U North Carolina Chapel Hill Builds Food Pantry

The newly established Carolina Cupboard, a student organization sponsored by the departments of Housing & Residential Education, and Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, will collect and redistribute nutritious food to students in an attempt to alleviate food insecurity.

U Oklahoma Students Request Real Food

Building on university Housing and Food's commitment to create a better food system, Students Against a Factory-Farming Economy sought signatures for the Real Food Campus Commitment, which asks for a university pledge to make 20 percent of all food sold on campus Real Food-certified by 2020.

U Pennsylvania Releases New Climate Action Plan

A roadmap for environmental improvement and sustainability on campus to 2019, the university's new Climate Action Plan 2.0 calls for an overall carbon reduction of seven percent and a building energy reduction of 10 percent by 2019 (using fiscal year 2014 as a baseline), the creation of a Faculty Working Group on Sustainability to provide outreach and support to faculty interested in researching and teaching sustainability, and an increase in the campus-wide recycling rate to 30 percent by 2019.

U Saskatchewan Commits to New Education & Research Initiatives

In celebration of Campus Sustainability Day, the university announced three new education and research initiatives, including an undergraduate certificate of Proficiency in Sustainability, two governance initiatives, including a revolving fund, and two community engagement and operations initiatives.

U Washington Kicks Off Festival

The new weeklong festival focuses on university operations and academic sustainability with different events across campus.

U Wisconsin Madison Student Fights for Student Living Wage

Working with the three biggest university employers of students, the student's campaign is based on an estimate of how much students would need to earn per hour in a 15-hour workweek in order to pay back the cost of one year of tuition and fees.

Washington U St. Louis Opens Diversity Center

The university's new Center for Diversity and Inclusion is intended to enhance and strengthen its commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. The center’s staff supports and advocates for students from traditionally underrepresented or marginalized populations and creates collaborative partnerships with campus and community members to promote dialogue and social change.

Wesleyan U Expands Energy Saving Competition

The now campus-wide energy reduction competition encourages all residents to reduce their energy consumption and track it via JouleBug, a smartphone app. Two awards based on the app's data will be given to the resident with the highest energy reduction.

Western U Institutes Student Environmental Competition

In its inaugural year, Western's Ideas for Sustainability and the Environment (WISE) competition aims to generate ideas and initiatives by asking students to pitch innovative and high-impact ideas to reduce or eliminate today's most pressing environmental concerns.

Australian Catholic U Brisbane to Open Green Building

(Australia): Designed to improve the health and well-being of occupants and to support productivity and work performance, the building will feature energy and water efficiency elements, attention to waste management, and natural lighting.

California State U East Bay Crafts Sustainability Website

(U.S.): The university's new sustainability website and social media pages offer information to campus about sustainability in academics, student engagement, operations, and displays the institution's mission, shared strategic commitments and institutional learning outcomes.

Canadian Colleges & Universities to Serve Fair Trade Coffee

(Canada): After a 50 percent increase in growth on campuses, Starbucks Canada recently announced that all Canadian university and college locations will serve fair trade-certified espresso.

Colorado Mountain College Installs 30KW Solar System

(U.S.): A university partnership with Garfield County Libraries yielding two other solar installations has led to the library's largest photovoltaic installation to date, 29.9-kilowatts, and was installed by five university students and their professor studying photovoltaics.

Colorado State U Plans Bicycle Friendly Campus

(U.S.): In conjunction with the City of Fort Collins, the university will complete a plan in November that expands current trails, creates new ones, and installs a permanent closure making a bike and pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare.

CUNY Brooklyn College Launches Major in Urban Sustainability

(U.S.): The college's new Bachelor of Arts program examines the dynamics between social and natural systems as well as the trade-offs among environmental, social and economic sustainability, and offers concentrations in economics, environmental science and sociology.

Five Colleges Receive Green Genome Awards

(U.S.): Recently awarded for exemplary support for sustainability practices, programs and training, the five colleges that received the recognition from the American Association of Community Colleges are Gateway Technical College, Greenfield Community College, Lane Community College, McHenry County College and Moraine Valley Community College. Each will receive $7,500 plus a set of tools and horticulture equipment.

George Washington U to Install Solar Thermal System

(U.S.): In step with the university's plan to reduce its carbon emissions 40 percent by 2025, the solar thermal system, to be completed on an upperclassmen residence hall in 2015, will save the university money by preheating water with the sun instead of using gas.

