Sheridan College Publishes Inaugural Sustainability Report

It's first sustainability report celebrates its recent AASHE STARS Silver rating and progress made toward its mission zero goals. The report highlights successes in four key areas of STARS, including improving energy efficiency and waste diversion, engaging the campus and local community, sustainability planning, and integrating sustainability into curriculum.

Loyola U Chicago Makes Carbon Neutral Commitment

During a full day symposium and teach-in on Pope Francis' Encyclical on Ecology on Sept. 9, the university released their climate action plan titled A Just Future that identifies a carbon neutral goal of 2025, and includes resiliency, engagement and accountability strategies.

U Wisconsin Milwaukee Rolls Out Bike

With marked lanes on many streets and miles of dedicated paths, this fall the opportunity to enjoy biking throughout the community will be much easier for students with help of six new Bublr stations totaling 230 bikes. Bublr Bikes offers students free, 60-minute passes for one year.

Richmond CC Announces Two Free Years of College

The North Carolina community college recently made the announcement offering two free years for students of public, private and home schools in Richmond and Scotland counties who have a 3.0-grade-point average or higher and have completed two college courses. Called the RichmondCC Guarantee, the program is slated to begin in fall 2016.

U California System Sells $200M in Coal & Oil Sands Holdings

The university system has sold off its endowment and pension fund holdings in coal and oil sands companies, a $200-million move that officials recently announced was in response to both environmental concerns and rising financial risk in those industries. The university has no plans to sell off holdings in oil and natural gas.

Boston U Dining Services Releases 2015 Sustainability Report

The new report presents the results of a fall 2014 student survey and outlines measurable progress. During the last year, Dining Services created the Wholesome Roots program focused on offering grass-fed ground beef, using Humane Certified, antibiotic-free chicken, and sourcing locally grown food.

Penn State U Campus Catering Composts 90% of Waste

After the general manager of Campus Catering began attending industry conferences, the amount of material diverted from landfills rose from nearly zero percent to approximately 90 percent over the past six years. One strategy in particular is using refillable jug water dispensers and compostable cups opposed to plastic water bottles.

Eastern Maine CC Receives $220K to Support Disadvantaged Students

​With a $220,000 grant from the U.S. Education Department, the college's goal is to guide 150 low-income, first-generation and/or disabled students through the college experience to graduate from the community college or transfer to a four-year institution by offering programs specifically designed to meet students' academic needs including additional advisor appointments and tutoring.

Penn State U Pilots Trayless Dining

In an attempt to reduce the current food waste amount from 138 pounds of food per meal, the university's Findlay Dining Commons, an all-you-can-eat facility, will offer plates and bowls instead of trays and allow students to return to the buffet repeatedly.

Millersville U Acquires $1M Gift for Net Zero Building

County natives Samuel and Dena Lombardo donated the $1 million toward the net zero welcome center building, expected to use solar panels, water conservation and renewable building materials and host more than 10,000 visitors annually.

U Alberta Building Incorporates Sustainability Features

The university's Faculty of Engineering is now housed in the most energy-efficient building on campus and is on track to for LEED Gold certification. The new facility integrates many notable sustainable features including fan wall technology, chilled beam technology, motion-sensor lighting and low-flow fixtures. Future plans include installing a 60-kilowatt photovoltaic system.

U Virginia Releases 2014-15 Sustainability Report

Issued by the University Committee on Sustainability, provides a snapshot of sustainability progress over the past academic year. The report is framed around our core approaches: grounds stewardship, campus and community collaboration and engagement, and discovery through curriculum, research and campus grounds as a living laboratory.

U Colorado Boulder Athletics Expands Sports Sustainability Programs

Kicking off the 2015 home football season, CU Athletics introduced new programs that encourage recycling, using alternative transportation and reducing water consumption. Bring Your Bottle Back to Life, a partnership with PepsiCo, gives away T-shirts made with 50 percent recycled plastic fibers each time the Colorado Buffaloes score a touchdown.

Michigan State U Announces Student Solar Design Competition

In an effort to address some of the most urgent environmental issues facing our world today, the university is inviting students across the state to design a dynamic solar installation that values both aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency. With $10,000 in total prizes, the competition recognizes students who are advancing sustainability through their commitment to clean energy innovation.

U Cambridge Launches Sustainability Strategy Including Carbon Reduction Goals

(U.K.): The university's new sustainability strategy calls for a 34 percent reduction in carbon emissions from a 2005 baseline to 2020 and is aiming for carbon-neutral status by 2050. After emissions gradually increased from 2005 to 2010, the university set aside a carbon reduction budget of $2 million pounds ($3.05 million) annually.

Edge Hill U Earns Keep Britain Tidy Green Flag Award

(U.K.): The award recognizes the university’s efforts in minimizing the environmental impact of its activities, maintaining natural habitats through its commitment to biodiversity, and developing a sustainable campus for the enjoyment of students, staff and the local community.

