Auburn U Begins Move-In Recycling Program

With the help of staff volunteers, the newly introduced recycling program Move-in Mania enables students living on campus to recycle cardboard, #1 & #2 plastic and aluminum and steel cans. Of the 77 tons of material collected, 15 tons were cardboard.

Energy Department Awards $7.9M Toward Transportation Technology

Building on President Obama's Climate Action Plan, the U.S. Department of Energy recently announced nearly $8 million in funding to eight institutions of higher education for new projects that accelerate the research and development of vehicle technologies to improve fuel efficiency, lower transportation costs, and protect the environment in communities nationwide. Recipients include Regents of the University of Michigan, The Ohio State University, Arizona Board of Regents for Arizona State University, Mississippi State University, Johns Hopkins University, Michigan State University, The Pennsylvania State University and Northwestern University.

Energy Department Invests in Wave & Tidal Energy

As part of the Obama Administration’s strategy for American energy independence, the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded $3.74 million in funding for projects that will increase the power production and reliability of wave, tidal and current power. Universities involved or awarded funding include Texas A&M University, University of Maine, University of Washington, Oregon State University and Florida Atlantic University.

Franklin & Marshall College Implements Waste Reduction Measures

As part of its sustainability plan, the college has installed 22 water bottle filling stations, discontinued the sale of single-use water bottles at campus dining facilities, distributed 2,500 reusable bottles to all students, implemented single stream recycling, and deployed two solar trash compactors.

Georgia College & State U Transitions to Single Stream Recycling

In a recent transition from a student-run initiative to a college-owned program, the newly adopted recycling initiative replaces all trash cans with single stream recycling bins.

Marshall U Installs Vegetative Roof Demonstration

Helping to reduce energy costs and filter rainwater particulates, the new green roof on the university’s College of Science also serves as a learning tool for students.

Northern Arizona U Renovation Earns LEED Silver

Recently completed, the Hotel and Restaurant Management building’s features include use of sustainable and recycled materials, use of natural lighting, composting and Dark Sky-compliance.

U Buffalo Offers New 'Sustainability Academy' for Students

In its inaugural year, students in this residential learning community participate in community projects and behind-the-scenes campus operational activities, as well as collaborating with environmental organizations.

U Florida Athletic Stadium to Offer Composting

In line with its zero waste commitment, the university’s Ben Hill Griffin Stadium will offer composting and recycling, whereas previously only waste and recycling were offered. Labeling and increased staffing will help to eliminate contamination of either waste stream.

U Minnesota Morris Opens Green Residence Hall

Complementing its focus on environmental sustainability, the university’s new Green Prairie Community is a living and learning residence hall for students interested in pursuing sustainable lifestyles. The features of the new community and building include sustainability programming, community meals, on-site food gardens, wind and biomass energy systems for heating and cooling, and low-flow plumbing fixtures.

U Minnesota Sees Results with New Energy Reduction Email Campaign

In an effort to reduce energy consumption of on-campus residents, faculty and staff, the university experimented with mass emails this summer encouraging energy conservation when the weather was hot and demand for energy was high. In July, demand was reduced 6.6 percent from the year prior.

U Northern British Columbia Building Achieves LEED Platinum

Certified by the Canada Green Building Council, the recently certified Bioenergy Plant is the first platinum facility at the university. Features include a focus on sustainable site development, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.

U Oregon Athletic Stadium Captures Oil for Biodiesel

The university’s athletic department recently made a deal with an alumni-founded local biodiesel manufacturer to capture its used vegetable fryer oil on game days.

Ursinus College Themes Jewish New Year Around Sustainability

For this year’s Rosh Hashanah, the college’s rabbi and student Jewish club Hillel are using the on-campus organic farm apiary to teach about responsibility for the environment.

Washington Monthly Magazine Releases Affordability Ranking

Called the Best Bang for the Buck ranking, the magazine’s newest issue ranks schools that help non-wealthy students attain degrees at affordable prices. The rankings are based on percent of students receiving Pell Grants, graduation rate and student loan default rate.

