New Mexico State U Housing Achieves LEED Gold

The university’s new Chamisa II multi-family home structure features a water collection system that takes water from the roof of each building and drains it into storage ponds for use in irrigation systems. Additional sustainable features include drought-resistant landscaping, recycled insulation, low-flow plumbing and energy-efficient appliances.

U Iowa IT Facility Earns LEED Platinum

The university's first LEED Platinum building features a bio-retention cell to retain and absorb water run-off, serving as a natural filter and providing erosion control. Additional sustainable features include low-emitting and green building materials, bicycle storage and shower facilities, efficient fixtures and a white roof to reduce the heat island effect.

U Louisville School of Dentistry Renovation Awarded LEED Silver

Green renovations including more efficient HVAC systems and lighting occupancy sensors are expected to increase energy efficiency by 7 percent and reduce annual water usage by 534,455 gallons. The project includes more than 30 percent recycled and regional materials.

2 Langara College Buildings Earn LEED Gold

The college's Student’s Union/Building C complex features a thermal energy exchange system that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions from heating and cooling. The college's Library/Classroom Building has received additional accolades including the Canadian Architecture Award of Excellence and the Sustainable Architecture & Building Award.

Loyola U Chicago Debuts Green Building

Home to a number of centers and classrooms, the newest building on the university’s Lake Shore Campus includes a high performance exterior enclosure, in-slab radiant heating and cooling, and an atrium that passively induces natural stack-effect ventilation. Cuneo Hall is seeking LEED Gold certification.

Stanford Graduate Business School Building Achieves LEED Platinum

Sustainable features of the Knight Management Center include rooftop photovoltaic panels, extensive daylighting, and a grey water system that reduces potable water use for sewer conveyance by 80 percent. Fifty percent of the site is devoted to open space.

U Arkansas Little Rock Residence Hall Receives LEED Gold

Sustainable features of the second LEED-certified project on campus include: a roof constructed with reflective materials, landscaping that combines native and adapted vegetation with efficient irrigation, and low-flow plumbing fixtures. More than 88 percent of the construction waste was diverted from landfills.

U Michigan Law School Building Receives LEED Gold

(U.S.): Sustainable features of the Law School South Hall academic building include maximum insulation, reduction of lighting levels through occupancy sensors and low-flow plumbing fixtures.

College of the Holy Cross Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

Sustainable features of the $19.2 million dorm include a secure interior bike storage room, low-flow fixtures, occupancy sensors and regionally sourced and recycled materials. This is the second LEED Gold-certified project on campus.

Harvard U Receives 8th Biolab LEED Certification

The Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ Mango Lab is the eighth space within the university’s Biological Laboratories Building to receive LEED certification. Sustainable features of the LEED Silver-certified space include efforts to divert waste from landfills, locally sourced materials and occupancy sensors.

U Colorado Boulder Sports Facility Earns LEED Platinum

The 44,000-square-foot volleyball and basketball practice facility includes rooftop solar panels that are capable of providing 10 to 12 percent of the building’s electricity. The structure is cooled with an evaporative system and is outfitted with low-flow plumbing fixtures, efficient lighting and high-performance insulation and windows.

U Iowa Renovation Earns LEED Gold

The first LEED renovation on campus, clinical psychology hub Stuit Hall incorporates daylighting, a rain garden to capture stormwater, occupancy sensors, low-VOC and formaldehyde-free products, energy-efficient mechanicals, and recycling storage and collection centers on every floor.

U Louisville Installs First Green Roof

The new Sky Garden is expected to trim 25 percent from heating and cooling costs in the two-story building it covers. Draining to a rain garden below to help prevent campus flooding, the roof sits atop a new business school addition.

Columbia U Achieves LEED for Neighborhood Development-Platinum

The university’s upcoming 17-acre Manhattanville campus has received the first LEED for Neighborhood Development-Platinum certification for a university campus plan in the U.S. To be built on a former industrial site, the campus will be an energy-efficient, pedestrian-oriented community that combines local retail, culture and green space. The campus is designed to create connections between the university and local communities, and between West Harlem and the revitalized Hudson River waterfront in New York City.

Central U Jharkhand Plans Eco-Friendly Campus

(India): The university has applied for a four-star rating with the Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, India's national ratings system for green buildings. The university is designing a campus that uses minimum energy to power itself; uses efficient equipment to meet its lighting and air-conditioning needs and maximize the use of renewable sources of energy; uses efficient waste and water management practices; and provides comfortable and hygienic indoor working conditions.

Chabot CC Student Center Achieves LEED Platinum

(U.S.): The Community and Student Services Center features a glazing that keeps glare and temperature under control throughout the day.

