Doak College Operates a Paper Recycling Unit

(India): In an effort to become more environmentally-friendly, service-learning students from the Botany Department course on Waste Paper Management collect paper materials used across all departments and recycles it into paper for college invitations and program brochures.

East Kent College Opens Center for Environmental Technologies

(U.K.): The newly opened research center provides an opportunity for students to gain skills in the renewable energy, engineering and construction sectors. The building containing the center features electrical and mechanical systems on display to cross-pollinate with curriculum, solar electric and solar thermal technology, rainwater harvesting to flush toilets, and equipment to measure both energy generated and used. The building earned Excellent by the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).

Lock Haven U to Offer Sustainability Degree

(U.S.): Attempting to connect with the state's growing green jobs industry, the university's new Associates of Arts degree in Sustainability Studies is developed from its Environmental Studies minor and will include courses in conservation law, business, social work, economics and environmental justice.

Okehampton College Wins Green Energy Performance

(U.K.): The college's recent entry into the British Gas Generation Green Energy Performance won first prize of 150,000 pounds ($256,000) due to the specially commissioned dance floor, which captures the energy created by students’ dance steps and converts it to electricity.

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College Awarded New Campus Funds

(U.K.): The college's Gloucestershire Renewable Energy, Engineering and Nuclear project has been awarded five million pounds ($8.5 million) from the government for the first phase of the new campus, which will focus on engineering and technology with an emphasis on low-carbon energy generation.

St. Joseph's College for Women Installed Rooftop Solar

(India): The college's new photovoltaic system sets a precedent for the region to make renewable and alternative energy sources of energy a priority.

U Connecticut Invests in Sports Waste Reduction Campaign

(U.S.): University of Connecticut students encourage recycling at university basketball games through the Green GameDays campaign. At halftime, volunteers reminded game patrons to recycle items such as cardboard and plastic bottles. At the end of the game a total of 1,080 bottles were collect for recycling.

U Haifa Launches New Sustainability MBA Program

(Israel): The university's new Global Green Masters of Business Administration program focuses on the environmental, social and governance issues at the heart of business managers' responsibilities.

U Virginia to Begin Bike Sharing Program

(U.S.): Later this summer, the university will unveil a fleet of 120 rentable bicycles in an effort to give the community a midday alternative transportation option.

Virginia Tech Establishes Presidential Diversity Council

(U.S.): The university, where only three percent of the undergraduate student body is Black, according to the latest Department of Education data, has established a new President’s Inclusion and Diversity Executive Council that will oversee all of the university’s diversity efforts.

Energy Dept Funds Building Energy Efficiency Research

The University of Florida at Gainesville, Stony Brook University, University of Maryland, Case Western Reserve University and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville were selected by the U.S. Department of Energy for nearly $6 million toward incubator projects to improve heating, ventilation and air conditioning, water heating, sensors and controls, and building energy modeling.

Haverford College Releases Online Dashboard

With the release of the new, online-accessible system, the college hopes to reduce electricity usage by allowing visitors to track real-time electricity usage on a daily, weekly and yearly basis in 14 campus buildings.

Medgar Evers College Plans to Create Green Space

A 20-year-old, $15 million plan has come to life again to convert part of a street running through its campus into a central lawn with trees, plants, nooks and classroom seating areas.

Pittsburg State U Installs Bottle Refill Stations

In an effort to reduce consumption of plastic bottles at the university, nearly 20 water refill stations have been installed across campus.

Southern Illinois U Carbondale Opens New Compost Facility

Hoping to decrease landfill material, a new forced air facility at the university has the capability to compost 15 tons of waste material every 60 to 70 days, which will be used on campus for flower bed and gardens.

U California Los Angeles Proposes Student Body Diversity Course

The university is currently drafting a proposal that would require 85 percent of its student body to take a course on diversity issues, including race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation and religion, in order to receive a degree.

U Central Oklahoma Partners for Community Sustainability

Overlapping sustainability goals helped form the new partnership between the university and Sustainable Oklahoma City bringing the city's grassroots sustainability campaign under the university's foundation nonprofit umbrella.

Utah State U Connects Sustainability Message to Student Values

The college implemented its Blue Goes Green campaign, part of which includes student green fee, which brought on student protests. A campus-wide survey to gauge student attitudes toward the implemented projects revealed the need for a new sustainability communication campaign that speaks to student values of freedom, saving money and physical health.

