
Scholarships for Emerging Professionals in Sustainability

The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) is accepting nominations for the 2015 Kate Goldstein Award for Emerging Professionals in Sustainable Energy. Nine scholarships for NESEA online courses and conferences will be awarded to students and/or recent graduates through the Kate Goldstein Award. An emerging professional is defined as anyone enrolled in a higher education program or who has graduated within five years. Age is not a determining factor. Nominations are due by Sept. 10.
  • Posted Aug 26, 2015

AASHE 2015 Membership Survey Closes Aug. 28

This survey is intended for individuals at AASHE member institutions, organizations and businesses who are working to advance sustainability in higher education. Please allow approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. AASHE will present the feedback gathered from this survey in the member meeting at the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo in Minneapolis (Oct. 25-28). Respondents who complete all required questions will be entered in a drawing for a free AASHE Conference & Expo full registration pass. The survey closes Aug. 28.
  • Posted Aug 24, 2015

Call for Proposals: 11th Annual Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference

This year's Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference is themed Measuring Our Impact. Proposals are welcome to align with conference tracks as follows: measuring our impact; education for sustainability: innovating curriculum & research; the built environment; change management: towards transformation; and expanding the sustainability community. Submissions will be accepted through Oct. 23.
  • Posted Aug 24, 2015

Student Scholarships for Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference

Applications are now being accepted for a limited number of complimentary student registrations for the Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference held in Baltimore, Md., on April 4-5, 2016. To receive a scholarship, students must be currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program. Application deadline is Nov. 2.
  • Posted Aug 24, 2015

GameDay Recycling Challenge: Open Registration

Registration is now open for the annual GameDay Challenge, a friendly competition for colleges and universities to promote waste reduction at home football games. During the challenge, colleges and universities implement waste reduction activities and track data that is used to rank the schools. The 2015 Challenge is a partnership of the College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC), RecycleMania and Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise program.
  • Posted Aug 24, 2015

Sustainability Professionals Hiring Survey

ISSP, the International Society of Sustainability Professionals, is conducting research on the important attributes that hiring managers are looking for when hiring sustainability professionals. As the sustainability profession matures and more sustainability practitioners are being hired, ISSP is tracking the skills that organizations value and confirming that its certification credentials are aligned with the needs of organizations. If you have hired or are in the process of hiring a sustainability professional, please consider taking this survey, which should take approximately 10-15 minutes.
  • Posted Aug 18, 2015

US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Award

The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools recognition award honors postsecondary institutions that are demonstrating progress in three pillars: 1) reducing environmental impact and costs, including waste, water, energy use and alternative transportation; 2) improving the health and wellness of students and staff; and 3) providing effective sustainability education. Universities do not apply for the award but to their state education authority. States submit their nominees to the Education Department by February 1 of each year. Honorees are announced on Earth Day.
  • Posted Aug 17, 2015

The Power Dialog: Call for Educators on Climate Change

College and university students from across the country are invited to participate in a face-to-face dialog on April 4, 2016 with state-level regulators in all 50 states about implementation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan. The Power Dialog will organize hundreds of faculty to take their classes on coordinated field trips to their state capitol. The Bard Center for Environmental Policy, in conjunction with research staff from Resources for the Future, is developing a variety of curricular materials to prepare students for the conversation, and will be hosting a series of webinars on topics ranging from the plan’s impact on public health and environmental justice to renewable energy development. The first webinar about the Power Dialog is on Oct. 7 at noon Eastern.
  • Posted Aug 13, 2015

Environmental Leadership Program National Fellowship

The Environmental Leadership Program is accepting applications for its 2015 National Fellowship Program. Through immersive retreats, the curriculum is designed to help emerging leaders hone their leadership styles, improve their strategy and organizational development, and strengthen their outreach to diverse constituencies. The application deadline is Aug. 31.
  • Posted Aug 13, 2015

