U California Riverside to Launch Sustainability Science Degree Program

Offered through the Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, the interdisciplinary bachelor of science degree will focus on challenges to sustainability such as climate change, air and water pollution, toxic contamination, energy demands, economic growth, agricultural production, and environmental degradation.

Inside Higher Ed 'Minimum Wage Hike'

The article discusses the recent trend among colleges and universities to increase minimum wages above what's required by states and the federal government due to concerns about equitable pay for all employee, changes in local ordinances, or pressure from workers' advocates.

Idaho State U Receives 50 Recycling Bins

As part of a national recycling grant from Keep America Beautiful and The Coca-Cola Foundation, the new bins will be placed around six buildings on campus. The university was chosen by Keep America Beautiful based on the extent of its need, recycling experience, and its ability to sustain the program in the future.

U Kentucky Partners to Provide Campus With Free Public Transit

In an effort to strengthen its relationship with the city, the university and the Lexington Transit Authority, better known as Lextran, have partnered to offer faculty, staff and students free transit on Lextran bus routes simply by showing a valid identification card.

Michigan State U Students Create Stormwater Walking Tour

Funded by the university's student sustainability fee, the new walking program is a self-directed tour that educates participants about the various methods of stormwater management the campus has integrated into its built environment in order to protect and preserve the state's Red Cedar River.

U Hawai'i Mānoa Plans for Net Zero Energy

The university continues to add occupied space and decrease energy usage through a focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and evaluating the natural qualities of a piece of land when assessing building design.

Eastern Washington U Divests from Fossil Fuels

In June 2015, The university's board of trustees unanimously supported a motion to divest its endowed funds from fossil fuel investments and further directed the university to pursue socially responsible investment strategies. The university in the process of developing a comprehensive sustainability master plan to align with its strategic plan.

U West England Tests Urine-to-Energy Project

(U.K.): Led by the university's Bristol BioEnergy Center, urine is used as a biofuel that generates electricity to light up urinals. The technology, tested at a music festival, is being developed to improve lives in refugee camps set up in areas suffering the impacts of environmental disaster, war zones, and areas without sanitation or electricity infrastructure.

U California System Supports Gender Identity Inclusivity

The university system is adding optional questions to undergraduate applications about sexual orientation and gender identity in an effort to allow its colleges and universities to track enrollment and graduating students from a range of orientations and identities. It also announced that, starting July 1, all new construction projects or major renovations will include gender-neutral restrooms.

Columbia U Divests from Private Prison Companies

Following a student activist campaign, the university's trustees decided to divest its endowment from two private companies that run prisons, detention centers, and militarized borders, and will refrain from investing in such companies again.

NY Times: 'A College in Maine That Tackles Climate Change, One Class at a Time'

The New York Times article cites the College of the Atlantic for using project-based learning to engage students outside of the classroom specifically around the issues of climate change and energy. The article says the college "takes an interdisciplinary approach to human ecology, the study of the interaction between people and their social and physical environments."

U Illinois Urbana-Champaign Institutes Net Zero Growth Space Policy

To halt growth of gross square footage in buildings on the university's campus, a commitment made in the 2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan, the new policy, which went into effect July 1, 2015, is meant to reduce the campus carbon footprint with more efficient space use in future projects and renovations.

College of Charleston Adopts Resolution on Confederate Battle Flag

After a recent shooting, which ended fatally for one of the college's long-time librarians, the college's board of trustees recently announced the resolution that calls for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the South Carolina State House grounds.

New Mexico State U Student Gardens Display New Irrigation System

A newly constructed rainwater harvesting system, consisting of the collection and storage of precipitation for use on site, will serve as a teaching and learning tool for students by encouraging cost-benefit analysis, calculating storage tank capacity, and how much water is needed for each crop.

Three Universities Receive $600K From Energy Dept

Drexel University, Georgia Tech and University of California, Davis have been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to receive $200,000 each to support building energy efficiency research and development funding, develop partnerships with industry, and improve manufacturing education. More than 50 percent of expenditures in each project will be used to support undergraduate students.

Boston U Publishes 2014 Sustainability Report

The recently published report indicates the university has reached it's greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals six years early, along with a 13 percent reduction in waste from 2006 to 2014. The report also discusses achievements and future work in the areas of curriculum, buildings, climate, dining services, grounds and purchasing.

North Carolina State U Gets Water Re-Use Line

A mutually beneficial water reclamation project jointly run by the city of Raleigh and the university’s Centennial Campus will provide a cheaper source of non-potable water for irrigating the campus' golf course, and eventually the central utility plant, on the 1,100-acre research campus.

