school system.

Energy Dept Reveals 2016 Collegiate Wind Competition Participants

(U.S.): The U.S. Department of Energy's 2016 Collegiate Wind Competition challenges teams of undergraduate students to design and build a model wind turbine based on market research and siting considerations, develop a business plan to market their products, and test their turbines against a set of rigorous performance criteria. The twelve teams participating in the competition are Boise State University, The California Maritime Academy, California State University, Chico, Kansas State University, Northern Arizona University, The Pennsylvania State University, Universidad del Turabo (Puerto Rico), University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Massachusetts Lowell and University of Wisconsin Madison.

Five Universities Participate in 'Solarize U' Program

(U.S.): Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, University of New Haven, University of Connecticut, Wesleyan University and Yale University are now participating in the State of Connecticut program to offer faculty, staff and students' families the opportunity to compare online competitive bids from pre-screened installers of solar energy systems.

Indiana U Northwest Introduces EV Charging Stations

(U.S.): The two new electric vehicle charging units will accommodate four vehicles in an effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from commuting.

Northern Arizona U Helps Feed Food Insecure Population

(U.S.): University students recently had the opportunity to collaborate with Campus Dining and the campus' Food Recovery Network chapter to make sandwiches that were delivered to a local food center whose mission is to feed those who face food insecurity.

Seattle Pacific U Opens Campus to Homeless

(U.S.): For three months, the university will house about 80 homeless people in a tent city. The university has added educational and service programs so that students can learn about the issue of homelessness and provide direct help to those who are living on campus.

Stanford U Students Hold Panel on Climate Change Education

(U.S.): Students for a Sustainable Stanford and the Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences recently held a panel to raise public awareness of the interdisciplinary importance of global climate change.

St. Lawrence U Receives $5K to Combat Hunger

(U.S.): The university's Campus Kitchen Project, a student-led effort to combat food waste and hunger by collecting surplus food from on-campus dining halls, community gardens, restaurants and grocery stores and transforming it into meals, recently received $5,000 from CoBank for program development.

SUNY New Paltz Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

(U.S.): As part of the university's overall campus sustainability plan, the six new stations were installed to prepare for an increase of electric vehicles on campus.

U Arizona Publishes Student Sustainability Report

(U.S.): The recently released polling report illustrates important aspects of students and their engagement in sustainability through four main themes: sustainability issues of concern, preferred ways to learn about sustainability, student support for university sustainability initiatives, and students’ sustainability-focused behavior. The university polled a representative sample of the entire student body to gauge behaviors and perceptions as they relate to sustainability.

U Asia and the Pacific Installs 300KW Solar System

(Philippines): Helping to reduce energy costs and its carbon footprint, the university's new 300-kilowatt photovoltaic system is supplying electricity to its parking and sports building, and feeding electricity onto the electrical grid.

U California Berkeley Establishes Chair in Sustainability

(U.S.): The recently established James and Katherine Lau Distinguished Chair in Sustainability will support work that spans the areas of environment and climate, energy supply and demand, and policy and markets. It will be held by the director of the Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute and will advance development of scalable solutions for our planet.

U California Merced Receives $103K Gift for Ecosystem Research

(U.S.): A new $103,000 gift from the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas allows the university's naturalist courses to expand by adding two part-time coordinators for the Central Valley courses, and buying equipment like field notebooks, binoculars and other supplies.

U California Santa Cruz Expands Campus Farm

(U.S.): The new site adds approximately three more acres of growing space to the campus' farm for growing food, offering students a place for hands-on farming experiences, and adds additional research acreage for those interested in studying organic production practices.

U Cincinnati Opens Bike Workstation

(U.S.): The university's new Bike Kitchen gives students a place to come learn how to work on their own bikes for free, and offers bikes for free rental for three days at a time.

U Iowa Begins Growing Energy With Biofuels

(U.S.): With the goal of achieving 40 percent renewable energy consumption by 2020, the university will soon be growing a variety of grass that will be harvested and used to supply power, steam and chilled water to the main campus as part of its Biomass Fuel Project, designed to reduce the use of fossil fuels by substituting locally available renewable materials in the main power plant.

