Two Ringling College Buildings Earn LEED Gold

Ringling College of Art and Design (FL) has announced that both of its new campus buildings have been awarded LEED Gold certification. The 82,000-square-foot academic center has five stories and 40 solar panels installed on the roof. The 75,000-square-foot residence hall is equipped with 35 solar panels. Sustainable features include low-flow plumbing fixtures, dual flush toilets, light level sensors, energy-efficient air conditioning systems and passive solar design. Seventy-seven percent of total construction waste was recycled and diverted from the landfill. Native Florida plants are featured in the water-efficient landscape that will use low-flow irrigation for the first year. The landscape will be self-sustaining after the first year.

U South Carolina Office Achieves Carbon Neutrality

The University of South Carolina's Outdoor Recreation Office has accomplished its goal of becoming carbon neutral. Since March of 2009, students, faculty and staff have been working to reduce the office’s carbon footprint. Efforts include recycling, organic gardening, energy conservation, composting and organizing trash pickups. During the 2009-2010 school year, the office calculated their emissions at 7.7 tons of carbon from car trips and the powering of lights, computers and other electronics. The office determined that these emissions could be offset by planting 39 trees to absorb the carbon through photosynthesis. Students helped plant peach, plum and cherry trees around the recreation center fields. More trees will be planted in November.

Western Kentucky U Unveils Green Building

Western Kentucky University has debuted its first green building. The $35 million College of Education and Behavioral Sciences building was designed to LEED standards and is expected to be open to students in January. Energy-saving measures and systems include insulated concrete, low-flow plumbing, motion-sensing lights and advanced heating and air conditioning systems.

California State U Chico Recreation Center Earns LEED Gold

California State University, Chico’s Wildcat Recreation Center has received LEED Gold certification. Sustainable features include the use of natural light, installation of low-flow showerheads, waterless urinals, a solar pool heater and the control of pollutants during constriction. The pool heater alone will save the university $80,000-$90,000 a year. The university retrofitted 25 elliptical exercise machines to allow users to generate electricity while they work out.

California State U Sacramento Dorm Receives LEED Gold

A California State University, Sacramento residence hall has earned LEED Gold certification. The apartment-style dormitory features green building materials and technology including ozone-friendly refrigerants; energy-efficient lighting, heating and air-conditioning systems; water-efficient fixtures; low-polluting boilers; and solar water heaters.

Rice U Duncan College Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

Rice University’s Duncan College (TX) residence hall has received LEED Gold certification. The 324-bed residential college sustainable features include occupancy sensors for lights, passive solar design, insulation, green roof, dual flush toilets and covered parking for 60 bicycles. Ninety percent of all construction waste was diverted from the landfill.

Utah State U Tower Receives Energy Upgrade

Utah State University has given the lighted “A” atop the university's Old Main tower an energy upgrade. The light will receive new light-emitting diode strips to replace the current neon lights. The new LED lighting has a longer lamp life of about 10 years and is expected to save a considerable amount of electricity.

Southern Illinois U Edwardsville Receives Green Roof System

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has received a portable self-contained green roof system donated by Green Roof Blocks. Green roofs are vegetated roof covers that help reduce energy consumption and costs, decrease storm water runoff and preserve the life of roof materials. Sixteen Green Roof Blocks have been installed as part of an eventual 1000- block system that will be used for student research.

U Louisville Renovated Engineering Center Earns LEED Gold

The University of Louisville’s (KY) Duthie Center for Engineering has received LEED Gold certification. The renovation of the 34,000-square-foot facility includes energy-saving thermostats, energy-efficient fixtures, new landscaping and parking spots for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles. The renovation reused 95 percent of the structure, including the exterior walls, roof decking and the structural floor. Seventy-seven percent of materials that weren’t used during the demolition were recycled. New building materials contain 27 percent recycled content and 31 percent of the materials were produced in the region.

