
ACUPCC On Air Series: Earth Month

In celebration of Earth Month, ACUPCC Support Team is holding a series of webcasts. The ACUPCC On Air Series will take place every Tuesday, 1-1:30 p.m. Eastern in April. Each week will feature a discussion topic presented by experts of the ACUPCC network, as well as a FAQs session with questions submitted by ACUPCC sustainability champions. The online discussions are on sustainable endowments, Clean Air-Cool Planet, and carbon accounting for campus-owned forests.
  • Posted Apr 7, 2014

Extended Call for Applications: AASHE 2014 Sustainability Awards

Now in its ninth year, the awards program will celebrate achievements in the following categories: campus sustainability case studies; student sustainability leadership; and student research on campus sustainability. Winners will receive complimentary registration to the AASHE 2014 Conference & Expo in Portland, Ore., where they will be honored during the opening ceremonies. AASHE is accepting applications through April 11.
  • Posted Apr 7, 2014

2014 Climate Leadership Award Finalists Voting

Second Nature, in partnership with Planet Forward, invites voting for the national video competition in which the 2014 Climate Leadership Award finalists showcase the climate and sustainability innovation on their campus. Voting will take place from April 1-15.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

AASHE Workshop: Developing Campus Living Laboratories

This AASHE workshop is intended to support teams from colleges and universities in their application of living laboratory strategies in pursuit of sustainability in higher education. Useful frameworks and related case studies will be presented in which living laboratory strategies are deployed at various scales. Individuals and teams (recommended) from colleges and universities will be offered the opportunity to learn from each other as well as develop initial concepts and applications of the instruments presented at the workshop at their respective institutions.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

C2C Fellows Sustainability Leadership Workshop

C2C Fellows weekend training workshop, April 25-27, sponsored by the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, focuses on concrete skills development, including fundraising and communication. This workshop is in partnership with the Southern Metropolitan Higher Education Consortium's 3rd annual Student Sustainability Summit http://www.southmetroed.org/index.php/events/2014-smhec-student-sustainability-summit.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

Call for Abstracts: Book Project on Policy and Agriculture

The new book project out of the Shi Center for Sustainability at Furman University will explore the themes of and intersections among policy, food and farming, and culture in the contemporary American South. Stemming from an interest in alternative, sustainable food systems and the resurgence of the local and craft food movement, the book's focus on the South is due to its distinctive food nuances related to food policy and practice. Deadline for abstracts is April 4.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

Campus Sustainability Day Logo Design Contest

Submit your designs (JPG) for the 2015 Campus Sustainability Day logo to campus@nwf.org by April 4. All entries will be posted to a Facebook album on the CSD page where people can vote for their favorite.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

Energy Dept Postdoctoral Research Awards

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is now accepting applications for postdoctoral researchers to conduct energy efficiency and renewable energy applied research at universities. The EERE Postdoctoral Research Award Program supports emerging scientific leaders focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy to help solve our nation’s energy challenges. This year, the program will offer up to five recent Ph.D. recipients the opportunity to conduct applied research projects to advance breakthrough solar energy technologies at universities, national laboratories and other research facilities. Deadline to apply is April 30.
  • Posted Mar 31, 2014

CURC Webinar Series

The College & University Recycling Coalition, in partnership with Keep America Beautiful, have announced the 2014 webinar series of six, bi-monthly programs providing technical best practices information and case study presentations to college recycling and sustainability professionals.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

Sustainable Campus International Competition 2014

Registration is now open for the 2nd Annual Sustainable Campus International Competition, which is a student competition that seeks to improve campus sustainability impacts through the development and implementation of sustainability projects on campus within one academic year. The winning team will receive CA$3,000. Project submission deadline is June 30.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

Travel Grants Available to Northeast Climate Change Conference

Participants from Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island are now eligible for travel grants of up to $500 per individual to the Northeast Climate Change Preparedness Conference. The conference is designed for participants from throughout the region to learn how to better prepare for severe weather and climate change impacts in the Northeast.
  • Posted Mar 24, 2014

Campus Sustainability Day 2013 Feedback Request

Did your campus participate in Campus Sustainability Day 2013? If so, we'd like to hear from you! Please complete this short survey to share your campus' experience. This feedback will assist the Campus Sustainability Day Planning Committee when organizing details around Campus Sustainability Day 2014. Stay tuned for the Campus Sustainability Day 'Save the Date' announcement with additional details this Earth Day, April 22. Deadline to submit feedback is Friday, March 21.
  • Posted Mar 17, 2014