U North Carolina Charlotte Aims for More Unisex Restrooms

(U.S.): The university's Campus Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Trans Committee have recently partnered to identify the most used buildings on campus not near gender-neutral restrooms. In an effort to become more inclusive of all students, identified buildings will have gender-neutral bathrooms built in them.

USA Today: Campus Bike Reuse Programs

(U.S.): The recently released article points out some universities and colleges that are collecting unwanted bikes, repairing them to working order, and lending them to students who might not otherwise be able to afford a bicycle.

U Sydney Announces Fossil Fuel Investment Reduction

(Australia): After a recent review of global trends in green energy movement and a student referendum that resulted in 80 percent of students favoring fossil fuel divestment, the university recently stated that it will reduce its carbon footprint by 20 percent through divesting from fossil fuel investments over the next three years.

Western Michigan U Receives 'Green Seal' Certification

(U.S.): The university's Office of Facilities Management certification process involved documentation, an on-site audit by Green Seal, developing a green cleaning policy, implementing standard operating procedures, and creating ongoing training practices for new and existing team members. Green Seal is a nonprofit in Washington, D.C. that uses science-based programs to encourage organizations and consumers to develop sustainable practices and offers third-party certification to organizations.

Bakersfield College Holds Campus Sustainability Symposium

In conjunction with a local recycling company, the symposium discussed current sustainability efforts underway and proposed ones, including a non-smoking campus designation, infrastructure improvements, and a new co-mingled recycling program.

Bowling Green State U Proposes Green Fund Expansion

The university's Environmental Action Group proposed the expansion of the university student green fund, an optional $5 per semester, to allow alumni and community members to contribute to it.

Bowling Green State U Releases Climate Action Plan

The university's newly released plan calls for carbon neutrality by 2040 and requires a four percent average annual reduction in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Five Schools Receive Grant to Bolster Sustainability Initiative

Albion College, Antioch College, DePauw University, Hope College and Oberlin College have received funding from the Great Lakes College Association for a collaborative project, Expanding Collaboration Initiative, that fosters programs of teaching, research and outreach across college campuses to heighten awareness of how human behaviors affect the well-being of the natural environment.

Florida A&M U Opens Recycling Center

The university's new recycling center will manage and encourage the collection, sorting and processing of recyclables, such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and aluminum cans. The new center will also house a cardboard bailer and provide workspace for student interns and volunteers to assist with the recycling program.

Lehigh U Adopts Ride Sharing Platform

The university's new contract with Zimride allows the campus community to set up carpools with others at the university, saving money from fuel purchases and in some instances, campus parking permits.

NY Times: 'Investing in Energy Efficiency Pays Off'

This NY Times piece discusses the opportunity for colleges and universities to invest in energy efficiency with a relatively short payback period and little to no risk.

U California Merced Tests Plug That Tracks Electricity Source

The new plug called WattTime, developed through the university's technology research institute, might carry the ability to allow universities to reduce their carbon footprint by tracking the fuel source of the energy being used to charge the carts, solar, natural gas, coal, geothermal or hydroelectric, and determine the cheapest and least environmentally impactful time to charge. WattTime plugs will gather data for a couple of months in the pilot program, and communicate a charging strategy for university facilities to most efficiently charge its electric cart fleet.

U California Santa Cruz Coordinates First Campus Clean-Up Day

Organized by the university's Student Union Assembly and the Sustainability Office, the event aims to motivate campus users to properly dispose of waste and encourages campus stewardship.

U Florida Commences Workspace Sustainability Assistance

Called Green Recognition for Office and Workspaces (GROW), the new program is designed to help offices, labs and other facilities improve energy use, water use, transportation and waste to create more sustainable practices.

U Maine Presque Isle Completes Fossil Fuel Divestiture

As a result of the university's work on its new strategic plan and update of its statement of institutional values, the university's Foundation Board directed its investment managers to divest from all fossil fuel holdings.

U Maryland Offers Free Sustainability Classes to Students

Called Sustainable Tuesdays, the series combines a pre-existing class with weekly guest speakers from the architecture, planning and preservation school that students can attend. The two semester-long classes about sustainable living can be attended without adding extra credits to their course load.

