U Iowa Student Leaders Focus on Affordability, Workforce Access

Student government leaders recently met with the Iowa governor to discuss college affordability and workforce development for graduates who want to stay in Iowa. The students will travel the state this summer to talk with legislators about extending the tuition freeze another year and ways that the state can help connect graduates from area universities to in-state job opportunities.

U New Hampshire Student Turns Recycling Prgm into Nat'l Nonprofit

The launch of a new nonprofit, PLAN: The Post-Landfill Action Network, is a national expansion of the university's student-led Trash 2 Treasure program, which to date has salvaged more than 100 tons of usable materials, recycled over 2,000 electronics, and donated more than five tons of food and clothing to local shelters. Trash 2 Treasure co-founder and recent graduate Alex Fried founded PLAN to work with student groups, administrators and sustainability offices to reduce campus waste nationwide.

U North Carolina Greensboro Quad Renovation Earns LEED Gold

The renovated collection of residence halls features water-efficient landscaping, common-area lighting sensors, and low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints, carpets and other flooring materials.

U Rhode Island to Lead National Climate Change Education Project

The university's Graduate School of Oceanography has received a $1 million National Science Foundation grant to serve as the national hub for a Climate Change Education Partnership Alliance. The school will work to build a network of climate change scientists, educators, communication professionals and government and private-sector stakeholders to educate the public about the science of climate change and its implications.

U Wisconsin-Oshkosh Breaks Ground on $7M Biodigester Facility

Funded by the UW Oshkosh Foundation, the new biogas production facility at the state’s largest dairy farm will be able to generate 1.4 megawatts of electricity using livestock waste to generate, capture and combust methane. The biodigester will also be used by the university's environmental science, microbiology and sociology students as an off-campus laboratory.

2 Cornell U Student Teams Win EPA P3 Award

Soliciting student projects that protect people’s health, the environment, encourage economic growth and use natural resources efficiently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) Award honored students working on a cookstove fuel/biochar project in Kenya and a water filtration project. Each winning team now qualifies to receive a grant of up to $90,000 to further develop their design.

BCIT Undergoes Energy-Efficient Ventilation Makeover

Funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education, upgrades to the British Columbia Institute of Technology's outdated ventilation and HVAC systems are expected to result in energy savings of $125,000 per year.

Bowling Green State U Approves Smoking Ban

Starting January 2014, the ban was approved following the Ohio Board of Regents recommendation that all Ohio public universities become smoke free.

Dept. of Ed Releases College Affordability and Transparency Lists

The updated lists highlight institutions with the highest and lowest tuition prices, and institutions whose costs are rising at the fastest rates.

Harvard U Housing Project Achieves LEED Platinum

The newly renovated Graduate Common Area maximizes daylight and incorporates efficient LED lighting. Twenty-seven percent of the project’s construction materials were manufactured within 500 miles.

Historic Harvard U House Awarded LEED Gold

Originally constructed in 1807, the university's Fay House at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study now features ground source heat pumps to provide building heating and cooling and LED lighting. Eighty-seven percent of the existing structural walls, floors, and roof were preserved including the restoration of the wood windows and original hardwood floors.

Indiana U-Purdue U Indianapolis Debuts Bike Fix-it Stations

Spearheaded by students, three do-it-yourself bicycle repair stations were recently installed on campus. The stations, available anytime, feature all the tools necessary to perform basic repairs and maintenance.

Lehigh U Embarks on Community Native Planting Project

The latest project to come from the South Side Initiative, a group of university and surrounding community members that aims to foster democracy and improve quality of life, includes the transformation of a former railroad bed into a scenic meadow of native vegetation.

Oregon Lawmakers Roll Out 'Pay it Forward, Pay it Back' Plan

The Oregon state legislature has unanimously approved a plan to provide free tuition to those students attending a community college or public university. In return, students will pay back the state with a percentage of their incomes after graduation. The state's Higher Education Coordinating Commission will develop a pilot program and lawmakers will decide whether to implement the program in 2015.

San Diego State Holds Rainbow Flag-Raising Ceremony

To show its support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities on campus, the university recently held its fourth annual Rainbow Flag-Raising Ceremony. The university offers a minor in LGBT studies and has announced plans for a new LGBT studies major next spring.

Student Loan Rates Double

With no action by Congress to prevent the increase on July 1, the interest rate for federally subsidized Stafford loans for undergraduates has doubled from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent. Congress may act later this month to reverse the increase.

Texas A&M U System Announces New Center for Solar Energy

In addition to housing a renewable power generation system that will power the A&M-Central Texas campus, the nearly $600 million center will act as an incubator for practical and emergent technologies relating to renewable energy and photovoltaic solar technologies.

U Arizona Harvests Campus Seed Pods for Flour

The university's Campus Arboretum has installed nets onto the trunks of mesquite trees to harvest the seed pods, which Dining Services will incorporate into dishes served on campus. Olives and citrus fruit will also be harvested in similar projects.