Campus Sustainability Month 2015

Building on the long-standing success of Campus Sustainability Day, AASHE invites campuses to join us in celebrating Campus Sustainability Month during the entire month of October. Institutions of higher education, non-profits, and businesses can celebrate Campus Sustainability Month by organizing one or more events. These events might include announcements of new sustainability commitments or accomplishments, film screenings, award ceremonies, tree plantings, teach-ins, conferences, nature walks, green product showcases, sustainability competitions, power plant tours, information fairs and more! Let us know how you plan to celebrate. Also, please note the AASHE webinar on Campus Sustainability Month: Opportunities to Engage.
  • Posted Aug 10, 2015

Wege Prize Design Competition 2016

Now in its third year, Wege Prize is a yearly transdisciplinary design competition that gives teams of five undergraduate students the chance to work collaboratively, use design thinking principles, and contend for $30,000 in total cash prizes by solving some of the world's toughest issues. Teams must work across institutional and disciplinary boundaries to develop a product, service or business model that can function within and contribute to a tightly looped, restorative economic cycle where resources can be re-adapted for use without limiting the desirability of products or the loss of revenue. Open to any full-time undergraduate student in the world. Registration open until Oct. 1.
  • Posted Aug 6, 2015

Call for Participation: Climate Change Officer Certification and Curriculum Development

The Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO) is currently soliciting participation to establish the Climate Change Officers Certification program along with specialized certificates and supporting curriculum. The curriculum development working group will develop a library of knowledge, course curriculum, learning objectives, instructor guidelines, prerequisites and continuing education requirements. The specialized certificates working groups will identify target audiences, prospective partners, specify areas of knowledge and skills relevant to certificates, and provide oversight of practicum project requirements.
  • Posted Aug 6, 2015

Deadline Extension for French-Speaking Green Gown Awards

The deadline has been extended for the French-speaking Green Gown Awards (Les Trophées des campus responsables) until Sept. 23. New for 2015, the awards are open to French-speaking campuses from Québec, in addition to France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. The French speaking Green Gown Award winners will automatically be entered with the U.K. and Australasian winners in three categories to compete for the International Green Gown Awards. Deadline to apply is Sept. 23.

La période de candidature pour les Trophées des campus responsables (l'édition francophone des Green Gown Awards) est prolongée jusqu'au 23 septembre. Nouveauté pour cette édition 2015 : les campus québécois peuvent maintenant participer aux Trophées, aux côtés des campus français, belges, suisses et luxembourgeois. Les lauréats des catégories "Responsabilité sociale et sociétale", "Implication des étudiants" et "Engagement durable" participeront automatiquement aux International Green Gown Awards. Téléchargez votre dossier d'inscription en cliquant ici.

  • Posted Aug 6, 2015

Call for Students: IARU Global University Climate Forum

Organized by the International Alliance of Research Universities, Yale University and the International Sustainable Campus Network, the forum is a call to action for university students. Student teams are invited to submit ideas for a project that will have measurable impacts on campus, in communities or regions, and/or in the world. Selected teams will be invited to send two or three student representatives to participate in this one-day workshop during the U.N. climate negotiations (COP21) conference. Applications will be accepted through Oct. 1.
  • Posted Aug 3, 2015

Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Access to Information on our Societies

This online event happening Sept. 7-18 is a joint effort by the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The forum is for institutions and individuals to learn more about the Lyon Declaration, and to exchange ideas about how information centers and libraries can promote the adoption of access to information as part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The event will offer webcasts by experts to provide important background information for participants and to help stimulate dialogue and discussion.
  • Posted Aug 3, 2015

RecycleMania Board of Directors

The RecycleMania board of directors is currently seeking interested individuals to fill two seats on the 2015 board. Comprised of 10 members, the board is the governing body of the 501c3, RecycleMania, Inc., and is responsible for the program's strategic planning and program content. Interested candidates will submit a nomination form by Monday, Aug. 10 to the board.
  • Posted Jul 31, 2015