Glasgow U Divests from Fossil Fuels

(U.K.): After 12 months of campaigning led by the university's Climate Action Society, the university sets precedent in Europe as it becomes the first academic imstitution to divest from the fossil fuel industry.

Heriot-Watt U Malaysia Opens Sustainable Building

(Malaysia): The new building features an accessible green roof, natural daylight throughout, a rainwater harvesting system and energy-efficient HVAC systems.

INSIGHT into Diversity Magazine Recognizes 83 Honorees

(U.S.): INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine has announced the 83 recipients of its annual Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) award. The national award, open to all colleges and universities throughout the U.S., was dispensed based on an institution’s diversity and inclusion initiatives, and include all aspects of diversity including gender, race, ethnicity, veterans, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBT community.

Manhattan College Constructs New Green Building

(U.S.): The new 70,000-square-foot building features a green roof, regional materials and recycled content, high-efficiency and occupancy-based lighting, and low-flow bathroom fixtures.

Michigan State U Launches New Website

(U.S.): The university's new virtual Sustainability Guidebook organizes the school's environmental efforts and illustrates to other communities how initiatives can be emulated.

Northwestern U Offers Green Office Certification

(U.S.): The university's new Green Office program helps decrease a department or office’s environmental impact by offering guidance on energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and increasing environmental awareness in the workplace. The certification requires that 75 percent of an office or department agree to participate in the program.

Pennsylvania State U Accepts Nat'l Recycling Coalition Award

(U.S.): Coming on the heels of a campus-wide composting program, the National Recycling Coalition cited an exceptional program in recycling and public engagement as recognition for receiving the 2014 Outstanding Higher Education Award.

Pomona College Adopts Drought Action Plan

(U.S.): With the state of California in its fourth year of drought, the college's new plan reduces landscape irrigation by 20 percent, includes the use of pH controllers on water cooling towers, which reduce the number of water replacement cycles in a building's air conditioning systems, schedules for nighttime watering, and calls for the installation of 750 new low-flow plumbing fixtures.

Skidmore College Celebrates Completion of Solar Array

(U.S.): Aiding in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the new photovoltaic system, with $2.3 million from the NY-Sun Initiative, is predicted to generate approximately 12 percent of the college's electricity needs.

SUNY Polytechnic Institute Adopts Single Stream Recycling

(U.S.): Leading up to the start of the fall semester, the university announced RecycleOne, a waste management program designed to collect paper, plastic, metal and glass in once collection bin.

Truckee Meadows CC & Colorado School of Mines Win Challenge

(U.S.): The Energy Department's National Geothermal Student Competition announced Truckee Meadows Community College as top finisher and the Geothermal Case Study Challenge winner went to Colorado School of Mines. The two competitions challenged college and university students to develop professional business solutions for public outreach as well as case studies that could help industry more accurately pinpoint geothermal resources in subsurface areas across the United States.

U Bristol Partners for Year as Green Capital 2015

(U.K.): The city in which the university resides is set to become the European Green Capital 2015, and as such, the university has committed to ensuring the legacy of the year by aiming to become a net carbon neutral campus by 2030, decreasing the university’s transport footprint, and ensuring that its students have the opportunity to undertake education for sustainable development. The university will host or co-host over 100 public events across the city including major conferences, seminars, debates and art installations.

U California Davis to Build 16MW Photovoltaic Power Plant

(U.S.): Expected to generate 14 percent of the university's electricity needs and cover a 70-acre site, the 16-megawatt solar power plant will help reduce campus carbon emissions by an estimated 9 percent.

U Colorado Boulder Retrofits for Energy Savings

(U.S.): A nearly $11 million project, with an anticipated $573,000 in energy cost avoidance, will upgrade one of the campus' buildings with energy-efficient boilers, lighting and HVAC systems, and water conservation improvements.

U East Anglia Students Initiate Water Saving Campaign

(U.K.): Attempting to challenge conventional water usage behavior, students recently launched the Go with the Flow Campaign asking students who take showers in the morning to urinate in the showers instead of using the toilet.

U Georgia to Decommission Coal Fired Boiler

(U.S.): In a recent announcement from the university's president, the decision came after a third-party study revealed a more economically appealing option for the 50-year-old boiler, the single largest source of pollution in the town.