U Wisconsin Milwaukee Participates in Town-Gown Bike Challenge

In an effort to bolster biking as an alternative mode of transportation, the university and other nearby colleges created a new challenge in this year's National Bike Challenge by creating a league competition against the local government.

Eastern Washington U Receives 2015 Higher Education Recycler of the Year award

The university was recently honored as the 2015 Higher Education Recycler of the Year by the Washington State Recycling Association for dedication toward strengthening and expanding recycling and waste prevention practices.

Bowdoin College Earns EPA Recognition for Reducing Emissions

The college was recently named a 2015 winner of the Energy Star Combined Heat and Power Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA commended the college for high operating efficiencies on its combined heat and power system, which provides space heating and hot water for 56 buildings totaling 1.4 million square feet, and saving the college $138,000 a year.

Pennsylvania State U Helps Earn Cycle-Friendly Status

Walk Score, a company that gathers data about a location’s walkability, bikeability and access to public transit, recently ranked State College, the town surrounding the university, in the top 10 most bicycle-friendly cities. Walk Score rated 154 cities based on a locations bike lanes, hills, destinations and road connectivity, and bike commuting mode share.

Auburn U Recognized Green Ribbon School by Energy Department

The university was recently recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy as a 2015 Green Ribbon School in its inaugural postsecondary sustainability award category. The Green Ribbon School initiative aims bolster reduction of environmental impacts and costs, improve health and wellness of schools, students and staff, and provide an environmental education.

Appalachian State U Unveils Outdoor Educational Space

The new outdoor learning space that includes seven wooden benches constructed from locally harvested wood now resides on the university's Living Learning Center campus.

Florida International U Students Produce Video on Rising Sea Level

The documentary, a compilation of stories that were produced by 33 video production students at the university’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication, features first-person narratives that take viewers through the Everglades, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale beach and the Keys where community leaders describe themselves as “the canary in the coal mine” of sea level rise.

Pennsylvania State U Students Plan Student Farm

Dozens of students are now involved in planning a student-centered farm initiative that includes plans for a new minor in sustainable food systems. Students are involved in strategy for the future farm including what farming techniques will be deployed, research about financial resources and workforce of other student farms, and fundraising.

Towson U Honored by Energy Department for Reductions

The university's Better Building Challenge goal to reduce usage 20 percent by 2020 and 13 percent reduction since 2010 was lauded by the U.S. Department of Energy at the recently held Better Buildings Challenge Summit.

Inside Higher Ed 'Sugar Out, Diet In'

A recently published article spotlights the University of California at San Francisco, where all programs are in the health professions, for becoming the first college to stop the sale of sugary beverages on campus but wouldn't prevent diet sodas from being sold. The move comes after work from university researchers identified negative health effects from a large intake of sugar-filled beverages.

Georgetown U to Divest From Direct Investments in Coal Companies

The university's board of directors recently passed a resolution stating that the university will not make or continue any direct investments of endowment funds in companies whose principal business is mining coal for use in energy production.

Barnard College Announces Transgender Admission Policy

Following a full year of conversations and consultation with a wide range of resources, a recent board of trustees meeting approved a policy to "consider for admission those applicants who consistently live and identify as women, regardless of gender assigned to them at birth."

Stanford U Pilots Green Lab Program

The new university Cardinal Green Labs program aims to provide resources specifically tailored for laboratories to help them operate as sustainably as possible. The pilot program is a 30-minute online assessment that identifies how sustainable the lab currently is and points out tips for improvement.

San Diego State U Buildings Earn LEED Certifications

The university's student union received Platinum with a green roof, Forest Stewardship Council certified doors, daylighting, solar panels and rainwater capture and reuse. The recreation center earned a Gold rating after being renovated with photovoltaic panels and high-efficient fluorescent light fixtures.

U Florida Tackles Student Hunger With Food Pantry

The university will soon open its first food pantry in summer 2015 to provide food-insecure campus members with nonperishable and fresh goods from the on-campus farm. The pantry will also provide the campus community with education tools to improve their lifestyle, including cooking and nutrition classes for people who want to establish healthier eating habits.

Pennsylvania State U to Participate in Emergency Electricity Reduction Test

The university will soon request that all campus employees and students reduce the overall electrical load for one hour. The objective of the program is to protect the day-to-day electric grid reliability to help avoid blackouts. If successful, the university will receive compensation proportional to the load drop, and those funds will be used to support additional energy conservation projects.

