Rochester Institute of Technology Building Receives LEED Platinum

Rochester Institute of Technology's (NY) new University Services Center has been certified LEED Platinum. The three-story and 54,000-square-foot structure opened last summer and serves as the administrative hub for various RIT support services. Green highlights include: a 48.6 percent energy cost reduction over industry standards for heating and cooling efficiency; a 43 percent reduction in water usage over national requirements for fixture performance; and 35 percent of the building’s electricity is supplied from renewable sources, including on-site solar photovoltaic panels. The University Services Center is located on a previously developed site on campus that is accessible from existing parking and multiple public transportation lines. To encourage alternative transportation, the facility offers secure bicycle racks and changing rooms that feature showers. In an effort to promote biodiversity, the project restored 50 percent of the site with native and adapted vegetation that is indigenous to the region.

U Central Florida Science Building Receives LEED Gold

The University of Central Florida Physical Sciences I building has received LEED Gold certification. Completed this year, Physical Sciences I was constructed on a parking lot, so no untouched land or natural habitat was eliminated. Native landscaping covers 5,500 square feet around the building, providing shade and habitat for animals. Other green features include high-efficiency water fixtures resulting in a 30 percent reduction in potable water consumption; an air system that brings only fresh air into the building; and reflective roofing material that keeps the building cooler. Native vegetation will also be installed on the roof to provide additional cooling benefits, new habitat, and water runoff reduction.

Young Harris College Opens LEED Silver-Seeking Residence Hall

Young Harris College (GA) has opened Enotah Hall, a $16 million, 200-bed facility whose design offers green features. The 62,500-square-foot, three-story building, which is targeting LEED Silver certification, contains natural daylighting, regional and recycled construction materials, FSC-certified wood, and low-VOC paints and sealants. The residential wings are oriented so that windows are within 15 degrees of due south or due north, maximizing daylighting while minimizing late afternoon glare. Deep roof overhangs help shade the upper terrace, and the two-story porch provides coverage at the building’s west-facing curtainwall openings. Rainchains direct water from the terrace into the planters at the base of the porch’s masonry columns. The closed water loop that serves the mechanical unit passes through 72 geothermal wells, each 400 feet deep, where heat from the water is dissipated into the earth.

Bellevue College Building Receives LEED Gold Certification

Bellevue College’s (WA) S Building has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The 64,000-square-foot science and technology building has 16 laboratories and numerous high-tech features. Its green attributes include numerous water and energy saving devices, use of renewable energy for 1/3 of its power, and the recycling of a large amount of construction waste.

Georgian Court U Wellness Center Awarded LEED Gold

Georgian Court University (NJ) has been awarded LEED Gold certification for its newly constructed athletics and academic building, the Wellness Center. The 66,000-square-foot, $26-million facility uses wood from forests grown specifically for harvest; incorporates a heating, venting, and air conditioning system that lowers the structure's energy use; includes radiant floor systems, natural daylighting, and a storm water management system that features a retention pond, more than 4,500 feet of underground drainage pipes to channel runoff, and a lightweight, vegetated roof system that also mitigates storm water runoff. The center was completed in 2008.

Hamilton College Renovation Receives LEED Gold Certification

Hamilton College’s (NY) Kirner-Johnson Building has been awarded LEED Gold certification for a recent renovation. The College installed energy efficient mechanical systems in the 40-year-old building that are expected to save 25 to 28 percent in energy costs.

Ntl Graduate School of Quality Mgmt Earns Energy Star Rating

The National Graduate School of Quality Management (MA) headquarters building has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ENERGY STAR for energy efficiency and environmental protection. The rating signifies that the building’s energy performance rates in the top 25 percent of facilities nationwide. Commercial buildings that earn the ENERGY STAR use an average of 35 percent less energy than typical buildings and also release 35 percent less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In addition to high efficiency lighting and HVAC improvements, water conserving fixtures and directly recyclable carpeting with low VOC paints were part of the renovation.

Princeton U Bogle Hall Features Green Roof

Princeton University (NJ) has completed a new dormitory in its Butler College. The new building, Bogle Hall, houses 20 undergraduate and four graduate students and features a green roof planted with succulent sedum to reduce stormwater runoff and improve heating and cooling efficiency.

