Wesleyan U Installs Solar-Powered Waste Compactors

The university recently installed four BigBelly Solar trash compactors to increase its recycling rate and reduce the number of collection bins necessary, which also decreases labor involved in collection of the materials.

Western Michigan U Announces Climate Change Events Series

In an effort to raise awareness about the biological, social, political and economic consequences of climate change, the university is offering the new series of presentations and events throughout October and November.

Yale U Partners on New Health Program

In commemoration of the city's 375th anniversary, the Yale School of Public Health, Yale-New Haven Hospital and Community Services have initiated the program aimed at reducing obesity by establishing working groups to strengthen nutrition and exercise in underserved communities.

Adrian College Announces New Loan Repayment Plan

The new plan to be rolled out in fall of 2014, AdrianPlus, is a loan repayment assistance initiative that offers to pay all or part of its students' loans if they are unable to secure a well paying job post graduation.

Alfred State College Installs Wind Turbine

Helping to offset the college’s carbon emissions, the 100-foot, grid-tied wind turbine will aid teaching at the college’s Center for Renewable Energy.

Binghamton U Building Receives LEED Platinum

The university's Engineering and Science Building incorporates passive solar energy for heating, geothermal technology for heating and cooling, energy-efficient windows and skylights to allow for maximum use of daylight.

Bowling Green State U Rolls Out Campaign to Reduce Food Waste

The university Dining Services and Campus Sustainability Committee began a new program called Project Clean Plate, which educates students on the importance of not wasting food at its all-you-can-eat dining facilities.

Clemson U Launches New Student Sustainability Committee

Called the Sustainability Fund Committee, members oversee the $10 optional per-student fee budget that is earmarked for furthering campus sustainability, renewable energy or energy efficiency.

Duke U Builds Cardboard Structure to Conceptualize Waste

Reusing boxes from the recent student move-in, Sustainable Duke, Duke Arts Festival, and Duke Sanitation and Recycling Services collaborated on Fort Duke to break the world record and enable students to visualize the move-in waste stream.

Elon U Building Establishes LEED Silver

The university’s 18th LEED-certified building, the Numen Lumen Pavillion features a high-performance building envelope, low-flow water fixtures, occupancy sensors, natural daylighting, and was designed to encourage the use of outdoor spaces. Ninety-eight percent of the construction waste stream was diverted from the landfill.

Emerson College Hires First Sustainability Coordinator

Strengthening its commitment to sustainability, the college named Eric Van Vlandren to the new position within Facilities Management. Vlandren, whose career experience is in the nonprofit sector, stated his first priority as energy reduction. Under his leadership the college recently instituted its first EcoReps program, which uses student employees to administer sustainability awareness and education within four residence halls and off campus.

Emory U Increases Local Food

In support of the university's sustainability goals, new dining options at Cox Hall include procurement of locally-sourced food and support of smaller, independent businesses.

EPA Announces Green Power Leadership Award Recipients

Georgetown University and The Ohio State University were recently honored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for achievements in advancing the nation's renewable energy market. Both universities are Green Power Partners of the U.S. EPA.

Essex CC Students Erect Solar Charging Station

The recently constructed nine-foot pole holds a single 30-watt photovoltaic panel. Erected by students in the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design and Solar Training course, the charging station will serve as a working lab.

Fuller Theological Seminary Students Form LGBT Club

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community recently formed a college-sanctioned student club of nearly 36 students called OneTable.

Indiana State U Establishes Car Sharing Program

Helping to reduce the need for cars on campus, the university's new partnership with Enterprise allows faculty, staff and students access to two rental cars 24 hours per day.

Jacksonville State U Students Propose Green Fund

Inspired by other green fund campaigns in Alabama, two student clubs have teamed up with the Coalition of Alabama Students for the Environment to propose a new campus fund that would support student-designed projects for energy independence, efficiency, renewables and water conservation.

Metropolitan CC, Central CC Begins Sustainability Speaker Series

The inaugural Sustainability Leadership Presentation Series, a collaboration between the two community colleges, seeks to foster discussion on topics related to energy, the environment, sustainability, and application to daily living.