U New Haven Residence Hall Receives LEED Gold Certification

The University of New Haven’s (CT) Soundview Hall has received LEED Gold certification. The residence hall is equipped with a variable refrigerant-volume heating and cooling system that provides individual temperature control to each suite. Other sustainable features include low-flow plumbing, passive solar design, drought resistant plants and grasses, and stormwater management.

Wake Forest U Completes Green Residence Hall

Wake Forest University (NC) recently completed its first campus building that was planned, designed and constructed with LEED certification in mind. Sustainable features of the $18 million, 67,000-square-foot residence hall include monitors that show the amount of water and electricity consumed on each of the four floors, passive solar design and energy-efficient windows. South Hall will open to students this fall.

John Tyler CC Science Building Earns LEED Silver

John Tyler Community College’s (VA) new science building has been awarded LEED Silver certification. The 60,000-square-foot building features a green roof, low VOC-emitting building materials and bike racks. Showers and changing rooms are available for those wishing to use alternative transportation.

American U Sharjah Offers Green Building/LEED Prep Course

American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) is offering a new course in green building/LEED AP preparation. Students receive an introduction to concepts of sustainable, high-performance green buildings, as well as the methods for design, construction and evaluation. An emphasis is placed on the review of LEED Rating System fundamentals and relevant LEED certification processes. The course will also provide information about the tools and technical expertise needed to take the LEED credentials and LEED Accredited Professional for Building Design and Construction exams.

Bournville College to Debut Green Campus

Bournville College (UK) will unveil a new environmentally friendly campus in September 2011. Able to house up to 15,000 students, the campus is designed to achieve the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method Excellent rating. Sustainable campus features will include rainwater harvesting, exposed concrete soffits to absorb heat during the day and release heat at night, a transportation plan that utilizes the local railway and bus stations, and a waste recycling plan. Future plans will connect buildings to a district heating system.

Keele U to Convert Farmhouse Into Sustainability Hub

Keele University (UK) has announced plans to renovate a crumbling 19th Century farmhouse into the university's Sustainability Hub Building. Renovations will aim to create a sustainable initiatives research and educational complex that is completely energy-efficient. Diverse local energy sources are expected to power the hub including wind turbines and geothermal energy.

U Adelaide Building Receives Green Star Design Rating

The University of Adelaide's (Australia) new Innova21 building has received the Green Building Council of Australia's 6 Star Green Star Design – Education v1 environmental rating. The nine-level Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences facility features active slab technology (hydronic cooling loops within the concrete floor) combined with an underground air distribution system that utilizes 100 percent fresh air ventilation. Rainwater is collected through an underground rainwater harvesting system and stored for use in the building’s cooling towers for toilet flushing and irrigation. The building also features a Building Management System to reduce energy consumption.

Harvard U Lab Awarded LEED Gold

Harvard University's (MA) Jacobsen Lab has achieved LEED Gold certification. The Faculty Arts and Sciences' organic chemistry lab features overhead lighting occupancy sensors and variable air volume fume hoods that decrease energy use by lowering exhaust rates when the sash is closed. Eighty-four percent of the construction waste from the renovation was diverted from landfills and 38 percent of construction materials came from recycled content.

Hendrix College Student Center Receives LEED Gold

Hendrix College’s (AR) Student Life and Technology Center has earned LEED Gold certification. Sustainable features of the 77,000-square-foot building include energy-efficient plumbing fixtures and windows, and drought-tolerant vegetation. Twenty percent of materials used during the $26 million construction contained post-consumer and post-industrial recycled content. The college diverted 75 percent of the total construction waste from landfills.

Western State College of Colorado Building Earns LEED Gold

Western State College of Colorado's Kelley Hall was recently awarded LEED Gold certification. The $5.5 million renovation of the building, which houses the environmental studies and behavioral and social sciences departments, included the student-spearheaded installation of solar panels on the roof. Other green features include native plant landscaping, recycled paper product insulation in the roof, motion lighting, recyclable carpet tiles, cork flooring and the use of reclaimed wood in desks and furniture.

