U Washington Awards Environmental Grants to Students

The university's Campus Sustainability Fund awarded 13 projects a total of more than $270,000 recently. The project included outreach on the harmful effects of single-use water bottles, an expansion of a native plant nursery, a wood salvage program on campus, and starting work toward creating a sustainable shellfish aquaculture farm.

NY Times: 'Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers'

Anxiety has now surpassed depression as the most common mental health diagnosis among college students, though depression is on the rise too. Treating anxiety has become an enormous challenge for campus mental health centers. Many institutions are designing a variety of workshops and therapy groups to address anxiety, depression and their triggers.

Ithaca College Adjuncts Vote in Favor of Union

The preliminary results of the election, announced by the National Labor Relations Board, for a union among part-time and adjunct faculty at the college were favorable says the college's president in the recently published letter.

Students Send Aramark Letter of Support for Sustainable Tuna

Opening with the peril of our ocean's, the letter asking that Aramark make a prompt switch to serving sustainable tuna warns of problems associated with many tuna fisheries and mentions alternative means that are fully traceable and socially responsible.

Boston Globe: 'Colleges Cautioned on Tanning Salons'

With pressure from cancer-prevention advocates and members of Congress, some universities and schools are adopting policies that stop the use of students' college debit cards.

Inside Higher Ed 'Town-Gown With a Global Twist'

The recent article from Inside Higher Ed cites research conducted on attitudes of owners and employees of local business and service providers toward the presence of international students in the community. This research was presented recently at a NAFSA: Association of International Educators conference session focused on integrating international students into the broader community.

Portland State U Initiates Travel Offset Program

The university's voluntary program now allows participating departments offset a fee that amounts to 2 percent of total travel expenses. Those funds are then allocated to the university’s green revolving fund to be spent on efficiency upgrades on campus, which in turn lower our carbon emissions and improve our facilities.

U Washington Receives Environmental Excellence Award

The university's Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center recently received the Top 25 Environmental Excellence Award from Practice Greenhealth for setting high standards for environmental practices in healthcare.

Northwestern U Awards Second Largest Office Green Certification

The university's Green Office Certification program brought together the Alumni Relations and Development department, employing 252 people, to increase awareness and participation in sustainable behavior. The department is in the process of creating a bike-share program and expanding the availability of reusable silverware and flatware for the office.

Northwestern U Creates Electric Vehicle Strategy

Given that transportation is the third largest contributor to the university’s greenhouse gas emissions, the university has replaced some of facility's trucks with small, electric trucks and installed four electric vehicle charging stations. Campus commuters and visitors who drive electric hybrid vehicles can recharge for free at the stations.

Northwestern U Evaluates Switching to Single Stream Recycling

The university decided to maintain a dual-stream recycling system, one collection for paper and cardboard, and the other for cans, glass and plastic, ensuring that recycling happens at the highest level possible to maximize resource reuse and to keep a lower rate of contamination.

North Carolina State U Students Establish Bee Habitat & Garden

This year students from the university's College of Veterinary Medicine have been busy as bees establishing a habitat for bees and a community garden on campus with the help of a $7,000 grant from the NC State Sustainability Fund. Featuring an assortment of pollinator-friendly and native plants, the garden is an educational space for future vets to learn about medicinal & toxic plants.

The Atlantic Frames Student Activism Renaissance

After citing many occurrences of student unrest at universities and colleges across the country and world, the recent article in The Atlantic highlights the social activism in topics ranging from sex and racism to university governance and student rights.

U South Carolina Collects 19 Tons During Move Out

This year’s Give It Up For Good yard sale collected 19 tons of donations from university students, faculty and staff and raised over $13,900 for the Central South Carolina Habitat for Humanity, beating last year’s total of $9,800. The university will partner with the organization to build or rehab a house this fall with raised funds.

Brandeis U Purchases 'Conflict Free' Computers & Electronic Equipment

The Massachusetts-based university is the 19th institution worldwide to sign on to ensure that the computers and electronic equipment the university buys have no connection to the mining sector of conflict-ridden areas, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Photo courtesy of Tulane Public Relations

U Chichester to Install Renewable Energy to Meet Goals

(U.K.): In an effort to reduce overall carbon emissions by 43 percent by 2020, solar panels will be installed on the student union by a community energy cooperative, which encourages cost sharing in renewable technologies.

Duquesne U Increases Minimum Wage to $16 Per Hour

The university's new annual budget raises its minimum wage from $15 per hour and also includes an extra 0.5 percent increase to all employees making less than $34,000 annually and a $500 university contribution to employee dependent-care flexible spending accounts.

