U Hawai'i Mānoa Students Pass Sustainability Fund

Aligned with the university system's newly-adopted sustainability policy and the campus' strategic plan, the Associated Students of the University of Hawai'i passed the resolution in support of a $4 fee per student per semester. According to an associated survey, participants listed solar energy and waste management as top initiatives for which they would allocate funding.

U North Carolina Greensboro Rolls Out Mobile Market

The new locally-owned mobile farmers market, offering fresh and local fruit, vegetables, meat and baked goods, is a partnership between the university's Dining Services and a local business.

Coastal Carolina U Releases Fracking Brief

Students created reports that analyze federal and state laws and their impacts on various communities. A recent report looked at fracking in North Carolina in an effort to best prepare students for sustainable leadership and public service.

Colorado Mountain College Installs EV Charing Station

The college recently installed charging stations at five of their campus locations in an effort to reduce fossil fuel emissions, encourage eco-friendly transportation and move toward carbon neutral campuses with the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

George Mason U Achieves STARS Gold

Through new and recent efforts such as a Sustainability Learning Living Community, a Green Job Networking Fair and new certificates available to students that are related to sustainability, the university improved their STARS rating from silver to gold in September.

Illinois State U Installs Charging Station

A solar-powered table was recently installed that gives students the opportunity to recharge up to five devices at a time in an environmentally friendly manner.

Indiana U South Bend Building Earns LEED Silver

The Education and Arts building was recently renovated and awarded certification through elements such as using natural resources when designing the space. This renovation promotes environmental awareness to students.

Louisiana State U Starts Water Bottle Campaign

This fall, the university is giving out punch cards to redeem for a free guest pass or a reusable grocery tote after bringing a refillable bottle 10 times. The university projects that this will save 25,000 to 30,000 bottles out of waterways based on past semester data when the program was first introduced.

Louisiana State U to Improve Lakes

A recent $10,000 grant will allow the university to increase recycling opportunities in and around Campus Lake to help reach the recycling goal of 50 percent in 2014.

Maharishi U Management Uses Rain Water for Bottles

Campus residents can now fill their bottles at a free bottle-filling station that was recently installed. This station uses water from a 10,000-gallon cistern that collects rainwater.

North Carolina State U Composts Pizza Boxes

A new program started this past spring that has already composted more than 3,700 pizza boxes to divert waste and engage students in a new sustainability effort.

Students Promote Green Cleaning [VIDEO]

Students from several institutions promote the importance of using green products such as baking soda and vinegar for cleaning as a less expensive and healthier option.

U Michigan Hosts EarthFest

This past September, Planet Blue, a university sustainability initiative, held a "Party for the Planet" to increase awareness around environmentally friendly food purchases, climate action and waste prevention. During this event, students had the opportunity to learn about sustainable focused groups that they could join.

U Montana Students and Faculty Encourage Fossil Fuel Divestment

Advocates for renewable energy recently held a rally to ask university administrators to remove fossil fuel investments in the endowment portfolio. The university responded and asked these advocates to remain engaged in these conversations moving forward.

U North Carolina Greensboro Introduces Electric Motorcycles

The university recently purchased two electric, no emission, motorcycles for campus police use that cost $.96 to fully charge. Motorcycles can travel 132 miles on a single charge and boost campus sustainability efforts.

U Texas Austin Students Create BioFuel

Through a 2013 grant, students have researched, studied and created a biofuel that is intended for use in university vehicles once out of the testing stages. This particular biofuel is created from a waste product that was slated to be thrown away and will decrease the university's fuel intake.

U Utah Recognized for Energy Efficiency Leadership

The Department of Energy recently recognized the university in its Better Building Challenge for its work toward reducing energy use by 20 percent by 2020. This goal is achieved through building upgrades and renovations to save money, reduce energy consumption and cut waste. One major upgrade included the heating and cooling system at its Dumke Health Professions Education Building that, upon completion, reduced the environmental impact.

Western Michigan U Building Earns LEED Silver

The university's Lee Honors College building received this environmentally friendly status due to renovations that include low-plumbing fixtures to reduce water use and native plant species added to the landscape that reduced irrigation water usage by 69 percent.

West Philadelphia Institutions to See Sustainable Shop

A new sustainable coffee and retail shop from United By Blue will open soon in University City, a western part of Philadelphia that is home to the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University and University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. For each product sold, the company removes one pound of trash from oceans and waterways through local cleanups.

Australian National U Works to Improve Diversity

(Australia): The university is updating on-campus accommodations that will attract and include new undergraduate students that are aimed to boost diversity.

Bowling Green State U Building Earns LEED Gold

The university's dining service building received LEED certification due to 75 percent of the construction waste being recycled, all building materials used were purchased within a 500-mile radius, Ohio barn wood was utilized throughout and the construction used less structural steel.

Clarkson U Student Starts Project to Offset Carbon Emissions

(U.S.): A graduate student recently developed an forestry project in Uganda in an effort to balance the effects of carbon emissions generated by university air travel. Micro-finance groups were also set up to create paid jobs for women who work on this project.

Concordia U Students Design Energy-Efficient Building

(Canada): University students participated in an intensive nine-day, post grad course this past summer that focused on net-zero energy buildings and completed designs to promote energy efficiency.

Cornell U Opens Solar Farm

(U.S.): The university recently opened the Cornell Snyder Road Solar Farm with 6,778 photovoltaic panels that will produce 2.5 million kilowatts hours each year and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 650 metric tons toward the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Fort Hays State U Introduces New Certificate

(U.S.): The university started a new program this fall where students can earn 12 specific credit hours to then receive a sustainability certificate.

