Columbia Theological Seminary Res Hall Earns LEED Gold

Opened last summer, the new green residence hall for Columbia Theological Seminary (GA) students has earned LEED Gold. The structure is expected to use approximately 50 percent less energy than a conventionally constructed facility. An energy-monitoring system in the entry lobby allows students and visitors to see real-time energy consumption as compared with an average building performance. Design strategies include an exterior building envelope with above-average insulation values, energy efficient windows, and a geothermal mechanical system which will provide low operating costs and a long lifecycle. Water efficiencies include rainwater collection for landscape irrigation, and water saving plumbing fixtures.

U New Hampshire Completes Eco-Friendly James Hall

The University of New Hampshire has completed its renovation of James Hall, home of the departments of Earth Sciences and Natural Resources and the Environment. The $33.9 million renovation will seek LEED Silver certification for its use of environmentally-responsible materials and its efficient energy and water systems. Energy-saving innovations in James Hall include a gray water system that captures rainwater from the building’s roof and gutters for use in toilets and urinals; daylight harvesting, which utilizes sensors to turn off electrical fixtures when natural daylight provides adequate light; and a heat wheel recovery system, which makes the air handling unit extremely efficient. In addition, 20 percent of the materials used in the renovation consist of recycled content, and 30 percent of the materials were extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of Durham. Visitors to James Hall can monitor energy use live via an energy kiosk in the building.

Furman U's Cliff's Cottage Receives LEED Gold

Furman University's (SC) Cliffs Cottage has been awarded LEED Gold certification. Built on the Furman campus in 2008, Cliffs Cottage was Southern Living magazine’s first “green” Showcase Home. From its bamboo flooring and insulated windows to the solar panels in the roof, the 3,400-square-foot cottage has served as a model of how to design and build an energy-saving house using environmentally responsible techniques and materials.

Columbia U Faculty House Awarded LEED Gold

Columbia University (NY) has announced that its recently renovated Faculty House has been awarded LEED Gold certification. Some of the features of the Faculty House restoration included integrated energy-efficient and water-conserving utilities, appliances, fixtures, and insulation; installation of new HVAC system, providing clean air quality; recycled, low-emission furnishings, materials, and finishes as well as locally made materials; and restored original details, repurposed old materials, donated used equipment, and recycled construction waste. With its renovation completed, Faculty House will now focus on providing the highest quality green meetings and events.

Georgetown U Building Earns LEED Silver

Georgetown University's (DC) new Rafik B. Hariri Building, which houses the McDonough School of Business, has been awarded LEED Silver certification. The structure's green features include an expected energy savings of 15 percent through efficient lighting design and controls that include dimmable high-efficiency fluorescent fixtures, optimized garage exhaust fan controls, and ultra-low-flow lavatory fixtures; water-efficient landscaping; operable exterior windows that contribute to indoor environmental quality; and building materials that contain recycled content and were manufactured locally. The 179,000-square-foot building opened in summer 2009.

Rush U Medical Center Building Awarded LEED Gold

The Orthopedic Building at Rush University Medical Center (IL) has received LEED Gold certification. The 220,000-square-foot medical office building, which houses outpatient services for orthopedics and sports medicine, opened in November 2009 and features a green roof; permeable pavement; recycled product for concrete, steel, and ceilings; and 50 percent local construction materials. Rush is also seeking LEED certification for a new hospital building, a 14-story 841,000-square-foot in-patient building currently under construction.

Bucks County CC Completes Green Campus Building

Bucks County Community College (PA) has unveiled its expanded Upper Bucks Campus. The $15 million, 28,000-square-foot project features solar-powered hot water, geothermal heating and air conditioning, and a vegetation-covered roof to reduce storm water runoff.