U Michigan Reduces Energy Through Lab Sash Program

(U.S.): With nearly 800 campus labs, the new Shut the Sash awareness campaign, an initiative of the Sustainable Labs program, resulted in an estimated 10 percent energy reduction and avoidance of $1.5 million in energy costs.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Targets Clean Energy Investments

(U.S.): After three years of campaigning by the university's Sierra Student Coalition Beyond Coal team for coal divestment, the university's board of trustees unanimously passed a resolution to target clean energy investments in the management of its $2.2 billion endowment.

U Oregon Releases Seven Year Progress Report

(U.S.): The recently released new report, Sowing Change, details the growth and evolution of the university's environmental improvement projects on campus. Categorized by five areas identified in the university's Office of Sustainability mission statement, leadership, policy development, projects and programs, monitoring, and outreach, some of the projects featured include the climate action plan, student sustainability fund and green office program.

U San Diego Student Club Challenges Campus to BYOC

(U.S.): Students from the university's Net Impact chapter launched a month-long Kill the Cup campaign aimed at reducing the amount of one-time use cups heading to the landfill by offering incentives to campus members who bring their own coffee cup.

U South Carolina Holds Inaugural Sustainability Research Showcase

(U.S.): A recent display of students, faculty, staff and community members' sustainability-focused research via posters, presentations and interactive demonstrations allowed 74 percent of visitors to realize how sustainability relates to their major.

U Wisconsin Engages Students for Diversity

(U.S.): A new plan addressing five main goals, including promoting diversity values, engaging campus leadership, coordinating planning efforts, and improvement of recruitment and retention of faculty and students, aims to garner ideas and support from students in order to accomplish.

Weber State U Sustainability Center Gets Board Approval

(U.S.): The proposed Sustainability Practice and Research Center, with support from a half-time faculty director and a full-time sustainability coordinator, will include workshops, lectures, student projects, field-based courses and guest speakers.

West Virginia U Recognizes Latino Culture on Campus

(U.S.): In an effort to bring awareness to the university's Hispanic and Latino culture, the university's Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hosted a Hispanic Heritage Night, which was organized through the recently initiated student club WVU Hispanic and Latino Association.

Bowling Green State U Approves Landscape Master Plan

Approved by the university's board of trustees, the new plan, outlining 53 projects, includes the following guiding principles: keeping the landscape simple and elegant, creating places for people to enjoy, developing outdoor spaces as a learning laboratory, and creating a memorable and beautiful environment.

Colorado State U Donates to Local Food Bank

Landscaped campus beds this year provided vegetables and herbs that were donated to the community in addition to food from the university's community-supplied agriculture horticulture farm.

Four Colleges Subscribe to GRITS Affiliates Program

Dickinson College, Emerson College, Wellesley College and Williams College are the first four subscribers to the new Green Revolving Investment Tracking System (GRITS) Affiliates program. GRITS Affiliates helps schools track their carbon, energy and financial data from their energy efficiency and resource conservation projects. For more information on accessing GRITS, go to http://greenbillion.org/gritsaffiliates/.

MacEwan U Releases Student Research Journal

The student-driven and managed Earth Common Journal recently featured peer-reviewed undergraduate research papers that focus on everyday activism including perceptions of organics and the sustainability of hip hop culture.

Middlebury College Building Earns LEED Platinum

The campus' new athletic center addition features natural light, an energy-efficient heating, ventilation and air condition system, low-emitting construction materials for indoor air quality, a green roof and a rooftop solar array.

Northwestern U to Recognize Campus Sustainability Champions

University community members who have identified innovative initiatives to reduce energy, water or waste, or engage their fellow employees in greening their physical environment will now be honored at a quarterly Service Excellence luncheon. The three types of awards to be dispensed are the Student Excellence in Sustainability, Faculty and Staff Excellence in Sustainability, and the Green Office Excellence Award.

Pennsylvania State U Commits to Large Energy Reduction

The university recently joined the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Challenge pledging to a 20 percent reduction of building energy use over the next 10 years in 28-million square feet.

Portland State U Building Attains LEED Platinum

The university's recently completed Collaborative Life Sciences building features natural light, communal spaces, green roofs, stormwater collection and energy-efficient lighting.

San Francisco State U Class Analyzes Bikeability

As part of an agreement with city agencies to take measurable steps to minimize transportation impacts of the growing student population, the university's Bicycle Geographies class released a new report outlining how to make students' commutes safer and where more secure and convenient bike parking could be located.