Global Climate Change Week

Global Climate Change Week (GCCW) is a new initiative designed to encourage academics in all disciplines and countries to engage with their students and communities on climate change. Academics are encouraged to adapt their curriculum to include aspects of climate change during GCCW, and all those involved in advancing sustainability in higher education are encouraged to organize activities focused on raising awareness, behavior change and political transformation in relation to climate policy. GCCW will run from Oct. 19-25 in the lead up to COP21 in Paris. Faculty can gain access to resources, sign up for updates, and register activities here.
  • Posted Jul 24, 2015

APPA Sustainability Award in Facilities Management

Designed to recognize and advance sustainability excellence in educational facilities, the APPA Sustainability Award honors the facilities management department that has integrated sustainable policies and practices throughout all facets of the organization and embedded them within the educational institution. Deadline to submit for APPA 2016 is Nov. 30, 2015.
  • Posted Jul 15, 2015

2015 AASHE Membership Survey

All individuals at AASHE member institutions, organizations and businesses who are working in, teaching or are interested in sustainability are encouraged to participate. AASHE will present the feedback gathered from this survey during the member meeting at the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo in Minneapolis (Oct. 25-28). Respondents who complete all required questions will be given the change to be entered in a drawing for a free AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo full registration pass. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and is expected to close on Friday, Aug. 14.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2015

Pipelines for Sustainability Studies: Two-Year to Graduate Level

Calling all sustainability-oriented academic program leaders interested in developing pipelines among related academic programs. The purpose of this survey is to assist participants in the development of pipelines for students/graduates of sustainability-oriented certificate and degree programs. Pipelines consist of articulation agreements and/or other working relationships among academic programs that help students with smoothly transitioning from one academic program to another as they continue their education at higher levels. The idea behind the research is to lay a foundation for an upcoming workshop at AASHE's 2015 conference at which participants will work together to initiate pipelines for their students and/or graduates. From Colorado Mountain College, Dr. Tina Lynn Evans, associate professor of sustainability studies, and Kathy Kiser-Miller, interim vice president for academic affairs, are leading the research.
  • Posted Jul 13, 2015

USGBC LEED Call for Volunteers

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is looking for members from USGBC member organizations to join volunteer committees that will help address the challenges that arise in advancing best practices in green building and sustainable development while understanding and working within the constraints of the market. Volunteers are asked to participate in regular calls, offline review and comment on technical rating system language, and at least one in-person meeting per year.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2015

Early Bird Pricing Ends This Week for AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo

Themed Transforming Sustainability Education, the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo, Oct. 25-28 in Minneapolis, aims to engage campus change agents to lead the global sustainability movement through informative workshops, inspirational sessions, tours and an expo hall with innovative products and services from more than 80 exhibitors. The full conference registration package includes entrance to all education sessions, poster presentations and the AASHE Expo Hall, two breakfasts and two luncheons (on Monday and Tuesday), coffee breaks and the Expo Grand Opening and Welcome reception on Sunday. Full conference registration for students (members and non-members) also includes participation in the Student Summit. Early bird registration ends on Friday, July 10.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: Creative Change Educational Solutions

AASHE members receive a 15 percent discount on curriculum licensing and professional development programs to integrate sustainability into the curriculum. This AASHE member-only discount ends Sept. 1.
  • Posted Jul 6, 2015

AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo Early Bird Pricing Through July 10

Themed Transforming Sustainability Education, the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo, Oct. 25-28 in Minneapolis, aims to engage campus change agents to lead the global sustainability movement through informative workshops, inspirational sessions, tours and an expo hall with innovative products and services from more than 80 exhibitors. The full conference registration package includes entrance to all education sessions, poster presentations and the AASHE Expo Hall, two breakfasts and two luncheons (on Monday and Tuesday), coffee breaks and the Expo Grand Opening and Welcome reception on Sunday. Full conference registration for students (members and non-members) also includes participation in the Student Summit. Early bird registration ends on Friday, July 10.
  • Posted Jun 29, 2015

Early Bird Pricing for AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo Ends July 10