Williams College Incorporates Real Food Metrics

Instead of using the Real Food Calculator to evaluate recent purchasing, the college recently decided to incorporate the criteria of the national food evaluation system into its menu management database in order to have access to real-time reports about how much sustainable food purchases are being made, and thus, begin a conversation about different ways of measuring sustainable food.

Antioch College Receives 'OK' on 1MW Photovoltaic Array

The town's Planning Commission recently approved the college's 1-megawatt solar-electricity array, which coupled with the two geothermal heating and cooling systems would provide 100 percent of the college's power needs.

Colgate U Unveils EV Charging Station

The new electric vehicle charging station intends to make sustainable transportation a more viable option for the campus community and contribute to the university's quest to attain carbon neutrality by its bicentennial in 2019.

Colorado College Earns Changemaker Campus Designation

After months of assessments, interviews, site visits and strategy sessions, the designation for the college's work in social entrepreneurship was awarded by Ashoka U, a 26-member consortium committed to advancing social innovation initiatives and catalyzing change in higher education.

Flint Hills Technical College to Add Solar

Adding to the college's geothermal system and wind turbine, the college recently began installation of solar electric panels in a move toward increased energy independence, monitoring from which will be incorporated into appropriate courses.

Old Dominion U Erects Solar Panel Array

In the face of declining fossil fuels, the university installed the new 600-panel photovoltaic system on the university's student recreation center, which will provide electricity back to the electrical grid. Energy information from the system will be available via two campus kiosks.

Portland State U Hosts Sustainability Accelerator Program

The university's Urban Sustainability Accelerator program is hosting a 2014 cohort of partners, including the University of Minnesota Duluth, New Mexico State University and Auburn University, in a five-day workshop to guide participants through implementation of sustainability projects. The 2014 theme is city-university sustainable redevelopment projects.

Southern Illinois U Edwardsville Students Begin Community Garden

The new student garden was started by Natural Connections, a student organization concerned with community gardens and nutritional education for students, for the purpose of learning about growing, cooking and harvesting their own food.

Two Universities to Lead U.S. Contribution in Global Initiative

The University of Colorado at Boulder and Colorado State University have been selected as the U.S. hub for Future Earth, an ambitious 10-year research initiative to address global environmental change solutions and actions by linking scientists, decision makers and private sector for change at local and regional levels. Other global hubs are located in Canada, France, Japan and Sweden.

U Utah Rewrites Fight Song Lyrics

After many changes throughout history, the university's fight song changed again to reflect a more gender-neutral tone, from "our coeds are the fairest” to “our students are the finest” and the line “no other gang of college men” will now be “no rival band of college fans."

William & Mary Selects First Sustainability Director

The college's newly appointed director, Calandra Waters Lake, comes on the heels of a temporary fellow position and will report jointly to the Committee on Sustainability and the Office of Strategic Initiatives. Lake will be responsible for promoting the sustainability goals of the college, exploring fundraising opportunities, monitoring distribution of green fees, and coordinating sustainability activities across campus between students, faculty, staff and the local community. Lake holds a Bachelor of Science in natural resources from Virginia Polytechnic Institute as well as a Master of Arts in education from William & Mary.

Auburn U Partners on Urban Sustainability

The university and the City of Auburn recently began working to implement a downtown master plan that includes pedestrian safety enhancements, rain gardens, transportation efforts and a feasibility study of daylighting local streams.

Illinois Community Colleges Promote Electric Vehicles

In a show to demonstrate how community colleges have helped strengthen the state's electric vehicle infrastructure, the Illinois Green Economy Network, a consortium of all 39 Illinois community college districts, is planning a three-day road trip to 11 community colleges that have EV charging stations.

Keene State College Students Explore Fair Trade in Ecuador

After students of the Fair Trade-status university organized a Fair Trade Club, select participants traveled to Ecuador for a service-learning opportunity with a foundation from which the college procures tea.

Murray State U to Offer New Sustainability Graduate Program

The university's new graduate-level program will allow students to specialize in one of four areas: agricultural sustainability, environmental sustainability, industrial and technical sustainability, or sustainability education.