Oklahoma State U Announces Coordinated Recycling Effort

The campus community now has a new campus-wide comprehensive recycling program called OSU Recycles, which will work to educate campus about what can be recycled and where.

Rutgers U Approves Gender-Neutral Lyrics to Alma Mater

A decades-long debate ended this semester when the university song was changed from "My father sent me to old Rutgers/ And resolv'd that I should be a man” to "From far and near we came to Rutgers/ And resolved to learn all that we can." This change more accurately reflects the 65,000-student college where nearly half are female.

Selkirk College Achieves Fair Trade Designation

Over two years in the making, students helped the college earn the designation, which promotes fair working conditions for those who are in the coffee, tea and chocolate growing industries.

Smith College to Install Photovoltaic System

Set to begin construction this semester, the new solar array will be comprised of 1,500 panels and is projected to produce about 550,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. This project is in collaboration with a third party to help make it financially sustainable.

St. Mary's College of Maryland Institutes Gender-Neutral Housing

Inaugurated this fall, students of the college are given the freedom to choose their roommates independent of gender, sex, sexual identity or sexual orientation. "Open housing" was employed to respond to the needs of students who do not identify with traditional gender norms, and to provide options for all students who feel that they would have a more positive shared-living experience with a roommate of the opposite sex or gender.

Tufts U Creates 'Sustainability House'

Students helped implement what is now the Sustainability House, an on-campus housing initiative where students who have a common interest in sustainability can live in community together. Students in the community are required to work on research related to sustainability or work with groups that seek to create change on campus.

U Georgia Building Awarded LEED Gold

The university's historic College of Environment and Design Jackson Street building features photovoltaic panels, efficient heating and cooling, rainwater collection and grey-water system, a green cleaning program, recycling collection and public transportation.

U Richmond Sororities Begin Sustainability Awareness Campaign

Greeks Going Green is a new competition-based campaign that seeks to spread environmental awareness amongst the Greek organizations on campus through weekly activities and events.

Washington U St. Louis Employs First Transportation Coordinator

Hoping to improve the alternative transportation services already in place, Andrew Heaslet plans to expand the car sharing program from nine to 18 cars, and improve public transportation.

Western Kentucky U Receives Grant for Greenhouse

The recently acquired $5,000 grant from Farm Credit Mid-America in Glasgow will enable the student-led Greentoppers Program to renovate a campus greenhouse.

Western U Health Sciences Signs Solar Contract

A 20-year power purchase agreement was signed with Washington Gas Energy Systems for a 772-kilowatt rooftop photovoltaic system projected to supply 1,110 megawatts of electricity per year. Completion of construction is set for October 2013.

West Virginia U Implements Single Stream Recycling

In an effort to decrease its waste stream and increase revenue, the university's decision to deploy single stream recycling helps simplify the process of recycling for campus members.

Brandeis U Partners on Solar Thermal Installation

(U.S.): Inspired by a student's trip to Israel where many houses heat water with the sun, the university recently completed the system on an apartment building with funding from two sources.

College of the Canyons Holds Inaugural Sustainability Event

(U.S.): Dedicated to promoting sustainability awareness and practices within the student body and community, the event, in concert with the Santa Clarita Environmental Consortium, will focus on environmental issues and is open to the public.

Concordia College Appoints New Student Sustainability Committee

(U.S.): The college’s Student Government Association created the new committee because of student interest in sustainability. The new committee will deal with environmental and financial issues and work with other student organizations.

Emory U Building Achieves LEED Gold

(U.S.): The university's 10th LEED-certified building, the residence hall features energy efficiency, transportation options, use of low volatile organic compounds in paints, furnishings and carpeting, and a gray water reclamation system.

Emory U Partners for Textile Recycling

(U.S.): Reducing its waste load and carbon footprint, the university's new partnership with re:loom allows old uniforms to be remade into new products. In summer 2013, the university donated over 100 pounds of custodial uniforms and 300 pounds of athletic uniforms to the service.