Themed Transforming Sustainability Education, the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo, Oct. 25-28 in Minneapolis, aims to engage campus change agents to lead the global sustainability movement through informative workshops, inspirational sessions, tours and an expo hall with innovative products and services from more than 80 exhibitors. More than 2,000 attendees from around the world will network, share new ideas, strategies and leadership initiatives that are changing the face of sustainability on their campuses and surrounding communities. Early bird registration ends on Friday, July 10.
  • Posted Jun 22, 2015

AASHE Sustainability Awards Deadline Extension

Friday, June 19 is the last day to apply for the tenth annual AASHE Sustainability Awards! This is your chance to join the celebrated group of past finalists from over 60 campuses! We're looking for case studies, student leadership, and student research in campus sustainability submissions. Winners will receive a free AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo pass and more! Questions? Email awards@aashe.org. Otherwise, submit today! The submission period will close on Friday, June 19.
  • Posted Jun 15, 2015

Discover AASHE Business Member Benefits

Businesses have the opportunity to tweet with AASHE business development specialist Skyelar Habberfield on Thursday, June 18 at 3 p.m. Eastern. Skyelar will discuss business member benefits and how our business members can reach an exclusive group of sustainability higher education decision makers. Questions are being accepted now by tweeting at @AASHENews or by using the hashtag #AASHEchat. Questions can also be sent in advance by emailing marketing@aashe.org.
  • Posted Jun 12, 2015

AASHE Sustainability Awards Call for Applications: 2 Days Left

There are 2 days remaining to submit for an AASHE Sustainability Award! There are three categories of awards this year: Campus Sustainability Case Study, Student Research on Campus Sustainability, and Student Sustainability Leadership. All winners will receive a free complimentary AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo pass and more! Apply today for your chance to join this celebrated group of leaders from over 60 campuses. Awards will be presented during the opening ceremony on Oct. 25 in Minneapolis, Minn. Submissions are due on June 11.
  • Posted Jun 8, 2015

ISSP Certification: Test Item Creation Workshop

Join the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) in Washington, D.C. on June 10 to assist in the creation of a certification for sustainability practitioners. The ISSP is developing the professional certification in response to the demand from members, employers and educators who wish to see this new field more precisely defined and codified. As part of the certification scheme, the ISSP is creating an online exam that measures the knowledge portion of specific competencies. The ISSP invites you to register to join the test item creation workshop on Wednesday, June 10 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Eastern at the National Wildlife Federation office. The workshop will be facilitated by Rob Andrejewski, ISSP board member and director of sustainability at the University of Richmond.
  • Posted Jun 3, 2015

Request for Proposals: Host the Northeast Student Sustainability Leaders Symposium

The symposium's board of curators is currently requesting proposals from institutions of higher education in the northeast to host the symposium for 2016, 2017 and 2018. The symposium is a set of presentations, workshops, and round-table discussions by students or regional professionals. The structure of the symposium allows students from different schools to lead sessions on a variety of topics, providing valuable presentation experience as well as facilitating the spread of ideas between schools. Sessions are typically grouped by broad topics, or tracks, such as engagement, building a program, or communications. The symposium typically ends with a social gathering that allows these students to informally meet each other and share ideas. If you are interested in hosting please review the request for proposals and submit your completed proposal to tina.woolston@tufts.edu by close of business June 30.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2015

Human Factors Prize: Excellence in Human Factors/Ergonomics Research

The topic for the 2015 Human Factors Prize is Human Factors/Ergonomics Research in Sustainability/Resilience. We seek articles that describe research pertaining to sustainable development that goes beyond a single human lifespan and instead focuses on future generations. Consideration should be given to the interaction between humans and systems over the course of the next few decades and beyond. The prize carries a $10,000 cash award and publication of the winning paper in the Society's flagship journal, Human Factors. The award will be formally conferred at a special session at the HFES International Annual Meeting, where the recipient will present his or her work. Submission period is June 1 - July 1.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2015