Deferred Maintenance of Campus Buildings On the Rise

(U.S.): Deferred maintenance of aging campus buildings remains a nagging burden and recent trends suggest that the situation could be getting worse, reports a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article. The need for repairs and modernization has risen since the start of the 2008 recession, particularly at public institutions, and many major universities can tally their maintenance needs in the hundreds of millions of dollars. With state money receding and philanthropy an unreliable source of relief, notes the article, colleges increasingly face two options: charge students higher fees or borrow more money.

New U Buffalo Engineering Building to Seek LEED Gold

(U.S.): The new 130,000-square-foot building features "locally sourced and recycled materials; day lighting and smart controls to reduce consumption; bio-retention swales; and a green roof to reduce run-off," the university's Chief Sustainability Officer Ryan A. McPherson tells AASHE Bulletin. The new facility has been nominated as a finalist for Business First’s Green Brick By Brick award and received the Best New Educational Facility from the trade publication.

Union College Research and Education Building Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): The three-story, 35,000-square-foot facility features real-time metering for energy systems, LED light fixtures, and post-consumer and post-industrial recycled building materials.

U California San Diego Student Housing Achieves LEED Platinum

Providing housing for 516 students, the apartment building's shape and arrangement works to capture prevailing winds near the Pacific Ocean to lessen the need for mechanical air conditioning. An on-site wastewater-recycling project provides landscape irrigation water.

U Massachusetts Amherst Music Building Earns LEED Gold

The university has received its first LEED certification with the new 15,000-square-foot George N. Parks Minutemen Marching Band Building, which features efficient mechanical systems, plumbing fixtures and lighting. More than 75 percent of construction waste was recycled.

Germanna CC Debuts Green Science & Engineering Commons

The community college’s new $25 million Science & Engineering and Information Commons building will be used to teach students, faculty and visitors about environmental technology, energy efficiency and sustainability. Using the mechanical systems and renewable energy features of the building, students will gain hands-on experience monitoring and calibrating a working green building. Sustainable features include a vegetated roof, passive solar heating, automatic shades, skylights for ambient lighting, native plant landscaping and a rainfall harvesting system to provide water for the restrooms.

Harvard U Achieves 75 LEED Certifications

The milestone represents over 2.4 million square feet of LEED New Construction, Commercial Interiors, Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance and Homes systems. The renovated Harvard Yard Child Care Center and Oxford Street Daycare Cooperative are the latest LEED certifications for the university.

Pennsylvania State U Building Awarded LEED Gold

The Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building includes a range of sustainability strategies including rainwater collection and a heat-recovery system. In collaboration with students, a "Sustainability Awareness" signage program has also been implemented in the building.

Wake Forest U Barn Earns LEED Silver

The on-campus student social venue is first building on campus to feature solar electric PV cells. Surrounded by wildlife and accessible via walking path, the building also features energy-efficient fans to cool the space in the hottest months.

Ohio State U Dining Commons Achieves LEED Silver

The university's Kennedy Commons features the original exterior from 1955, an effort to preserve the historic exterior of the building and minimize construction debris. Additional sustainable features include low VOC building materials and the reuse of existing furniture. Seventy-five percent of the construction waste was recycled.

U California Riverside Research Building Earns LEED Gold

Sustainable features of the university's School of Medicine Research Building include automatic solar shades, natural habitat landscaping, LED lighting and alternative transportation parking.

Harvard U Lab Renovation Earns LEED Platinum

(U.S.): A two-year demolition and reconstruction project to accommodate the Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Department has earned the Sherman Fairchild Building a LEED Commercial Interiors Platinum certification. New energy efficiency measures include an internal heat shift chiller that captures heat from high-load zones and redistributes it to other parts of the building; occupancy sensors that close fume hoods automatically when not in use; and windows to provide natural ventilation in non-lab spaces.

U Queensland Facility Awarded Green Star Certification

(Australia): The university’s new Advanced Engineering Building has received a 5 Star Green Star rating from the Green Building Council of Australia. Sustainable features include a passive cooling system, natural ventilation, the use of recycled materials and building-wide monitoring systems that track the building’s environmental performance.

Champlain College Restoration Awarded LEED Platinum

The $12 million renovation and expansion of the college's Welcome and Admission Center features a geothermal heat pump to provide space heating and cooling, ecological landscaping for wildlife habitat and stormwater reduction, energy-efficient lighting and the use of local and recycled building materials.

Eastern Michigan U Installs Green Roof

The 3,000-square-foot rooftop garden, installed atop the university's new Science Complex, contains 16 plant species and is expected to save the university $3,600 in energy costs per year.