Berea College Opens Green Residence Hall

The building’s features include photovoltaic panels, a geothermal heating system, high efficiency windows, low-flow plumbing and student-made furniture made with mule-harvested wood from the college’s forest. Design and construction was guided by USGBC LEED and Living Building Challenge by the International Living Future Institute.

Brock U Initiates Fair Trade Purchasing

Building its inventory of fair trade products, the university now only sells Fair Trade Certified coffee at all non-franchise businesses. Three teas and one type of chocolate are also offered.

Champlain College Initiates Green Revolving Fund

Encouraging environmentally sound technologies, the fund finances innovative activities that reduce the college’s environmental impact, contribute to education for sustainability, and generate financial returns, a portion of which support projects that lack monetary savings but are aligned with sustainability objectives.

Colby-Sawyer College Installs Wind Turbine

Helping to offset the college’s energy use, the 3.7 kilowatt wind turbine will also supply real-time data to students. Project funding was made possible from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation.

Cuyamaca College Begins ‘The Diversity Dialogues’

Encouraging students to embrace diversity at a school with a large Iraqi refugee population, the semester long workshop series is designed to give students a deeper understanding and appreciation of other cultures, construct environments that foster cultural learning, and to apply principles of cultural competency to personal, professional or academic life.

DePaul U Adds 2 Wind Turbines

Continuing to reduce its carbon footprint, the university’s two rooftop, grid-tied wind turbines help offset some of the building’s electricity needs.

Elmhurst College Hosts No Waste Lunch

Promoting green lifestyles to the incoming freshman class, the college’s no waste lunch efforts included compostable napkins, plates and silverware, and a team of volunteers to person the waste receptacles.

Indiana State U Renovation Receives LEED Silver

Sustainable features of the renovated building include shower facilities for bicyclists, waste management, energy efficiency upgrades and utilization of much of the original structure.

Indiana U Child Center Receives Environmental Certification

The Campus View Child Care Center received the Children’s Environmental Health Network’s Eco-Healthy Child Care Certification in recognition of its work to implement environmentally healthy best practices. The center’s efforts include use of nondisposable eating ware and nontoxic cleaning supplies, and participating in a service learning project to create a wildlife area near the center.

Indiana U-Purdue U Introduces Car Sharing Program

An initiative out of the Transportation Sustainability Committee, the university has partnered with Zipcar to launch a campus car sharing program for students, faculty, staff and members of the community. The program will initially offer two vehicles on campus.

Lafayette College Building Receives LEED Gold

The Grossman House for Global Perspectives, the college’s newest student living community, was renovated with sustainable features including reflective windows, stormwater retention tank, a greywater system, demolition recycling and an indoor bicycle storage facility.

Lawrence Technological U Receives $20M Gift

Supporting the planned Dr. Richard E. Marburger STEM Center, funding will bolster, in part, academic programming in sustainable design and energy systems, and support cross-disciplinary faculty training and instructional resources.

Manhattan College Names Coordinator of New Env Science Program

Yelda Balkir will develop the college’s new environmental science bachelor and master programs, planned to begin fall 2014. She holds a doctorate from Carnegie Mellon University, a Master of Science from Duquesne University, and a Bachelor of Science from Istanbul Technical University.

Medical U of South Carolina Receives LEED Gold

The building’s features include occupancy sensors, lighting controls, high value insulation and reflective roof, window and building overhangs and water saving fixtures.

New York State Announces Awardees for Large Solar Projects

In an effort to boost the state’s solar capacity, $54 million was awarded under its NY-Sun initiative. Administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the following colleges and universities were funded: State College of New York Cortland, Rochester Institute of Technology, Clarkson University and Cornell University.

Northern State U Unveils New International Sculpture Garden

Combining the university’s international education mission and its passion for the arts, the new space will display five sculptures by Vietnamese artist Tuan Nguyen, made possible by Picture Art Foundation, and other sculptures by regional and national artists.