U Cincinnati Building Receives LEED Gold

The Center for Academic and Research Excellence (CARE)/Crawley Building in the University of Cincinnati (OH) Academic Health Center has been awarded LEED Gold certification. Officially opened in September 2008, the CARE/Crawley Building features a 90,000-gallon stormwater detention system, reflective roofing, an atrium with national lighting and ventilation, and motion sensors. In addition, nearly 98 percent of the construction-related waste was recycled. The previous building on the site, a concrete parking garage, was recycled on site and used in part as fill to the surrounding landscape.

U North Florida Building Receives LEED Gold Certification

The University of North Florida's newest building on campus has received LEED Gold certification. The 107,000-square-foot College of Education and Human Resources building utilizes natural light, energy efficiency, and recycled materials to make it more sustainable than traditional buildings. The $18 million project includes teaching labs, faculty offices, meeting rooms and support spaces.

U Wisconsin Superior Opens Student Center

The University of Wisconsin, Superior has opened its new student center, the Yellowjacket Union. The 90,000-square-foot $22 million building incorporates a green roof, large south-facing windows, and a rain garden. The University is seeking LEED Silver certification on the building.

Butte College Opens Green Student Services Building

Butte College (CA) has opened a new green building that brings together all student services under one roof. The three-story Student and Administrative Services building boasts a number of green features including solar panels, skylights, and no-flush urinals. College officials hope the building will receive LEED Gold certification.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U Opens Green Garage

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL) has opened its new green garage. The garage, which features a floor made of recycled tires, will be used by students to develop a car for the EcoCar Challenge, a competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, General Motors, and other organizations, and a reduced-emissions airplane for NASA's Green Flight Challenge.

Fairfield U Jesuit Community Center Incorporates Sustainability

A new building has opened on Fairfield University’s (CT) campus – the Fairfield Jesuit Community Center. The Center is the location for Jesuit scholars to live and study and features a number of green aspects: the building utilizes geothermal heating and cooling, recycled building materials, a green roof, and an abundance of natural lighting.

Tufts U School of Dental Medicine Adds Green Addition

Tufts University's (MA) 10-story School of Dental Medicine building has been topped off with a five-story green addition. The building, constructed in the 1970s, was always intended to be taller. The five-story addition, which was constructed while the building was still open, is expected to receive LEED certification.

U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Business Facility Awarded LEED Platinum

The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign’s new business building has received LEED Platinum certification. The Business Instructional Facility generates eight percent of its power from solar panels, has a green roof to reduce run off, and recycled 75 percent of its construction waste. The building is estimated to cut costs by up to $300,000 a year compared to similar traditional buildings on campus.

Yale U Stoekel Hall Receives LEED Gold Certification

Yale University's (CT) Stoeckel Hall, which reopened in January of 2009, has received LEED Gold certification. Originally built in 1897, the structure now contains high efficiency lighting and mechanical systems, high-performance windows, and improved insulation. The building faí§ade was restored and 90 percent of the original walls and floors were reused, reducing demand for new materials, and 85 percent of the waste produced during construction was recycled.

2 College Arts Complexes Receive LEED Certifications

Yale University (CT) and Buffalo State College (NY) have received LEED Gold and Silver certifications respectively for arts complexes on campus. Yale's newly renovated and expanded Paul Rudolph Hall included the restoration of exterior walls, the installation of historically correct windows, and upgrades to all building facilities including the exhibition gallery, jury and studio spaces, study areas, and administrative and faculty offices. The 114,000-square-foot structure provides classrooms, seminar rooms, lecture halls, faculty offices, and a public café. Buffalo State's Burchfield Penney Art Center received its certification for a 40 percent reduction in water consumption, incorporation of local materials in building construction, and an energy efficient HVAC system.

U Miami Builds Green Medical Center

The University of Miami’s (FL) new Clinical Research Building has received LEED certification. The 15-story, 336,000-square-foot building incorporates drought tolerant landscaping that reduces irrigation by 53 percent, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and the use of renewable sources for 78 percent of the building’s electricity.