Columbia U Faculty House Earns LEED Gold

Columbia University's (NY) recently renovated Faculty House has been awarded LEED Gold certification. Environmentally-friendly features include energy-efficient utilities, appliances, fixtures and insulation; recycled low-emission furnishings, materials and finishes; restored original details; and repurposed materials. Construction waste was recycled during the renovation.

Trinity College Gives Campus Buildings a Green Makeover

Trinity College (CT) is performing energy-saving upgrades on more than a dozen campus buildings. The renovations will cost the college $50 for each building under a state program financed by a small charge on utility customers' bills. The college will weatherize the buildings by sealing cracks and adding insulation.

U California Santa Barbara Buildings Earn LEED Certifications

Two University of California, Santa Barbara buildings have received LEED certification. An addition to the Engineering II building received LEED Gold certification in the new construction category and the Life Sciences Building received LEED Silver certification in the existing buildings category. The Life Sciences Building achievements include water savings of 29 percent, waste minimization strategies and passive solar design. The Engineering II building has achieved water savings of 40 percent and recycled 90 percent of construction waste, diverting 150 tons of materials from landfills.

U Florida Biomedical Sciences Building Achieves LEED Gold

The University of Florida's Biomedical Sciences building is the fifth building to achieve LEED Gold certification on its campus. More than three tons of construction materials were diverted from landfills and 79 percent of the wood used is Forest Stewardship Council certified. The building features low-flow plumbing fixtures, low-emission flooring adhesive and the use of 100 percent reclaimed water for outside irrigation.

U Illinois at Chicago Building Receives LEED Gold

A classroom building at the University of Illinois at Chicago has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The $13.7 million-renovation of Lincoln Hall includes a shared heating and cooling geothermal system and rooftop photovoltaic solar panels.

U Nebraska Lincoln Completes Keim Hall Green Renovation

The University of Nebraska, Lincoln has completed a $14 million green renovation of Keim Hall. The university will seek LEED certification for the building, which features carpet made from a corn-based fiber, panels made from wheat straw, water-conserving facilities, rainwater harvesting and low-VOC emitting materials. More than 80 percent of the construction waste was diverted from landfills, 20 percent of construction materials were recycled and 14 percent of the materials were extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the project site.

U New Mexico Education Building Awarded LEED Platinum

The University of New Mexico's College of Education building has achieved LEED Platinum status. More than 75 percent of construction waste for the 26,000-square-foot addition was diverted from landfills and 20 percent of the construction materials were regionally manufactured. The building features individual thermal and lighting control and a 10-kilowatt photovoltaic system.

U Portland Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The University of Portland’s (OR) Donald P. Shiley Hall has been awarded LEED Platinum certification. Green features of the engineering building include water-efficient landscaping and plumbing fixtures, occupancy sensors and operable windows. Ninety-two percent of the existing building structure was used and 92 percent of the construction waste was recycled. The building also features the use of irrigation groundwater to cool the floor, saving an estimated 8.5 percent of the total cooling energy for the building.

Furman U Development Office Awarded LEED Certification

Thomas Spann Farmer Hall at Furman University (SC) has become the fourth building on campus to receive LEED certification. The development office achieved the basic level LEED rating.

U Mass Medical Opens Green Ambulatory Care Center

The University of Massachusetts Medical School will seek LEED Silver certification for its new Ambulatory Care Center. Green features of the center include a white roof, insulated windows, low-flow/low-flush plumbing fixtures, lighting occupancy sensors, passive solar design and recycled construction materials.

Vanderbilt U Residence Halls Awarded LEED Gold

Three Vanderbilt University (TN) residence halls have earned LEED Gold certification. Combined, the Stambaugh, Hank Ingram and Murray House buildings are expected to reduce energy use by 15 percent. The university used 26 percent recycled materials during the $40 million construction and diverted more than 74 percent of demolition and construction waste from landfills.