George Washington U Res Hall Certified LEED Gold

The George Washington University's (DC) newest residence hall has received LEED Gold certification. South Hall opened in September 2009 and houses 474 fourth-year students in single-bedroom apartment-style living. Design and construction of the residence hall incorporated strategies for sustainable site development, water conservation, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. South Hall offers students bike storage, fuel efficient vehicle parking, and recycling facilities on each floor of the ten-story building. Prior to occupancy, rigorous air quality testing was completed. Low VOC paints were used throughout the building to reduce odor and irritation for indoor air contaminants. Highly insulated wall systems, energy efficient windows with double pane, low-e glass, and an Energy Star white roof improves energy performance of the building by 24.5 percent over the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) standards for residential buildings.

Northern Arizona U Building Earns LEED Gold

The facility housing in Northern Arizona University’s Extended Campuses has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The 23,000-square-foot extension to the School of Communication houses classrooms, offices, and production studios to support NAU’s Extended Campuses programs. The building uses about 43 percent less energy than a typical building of the same size through passive ventilation, solar-preheating of outside heating air, an HVAC system called “active chilled beams,” and sophisticated lighting and environmental controls. Water use is reduced more than 60 percent through low-water use plumbing fixtures and irrigating with municipal reclaimed water. More than 30 percent of building materials have significant recycled content and were attained and manufactured locally.

Palm Beach Atlantic U Unveils Green Wall

Palm Beach Atlantic University (FL) has unveiled a portable green wall that can be used indoors or outdoors. The vertical garden system can be planted with various types of plants and contains a built-in irrigation system. The irrigation can be set through a timer, and the plants can be replaced at any time.

U Victoria Opens Eco-Friendly Building

The University of Victoria (BC) has opened its new First Peoples House, which is registered for LEED Gold. The structure contains a green roof to help with stormwater runoff. Excess water runs through a waterfall and into retention ponds surrounded by native landscaping.

Miami U Building Earns LEED Silver Certification

Miami University's (OH) new Farmer School of Business building has earned LEED Silver certification. The University was able to preserve mature trees and green space around the construction site and integrate the use of energy efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems, and low-emission materials in construction and furnishing of the building. The $65 million project is the first LEED certified building on campus.

U Notre Dame Geddes Hall Receives LEED Gold

The University of Notre Dame’s Geddes Hall has received LEED Gold certification. The 65,500-square-foot home of Notre Dame’s Center for Social Concerns and Institute for Church Life opened in August of 2009 and contains a variety of materials made from both rapidly renewable materials and pre- and post-consumer recycled content. 97 percent of construction waste was diverted from landfills, including the waste from the demolition the former home of the Center for Social Concerns, previously located on the same site. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures reduced water consumption by 45 percent and the landscape design minimizes grassed lawns while employing an irrigation system with new control technology and drip irrigation. In addition, 31 percent of the building materials were manufactured within a 500-mile radius.

5 U Florida Buildings Receive LEED Certification

Five different University of Florida buildings and additions, located both on and off campus, have received LEED certifications. These structures include: the Steinbrenner Band Hall (Gold), the UF Dental Clinic in Naples (Gold), the Graham Center for Public Service at Pugh Hall (Silver), the NIMET Nanoscale Research Facility (Certification), and the IFAS Biological & Agricultural Research Facility in Fort Pierce (Certification).  UF adopted the LEED criteria for design and construction in 2001 for all major new construction and renovations projects.

Clemson U Baruch Institute Receives LEED Gold Certification

LEED Gold certification has been awarded to the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science at Clemson University (SC). The 12,600-square-foot facility includes room for 14 faculty and staff members and large multipurpose rooms and smart classrooms that connect Clemson students statewide. Green features include censored lights, an air-conditioning system that uses an energy recovery wheel to recycle heat byproduct, natural lighting, local and natural building materials, and a storm water management system. Clemson has committed to achieve at least LEED Silver ratings for all newly constructed buildings and major renovations.

U California San Francisco Laboratory Earns LEED Silver

The University of California, San Francisco's Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Hall has been awarded LEED Silver certification for its renovation. The building includes a number of environmentally friendly attributes, including implementing a green cleaning program, expanding the recycling program, and enhancing indoor air quality measures. Water and energy conservation measures are expected to reach $100,000 in savings.