Worcester Polytechnic Inst Building Recognized as Green Teaching Tool

Worcester Polytechnic Institute's (MA) East Hall has been awarded the 'Judge's Choice' honor from the in its "Building as a Teaching Tool" category. East Hall's design-and-construction process and sustainable features were recognized as "educational opportunities" for the campus community. As part of the building's "teaching tool" features, the residence hall's project team engaged WPI's Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) faculty and students in planning and discussions throughout the construction process. Furthermore, the building's green roof and stormwater monitoring/testing station also serve as teaching tools by allowing for CEE faculty and students to study stormwater quality and flow rate, and conduct green roof technology research.

Mesa College Opens Green Police Station

San Diego Community College District's Mesa College (CA) has opened its new Police Station, a 7,000-square-foot facility that is registered for LEED Gold certification. 75 percent of construction waste was diverted, the attached parking structure features solar panels, and the facility is 12.9 percent more efficient than mandated by code.

U Arizona Expands Student Recreation Center with LEED Standards

The University of Arizona has expanded its student recreation center and incorporated green attributes. The building now features passive solar design to help reduce the sun’s heat on the south side of the building. UA was also able to divert more than 75 percent of its construction waste from landfills and hopes to achieve a LEED Platinum rating.

Villanova U Constructs Eco-Friendly Law School Building

Villanova University (PA) has opened its new 170,000-square-foot law school building, which features a 45,000-square-foot library and classrooms designed for Socratic methodology. The building hopes to achieve LEED Gold certification and features a number of green attributes including locally quarried stone and brick, storm water treatment in a manmade wetland, and maximization of natural lighting.

Rice U Engineering Facility Receives LEED Gold

Rice University (TX) has received LEED Gold certification for its newly renovated Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen. The 12,000-square-foot building, which features a vegetated roof, will use an estimated 19 percent less energy and 31 percent less water than if it had been built to typical codes and standards. In addition, almost half of the materials used in renovation were composted from recycled sources, and 66 percent of the construction and demolition waste was recycled.

U Colorado Boulder Renovates Dorm to LEED Gold

The University of Colorado, Boulder has received LEED Gold certification for the renovation of Arnett Hall. The residential building’s renovation was finished in May 2008 and since then has realized a 20-percent reduction in energy use and a 39-percent reduction in water use. Green features include sensors that suspend heating and cooling systems when windows are opened, aerators on faucets, and recycled materials.

Universities at Shady Grove Opens Green Parking Garage

The Universities at Shady Grove (MD) has celebrated the opening of its first new parking garage, which features a green design and adds 600 parking spaces to the campus. The garage features designated parking spaces for hybrid, carpool vehicles and bicycles, and the structure was built with LED lighting and includes daylight sensors to reduce power requirements and light pollution. Its white concrete top deck helps to decrease the heat island effect. Materials with recycled content such as fly ash, concrete, and rebar were used as well as carbon fiber reinforced precast. Rainwater collection, water efficient landscaping, and water control devices also reduce water runoff. In addition, there is an energy efficient elevator and reclaimed green spaces.

Arizona State U Polytechnic Complex Receives LEED Gold

The new academic complex at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The complex consists of six buildings that feature recycled concrete, photovoltaic panels, and use of natural light.

Caltech Opens Green Ctr for Information Science and Technology

California Institute of Technology has opened its Walter and Leonore Annenberg Center for Information Science and Technology. The structure is now home to interdisciplinary research and instruction that address the growth and impact of information as it relates to all scientific and engineering practices. The new facility, which is registered for LEED Gold certification, has achieved a 30 percent reduction in water use, a 28 percent reduction in energy use, and a 2 percent use of recycled contents or local or regional materials. The Center also contains storm water control mechanisms, individual HVAC controls and operable windows, and a minimum of 75 percent of spaces with daylight access.

Guilford College Restoration Project Receives LEED Silver

Guilford College (NC) has received LEED Silver certification for its restoration of Archdale Hall. The building was constructed in 1885 and has been used as a residence hall and faculty offices. The $800,000 renovation included the addition of a rainwater collection system, waterless urinals, and blown-in insulation.

Ithaca College Dedicates New Green Building

Ithaca College (NY) has dedicated its new Peggy Ryan Williams Center. The building was designed to LEED platinum specifications and hopes to achieve certification in the future. Green features include a 6,500-square-foot green roof, a geothermal system, and a 12,000-gallon tank to collect rainwater.