Virginia Polytechnic Wins Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 Competition

Lumenhaus, a solar-powered home designed and built by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University students and faculty, has won the top award at the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 Competition in Madrid, Spain. Universities from Europe, the Americas and Asia entered model homes in the 10-category competition. Lumenhaus generates electricity using a 9-kilowatt solar photovoltaic array and includes a geothermal heat-pump system and radiant floor heating.

Gonzaga U Science Center Earns LEED Gold

Gonzaga University's (WA) PACCAR Center for Applied Science has earned LEED Gold certification. Environmentally friendly achievements include the reduction of potable water use by 34.4 percent, energy cost savings of 30.5 percent and 210 tons of on-site construction waste diverted from the landfill. More than 34 percent of the building materials were harvested and manufactured within 500 miles of the project site. The location provides access to day lighting, promotes open public green space and provides opportunities to connect and extend the campus pedestrian system.

U Colorado Boulder Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold Certification

The University of Colorado, Boulder has received LEED Gold certification for Andrews Hall. Green renovations to the residence hall are expected to reduce energy use by 25 percent and water usage by 20 percent. New features include double-pane windows, sensors that suspend heating and cooling systems when windows are open, dual-flush toilets, low-flow showerheads, aerators on faucets, energy-efficient lighting with automatic controls, and carpet and other finishes made from recycled materials.

Appalachian State U Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

Appalachian State University's (NC) Frank Hall has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The residence hall is the university's first LEED certified building, featuring low-flow shower and sink fixtures, recycled and reused lobby furniture, and water-source heat pumps in each room. The project incorporated pervious concrete under exterior brick layers to help control water runoff and each floor of the building has a recycling center. More than two tons of recyclable material was collected from Frank Hall during the 2009 - 2010 academic year.

U La Verne Building Receives LEED Silver

The University of La Verne (CA) has attained its first LEED Silver certification. Green highlights of the 40,000-square-foot Campus Center include a rooftop garden with recycled seatbelt seating, recycled carpet, low-flow urinals and toilets, and passive solar design. Seventy-five percent of construction waste was recycled.

U Minnesota Duluth Unveils Outdoor Laboratory

The University of Minnesota, Duluth has unveiled a new outdoor teaching laboratory. The 2,000-square-foot classroom features zinc siding and a vegetated roof. South-facing photovoltaic panels on the roof provide solar heat. Other green features include high efficiency doors, local timber and compost toilets. The university is seeking LEED Platinum certification for the project.

Harvard U Building Earns LEED Commercial Interiors Platinum

Harvard University (MA) has received LEED for Commercial Interiors Platinum certification for the renovation of McCulloch Hall. Sustainability highlights of the 35,127-square-foot residence hall include occupancy sensors that set back temperatures when the room is unoccupied, daylight sensors, LED task lighting, efficient overhead lighting, and fixtures to reduce potable water consumption by more than 30 percent.

Northland College Library Achieves LEED Gold Certification

The Dexter Library at Northland College (WI) has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The recently renovated building features a geothermal heating and cooling system and an array of solar panels. Roofing rubber removed during the renovation was reused elsewhere on campus, including a repurposed hoop house door for a campus community garden.

Smith College Building Awarded LEED Gold Certification

Smith College's (MA) new science and engineering building, Ford Hall, has been awarded LEED Gold certification. Construction of the $73 million building reduced the overall stormwater runoff at the site by 25 percent through a detention system and a planted rooftop that encompasses 20,000 square feet. The project also diverted 96 percent of construction waste from the landfill through recycling agreements.

U South Carolina Honors Hall Achieves LEED Gold Certification

The University of South Carolina's Honors Residence Hall has received LEED Gold certification. Equipped with high-efficiency plumbing and recycled carpet materials, the building is the second on campus with a LEED designation. Interior finishes feature no or low volatile organic compounds and high levels of recycled content. Twenty percent of the materials used in the construction of the building were found within a 500-mile radius of the campus.