Catawba College Completes Portion of 1MW Solar Installation

The college recently completed one phase of a multi-system, nearly one-megawatt photovoltaic installation. All eight of the systems will be constructed on rooftops as opposed to requiring more land resources.

Lehigh U Raises Record Amount Through End of Year Sale

A small group of faculty, staff, students and administrators managed to raise over $19,000 through this year's sale of unwanted and discarded goods from students, faculty and staff.

Trinity Washington U Adjuncts Form Union

Adjuncts at the university recently voted to form a union affiliated with Service Employees International Union. The count was 74 in favor and 54 opposed.

Florida International U Collaborates on 1.6MW Solar Power Research Operation

The university and Florida Power & Light Company recently agreed to build a commercial-scale, 1.6-megawatt solar electric facility that will both generate electricity for 4.8 million customers and serve as an research operation. The project involves the installation of more than 5,700 solar panels on 23 canopy-like structures.

Rhode Island School of Design Pledges to Stop Investing in Fossil Fuel Companies

At its May meeting, the school’s board of trustees voted unanimously to divest the college endowment from investments in fossil fuel extraction-company stocks and bonds. The decision came after a two-year study was prompted by students and faculty.

Northwestern U Signs Real Food Commitment

First university in the Big Ten to sign a campus commitment to increase the percentage of "real food", the commitment calls for 20 percent of the university's dining hall food to meet the Real Food Challenge's definition of real food, defined as ecologically sound, community-based, humanely produced or fair trade.

U Illinois Chicago Proposes Sustainability Teaching and Research Plan

The overarching goal of the newly proposed investment in sustainability is to advance the frontier of knowledge about attitudes towards and the practice of sustainability among all campus members through education, research and leadership. The document calls upon institutions of higher ed to expand educational goals and outcomes, and adopt policies that integrate principles of sustainability.

U Illinois Hosts Energy Boot Camp

In its fifth year, the university's Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy held a workshop that included energy-focused lectures, panel discussions, site visits, networking events and collaborative projects that give participants the opportunity to create a real-world solution through an intense project that addresses the scientific, economic, business and policy side of implementation.

Three Schools Cutting Annual Energy Costs by Over $5M

With assistance from National Grid and GreenerU, Clark University, College of the Holy Cross and Worcester Polytechnic Institute are collaboratively participating in an initiative that encourages energy conservation, carbon reduction measures, and campaigns involving behavior change and are estimated to generate approximately $5 to $6 million in cost avoidance over the next five years.

Maharishi U Management Student New Fermented Foods Business

After taking a course in soil ecology, Daniel Gorman became interested in the body's balance of bacteria and developed a new packaged product of fermented vegetables that boosts gut flora.

Ohio State U Students Create Recycling App

Funded by an Alcoa Foundation grant of $100,000, the new Android app, RecycleNow, helps communities maximize their recycling efforts by providing municipalities the ability to explore the economic, environmental and social impact of potential changes to their existing recycling programs.

Williams College Opens Environmental Center

Designed to be a Living Building Challenge (LBC) building, the college's newest structure has office space for faculty and staff, a classroom, study areas, two small conference areas, a commercial kitchen, an outdoor amphitheater, and a number of gardens all related to the LBC's guidelines that stipulate minimal negative impact on human and ecosystem health, and support local manufacturers.

Northern Arizona U Transforms Trash Cans Into Planters

As a result of placing 130 Big Belly receptacles throughout campus, old trash bins were creatively repurposed into flower planters for the summer.

EPA Releases 2014-15 College & University Green Power Challenge Results

The Environmental Protection Agency recently concluded the Green Power Challenge and recognized a Champion Green Power Conference as well as the largest single green power users within each participating conference as 2014-15 EPA Green Power Challenge conference champions.

U Oregon Selects New Bicycle Registration Partner

With bike thievery the single largest category of crimes on the university's campus, Project 529 allows campus community members to easily register their bicycle, and includes an identity sticker that allows police officers to easily identify the true owner.

U Utah Wins Accolades from EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized the university as a top school for green power purchasing in its College and University Green Power Challenge. The university ranked eighth in the nation by purchasing 85,926,100 kilowatt-hours of renewable energy.

Net Impact's Small Steps, Big Wins Announces Winners

For the third year, students around the world proved that a big difference can start with a small step. Over the course of the 2014-15 academic year, almost 5,000 students across 71 campuses completed 113,000 small actions, ranging from recycling and taking public transit to volunteering in their communities.