Lawrence U Opens Green Student Center

Lawrence University (WI) has completed its new 107,000-square-foot Richard and Margot Warch Campus Center. LU is seeking LEED Gold certification for the $35 million Center, which features local materials, a green roof, abundant day lighting, and native landscaping.

Luther College Lab Building Receives LEED Gold

Luther College’s (IA) Sampson Hoffland Laboratories have received a LEED Gold certification. The facility houses 17 teaching labs, a number of offices, and research and study areas. Green features include a rain garden, reduction in water usage, and recycled building materials.

NIIT U Builds Campus to Harvest Rainwater

NIIT University (India) has inaugurated its environmentally-conscious 100 acre, 54-building campus. The campus was built to harvest and recycle 95 percent of waste water and some buildings have been designed not to use air conditioning.

U New Mexico Receives First LEED Gold Certification

University of New Mexico's Castetter Hall South Addition Phase I has received LEED Gold certification. The $4.3 million Castetter Hall adds 15,867-square-feet of space, research laboratories, and a greenhouse for the school’s biology department. The building is expected to consume 31.5 percent less energy overall than traditional buildings on campus and features low-flow laboratory fume hoods that automatically cut back the amount of exhaust air during inactive times and locally-sourced materials with recycled content wherever possible. In addition, UNM sorted and recycled waste during construction.

Champlain College Structure Renovation Earns LEED Gold

Champlain College's (VT) Aiken Hall has received LEED Gold certification. Features that contributed to the award include energy efficient lighting, heating, and elevator installation; improved building envelope through insulation upgrades; salvaged hard-wood floors and re-use of many original building materials; and slat roof shingles and the selection of other regional building materials. Aiken was built in 1885 and renovated in 2008. The structure contains faculty offices, meeting rooms, and special event facilities.

Denison U Opens Green Arts Building

Denison University has opened the Bryant Arts Center, a $14 million reconstruction of a 105-year-old building. The 45,000-square-foot building, which was designed to meet LEED Silver standards, is home to the department of art - both studio art and art history - and has studios for ceramics, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and digital media. There are also gallery spaces, electronic classrooms, outdoor performance areas and studio space for seniors and professors. Green features include recycled denim insulation, an HVAC system that is 21 percent more efficient than the standard, a CFC-free cooling system, occupancy sensors, and high-efficiency lighting. Green cleaning methods will be used in the newly-renovated structure.

LaGrange College Library Receives LEED Silver

The new Frank and Laura Lewis Library at LaGrange College (GA) has been awarded LEED Silver certification. The new 45,000-square-foot facility features recycled and energy-efficient construction materials, dual-flush toilets and waterless urinals, designated parking spaces for carpool and fuel-efficient vehicles, and natural daylighting. In addition, during site demolition last fall, asphalt and concrete were hauled away for grinding and recycling, and workers minimized daily construction waste by using separate containers to process recyclables like wood, cardboard, plastic, and scrap metal.

Los Angeles Pierce College Opens Green Building

Los Angeles Pierce College (CA) has opened its new Student Services Building, a 48,296-square-foot, three-story green building. The structure features locally made and recycled materials, an abundance of natural light, high quality insulation, and energy efficient lighting. The College is seeking LEED Silver certification for the new structure.

San Diego CCD Opens Green Skills Center

The San Diego Community College District has celebrated the grand opening of its new Skills Center, a 67,010-square-foot addition to the Education Cultural Complex, serving as the Campus of Excellence for Career and Technical Education. The new Skills Center consists of three single”story buildings and three covered repair areas which include new repair bays, drive”in spray paint booths, shops, labs, classrooms, demonstration theatres, and other learning spaces. The facility, which is registered for LEED Silver certification, features a 66.6 kW photovoltaic panel array, an orientation that was designed to maximize both daylight and views to the outside, high efficiency plumbing fixtures, and a sustainable education program that allows the building itself to be used as a teaching tool on the benefits of sustainable design.

Stony Brook U Southampton Library Receives LEED Gold

Stony Brook University Southampton’s (NY) library has been awarded LEED Gold. The 30,000-square-foot building features furniture that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and Greenguard, skylights to maximize natural lighting, and storm water collection for non-potable use. The building will also use renewable energy to meet 35 percent of its electrical needs.