North Central College Completes Lighting Retrofit

With the help of a $26,000 grant, the new LED lighting in the college's athletic facilities allows for monetary and maintenance cost savings, which an accounting class helped calculate.

Northern Arizona U Rolls into Car Sharing

In hopes of reducing traffic-related congestion, students, faculty and staff will be able to check-out an Enterprise car beginning in the fall semester.

NY Times: 'Change Makers Create Cultural Change on Campus'

"From racial and ethnic diversity to an influx of "first generation" students and the challenges of being a low-income student, most college and universities in this country have begun to recognize that the face of higher education is changing. The struggle, however, has been in how to accommodate or support these students." This New York Times article highlights Northwestern University's actions toward shifting its values to change its culture.

Portland State U Receives Grant for Energy Plant Upgrade

A new $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration will enable the university to replace old, inefficient boilers with more efficient ones, install energy metering software and meters, and offer seven visualization monitors with the ability for students, staff, and energy officials to model energy use scenarios for individual buildings and the district as a whole.

Santa Monica College Finishes Lighting Retrofit

Also reducing the school's carbon footprint and contributing to campus safety, the newly completed campus-wide lighting and energy upgrade will reduce lighting-related energy consumption by 40 percent and features the installation of controllable LED gym fixtures.

U Dayton's New Recycling Agreement Includes Outreach

A recent five-year agreement with a recycling company will offer, besides recycling services, sustainability curriculum with hands-on educational experiences, programming such as facility tours, guest lectures and special projects, assistance with the university's sustainability education efforts in local schools, assistance with participation in Recyclemania, and messages at athletic events to help promote recycling and sustainability initiatives in the community.

U Illinois Urbana-Champaign Announces Research Funding Recipients

The university's Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment awarded a combined $540,000 to three interdisciplinary research projects: a water disinfection system, an approach to agriculture that involves woody plants as an alternative to conventional crops, and the development of stoves that use stored solar energy.

U North Carolina Asheville to Add Solar Panels

Its first large-scale and visible renewable energy project, this summer the university is adding 112 photovoltaic panels, totaling a 26-kilowatt grid-tied system, because of a donation from a private solar developer in North Carolina.

U Utah Converts to Water Saving Landscape Design

Part of the university’s effort to earn Tree Campus USA recognition, 8,000-square feet of grass were converted to low-water-use trees and shrubs, the funding for which came through a student initiative.

U Wisconsin Stout Makes Way for Green Space

A building was demolished recently to make a green space and outdoor recreation area for the 925 students who live in four of the university's north campus residence halls. Plans for the lot will most likely include volleyball courts, outdoor seating, grilling areas and a pedestrian walkway.

Western Michigan U Building Awarded LEED Silver

The university's new climate-controlled Archives and Regional History Collections facility features ground-source heating and cooling, LED lighting, an underground stormwater retention system and water-efficient plumbing fixtures.

Wright State U to Become Fair Trade

Currently in process, the university intends to bolster its social justice commitment by acquisition of the designation, which guarantees consumers that a product was not made using slave labor or child labor and that it is safe for the environment.

Colorado College Stokes Solar Partnership Discussion

After student-led protests due to a cease agreement on a two-megawatt photovoltaic array, the college has re-engaged in talks to meet carbon neutrality goals of the school and surrounding community.

Four Universities Test Electric Mini Vehicles

Colorado State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Washington and University of Wisconsin will receive four electric micro-vehicles to research the reduction of campus carbon emissions and foster research using sensor data. At the conclusion of the projects, all aggregated data will become anonymous and publicly available for any researcher.

Green Mountain College Introduces New Graduate Program

Beginning in 2015 with a residency featuring Bill McKibben, the college's new online, two-year Master of Science degree in Resilient and Sustainable Communities incorporates land-use planning, economic development, energy production, food systems, and resource management, while developing skills in leadership, group organization and conflict resolution.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges Install Electric Chargers

Paving the way for reduced carbon emissions and, the newly installed electric vehicle charging stations serve those who currently own electric vehicles and support individuals interested in buying one in the future.

Lehigh U Students Begin Composting

Driven environmental concerns, the new Green Resource Recovery of Waste project aims to turn all of the university’s food waste into compost that can be used to fertilize greenery and other plant beds on campus, and then grow food to serve in campus dining halls.