AASHE Sustainability Awards Call for Applications: 10 Days Left

There are 10 days remaining to submit for an AASHE Sustainability Award! There are three categories of awards this year: Campus Sustainability Case Study, Student Research on Campus Sustainability, and Student Sustainability Leadership. All winners will receive a free complimentary AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo pass and more! Apply today for your chance to join this celebrated group of leaders from over 60 campuses in the U.S. and Canada. Awards will be presented during the opening ceremony on Oct. 25 in Minneapolis, Minn. Submissions are due by June 11.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2015

Call for Proposals: Sustainability Reporting

This project from the Network for Business Sustainability aims to uncover how sustainability reporting can achieve the goal of communicating a wide range of sustainability-related activities in a way that meets the informational needs of a wide range of audiences. To cover expenses, $15,000 is available and budgets exceeding this amount will be considered. Deadline to apply is July 6, and final reporting will occur in February 2016.
  • Posted May 28, 2015

Annual Collegiate Sports Sustainability Summit Registration Discount

This summit offers attendees the chance to network, learn and exchange ideas with peers from around the country on ways in which athletic and sports programs can join the campus movement to engage students, fans, and alumni in making collegiate sports socially, economically and environmentally responsible. Early pricing ends June 3. The fifth annual event is happening from June 24-26 at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.
  • Posted May 28, 2015

AASHE Sustainability Awards Call for Applications

The AASHE Sustainability Awards is accepting submissions for three categories of awards: Campus Sustainability Case Study, Student Research on Campus Sustainability, and Student Sustainability Leadership. All winners will receive a free complimentary AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo pass and more! Apply today for your chance to join this celebrated group of leaders from over 60 campuses in the U.S. and Canada. Awards will be presented during the opening ceremony on Oct. 25 in Minneapolis, Minn. Submissions are due by June 11.
  • Posted May 26, 2015

Call for Papers: World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities

The 3rd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2016), themed Designing Tomorrow’s Campus: Resiliency, Vulnerability, and Adaptation, will be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 14-16, 2016. The conference aims to provide universities with an opportunity to display their education for sustainable development works, to foster exchange of information, ideas and experiences, and to discuss methodological approaches and project which aim to integrate the topic of sustainable development in the curriculum. A select number of accepted papers will be published in either the International Journal of Sustianability in Higher Education or in books as part of the World Sustainability Series, published by Springer publisher. Abstract submissions are due by Sept. 30, 2015.
  • Posted May 18, 2015

Call for Proposals: Students for Zero Waste Conference

The Second Annual Students for Zero Waste Conference at the University of New Hampshire from Oct. 9-10 is now accepting workshop proposals about zero waste initiatives in the form of statement of a problem, skills building, solutions and action. Deadline for proposal submissions is June 5.
  • Posted May 14, 2015

Call for Proposals: Turning NPS Activities Into Replicable Programs

The Instructional Technology Council (ITC), in partnership with the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Unified Community Anchors Network (U.S. UCAN), is seeking proposals from community college faculty to pilot the integration and implementation of new learning activities from the NPS into online activities and/or courses. Deadline to apply is June 15.
  • Posted May 13, 2015

Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council 2015 Summit Discount

Join AASHE for the Sustainable Leadership Purchasing Council's 2015 Summit in Seattle on May 26-28, 2015. The AASHE community receives a 10 percent discount (off the SPLC nonmember ticket price only) with code AASHE.
  • Posted May 11, 2015

Live Tweet with Fahmida Ahmed, AASHE Board of Director Chair

On May 14 at 3 p.m. Eastern Fahmida Ahmed, AASHE board chair, will be live tweeting to answer questions related to campus sustainability, AASHE's governance, strategic plan, and the board's outlook for the future.
  • Posted May 8, 2015

Australasian 15th International ACTS Conference Call for Proposals

The Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) is now accepted proposals and papers for its 15th annual conference in Geelong, Victoria, Australia at Deakin University in October. The four conference streams are leadership and governance, partnerships and engagement, learning and teaching, and facilities and operations. Deadline for submissions is June 10.
  • Posted May 5, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: Audubon International Cooperative Sanctuary Program