March 17 Deadline: AASHE Sustainability Across the Curriculum

Led by Geoffrey Chase of San Diego State University and Peggy Barlett of Emory University, this workshop is for faculty leaders of all disciplines who wish to develop curriculum change programs around sustainability on their campus. Participants will experience a range of workshop strategies, hear local experts, enjoy outdoor place-based activities, and dialogue with faculty from around the country as they gain help in adapting this model to their own campuses. The workshop will take place July 10-11 at San Diego State University. Deadline for application submission is Mar. 17.
  • Posted Mar 10, 2014

AASHE Member-Get-A-Member Business Challenge

We invite you to participate in our Member-get-a-Member Business Challenge! By getting another business to join the AASHE community, you are helping to grow the shared support of our sustainability community, will receive a $25 gift card to the AASHE 2014 bookstore (limited to the first 25 recruits), and an automatic entry for the grand prize drawing to win 50% off an AASHE exhibit booth at AASHE 2014 OR free registration and hotel to AASHE 2014 Conference & Expo in Portland, OR October 26-29, 2014.
  • Posted Mar 3, 2014

NWF Environmental Journalism Competition

The National Wildlife Federation invites students to participate in the Young Reporters for the Environment competition. Participants investigate an environmental issue and report on it in writing, photography, or video. Entries must be relevant to participants’ local community, connect to a global perspective, include possible solutions, and be disseminated to an appropriate target audience. Submissions are due by March 15.
  • Posted Mar 3, 2014

Online Conversations with 30 Global Leaders

The Whole Earth Summit, organized by Ashevillage Institute, will virtually host 30 global leaders from March 11-13 for conversations on topics such as energy, food sovereignty, appropriate technology, activism, land management and transformational leadership.
  • Posted Mar 3, 2014

AASHE Workshop: Developing Campus Living Laboratories Workshop

Hosted by Pennsylvania State University, the two-day workshop designed to support teams from colleges and universities in their application of living laboratory strategies. A member and non-member discount is provided for groups registering as a team of three or more.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

Call for Papers: International Conference on Higher Education

Taking a queue from the conference's theme, Knowledge Crossing Borders, Building Partnerships Through Shared Knowledge, paper topics can include world peace and higher education, and higher education and the reduction of poverty. Deadline for submission is June 15.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

Call for Reviewers: AASHE 2014 Conference & Expo

Each year we rely on more than 200 volunteer reviewers to help meet the volume of the conference proposals received. Reviewers will be asked to review 15-25 submissions on topics in which they offer the strongest level of expertise.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

DOE Postdoctoral Research Awards in Energy Efficiency/Renewables

The U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is offering recent recipients of doctorates in psychology the opportunity conduct applied research at universities, national laboratories, and other research facilities. The objective of the EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards is to create the next generation of scientific leaders in energy efficiency and renewable energy by attracting the best scientists and engineers to pursue breakthrough technologies. Application deadline is April 30.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

Second Call for Papers: World Symposium on Sustainability

As a follow-up to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2013, the World Symposium on Sustainability at Universities (September 3-5, 2014) is accepting papers regarding practical initiatives and projects aimed at promoting sustainable development at universities, or where universities transfer information and know-how to developing countries. This conference closes out the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development. Deadline for paper submission is Mar. 30.
  • Posted Feb 24, 2014

Call for Proposals Due Feb. 28: AASHE 2014 Conference & Expo

AASHE 2014: Innovation for Sustainable Economies & Communities, taking place October 26-29 in Portland, OR will draw together a diverse group of campus representatives including faculty, sustainability officers, presidents and students. In one of the most innovative sustainable cities in North America, we will gather to examine how communities and higher education institutions can come together to create vibrant local economies to help guide the sustainability transformation, how higher education institutions are serving as a model for sustainability in the communities they are located, and campus and community partnerships that are creating innovative solutions to current environmental, social, and economic issues. The deadline for abstract submission is Feb. 28.
  • Posted Feb 17, 2014

EPA Green Power Leadership Awards Open Application Period

The annual U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Green Power Leadership Awards are competitive awards that recognize outstanding commitments and achievements in the green power marketplace.The awards application period will be open from Feb. 24 through Apr. 7.
  • Posted Feb 17, 2014

Request for Info: U California Santa Cruz Climate Strategy

The Request for Information invites responses from potential partner firms that will help the university's campus energy team develop a detailed plan for meeting its climate action goals and achieving carbon neutrality by 2025.
  • Posted Feb 17, 2014

AASHE Seeking STARS Technical Advisors

AASHE seeks individuals with expertise related to campus sustainability to serve as STARS Technical Advisors. One to two technical advisors are sought for each of the following areas: research, air and climate, buildings, energy, purchasing, diversity and affordability, and health, well-being and work. Application deadline is Feb. 14.
  • Posted Feb 10, 2014