Santa Fe CC Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The community college's Trades & Advanced Technology Center building boasts solar thermal and photovoltaic rooftop systems, concentrating solar hot water collectors, rainwater catchment for lavatory use, motion-sensing technology with LED lighting, all wood used is FSC-certified, zero use of refrigerants, and bicycle storage and parking spaces for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles.

Georgia State U Dining Halls Garner 'Green Restaurant' Certification

Two university dining halls were recently certified as a 2 Star Certified Green Restaurant by the Green Restaurant Association by implementing 54 steps in the areas of disposables, energy, food, furnishings and building materials, pollution and chemical reduction, waste and water usage.

U Southern California Adds Composting to Athletic Games

Building on the university’s efforts to reduce the tons of waste produced each football game, the university stadium's trash cans will be transformed into compost bins this football season, as the 90,000-seat facility attempts to achieve “zero waste” status in collaboration with the university's Office of Sustainability.

U Texas-Rio Grande Valley-Edinburg Receives Tree Campus USA Designation

The Arbor Day Foundation recognized the campus this summer with the Tree Campus USA designation for its commitment to effective urban forest management and engaging the campus community in environmental stewardship.

Purdue University Launches Bike-Share Program

As a means of providing fun, clean and convenient transportation, the university recently announced the official launch of the Purdue Bike Share program, allowing members to use bicycles for varying lengths of time. Costs to use the system are based on the duration of usage.

Adelphi U Partners on Energy Efficiency Implementation

Using a cash-flow neutral strategy that aligns the cost of payments to annual energy savings, the university will implement a new co-generation central heating plant that is projected to carry a $1.6 million per year avoidance in energy expenditures. The university's financing partner is First American Education Finance.

U Maryland Provides Reusable Cups to Students

This year, the university's Dining Services decided to supply students with dining plans (over 8,000) with a reusable cup that can be used at any campus dining hall and convenience shop for unlimited tea, coffee and fountain beverages.

University World News: 'Open Education the Sustainable Way in the Knowledge Age'

The recent article from University World News says most models of higher education are based on the presumption of perpetual growth. The author argues that the only way to widen access to tertiary education sustainably is through an open access model, and that education is key to creating models of growth that do not rely on scarce resources.

AASHE Releases 2015 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey Report

The 2015 Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey examines the nature of sustainability positions at colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada, providing insights into salaries, funding, supervision, job satisfaction, challenges and more. This report aims to increase our understanding of the continuously growing career field of sustainability in higher education.

Virginia Commonwealth U Students Use UCI Cycling Championships to Study Recycling

Students in a class organized by the university’s Office of Sustainability will log, map and analyze tweets sent by the 450,000 spectators anticipated at the upcoming UCI Road World Cycling Championships and will use geographic informations systems to produce maps, study the location of existing recycling resources, and create proposals on how to guide crowds toward resources with signage.

Vassar College Achieves Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Certification

The college's new designation as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary through the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP) recognizes the college for upholding environmental and habitat stewardship.

400 Pennsylvania Professors Urge Lawmakers to Tackle Climate Change

In response to ongoing debate surrounding the Environmental Protection Agency’s finalized Clean Power Plan, professors, researchers and lecturers at 29 Pennsylvania universities, as well as Harvard and Georgetown Universities, recently signed a letter emphasizing scientific research on climate change and urging lawmakers to implement a strong state plan that minimizes carbon pollution.

U North Carolina Chapel Hill Dining Receives Sustainability Award

The university was recently named the grand prize winner in the National Association of College & University Food Services' 2015 Sustainability Awards competition, which honors colleges and universities that have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the promotion and implementation of sustainability specifically in dining services.

U Maryland Building Receives LEED and Green Globes Recognition

A new campus building that houses the Department of Building and Landscape Maintenance recently achieved LEED Silver certification and a rating of Three Green Globes from the Green Building Initiative rating system. This is the first University of Maryland building to receive dual recognition from both LEED and Green Globes.

U Alberta Pilots Mattress Recycling

The university collaborated with Re-Matt, a new, mattress recycling company, in an effort to reduce the amount of mattresses that end up in landfills and illegally dumped. Re-Matt is able to recycle up to 95 percent of a mattress into reusable products.

Virginia Tech Rolls Out Reusable To-Go Containers

Upon arrival this semester, students received a reusable to-go container made from sugar cane that can be used in three dining centers. The distribution of reusable containers is an effort to reduce the usage of disposables and the amount of waste generated on campus.

Eastern Washington U Buliding Receives LEED Gold Certification

The university's largest academic building, Patterson Hall, now includes a new glass facade for natural lighting, low maintenance landscaping and low environmental impact materials.