Wesleyan U Building Receives LEED Certification

Wesleyan University's (CT) newly-renovated Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life building has received LEED Gold certification. The building, which was originally constructed in 1904, went through a nine-month renovation. During the process, 84.5 percent of construction material was diverted from landfills, a significant amount of recycled materials were used, and water saving fixtures were installed resulting in a 46.4 percent reduction in water use.

Berea College Hotel Earns LEED Gold

The Boone Tavern Hotel and Restaurant at Berea College (KY) has received LEED Gold certification. Boone Tavern, built by Berea College in 1909 as a campus guest house, recently underwent an $11.3-million renovation during 2008-2009 to make significant upgrades to the building’s infrastructure, improve efficiency, lower operating costs, and add modern technologies and other features for improved guest service and comfort. The renovation earned points for sustainable site work, water and energy efficiency, materials and construction methods, indoor environmental quality, use of recycled and regional materials, and innovation in design processes. As a member of the Green Hotel Association, Boone Tavern’s ongoing operating practices also demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Meredith College Apartments Awarded LEED Silver

Meredith College’s (NC) new student apartments, The Oaks, have earned LEED Silver certification. Opened in August 2009, The Oaks features air ventilation and water purification systems, and non-toxic paints and carpets. Other green features include dual flush toilets, water-efficient landscaping, and construction materials made from recycled products.

Metropolitan CC Campus Building Receives LEED Silver

Metropolitan Community College (NE) has received LEED Silver certification for its new South Omaha Campus Connector Building. The $17 million Connector Building, completed in 2007, reused an industrial brownfield site and features white roofing materials, recycled and local construction materials, an indoor environmental air quality monitoring system, and ozone-friendly refrigerants.

Central College Receives Kresge Grant for Green Building

Central College (UA) has met a Kresge Foundation’s challenge to raise $3.59 million for its education and psychology building, which opened in August and has received LEED Platinum certification. By reaching its fundraising goal, the foundation provided an additional $850,000 in grant money. The structure is home to Central's new Center for Global Sustainability Education.

2 Vanderbilt U Buildings Receive LEED Silver

Two Vanderbilt University (TN) buildings, Benson Hall and the Library Archival Storage Facility, have received LEED Silver certifications. Benson Hall, dating back to 1859, was renovated with sustainability in mind and was awarded LEED Silver for Commercial Interiors. Within the Benson Hall renovation project, 77 percent of renovation waste was diverted from the landfill, renovation materials were sourced locally, energy-efficient lighting fixtures and water-conserving plumbing fixtures were installed, and a green cleaning program was implemented. The building that is now the Library Archival Storage Facility, which was originally built in 1910, was recently shelled out and rebuilt, receiving LEED Silver certification for new construction. Green elements of the Library Archival Storage Facility include: reuse of 98.6 percent of the existing walls, floors and roof; diversion of 77 percent of construction waste from the landfill; bicycle storage and preferred parking for fuel-efficient/low-emitting vehicles; reflective roofing materials; and storage and collection of recyclables.

Beloit College Science Center Awarded LEED Platinum

The Beloit College (WI) Center for the Sciences has received LEED Platinum certification. The 117,000-square-foot building, which opened for classes in the fall of 2008, houses 10 academic departments and programs. The Center contains a green roof, high-recycled content in building materials and furnishings, significant reduction in energy and water use, and a storm-water cistern for watering plants in the greenhouse. Furthermore, as Chamberlin Hall—Beloit’s former science building—was deconstructed, 98 percent of those construction materials were recycled or repurposed, contributing to the new Center for the Science’s platinum rating.