Sustainable Energy Fund Scholarships to Energypath Conference

The Energypath Conference is designed to increase the knowledge of sustainable energy. It features sessions on basic and advanced technology, and energy policy. The scholarship funding covers the cost of the conference, exposition, science fair, a pre-conference energy camp and keynote dinner.
  • Posted Feb 10, 2014

Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership

Designed for chief sustainability officers and directors, the three-day program at Harvard University will use a variety of frameworks, guided activities and case studies to help university and college executives develop a strategic vision for integrating sustainability into the core business and mission.
  • Posted Feb 3, 2014

Institute for Emerging Sustainability Leaders: The Role of Women

The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research invites applications for a 13-day Institute for Emerging Sustainability Leaders in Peru, slated for June 1 to July 13, 2014. Themed "The Role of Women in Sustainability," this experiential learning opportunity is open to students, educators and professionals in the field of education for sustainability, as well as individuals interested in developing a planetary perspective on the challenge of educating for sustainability.
  • Posted Jan 27, 2014

Call for Student Posters: Northeast Climate Change Preparedness

The Northeast Climate Change Preparedness Conference is accepting U.S. and Canadian student posters based on applied research and that support any of the conference themes. Posters will be judged and the best candidate is awarded $250. The deadline for submission is Feb. 7.
  • Posted Jan 21, 2014

Call for Submissions: Innovative, Sustainable Projects

The Campus Consciousness Challenge, hosted by REVERB Inc., is accepting U.S. undergraduate proposals that aim to have a direct or indirect positive effect on the environment. The winner will receive $10,000 for development of the proposal. Entries are due by noon Eastern on Feb. 17, 2014.
  • Posted Jan 21, 2014

Call for Applications: Student Delegation to UN CSW

SustainUS is now accepting applications to join the Agents of Change youth delegation to the 58th Commission on the Status of Women being held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Application deadline is Jan. 26.
  • Posted Jan 20, 2014

Call for Proposals: AESS 2014 Conference

The 2014 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference is currently accepting individual abstracts for paper and poster presentations, workshops and panels to its theme Welcome to Anthropocene: From Global Challenge to Planetary Stewardship. The theme is based on the theory that humans have become a global geophysical force capable of disrupting grand cycles. Submissions are due by Feb. 4.
  • Posted Jan 20, 2014

Call for Proposals: 2014 Agricultural Innovation Prize

Launched by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the 2014 Agricultural Innovation Prize encourages student teams to develop innovative plans to address social and agricultural challenges within food systems, improving the standard of living and quality of life for the world’s population. The competition is open to U.S. undergraduate and graduate students across all academic disciplines and runs through spring 2014, when teams will compete for the chance to win $215,000 in prize money, with a grand prize of $100,000.
  • Posted Jan 14, 2014

Virtual Sustainability Leadership Development Circle

This Spheres of Influence monthly virtual dialogue will discuss best practices for strategic planning and stakeholder engagement, and the triple bottom line.
  • Posted Jan 13, 2014

Call for Papers: 'Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons' Conf

Seattle University's Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability invites papers and proposals for talks, workshops and panel presentations for its inaugural conference “Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons” to be held August 7-9, 2014. Topic areas are environmental justice and sustainability from all fields of discourse, including but not limited to environmental studies, theology, business, philosophy, engineering, education, law, the arts, international development, anthropology, religious studies, geography and the natural sciences. Submissions are due by Jan. 27.
  • Posted Jan 7, 2014

Call for Submissions: Real Food Media Film Contest

Real Food Media Project is seeking 30-second to four minute short films from students about U.S. food, farming and sustainability. Cash prizes will be given to the best 10 films and the audience choice winner, including a $5,000 grand prize and a chance for a screening at the Food and Farm Film Festival in San Francisco in April 2014. Deadline for submissions is Feb. 3.
  • Posted Jan 7, 2014

AASHE Member-Get-A-Member Challenge

We invite you to participate in our first Member-get-a-Member Challenge! By getting another institution, business or nonprofit to join the AASHE community, you are helping to grow the shared support of our sustainability community, will receive a $25 gift card to the AASHE 2014 bookstore (limited to the first 25 recruits), and an automatic entry for the grand prize drawing to win a free registration and hotel to the AASHE 2014 Conference & Expo in Portland, OR October 26-29, 2014.
  • Posted Dec 17, 2013

AASHE STARS Solicits Feedback on Proposed Changes

The AASHE STARS Steering Committee is soliciting feedback on proposed improvements to the technical development process for STARS. Input is welcome through the end of 2013.
  • Posted Dec 17, 2013