Green Mountain College Building Awarded LEED Gold Certification

A Green Mountain College (VT) residence hall has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The $1.3 million renovation of SAGE (Students for Academic and Green Engagement) Hall, includes Energy Star windows, high efficiency lighting fixtures, low-flow bathroom fixtures, Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood products, and local materials like slate flooring.

Rock Valley College Building Awarded LEED Gold Certification

Rock Valley College's (IL) recently renovated physical education center has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The $13 million project updated the building’s 40-year-old infrastructure. Key features include 1.6 acres of native prairie plants, low flow faucets and toilets, efficient heating and air conditioning systems, and energy efficient lights. 95 percent of the existing shell was reused in the new design and over 75 percent of construction waste was recycled.

Drew U Residence Hall Earns LEED Silver

Drew University’s (NJ) newest residence hall has received LEED Silver certification. The residence hall features geothermal heating and cooling systems, insulated windows, water efficient fixtures, and native drought resistant plants. In addition, 10 percent of the building’s materials are recycled.

American U Celebrates Newest Green Building

American University (DC) has opened the doors to the School of International Service. The 70,000-square-foot, eco-friendly building was designed for LEED Gold certification. The building is a reflection of the School of International Service’s commitment to advance ecological stewardship, preserve transparency and human dignity, and work for social justice. Elements of green design and construction include natural lighting, nontoxic materials, and climate controls. The roof is home to 7,000 square-feet of photovoltaic panels.

Millikin U Receives LEED-EB Gold Rating

Millikin University (IL) has received LEED Existing Building (EB) Gold certification for the renovation of a residence hall. The renovation reduced CO2 emissions and improved energy savings, water efficiency, and indoor air quality.

Bunker Hill CC Dedicates Green Health & Wellness Center

Bunker Hill Community College (MA) has dedicated its new Health & Wellness Center. The two-story structure is registered for LEED Gold certification and houses classrooms, laboratories, a gymnasium, and a fitness center.

Denison U Renovation Earns LEED Gold

Denison University (OH) has received LEED Gold certification for its Bryant Arts Center. The 105-year-old building, which was originally constructed as a gymnasium named Cleveland Hall, underwent a $14 million three-year renovation and reopened in fall 2009 as the Bryant Arts Center. The Center earned nine points for sustainability of the building site, four points for water efficiency, 12 points for energy and atmosphere considerations (including the maximum possible score for optimized energy performance), five points for the use of green materials, nine points for indoor environmental quality, and five points for innovation and design.

Rochester Inst of Tech Inn Receives Green Leaf Certification

The Rochester Institute of Technology Inn and Conference Center has received Green Leaf certification from Audubon International’s eco rating program. The inn received a three out of a possible five Green Leaf rating, which signifies that the organization has: undertaken a comprehensive eco-purchasing program, established policies for and use of eco-certified products, established policies for communicating environmental practices to employees, and provided baseline data to the New York State Energy and Research Development Agency for energy benchmarking.

U New Hampshire Unveils First Building to Seek LEED Certification

The University of New Hampshire has unveiled its first campus building to seek LEED certification.  The newly renovated James Hall is expected to obtain LEED Silver designation for its environmentally responsible use of materials and its efficient energy and water system.  Renovations include a gray water system that captures rainwater for use in toilets and urinals; sensors to turn off electrical fixtures when natural light is adequate; a heat wheel recovery system; and a green roof to clean and conserve water.  In addition, 20 percent of materials used in the renovation were recycled, and 30 percent of the materials were extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the institution. In addition, visitors to James Hall can monitor energy use live via an energy kiosk in the building.

U New Mexico Building Seeks Platinum Status

University of Mexico has debuted its new College of Education building. The structure, which is registered for LEED Platinum status, is the second building on campus to adhere to the Governor of New Mexico’s Executive Order requiring new buildings to acquire a minimum of Silver certification under the LEED rating system.