Georgia Tech Initiates Campus Energy Program

The new Smart Energy Campus Program allows university researchers to obtain and analyze energy systems data aided by modeling and simulation tools to evaluate and optimize different energy systems on the university's campus. The project is designed to save labor hours, resources and money by quickly identifying buildings that have unusually high energy usage.

U Florida St. Petersburg Tests Battery Storage for Solar

A new $1 million, 100-kilowatt photovoltaic array atop a university parking garage will host a new battery from Tesla Motors funded by Duke Energy in order to close the gap on renewable energy supply intermittency.

Cambridge U Investigates Endowment Fund

(U.K.) The University Council has voted to support a wide-ranging investigation of the university’s 2.2 billion pounds ($3.4 billion) endowments fund. Aiming to make investment more environmentally and socially responsible, the review plans to last a year and involve collaboration from students, academics and staff.

Oxford U Seeks to Maintain No Direct Holdings in Coal & Tar Sands

(U.K.): The Oxford University Endowment Management, OUem, a university subsidiary established to manage the funds, does not have direct holdings in coal and oil sands companies and has been asked by the university's executive governing body to maintain this position.

U Hawai'i Board of Regents Votes to Divest From Fossil Fuels

The decision to divest the university's $66 million endowment from fossil fuels came after a task group comprised of university regents, students, faculty and staff investigated divestiture. The group worked closely with the board's investment firm to evaluate options and impacts, and affirmed to take action in investing in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and changing behaviors.

U Minnesota Students Turn Lawn Into Community Garden

Dozens of students and community members gathered with shovels, rakes and hoes to transform the vacant piece of land into a project that will increase community members' access to affordable, healthy food and to serve as a teaching tool for students and faculty members.

U California Berkeley, MIT & U Chicago Partner for Energy Study

The new alliance just received a $5 million research grant from the California Energy Commission to test an energy management system at 100 factories throughout the state. The goal is to provide reliable evidence on whether giving factories real-time data and analysis about their energy use spurs them to reduce waste and save power.

U Edinburgh Signals Intent to Divest from Fossil Fuels

(U.K.): After a recent meeting of the university's Investment Committee, it decided to write to three of the world’s biggest fossil fuel producers to inform them that it intends to fully divest from their activities within the next six months. As part of its promised engagement process prior to divestment, the university will give the companies the opportunity to respond in the next four weeks.

The Atlantic Discusses the Cost of an Adjunct Instructor

A recent article in The Atlantic spotlights the potential impacts of unpaid, non-tenured professors on students. The article states, "odds are that students will be taught by professors with less job security and lower pay than those tenured employees, which research shows results in diminished services for students."

North Carolina State U Increases Research Capacity With Solar Panels

The latest investments in the university's research facilities are soaking up the sun. Nearly 100 solar panels generating approximately 29,000-kilowatt hours of electricity annually were installed in April and are expected to produce energy for at least 25 years. A time lapse video shows the installation.

NACUBO: "Pay it Onward"

In this recent article from the National Association of College and University Business Officers, University of La Verne, Western Michigan University, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Denison University, University of Vermont, and AASHE associate member, Efficiency Vermont, are highlighted for revolving loan funds that cycle savings from energy efficiency improvements into new projects.

RIT Professor Wins Excellence in Teaching Sustainability Award

Associate professor Brian Thorn will be presented the Sustainable Development Excellence in Teaching Sustainability Award by the Institute of Industrial Engineers. The award recognizes him for leadership, innovation and teaching sustainability principles within the university’s industrial and systems engineering program, and integrating ways to apply that learning in real world situations.

San Francisco State U Showcases Water-Efficient Irrigation System

The campus recently installed a centrally-controlled irrigation system that reduced water consumption on athletic fields by 30 percent by calculating the amount of moisture in the air and soil to determine water needs. The system will be expanded to help the campus meet the governor's 25 percent water-reduction mandate.

U Maryland Awarded $750,000 Energy Grant

The two grants from Maryland Energy Administration are aimed at reducing energy costs at the College Park campus. The grants will be administered by the university’s Department of Engineering & Energy for an energy management project and a parking lot photovoltaic array with electric vehicle chargers.

U Maryland Small Footprint Pledge Tallies Over 3,500 Pledges in First Year

In less than a year, the cumulative impact of the pledge, which asks university students, faculty, staff and visitors to change one aspect of their daily routine to lessen their environmental footprint, includes 23,367 pounds of diverted waste, over 5 million gallons of water saved, and 274,136 pounds of carbon dioxide saved.

U Manitoba Takes Action to Save Local Lake

The university formally joined the growing coalition to improve water quality in Lake Winnipeg, the 10th largest freshwater lake in the world, by signing the Lake Friendly Accord. The university's commitment in the agreement integrates research, education, planning and operations.