Call for Papers: World Symposium on Sustainability

The World Symposium on Sustainability at Universities (September 3-5, 2014) is accepting papers regarding research on sustainability, curriculum and campus sustainability activities. An output of the symposium will be the peer reviewed book “Transformative approaches to sustainable development at universities: working across disciplines," with all accepted papers. The deadline to submit abstracts is Jan. 30.
  • Posted Dec 17, 2013

RecycleMania 2014 Registration is Open

RecycleMania is a friendly competition designed to rally U.S. students and staff in a fun, team spirited way while raising awareness about recycling and zero waste. Schools track how much they recycle and compost between February and March 2014 and watch how they rise and fall in the weekly updated rankings.
  • Posted Dec 17, 2013

World's Fair: Innovation in EE and Saving Competition

Open to all North American students, the world's fair in Kazakhstan, EXPO 2017: Energy of the Future, will host the expo contest Innovation in Energy Efficiency and Saving Competition, which promotes scientific and technological projects in the field of renewable energy, sustainability, and green economy. Teams of up to ten students will be judged based on technical content and feasibility, market potential, relevance to the Kazakh market, customer adoption, completeness of work, creativity, and innovation. The winning team will be awarded $50,000. The contest is a partnership between George Washington University and Kazakh Student Association. Submission deadline is Jan. 15.
  • Posted Dec 17, 2013

Call for Themes and Papers: The Journal of Sustainability Ed

The Journal of Sustainability Education is accepting 2013-2014 themes in two areas: Sustainability Education Across the Generations, and Sustainability: What's Love Got To Do With It? The soft due date is Feb. 15. The journal's call for papers invites practitioners, scholars, and researchers to present well-researched scholarly submissions related to the aforementioned themes. JSE encourages mixed media works that incorporate visual graphics, images, photos, audio and video.
  • Posted Dec 10, 2013

EPA P3: People, Prosperity and the Planet Competition

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking applications from higher education students and faculty proposing to research, develop, and design solutions to real world challenges involving the overall sustainability of human society. Winners of the first phase of the competition will receive a $15,000 grant to develop their idea. Designs will then compete at the National Sustainable Design Expo in April 2013 for the P3 Award and a $75,000 grant for real world application. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 17, 2013.
  • Posted Dec 10, 2013

Call for Applications to Commission on Social Development

SustainUS is now accepting applications to join the Agents of Change youth delegation to the 52nd Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development held in New York City from February 11-14, 2014. Selected delegates will have the opportunity to work with government officials, scientists, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world to review progress on issues related to social development. Deadline to apply is Dec. 15.
  • Posted Dec 3, 2013

RFP: AASHE 2014 Workshops & Webinars Deadline Extended

Share your best practices, tools, and other valuable educational content with the AASHE community! Deadline extended to December 9.
  • Posted Dec 3, 2013

RFP: AASHE 2014 Professional Development Opportunities

To provide the AASHE community with professional development offerings that will directly address the challenges faced in the higher education sustainability movement, AASHE is calling on its members to submit proposals for AASHE workshop and webinar topics for 2014. Whether it’s a webinar about sustainable purchasing in higher education, a workshop about incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, or a discussion regarding climate adaptation, the goal of this RFP process is to create professional development opportunities that will be of most interest to AASHE members and result in sustainability enhancements on individual campuses. Proposals may be submitted by AASHE members only and will be accepted through November 27, 2013. Questions? Email resources@aashe.org.
  • Posted Nov 26, 2013

Call for Papers: BioCycle West Coast Conference

Abstracts are now being accepted for the 14th annual Renewable Energy from Organic Recycling (REFOR14 WEST) conference in the areas of renewable energy, and food recovery and recycling tracks. Deadline for abstract submission is December 31.
  • Posted Nov 12, 2013

Call for Proposals: Solar Decathlon 2015

The U.S. Department of Energy is now taking proposals for collegiate entrants in its 2015 student competition. Up to 20 teams will be selected to begin a two-year project to build solar-powered, highly energy-efficient houses that combine affordability, consumer appeal, and design excellence. Proposals are due Dec. 20, 2013.
  • Posted Nov 12, 2013

Student ‘Greenovate NYS’ Competition: Deadline Extended

The 3rd annual competition for undergraduate and graduate students asks student teams to research, develop and design solutions to real world environmental challenges. Students may submit applications by November 22. This opportunity is provided by New York State Pollution Prevention Institute and sponsored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
  • Posted Nov 12, 2013

Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council Accepting New Members

A strategic AASHE partner, the new Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council non-profit has recently started accepting new members. Sign up for one of its half-hour intro webinars taking place each week through December 5 to learn more. The Council is offering a 30 percent early bird discount for members that get their application in by November 18.
  • Posted Nov 12, 2013