International Islamic U turns to Solar Energy

(Islambad): Through the installation of photovoltaic panels, the university will provide 10 megawatts of electricity to power the main campus, and will sell excess energy to increase revenue for the campus.

Lady Doak College to Build Eco-Friendly Satellite Campus

(India): In three years the college aims to open a campus that will be 100 percent water efficient and promote clean energy toward their goal of becoming a zero-waste institution.

Laurentian U Hires Energy & Sustainability Manager

(Canada): The university recently hired a Manager of Energy and Sustainability. This brand new position will develop and execute sustainability goals with initiatives in energy consumption, waste diversion, outreach and education.

Maharishi U Management Brings Local Food to Campus

(U.S.): Through new food purchasing standards, local farmers can now sell produce to the university that was grown without pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). By purchasing local produce to serve to students, the university saves money and reduces carbon emissions.

McGill U Boost Sustainability Initiative

(Canada): The university recently launched the ECOLE initiative, after three years in the pilot stage. This initiative allows students to examine sustainable living in urban communities, learn about clean energy and green produce and conduct community events.

Montana Tech U Montana Sees International Diversity

(U.S.): The university will host nearly 200 international students this year from about 20 countries to increase campus diversity.

Sierra College Reduce Water Usage

(U.S.): Campus landscapes remain green and healthy while saving water through on-going initiatives such as reducing turf areas, planting drought-resistant plants and installing a water efficient irrigation system that have reduced water usage by 20 percent. Additional water saving efforts include pool covers to reduce water evaporation and upcoming upgrades to indoor facilities of low-flow fixtures.

Smith College Trustees Approve Sustainable Investments Fund

(U.S.): A unanimous approval from the board of a $1 million investment will drive sustainable strategies on the campus to address climate change such as improving energy efficiency at the co-generation plant.

STARS 2014 Annual Review Released

(U.S.): AASHE's most recent publication uncovered some new and notable trends such as an increase in the reports submitted from associate and baccalaureate colleges, and an increase in average scores within subsequent STARS reports.

Syracuse U Purchases Green Power

(U.S.): The university has partnered with Renewable Choice Energy to provide green power, which will offset 35 percent of the campus’ total electricity consumption, an increase over previous years.

U Arkansas to Maximize Water Conservation Efforts

(U.S.): To reduce water usage and cost, the university will soon install a run-off pond that will supply air conditioning system. Additionally, the irrigation protocol will be redesigned and a $5,000 scholarship that rewards students for sustainability efforts will be created.

U Chichester to Pay Living Wage

(U.K.): The university recently agreed to pay the living wage to all staff based on its Chichester and Bognor campuses. This agreement includes firms that the university contracts for catering, cleaning and security.

U Copenhagen Met Climate Goals from 2008

(Denmark): The university reached their goal to reduce carbon emissions originally set in 2008 through energy efficiency investments. The university announced that carbon-dioxide emissions are down 28.8% and energy consumption per student/employee is down 20.4% on 2006 levels. The university plans to set new sustainability goals to be released later this year.

U Dayton Receives Sustainability Gift to Boost Program

(U.S.): The university recently received a gift of $12.5 million that will increase sustainability education at the Hanley Sustainability Institute. This gift will be used to develop an interdisciplinary graduate certificate in sustainability, create an urban agriculture project and achieve a STARS Gold rating.

U Glasgow Scientists Find Clean Energy Opportunity

(U.K.): University scientists recently reported a new production of removing hydrogen from water that could lead to an era of cheap, clean and renewable energy, according to the institution. This new production allows the hydrogen bond to be burned without a negative impact on the environment.

U Iowa to Use Grass for Biofuel

(U.S.): By 2020, the university wants to have 40 percent of its energy derived from renewable sources with efforts such as a reduction in the amount of coal burned through a new pilot program of burning a specific type of tall grass.

U Maiduguri Celebrates Diversity

(Nigeria): A diversity festival was recently held at the university with the theme Unity in Diversity. This was a large cultural event on campus that encouraged people to dress in various cultural attires and learn from one another.

U Maryland to Become Zero-Waste Campus

(U.S.): Starting at Byrd Stadium this year, the university plans to divert 90 percent of waste from landfills to composting and recycling stations.

U Michigan Introduces Sustainable Food Initiative [VIDEO]

(U.S.): Within this new initiative, the university committed to develop sustainable food as a discipline and added a minor in Sustainable Food Systems starting this Fall.

U Nebraska Lincoln Hires First Sustainability Coordinator

(U.S.): The university recently hired their first sustainability coordinator to achieve sustainability goals by engaging students and staff and continuing clean energy investments.

U North Georgia Receives Grant to Boost Sustainability

(U.S.): The university recently received a grant that will allow students to conduct research on the impact of locally sourced food in an effort to promote a sustainable future.

U Victoria Opens Zero Waste Dining Option

(Canada): The university recently opened a zero waste food court by increasing composting efforts and purchasing locally sourced food.

U Western Ontario Increase Recycling Efforts

(Canada): Coffee cups, fountain drink cups and the accompanying lids are now recyclable to divert 100 tons of waste annually toward their goal of diverting 90 percent of waste from landfills.

Auburn U Goes Styrofoam Free

Starting this semester, the university replaced styrofoam with paper products to increase recycling and eliminate waste from landfills in an effort to achieve a zero waste campus.

Binghamton U to Build Smart Energy Research Building

Construction began this past August for a new building that will allow students and faculty to conduct research into renewable energy at the unversity.