Central College Academic Building Receives LEED Platinum

Central College (IA) has received LEED Platinum Certification for its newly constructed education, psychology, and communication studies building, which opened this past fall. Green features include a vegetative roof that occupants can enjoy via a rooftop patio, natural ventilation, daylight harvesting systems, and radiant floors which serve to heat and cool the facility. Rain water is captured and re-used for flushing low-flow toilets and urinals, and building materials contain high recycled content. Drought tolerant native plantings, rain gardens, and pervious pavers were incorporated into the landscape design. In addition, materials were recycled from the college’s University Apartments and several houses which were razed to make room for the project.

Columbia U Geochemistry Building Awarded LEED Silver

Columbia University's (NY) Gary C. Comer Geochemistry Building has received LEED Silver certification. The 70,000 square-foot structure houses extensive lab space directly supporting research and development to advance the understanding of climate science. The facility was completed in late 2007 to consolidate Columbia University's geochemistry department, which was previously scattered across the campus under one roof. The building's site was conscientiously selected to conserve trees and open spaces. It has an air conditioning system that uses high efficiency chillers with non-depleting refrigerants, natural ventilation for offices, occupancy sensors to control lighting and temperatures, energy recovery from the ventilation system, daylight harvesting, and high efficiency light fixtures. 90 percent of occupied spaces have daylight and views. The building is also close to public transportation, offers bike racks and showers, and provides parking spaces for fuel-efficient vehicles and car pools. In addition to its LEED Silver certification, the Comer Building was named the 2009 "Lab of the Year" by Research and Development magazine and has been featured in USA Today and the Chronicle of Higher Education for its unique design and energy efficiency. The building also won sustainable design and excellence in architecture awards from the Environmental Protection Agency and the American Institute of Architects.

Iowa State U Education Addition Earns LEED Platinum

Iowa State University's King Pavilion addition to its College of Design has been awarded LEED Platinum certification. The $6.6 million, 23,735-square-foot addition features a central, two-story "forum" surrounded by instructional studios. The structure is expected to save more than $22,000 per year in energy and reduce water usage by 20 to 30 percent over that of a similar structure. In addition, the King Pavilion contains 32 percent recycled content, including recycled steel, recycled blue-jean insulation, recycled plastics, and restroom countertops made out of 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper.

U Louisville Building Awarded LEED Gold

The University of Louisville's (KY) Clinical and Translational Research Building has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The 288,000-square-foot structure cost $143 million and includes a reflective roof, significant natural light, and a system that turns off the buildings lights when not in use. In addition, condensed water from the air conditioner is used to irrigate the building’s landscaping, and built-in showers and bicycle racks make it easier for employees to avoid driving to work.

U Michigan School of Business Certified LEED Silver

The University of Michigan Ross School of Business has received LEED Silver certification. The structure features an air quality management plan, use of low chemical-emitting materials, stormwater management, access to alternative transportation, Energy Star-rated roofing materials, green roofs, use of a non-ozone-depleting refrigeration system to cool the building, and use of recycled construction materials. In addition, UM will purchase renewable energy certificates to power 100 percent of the building's total annual electric energy usage.

Drexel U Opens Green Recreation Center

Drexel University (PA) has opened its new Recreation Center. The 84,000-square-foot-facility wraps around Drexel’s existing 156,000-square-foot Daskalakis Athletic Center (DAC) and connects to it. The eco-friendly, three-story structure features a system that maintains storm-water flows by collecting rain water into a 36,000-gallon underground cistern, a white roof, and power-generating elliptical machines.

Florida International U Opens Green Health Sciences Building

Florida International University has opened its new Nursing and Health Sciences building. The 115,000-square-foot structure, which is LEED Certified, features a green roof and substantial natural lighting.

Los Angeles CCD Unveils New Green Building Website

The Los Angeles Community College District's (CA) environmentally responsible building program website has undergone a dramatic redesign. The site now gives more emphasis to photos and videos, and is easier to search. It features the latest information on projects at the nine colleges, including an extensive photo and video gallery, and a news section.