Erie CC Opens Green Building Training Center

(U.S.): The recently opened Green Building Technology Center will house training in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and workforce development in emerging green building technology. With funding assistance the building was constructed with renewable energy and energy efficiency techniques and equipment.

Falmouth U, U Exeter Cornwall Launches Green Living Project

(U.K.): Student members of the Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union are launching two projects aimed at promoting more sustainable behaviors within the student and staff populations. The projects aim to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce resources being sent to landfills.

Farmingdale State College Cuts Ribbon on Solar Carport

(U.S.): The new carport/charging station, the first of its kind within SUNY, accommodates 20 electric vehicles and is powered by 390 solar panels. Students, faculty and staff can pay a $10 refundable deposit to use the charging station for one year.

Framingham State U Opens Multicultural Center

(U.S.): The university's new center will bolster ongoing effort to promote diversity on campus and create an environment where minorities feel comfortable.

Georgetown U, Energy Dept Collaborate on Energy Efficiency

(U.S.): The two organizations recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on the Georgetown University Energy Prize, a competition to encourage innovative, replicable and scalable approaches to reduce energy consumption in communities. The winner will receive $5 million in funding for the multi-year proposal.

HKUST Receives Grant

(Hong Kong): The Ford Motor Company recently announced the university is the recipient of HKD500,000 for the Ford-HKUST Conservation and Environmental Research Grants which support postgraduate environmental and conservation science, and conservation engineering advancements. A maximum of 20 project will be supported during the 2013-14 academic year.

Illinois Wesleyan U Implements Single Stream Recycling

(U.S.): Furthering the institution's commitment to sustainability, the new recycling system is meant to lessen people's anxiety and annoyance over spending time sorting materials.

Indiana State U Builds Greenhouses

(U.S.): Drawing on its agricultural history, the university’s greenhouse project includes seven passive solar greenhouses which will aid in student and community learning. Made possible by a $100,000 grant from the Lilly Endowment, food grown in the structures will be sold at the farmers’ market and donated to local food banks and charities. Other schools involved include Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Ivy Tech Community College and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.

Indian Institute of Management Offers Sustainable Mgmt Diploma

(India): The new postgraduate diploma program is the result of a shift in the country's business paradigm to environmental concerns, global warming, and socio-economic implications of increasing corporate power.

Joliet Junior College Increases Awareness of Local Food

(U.S.): Featured in a new Farm-to-Fork Market Dinner event through the college's Culinary Arts department will be a five-course meal with nearly 100 percent of the ingredients from within 250 miles.

Kansas State U Students Revive African-American Newspaper

(U.S.): Originally a paper by the Black Student Union in the 1970s, Uhuru, meaning "freedom" in Swahili, now has a new generation of interested students that have renewed it as a section of the student newspaper under the name Uhuru Kauli, Kauli meaning "opinion" or "speech.' This section will work with underrepresented student groups and multicultural organizations.

Loyola U Chicago Expands Biodiesel Teaching Lab

(U.S.): After recently winning the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's People, Prosperity & the Planet award competition for a proposal that included a living machine to clean biodiesel's "wash water", the university expanded its processing lab to include larger tanks with site glasses and color-coded piping.

McGill U Earns Fair Trade Designation

(Canada): In an attempt to eradicate poverty through systemic change and investments in people, students led the movement to certify that all coffee sold in university-owned stores is Fair Trade. Fair Trade certified tea and chocolate are also available.

National U Ireland Galway Launches Bike Sharing Program

(Ireland): Aimed at lowering its carbon footprint and on-campus congestion, students and staff can pay €10 per year in registration fees for use of the self-services bikes at eight stations across campus.

National U Singapore, U Melbourne Win Design Competition

(Australia): Open to architecture students from higher education around the world, the Tropical Architecture Design Competition focuses on tropical green architecture and sustainable building design solutions. A collaboration between the two universities, this year’s winning entry was inspired by natural mushrooms and relies heavily on fresh air, daylight and rainwater for energy, and local construction materials such as ramp earth and rice straw walls.