U Maryland Students Take Action for Clean Water

Protecting the Chesapeake Bay is a main priority of university students in the Maryland Public Interest Research Group as they raise awareness of the Clean Water Act to other students by holding a photo petition.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Announces Food Themed Years

The university's Global Research Institute announced the two-year food theme beginning fall of 2015 to inspire research and conversations about food on a local, national and global level.

U North Carolina Charlotte Launches Food Pantry

The university's new food pantry, for food-insecure students without meal plans who live off-campus, stocks shelves with donated nonperishable items and is open two days per week.

U North Carolina Charlotte Receives $64K Electric Vehicle Funding

One Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project grant for $12,000 enabled the university to purchase a vehicle battery monitoring system that checks, measures and calculates certain battery parameters to determine the health of the battery in order to save money on battery purchases. A second grant for $52,000 will fund the purchase of 20 on-campus charging stations for electric vehicles. Electric vehicle owners will be able to charge for free during the two-year grant period.

U Utah Joins Real Food Commitment

Thanks to members of the campus community, the recently signed commitment means that University Dining Services will spend at least 20 percent of their total food purchases on real food, defined as local, nutritional, ecologically sound, humane and/or fair, by 2020, nearly doubling its current level.

Wesleyan U Students to Build Living Wall

The university’s Wild Walls student group recently announced its plans to build a vertical plant wall on campus this semester focusing on redesigning conventional campus landscaping while promoting self-sustaining ecosystems.

392 Colleges Compete in RecycleMania Tournament

This year's competition to encourage waste reduction and recycling on higher education campuses features participation from 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. New this year, students can post digital messages and selfies that document their reduction efforts in order to earn points.

Antioch U New England Announces Peace Corps Partnership

Following a model of engaged scholarship, the recently launched program allows students conducting Department of Environmental Studies doctoral work to complete advanced graduate work during their Peace Corps service. The program consists of two years of doctoral courses and 27 months in the Peace Corps while students conduct doctoral research.

Central College Students Complete Small House With Salvaged Items

For their senior project, two environmental studies majors recently completed a small house over a 10-week period for $489 using truckloads of reclaimed materials.

Colorado Mountain College Holds Art Exhibit

In an effort to raise awareness for sustainability, the inaugural college-wide art exhibit showcased work that was either created with sustainable materials or with content reflecting the theme of sustainability.

Cornell U Shaves 15 Years from Carbon Neutral Goal

A new report detailing how the university can reach carbon neutrality by 2035, including fees on carbon, was recently released by the Climate Action Acceleration Working Group with 16 recommendations and specific milestones targeting campus utility bills and university-funded travel among others.

Georgetown U Announces New Committee on Diversity

The establishment of the Provost's Committee for Diversity, birthed from a proposed, student project, will be comprised of different subcommittees and expects participants to engage in an ongoing investigation of racial and social justice, intersectionality, and awareness of marginalized groups on campus.

Georgia Tech Receives $5M From Ray C. Anderson Foundation

Building on an initial three-year seed funding of $750,000 that established the Center for Business Strategies for Sustainability, the university's College of Business will now be known as the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business after the foundation committed $5 million.

Indiana State U Introduces Gender Neutral Housing Option

Beneficial for students and incoming students who may be transgendered or do not identify with a gender, the university will be testing coed dorm rooms with those that carry upperclass status.

Ivy Tech CC Chair Investigates Renewable Energy for Department

The university's chair of engineering recently visited China, a major manufacturer of photovoltaic panels, in order to incorporate solar energy into the department's curriculum.

Loyola U Chicago Student Extends Growing Season on Campus Grounds

A now senior student enrolled in the university's Solutions to Environmental Problems class uses the campus' outdoor urban agricultural spaces to research ways to extend the growing season into winter in hopes of providing easy and affordable methods people can use to grow fresh produce at home.

MacEwan U Students to Promote Carbon Footprint Awareness

Student members plan to launch the Carbon Cloud Initiative by walking around with eight balloons that visually represents the amount of carbon emissions an average Canadian generates per minute. Students will deliver a one-minute presentation to the students in their classes about the balloons.

Millersville U Expands Bikeability

Spurred by the support of the president, a biking enthusiast, the university now has additional bike racks and two new bike repair stations, and has plans to install bike lockers in new resident halls.