Second Natures Announces Green Building Grants for Campuses

Second Nature has announced its "Green Building 101Technical Assistance Grants." 15 colleges and universities received up to $2,000 each to provide building professionals working on campus facilities projects with training in ‘green building.’ Located throughout the US, the recipients are under-resourced colleges and universities, including community colleges and minority-serving institutions. The recipients are from the following institutions: Blackfeet Community College (MT); Bunker Hill Community College (MA); Campbellsville University (KY); Cape Cod Community College (MA); College of Menominee Nation (WI); Edmonds Community College (WA); Flathead Valley Community College (MT); Gaston College (NC); Hilbert College (NY); Leech Lake Tribal College (MN); Luzerne county Community College (PA); Northwest Arkansas Community College; Northwest Bossier Parish Community College (LA); Northwest-Shoals Community College (AL); and California State University, Monterey Bay.

U California Berkeley Res Hall Renovation Receives LEED-CI Gold

The University of California, Berkeley's Clark Kerr Campus renovation has received LEED Gold certification under LEED Commercial Interiors version 2.0. Building interiors of the residential facility were completely renovated while efficient new water, power, heating, and communications systems were put in place. The facility includes low VOC-emitting materials, Energy Star appliances, bike storage rooms, and new recycling rooms. Construction began in May 2008 and was completed for the start of the Fall 2009 semester.

U South Florida Science & Technology Building Earns LEED Gold

The new Science and Technology building at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg has received LEED Gold certification. The 35,000-square-foot structure was designed by faculty members and administrators.

Columbia College Builds Green Media Center

Columbia College (IL) has opened its new Media Production Center, which was designed and built to achieve LEED Gold certification. The building features a partial green roof to help with noise reduction and insulation for heating and cooling. Other green features include use of natural light and recycled materials.

San Diego City College Opens Green Exercise & Athletics Building

San Diego City College has opened its newly-renovated Health, Exercise Science, and Athletics Building, a two-story, 24,615-square-foot facility that includes a state-of-the-art sports training room, a weight room, locker rooms, and classrooms for martial arts, spinning, yoga, and kickboxing. The structure, which is registered for LEED certification, allows diffused light to enter the building, features Energy Star roofing materials, and contains low-flow and waterless plumbing fixtures. In addition, all exterior glazing has weather-seal and specialized coatings to reduce solar heat gain.

Yale U Kroon Hall Achieves LEED Platinum

Yale University's (CT) Kroon Hall has received LEED Platinum certification. The new home of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies was designed to use 81 percent less water and 58 percent less energy than a comparable building, and to generate 25 percent of its electricity on site from renewable sources. The east-west orientation of the building takes advantage of solar access and natural ventilation. The building is highly insulated and a green roof serves as a courtyard and covers a service lot and storage rooms below. Fresh air ventilation and free cooling cycles on air handling units reduce the need for air conditioning most of the year. Indicator lights alert occupants when conditions are suitable for opening windows. Concrete walls and exposed concrete ceilings retain heat in winter and help cool in the summer.

California Polytechnic State U Res Hall Earns LEED Gold

California Polytechnic State University's newly completed student housing project, Poly Canyon Village, has earned LEED Gold certification. The apartment development houses 2700 residents. Standards for the designation included low volatile organic compounds material, reduction of water use, water-efficient landscaping, use of recycled content, and 90 percent diversion from the landfill of construction waste.

John Hopkins U Receives LEED-CI Silver Certification

John Hopkins University (MD) School of Medicine has received a LEED for Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI) Silver certification for its renovated Department of Facilities Management offices and Clinical Information Systems Education Center. The two offices are located in the basement of a larger building and received LEED certification by including features such as day lighting, use of recycled furniture, and recycling construction material.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Housing Receives LEED Gold

Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Ashdown House has received LEED Gold certification. The graduate residence that houses more than 400 students and includes a full dining area earned its Gold rating for a variety of green features: the building’s landscaping and irrigation systems use water from a non-potable source; a storm-water management system significantly reduces storm-water runoff; maximized daylight is available in 95 percent of regularly occupied spaces; and low-flow fixtures reduce water use by more than 20 percent.