AASHE members receive 50 percent off Audubon International's Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program when the discount code is applied. Click AASHE members receive 50 percent off Audubon International's Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program when the discount code is applied. Click here to view the code.
  • Posted May 4, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: Audubon International Sustainable Communities Program

AASHE members receive 50 percent off Audubon International's new Sustainable Communities Program when the discount code is applied. Click here to view the code.
  • Posted May 4, 2015

French-Speaking Green Gown Awards Call for Submissions

The French network Campus Responsables launches the second annual les Trophées des campus responsables, the French-speaking edition of the Green Gown Awards. New for 2015, the Awards are open to French-speaking campuses from Québec, in addition to France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. The French speaking Green Gown Award winners will automatically be entered with the U.K. and Australasian winners in three categories to compete for the coveted International Green Gown Awards. Deadline to apply is July 31.

Le réseau français Campus Responsables lance pour la seconde année les Trophées des campus responsables, l’édition francophone des Green Gown Awards. Nouveauté de taille en 2015 : les Trophées sont ouverts aux campus français, belges, suisses et luxembourgeois, mais aussi aux campus québécois ! Les campus lauréats de certaines catégories de prix verront leurs candidatures automatiquement mises en compétition aux côtés de celles des lauréats britanniques, australiens et néo-zélandais pour les très attendus International Green Gown Awards. Les campus francophones ont jusqu’au 31 juillet pour candidater, dossier à télécharger en cliquant ici.
  • Posted May 4, 2015

16th Annual Brower Youth Awards

Hosted by the Earth Island Institute, North American college students are encouraged to apply for the award based on their demonstrated excellence in environmental leadership, and the creativity, impact, replicability and relevance of the project. Each of the six recipients of the Brower Youth Awards will receive a $3,000 cash prize, a professionally produced short film about their work from an Emmy award winning film crew, and flight and lodging accommodations for a week long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. Applications will be accepted until 12:00 a.m. Eastern, May 19.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2015

Second Nature's 2015 Climate Leadership Awards

The Second Nature Climate Leadership Awards recognize innovative and advanced leadership in sustainability, climate mitigation, and resilience at signatory campuses of the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment. This year, Second Nature is partnering with the U.S. Green Building Council’s Center for Green Schools. Award winners will be recognized as part of the 2015 Greenbuild Leadership Awards Program on November 19 in Washington, D.C. Finalists not selected for the award will be invited to participate in a video competition. Applications due May 8, 2015 at 2:59 a.m. Eastern.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2015

Survey: Higher Ed and Sustainable Materials Management Industry Collaboration

Help refine a position paper calling on campus leaders and the public and private sectors of the SMM industry to undertake ten key activities towards better collaboration. A short survey to review, revise and endorse this draft is open until May 8. Survey findings will be presented, and an action plan developed, at the National Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Summit, May 12-13 at the University of Maryland, College Park. For more information, contact: CampusCouncil@NRCrecycles.org
  • Posted Apr 27, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: Audubon Int'l Cooperative Sanctuary Program

AASHE members receive 50 percent off Audubon International's Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program when the discount code is applied. Click here to view the code.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2015

AASHE Member Discount: Audubon Int'l Sustainable Communities Program

AASHE members receive 50 percent off Audubon International's new Sustainable Communities Program when the discount code is applied. Click here to view the code.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2015

Full Cost Analysis Curriculum Development Workshop

The David E. Shi Center for Sustainability announces a new workshop program to assist faculty as they infuse a new method of assessment into the classroom with an all-inclusive on-line learning module. Full Cost Analysis (FCA) is a method of management based in an accounting framework which allows consideration of economics, environmental issues and social issues when making a wide array of decisions, actions and programs. FCA allows the three tenants of sustainability (economics, environment, social systems) to be considered together to bring about a holistic understanding of a situation. This topic is relevant to all disciplines. Stipends award each faculty member $1,500 for participation in and travel to this workshop. Funding for this project is being provided through a grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations. Deadline for applications is May 8.
  • Posted Apr 24, 2015