UC Santa Barbara Installs Natural Area Signage

Funded by Associated Students, Coastal Fund and the university's Housing and Residential Services, the eight new interpretive signs inform visitors and answer common questions about stormwater management and whale migration as they travel through designated natural areas on campus.

U Illinois Chicago Enforces Tobacco Ban

As of July 1, the university is now a tobacco-free campus, prohibiting all forms of tobacco anywhere within campus boundaries.

U Maryland Students Create 'Connect4Climate' Video

"Right here, right now, together" is the slogan for this video by a group of students in the university's "Contemporary Social Problems" class. The video is part of a larger student campaign advocating serious action to fix the climate problem that brought the group to the Connect4Climate event in Washington, D.C. in March.

U Maryland Welcomes Sustainably Minded Food Truck

Featuring ingredients from a campus garden and area farms, the university catering company's new food truck effort averages 100 orders per day.

U Mississippi Turns Racial Incident into Teachable Moment

After a Mitt Romney rally led by University of Mississippi students last November turned racial, assistant to the chancellor for multicultural affairs Donald Cole recently turned the incident into a teaching moment. Cole, who himself experienced discrimination as a student at the university, addressed the emotions and concerns surrounding the rally head on with this fall's 120 incoming freshmen and their parents. "The idea again is that learned men show their differences by rhetoric, show their differences by persuasive arguments," the NPR story quotes Cole saying during his speech. "Learned men don't fight."

U Wisconsin-Oshkosh Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

Horizon Village features a green roof, a geothermal ground-source heat pump for heating and cooling, geothermal hot water production and a designated area for interior bicycle storage. Additionally, the limestone façade from the building formerly on site was recycled for reuse in the fireplace surround in the student lounge.

White House Announces Climate, Public Health Champions of Change

Georgetown University's Dr. Laura Anderko and the University of Texas Health Science Center's Dr. Susan E. Pacheco were recently honored as "Champions of Change" working to help their communities prepare for climate-related health impacts.

Wilfrid Laurier U Announces New Sustainable Food Systems Center

Led by Alison Blay-Palmer, associate professor of geography and environmental studies at Laurier and leader of the Nourishing Ontario research and community outreach project, the center will open opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration in local and sustainable community food initiatives with the goal of creating positive change through food.

Wilfrid Laurier U Celebrates Aboriginal Day with Teaching Garden

The Mino-kummik Aboriginal Community Garden, named after the Ojibwa word for "good, bountiful earth," features a vegetable and fruit garden, aboriginal medicinal garden, ceremony space and rain-harvesting cistern for irrigation. A local nonprofit will hold workshops with local residents to illustrate sustainable practices of saving rainwater for later use.

York U Students Divert Nearly 27K Pounds of Waste from Landfill

The FreeStuff tables set up in each undergraduate residence during April and early May, where students were able to swap unwanted items, helped saved nearly 27,000 pounds of waste from the landfill this year. At the end of the move-out period, leftover items were donated to a local charity.

12 Institutions Kick Off Green Chemistry Commitment

Organized by nonprofit Beyond Benign, the Green Chemistry Commitment is a new consortium of universities and industry partners designed to increase the number of green chemists and scientists in the U.S. and the opportunities available to them in the field. Green chemistry encourages chemists and scientists to develop safer, non-toxic, renewable chemistry and materials. A 2011 report from Pike Research forecasts that the worldwide green chemistry industry will soar to more than $100 billion by 2020 from less than $3 billion in 2011.

13 Student Teams Compete in Solar Grand Prix

The student University of Texas at Austin Solar Vehicles Team hosted the recent solar car race, held for the first time at an official Formula 1 track. The endurance race challenges competitors to finish as many laps as they can around the 3.4 mile track during the designated driving hours each day. Students from Iowa State University, Northwestern University, Illinois State University, Western Michigan University, University of Waterloo, Principia College, Missouri Science & Technology, Georgia Tech, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Oregon State University and University of New Mexico were also part of the race.

A Guide to the Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action

In Fisher v. University of Texas, the justices sent an affirmative action case concerning the university’s program to achieve racial diversity back to the lower courts for further consideration under a tougher standard of review. The New York Times breaks down the opinion of the court here.

Carleton College Move Out Sale Raises $30K for Local Nonprofits

Community volunteers helped keep unwanted student items out of the landfills, sorting and organizing clothing, kitchen items, mini fridges, printers, bedding, books, and mirrors for the recent "Lighten Up" sale. After raising $30,000 for local nonprofits, the remaining items were donated to the Salvation Army or sent to electronics recycling.

Cincinnati State Starts Sustainable Ag Mgmt Certificate

Starting in the fall, the certificate program will involve students in a new campus food cooperative. Students will train at a local farm, growing the produce for the cooperative that provides 26 weekly boxes of farm-fresh produce to the campus and surrounding community.