U Vermont Adds Sustainability Requirement

Starting with this fall’s freshman class, Class of 2019, sustainable approaches and practices will be built into the university’s curriculum across departments, and woven into co-curricular activities, so there will be several ways for students to fulfill the new requirement.

Champlain College Organizes Community Service Day

The college's faculty, staff and leadership team recently took an afternoon off from their regular duties to give back to the Burlington community with its second annual Dare to Contribute Day of Service that included social and equity initiatives.

Arizona State U Boosts Waste Diversion Rate With Blue Bags

Blue bags capture items including dry cell batteries, shiny plastic wrappers and bags, single-use coffee pods, and small e-waste not currently recyclable as part of the university's current blue bin commingled recycling program. Blue bags are available free of charge to offices and departments across the Tempe campus.

Michigan State U Celebrates Campus Sustainability

On April 22, university members celebrated the 45th anniversary of Earth Day at its 2015 Be Spartan Green Gala by dispensing Be Spartan Green Outstanding Awards to staff, students, faculty and campus partners who have demonstrated their support of sustainability on campus.

Virginia Community Colleges Receive Grant to Cut Textbook Costs

Thanks to a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the $200,000 grant will be used to fund a pilot program at 15 of Virginia’s community colleges that would offer high-quality, open textbooks and other Open Educational Resources (OER).

Aquinas and Bard College Join Summer MBA Sustainability Consortium

The two colleges recently joined the summer MBA Sustainability Consortium that allows member schools to offer their summer MBA courses to other members so students may use their home institution's financial aid. Membership in the consortium is free and open to accredited colleges and universities.

U South Carolina Integrates Hydroponics Into Community Farm

Completely assembled and operated by students, the soil-less growing system for their community farm and garden, based on permaculture practices, is expected to produce nearly $20,000 in annual revenue within 12 months. The farm produces sorghum, milkweed, mushrooms, heirloom seeds, and over 72 heads of lettuce per week.

U North Carolina Greensboro Tackles Local Food Access Issues

University students, staff, faculty and community members recently took part in FOODSTORM, a local brainstorm about Greensboro’s food needs. The purpose of the event was to host interdisciplinary conversations about local food needs and then to catalyze action to gear up for the local growing season.

Rice U Faculty Lead Guerilla Environmental Public Art Campaign

To raise awareness of climate change and its impact on the world’s species, two university faculty organized the Fossilized in Houston art campaign that hosts 15 local artists' represenations of species that are expected to go extinct as a result of climate change in the near future. With the help of dozens of concerned Houstonians, they’ve been placing these images around the city.

Arizona State U Receives Recycling Bin Grant from Coca-Cola, Keep America Beautiful

The university is the recipient of a 2015 recycling bin grant from the national nonprofit Keep America Beautiful and the Coca-Cola Foundation. The university will receive 75 bins and distribute them to the Thunderbird School of Global Management to boost recycling program collections.

Schools Save $290,000 in Campus Conservation Nationals

345,000 students and staff at 125 schools competed in the fifth year of Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN) to reduce energy and water use. Schools reduced by a total of 1.9 million-kilowatt hours and 394,000 gallons of water.

Calicut U Digs Rain Water Holding Pits

(India): In preparation for monsoon season and seeking ways to benefit from the massive rainfall period, the university recently began digging 8,000 pits and five large ponds in order to recharge the water table on the 540-acre campus.

Penn State U Students Select Sustainability Research Award Winners

Offered in the spring to undergraduates at all Penn State campuses, three students, Kelsey Czyzyk, Alexandra Sorce and Andrew Madl, received cash awards for their research last week as part of the university's annual Award for Undergraduate Research on Sustainability and the Environment.

Tufts U Adds Electric Motorcycle to Police Fleet

As part of the university's sustainability goals, the electric motorcycle is able to reach more areas than the previous cruiser and can be plugged into a standard electrical outlet giving the battery an eight-hour charge.

U Vermont Earns Recognition for U.N. Sustainability Education Program

Vermont’s Greater Burlington Region recently received official designation as a Regional Center of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development by the United Nations' University Institute for Advanced Studies of Sustainability, including the University of Vermont's service-learning partnerships with local schools and non-governmental organizations.

U Washington Installs Bicycle Safety Equipment on Trucks

In an effort to reduce fatalities among bicyclists and pedestrians in side-impact collisions with campus box trucks, the newly installed side guards cover the space between the front and rear wheels on trucks with high ground clearance, shielding bicyclists and pedestrians from being run over by a truck’s rear wheels.

Indiana U Bloomington Focuses on Reducing Paper Use

After quantifying the resource input for the university's paper consumption on campus, the university will be hosting a paperless challenge in the fall that awards points to departments, groups and buildings for specific actions and implementation of innovative ideas to reduce paper use.