Morehead State U Wins Grant for Recycling Bins

The university's Sustainability Committee received a Kentucky Pride Recycling grant for $10,701 and a $2,300 donation from G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers Inc., to purchase 1,250 six-gallon recycling totes for residence hall rooms. The idea for installing bins came from a student during the 2015 RecycleMania competition.

U Alberta Contracts With Green Cleaning Partners

Aligning with the university’s Cleaning for a Healthy U program, the university’s Buildings and Grounds Services recently announced a new primary custodial services business contract, Avmor, Wesclean Equipment & Cleaning Supplies and BeeClean Building Maintenance, to provide environmentally friendly cleaning products and cleaning equipment.

Indiana U Debuts Farmers Market

Aligned with the university's participation in the Real Food Challenge, the campus community can now purchase locally grown produce at a weekly farmers market.

Bristol CC Unveils 3.2MW Solar Parking Canopy

Part of the zero net energy campus plan, the newly completed 3.2-megawatt photovoltaic array covering 800 parking spaces will supply about half of the electricity needs of the entire campus. The project is expected to provide more than $1.75 million in savings to the campus over the next 20 years.

New Study Reveals Energy Efficiency is Key to Meeting Goals

According to a new study commissioned by Schneider Electric and the Alliance to Save Energy, U.S. higher education institutions recognize that energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way to meet their energy needs while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions and cutting costs.

North Carolina State U Stadium Implements Composting

University Athletics and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Office are partnering to add stadium composting bins, which will be used to collect food waste and other organic material from each game during the 2015 football season. Collected material will be combined with other campus food waste and turned into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

AASHE Releases 2014 Annual Report

The purpose of the recently released report is to provide members, prospective members and others with an overview of the accomplishments of AASHE in 2014. The report provides a snapshot of the following areas: Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS), Listening Project, Conference & Expo, Sustainability Awards, professional development, and councils and committees.

California State U System Funds Sustainability Curriculum Development

The university's systemwide Campus as a Living Lab (CALL) program provides up to $12,000 to each campus to support the redesign of an existing course that ties in sustainability and campus facilities. This year, 21 teams from 19 universities received grants supporting water conservation, energy and waste reduction, and enhanced partnerships with local utilities.

Sierra Magazine Releases Cool Schools Ranking

Sierra Magazine has published its ninth annual Cool Schools ranking of America's most sustainable four-year undergraduate colleges and universities, based on data submitted through AASHE's STARS reporting system. The rankings are intended to spur productive competition between schools, raise campus eco-standards and publicly reward the institutions. Photo courtesy of Peter Morenus/U Connecticut

16 Universities to Participate in Reusable Cup Contest

Kill the Cup recently announced the participating schools that will engage in a four-week, nationwide campaign that encourages students, staff and faculty across the country to reduce waste from disposable coffee cups. The campaign, which runs from Oct. 5-30, will reward the university that serves the highest percentage of drinks in reusable cups at participating coffee shops.

U Washington Receives NACDA Sustainability Award

Honored for the renovation and sustainable operations of its football stadium, the university was recently received the inaugural Sustainability Award from the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics and USG Corporation. The stadium showcases the natural environment and carries a 75 percent waste diversion rate.

U California Merced Student Proposal Amplifies Student Engagement

Winning the first-ever Chancellor's Advisory Committee's Sustainability Proposal Writing Contest, undergraduate student Andrew John De Los Santos' proposal includes providing information to residence halls during move-in and providing "triple zero" workshops. Triple Zero is the university's pledge to consume zero net energy, produce zero waste and zero net greenhouse gas emissions, all by 2020.

North Carolina State U to Salvage 55-Year Old Building

Opened in 1961 and is slated for deconstruction in 2016, the construction waste management plan for the university's round building indicates 95 percent diversion rate through donation or transfer of usable items and working with a facility that specialized in construction and demolition waste in order to reuse and recycle nonhazardous material.

Michigan State U Students Establish Beehive in Campus Neighborhood

The university's Bee Club is combining pollinator research and student learning by engaging Bailey Hall residents with a honeybee hive atop their green roof. The honeybee hive is providing students with a unique opportunity to manage a fully-functional colony and helping to diminish the fear associated with these critical pollinators.

Eastern Mennonite U Partners to Grow Food Initiative Program

Recent partnerships have enabled the university's Sustainable Food Initiative to install solar panels on campus farm chicken coops and create a farm-to-table initiative with a locally-owned farm.

Indiana U Bloomington Sustainability Office Hosts Students from Istanbul

Following a 2014 program that brought together Turkish and American students from five universities, seven Turkish students spent time with sustainability offices at the Indiana University and University of Chicago to learn about campus gardens and composting, fossil fuel consumption and alternative utility initiatives, and first year experiences that incorporate sustainability.

U California Merced Class Helps Certify LEED Buildings

In partnership with the university's Engineering Service Learning course, students will document and certify the campus’ applications for the LEED operations and maintenance program rating system and provide students with the opportunity to take the LEED credentialing examination.