Texas A&M U Opens Green Science Building

Texas A&M University has opened the Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building (ILSB). The $100 million, 220,000-square-foot structure contains 30 lab facilities, a 285-seat auditorium, offices, and two atriums. THE ILSB was designed and constructed to qualify for LEED Silver certification and features outside shading to aid in reducing heat transfer into the colonnades and the building itself; windows embedded with the dot pattern to help reduce the amount of heat that enters the facility, a rain garden, and 30,000-gallon cistern to collect rainwater.

Wake Technical CC Northern Campus Cuts Ribbon on Green Building

Wake Technical Community College (NC) has opened a new green building on its Northern Campus. The building will house classrooms, labs, and a coffee shop for students, faculty, and staff. The College has registered Building D for LEED certification and hopes to obtain a Silver rating. Green features include daylight harvesting, water conservation technology, and efficient heating and cooling systems.

Arizona State U Opens Barrett Campus Featuring a Sustainable Dorm

Arizona State University has opened The Barrett campus, a seven-building, nine-acre complex that features classrooms, faculty offices, a fitness center, a computer lounge, a dining hall, and housing, that includes the Sustainability House. The Sustainability House provides living space for 200 students that all desire to live more sustainably. The building features low-consumption plumbing features, enhanced energy monitoring, recycled gray water, a green roof, and an organic garden.

Mesa College Opens Green Educational Facility

San Diego Mesa College (CA) has formally opened its newest teaching and learning facility, the Mesa College Allied Health Education and Training Facility. The $28.9 million, 50,000-square-foot structure, which is registered for LEED Gold certification, features natural lighting, high performance glass that allows sunlight to filter into the building and reduces the amount of UV light and solar heat entering building, an energy-efficient design, and renewable energy sources.

Ringling College Opens Two Green Buildings

Ringling College of Art and Design (FL) has opened two LEED registered buildings on campus. North Hall, a 75,000-square-foot residence hall, and the Academic Center, an 82,000-square-foot academics building, have utilized green design and technology to be more sustainable. Green features include solar panels on the roofs, white reflective roofs, zero-VOC paints, and a low-impact construction that sent less than 50 percent of debris to the landfill.

U Kentucky Receives $7 M for Green Wildcat Coal Lodge

The University of Kentucky has received a $7 million donation to construct a new residence hall on campus that will seek LEED certification. The University expects the structure, which will be named 'Wildcat Coal Lodge,' to feature natural daylighting and use recycled materials.

U Miami Facility Awarded LEED Gold Certification

The University of Miami (FL) Fieldhouse has been awarded LEED Gold certification. The UM Fieldhouse features high reflectance roofing materials and pavers; high efficiency plumbing fixtures with hand sensors to reduce water use; moisture sensors to reduce potable water use for irrigation; the use of recycled, refurbished, salvaged, and reused materials; and lighting systems that are occupancy motion controlled.

Smith College Dedicates Green Engineering and Sciences Center

Smith College (MA) has dedicated Ford Hall, a facility for engineering and molecular sciences. The $73 million, 140,000-square-foot structure includes LED lighting fixtures and computer monitored sensors for light, air, and moisture control; passive energy options such as maximum daylight exposure through optimum window and glass placement, heat recovery, and innovative insulation and construction materials; and the use of recycled and recyclable materials whenever possible for laboratory instruction and interior enhancement in the building.

Southern Illinois U, Edwardsville Opens Green Student Center

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville has opened a new green building. The Student Success Center features a 24-hour study lounge, computer lab, and coffee bar. Its green features include select walls made of sunflower seeds or recycled milk jugs, a green roof, and energy saving devices. The structure was paid for through a student fee enacted by students.

St. John’s U Opens New Green Academic Center

St. John’s University (NY) has opened the D’Angelo Center, a five-story 127,000-square-foot building that will serve a variety of needs. The structure, which has been constructed in accordance with LEED certification, houses 14 classrooms, six seminar rooms, a full cafeteria, banquet space, and student recreation and entertainment space among other amenities. This new center features energy-saving mechanical/electrical systems.