Cornell U Student Joins Solar Plane Crew

After designing a pilot drinking water system for solar aircraft makers Solar Impulse, senior Sam Daly has been invited to spend his summer as part of the ground crew for the company, which has a plane that is currently flying across America. The company is scheduled to send a plane around the world in 2015.

Hartnell College Installs Solar Panels Atop Parking lot

The new panels are expected to pay for 90 percent of its Alisal campus electric bill, which amounts to $240,000 per year. The college will also integrate the project into its education programs.

Hawai'i Institutions Join EPA Food Recovery Challenge

Hawai‘i Pacific University, the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and Kapiolani Community College have pledged to reduce food waste as new participants in the national program. Around 35 million tons of food waste was generated in 2010, according to the Food Recovery Challenge website, 97 percent of which was thrown away into landfills or incinerators.

Houghton College to Install 2.5 MW Solar System

The college has signed a power purchase agreement with Smart Energy Capital for the planned solar system, which is anticipated to reduce campus greenhouse gas emissions by 23 percent. The energy generated by the system is expected to meet more than one half of the college's electric demands with an estimated savings of $1.3 million over the contract period.

Indiana U-Purdue U Indianapolis Building Earns LEED Gold

The university's Glick Eye Institute features energy-efficient lighting and heat recovery systems, reduced-flow toilets and sinks, native landscaping, occupancy and air-monitoring systems, and a small rain garden feature and detention structure for irrigation through a drip distribution system.

Int'l Sustainable Campus Network Announces Excellence Awards

Recognizing institutions for exceptional sustainability efforts in campus planning, integration with academics, student leadership, and exemplary building projects, this year's program honored the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), Anglia Ruskin University (U.K.), Zhejiang University (China) and Chatham University (U.S.).

Jacksonville U Receives $10K for Sustainability Education

Half of the Siemens Industry Inc. grant will go toward monitoring and comparing a sustainable versus non-sustainable dorm this fall. Sustainability degree majors will be selected to live in the sustainable side of the dorm, adhering to efficient lighting and HVAC usage, recycling and more. The other side will not have sustainability initiatives in place. In their second year, the students will write a white paper comparing each sides of the dorm. The rest will go toward a rooftop garden where students will train homeless veterans how to garden.

Jamestown CC Science Center Achieves LEED Gold

Sustainable features include a rainwater harvesting system, vegetated roof garden, sun tunnels, water-permeable pathways, demonstration photovoltaic solar array and a geothermal well system. About 40 percent of the project area is a wetland meadow/habitat restoration space.

Kennesaw State U Dining Earns National Innovation Award

The university has received the National Restaurant Association's Innovator of the Year award for its comprehensive waste management program and organic farm-to-campus initiative.

North Carolina State U Golf Course Receives Audubon Certification

Recently certified as an Audubon International Signature Golf Sanctuary, the course features extensive, undisturbed native vegetative buffer areas. The course is also used as a teaching laboratory by several departments on campus.

Rutgers U Debuts Future Scholars Program

The university has partnered with New Jersey school districts to prepare economically underprivileged students for college.

SUNY Fredonia Names Chief Diversity Officer

Dr. William A. Boerner, Ed.D., former assistant director of Housing and Residence Education at Morehead State University, will collaborate with faculty, staff and students to build consensus on diversity-related efforts, and develop programs that promote recruitment, retention and equitable treatment of a diverse population of students, faculty, and staff.

U Louisville Transforms Area into Community Horticulture Zone

Initiated by a recent urban planning graduate, a formerly unused campus field is now home to raised garden beds, native plants, and two rain barrels that will connect to a nearby building’s downspouts. Food waste from the university's dining areas will be turned into compost to help grow produce including tomatoes, kale and sweet potatoes.

U Michigan Athletics Establishes Sustainability Strategy

In partnership with the university's Office of Campus Sustainability and Michigan Student-Athletes for Sustainability, the Athletic Department will focus on waste reduction and recycling; energy efficiency and sustainable building infrastructure; water conservation, chemical usage and sustainable cleaning practices; and education and awareness.

U North Carolina Greensboro Debuts First Solar Panels

Spearheaded and researched by interior architecture students and faculty, the new panels atop the university's Sports Turf Maintenance building generate about 3 kilowatts of power.

U Texas Austin Reduces Irrigation Usage by 66%

With its automated irrigation system, installed in 2011, the university has reduced irrigation usage by 66 percent and saved 90 to 100 million gallons of water. The university also saves water through xeriscaping and a campus chilling station that is connected to the City of Austin’s reclaimed water system.

U Toledo Hosts U.S. Dept of Energy Midwest Clean Energy Summit

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative brought together more than 250 business, elected, regional economic development and university leaders to discuss ways to expand and promote clean energy manufacturing throughout the region and across the nation.