Obama Explains the New College Affordability Legislation

On the recent bus tour in New York and Pennsylvania, the president says the new plan intends to rate colleges based on outcomes, initiate competition between schools to lower the graduation rate, and help more students participate in the pay as you earn loan repayment program. Schools he visited include University of Buffalo, Binghamton University and Lackawanna College.

Ray C. Anderson Foundation Awards $600K to Higher Education

In support of environmental initiatives and sustainability research, the recipients include Auburn University, Clark Atlanta University, Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, and University of South Mississippi.

Slippery Rock U Students Help Businesses Go Green

Through the university’s Sustainable Enterprise Accelerator, student interns recently conducted energy audits, planned for solar panel installations, and researched tax credits and grants for local businesses using solar energy.

Southern Oregon U Employs 32kW Photovoltaic System

(Paid for by a self-imposed student tax and the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, the 117 solar panels were recently installed atop Stevenson Union.

Sterling College Launches Sustainable Agriculture Center

Called The Rian Fried Center for Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems, the yet to be opened center will provide improved farm and draft horse instructional spaces and collaborate with local nonprofits and businesses.

SUNY Cortland Commits to 100% Renewable Electricity

The first in the 64-campus State University New York system, the university will receive electrical power from 100% renewable energy for all facilities. More than 700 new solar panels will be added, and the university will purchase 16 million kilowatts of renewable energy credits per year. Efforts to use renewable energy support its master’s program in sustainable energy systems.

SUNY Geneseo Students Begin Local Food Program

Think Local Geneseo aims to increase consumption of local foods while strengthening the bond between the college and the community through local food events.

Texas State Technical College to Install Solar and Wind

With the help of a State Energy Conservation Office grant in the amount of $235,000, the college is installing 52 solar panels and eight wind turbines. The energy will be fed into a campus building.

U Dayton Gives 100 Bicycles Away to Students

In an effort to create a bike-friendly campus and reduce its carbon footprint, incoming freshman students who have signed a two year no-car pledge received a free bicycle. Of the 293 students that signed the pledge, 100 were selected.

U Maryland, Ohio State U Develop Student Literacy Assessment

In an effort to understand what students know about sustainability when they enter college, the universities have developed an Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge (ASK) tool of 28 questions, available for any higher education institution to use.

U Minnesota Opens New Sustainable Housing

Intentionally designed to foster community among residents, features of the new 17th Avenue Hall include regional and renewable materials, a Fresh Food Company restaurant, a greywater system, a green roof and Energy Star certified equipment.

U North Alabama Holds First ‘Culture Fest’

Open to everyone, the university’s Office of Diversity and Institutional Equality held the event to increase awareness of diversity.

U Notre Dame Admits Undocumented Students

Changing its admission policies, the university will admit undocumented students who successfully apply for a place in its first-year and transfer classes.

U Pennsylvania Introduces Green Living Program

New this academic year, students in the College Houses can earn certification for living more sustainably in the areas of waste management, energy and water conservation.

U.S. Institute of Peace Announces Grant Recipients

The U.S. Institute of Peace and the Institute of International Education have awarded 58 institutions a mini-grant for peace-building events that advance and promote the understanding of peace-building and international conflict resolution.

Washington U St. Louis Students Develop Retrofit Plan

Due to aging 1920s and ‘30s-era university owned apartment buildings, an interdisciplinary team of researchers and students have developed a framework to retrofit the buildings to become more environmentally friendly and space efficient.

Wesleyan U Students Use Permaculture on Campus

New this summer, students used decaying wood and mulch to retain water and release nutrients in raised beds across campus, increased edible landscaping, and remade a footpath into stairs and a planted terrace following permaculture principles.

West Virginia U Opens Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office

Tackling the third goal of the university’s 2020 strategic plan, the new office is meant to foster diversity and build an inclusive culture.

Whitman College Appoints New Sustainability Coordinator

Beginning July 1, Tristan Sewell will coordinate projects including waste management, long-term planning in campus sustainability, climate action planning and student engagement. She is the first to hold this position at the college.