Georgian Court U Wellness Center Awarded LEED Gold

Georgian Court University (NJ) has been awarded LEED Gold certification for its newly constructed athletics and academic building, the Wellness Center. The 66,000-square-foot, $26-million facility uses wood from forests grown specifically for harvest; incorporates a heating, venting, and air conditioning system that lowers the structure's energy use; includes radiant floor systems, natural daylighting, and a storm water management system that features a retention pond, more than 4,500 feet of underground drainage pipes to channel runoff, and a lightweight, vegetated roof system that also mitigates storm water runoff. The center was completed in 2008.

King Abdullah U Receives LEED Platinum

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia) has been awarded LEED Platinum certification. Green features include 100 shared electric vehicles spread across campus; four megawatts of solar power; and a long-term habitat preservation, restoration, and protection plan.

Princeton U Bogle Hall Features Green Roof

Princeton University (NJ) has completed a new dormitory in its Butler College. The new building, Bogle Hall, houses 20 undergraduate and four graduate students and features a green roof planted with succulent sedum to reduce stormwater runoff and improve heating and cooling efficiency.

U North Florida Building Receives LEED Gold Certification

The University of North Florida's newest building on campus has received LEED Gold certification. The 107,000-square-foot College of Education and Human Resources building utilizes natural light, energy efficiency, and recycled materials to make it more sustainable than traditional buildings. The $18 million project includes teaching labs, faculty offices, meeting rooms and support spaces.

U Wisconsin Superior Opens Student Center

The University of Wisconsin, Superior has opened its new student center, the Yellowjacket Union. The 90,000-square-foot $22 million building incorporates a green roof, large south-facing windows, and a rain garden. The University is seeking LEED Silver certification on the building.

Chandler-Gilbert CC Opens Green Building

Chandler-Gilbert Community College (AZ) has opened Ironwood Hall, its first new construction in 11 years. The building houses 22 classrooms, 9 science labs, and a number of offices and lounges. The building incorporates green features such as insulated concrete and water reclamation, and hopes to achieve LEED Silver certification.

Bowdoin College Health & Fitness Center Awarded LEED Silver

The Buck Center for Health and Fitness at Bowdoin College (ME) has earned LEED Silver certification. The building contains several green performance elements, including energy-efficient lighting and water fixtures, certified wood, and eco-friendly furniture and carpeting, as well as water-efficient landscaping.

Emory U Structure Receives LEED Gold

The Emory University (GA) Goizueta Foundation Center, a classroom and administration building for the business school, has received LEED Gold certification. The 101,920-square-foot building contains low-flow fixtures that reduce water use by 20 percent, an underground cistern to capture storm water that will be used to irrigate campus plantings, and a protective tree save area. 50 percent of the building material used during construction was made from recycled content, and 86 percent of the construction waste was diverted from local landfills.

Goucher College Opens Green Anthenaem

Goucher College (MD) has opened its 103,000-square-foot, four-story Anthenaem, which is seeking LEED Silver certification. Features include two green roofs, a rain garden, high-performance glass, recycled materials, and innovative mechanical systems of optimal efficiency.

Harvard U Lab Achieves LEED Gold for Commercial Interiors

The Harvard University (MA) Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ Schreiber Lab has achieved LEED Gold for Commercial Interiors version 2.0. A renovation of the 1,700-square-foot chemistry lab was completed in the summer of 2008. Energy-saving features include: high-performance, variable air volume fume hoods; occupancy sensors that will turn off the overhead lighting and setback ventilation rates and temperature setpoints when a space is unoccupied; and commissioning of mechanical and electrical systems by a third-party. In addition, the project utilized salvaged office and classroom furniture from storage areas within the Cabot Chemistry Complex. 38 percent of the total value of materials used in the project came from materials with recycled content and 80 percent of the construction waste was diverted from landfills to recycling facilities.