Maharishi U Mgmt Debuts Net-Zero Sustainable Living Center

Together, the building's 58 solar panels and 100-foot wind turbine are capable of producing 25 kilowatts, contributing to the building's ability to produce more energy than it consumes annually. Other energy-saving features include a heat pump and geothermal tubing, extensive use of daylighting, and strategic placement of windows and verandas. As more funds are raised, the university plans to take the center completely off the grid with respect to electricity, heating, cooling, water and waste.

Public Institutions Caught in Maintenance Funding Conundrum

In what Inside Higher Ed is calling "the other debt crisis," public colleges and universities are issuing their own debt to finance facility renovations, reports the online news source. Facing aging campuses, several years of backlogged maintenance projects, increased competition for students and little hope that states are going to fund the construction they need, institutions are "now catching up for several years of not being funded appropriately." Institutions that can't issue cheap debt are faced with choosing whether to hold off on projects (leading to an aging and potentially unsafe campus and more expensive renovations in the future), or funding projects from their operating budgets, potentially siphoning off resources for other priorities like faculty salaries and student services.

Rice U Renovation Earns LEED Silver

Sustainable features of the renovation of Will Rice College include salvaged roofing materials, water-efficient fixtures, occupancy sensors for lights and 54 new bicycle parking spots.

Cal State U Fullerton Student Housing Achieves LEED Platinum

The project was designed and constructed with energy-efficient management systems, low water use, on-site material recycling and high efficiency lighting, glass and window systems.

George Washington U Dorm Renovation Earns LEED Gold

The renovation of Lafayette Hall includes water-efficient plumbing fixtures, natural daylight, thermal controls for all occupants, and energy-efficient windows, walls and insulation.

Southern Methodist U Grand Ballroom Earns LEED Certification

Sustainable features of the Martha Proctor Mack Grand Ballroom renovation includes updated heating and air conditioning, new energy-efficient windows, locally sourced and manufactured materials, and low-flow plumbing.

Syracuse U Basketball Center Awarded LEED Certification

The 54,000 square-foot complex is designed to use 30 percent less water and almost 20 percent less energy than a typical new building. About 20 percent of the materials used in the building are made from recycled materials and more than half of the construction and demolition waste was recycled or reused.

Finger Lakes CC Opens Green Student Center

(U.S.): The 78,000-square-foot building features stone quarried in the state, sustainably harvested wood products, 192 solar panels, low-maintenance landscaping, and high-efficiency heating and cooling systems.

Indiana U Unveils Net-Zero Office of Sustainability Headquarters

(U.S.): E-House features a 4-kilowatt photovoltaic system, geothermal heating and cooling system, LED Lamps and efficient storm windows. Excess generated electricity will be sold back to the grid in a net metering agreement with Duke Energy.

Vanderbilt U Library Renovation Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): Sustainable features of the Central Library renovation include low-flow plumbing and an enhanced use of natural lighting. Seventy-five percent of demolition waste was recycled.

Appalachian State U Dorm Awarded LEED Gold

The second LEED Gold certification for Appalachian State University (North Carolina), the new residence hall received high marks for stewardship in areas including erosion control, landscaping and stormwater controls. Additional sustainable features include energy-efficient lighting, solar thermal and low-flow plumbing fixtures.

Bowling Green State U Achieves First LEED Gold

Bowling Green State University’s (Ohio) Stroh Center incorporates a variety of sustainable strategies including the optimization of heating and air conditioning performance, construction waste management, regional and recycled materials, and water-efficient restroom accessories. The building was also made accessible to alternative transportation.

Columbia U Awarded Several LEED Certifications

In its winter 2012 newsletter, Columbia University (New York) reports several recent LEED certifications including LEED Gold for its research facility, Northwest Corner, and University Medical Center; and LEED Silver for its administrative Studebaker building.

Moraine Valley CC Education Center Earns LEED Platinum

Moraine Valley Community College’s (Illinois) Southwest Education Center features a geothermal system, bioswales in the parking lot, low-flow plumbing fixtures and a green roof.

U Arizona Residence Halls Earn LEED Platinum

The University of Arizona’s two newest residence halls feature rainwater harvesting, drought tolerant landscaping, low-flow plumbing and a web-based software that allows students to monitor the amount of energy the building uses.

Harvard Lab Earns LEED Silver

Harvard University's (MA) Kramer Lab has earned LEED Silver certification. A heavy focus was placed on the reuse of existing elements, as well as the application of sustainable furniture and materials. The lab is the Faculty of Arts and Sciences' 25th LEED certification, achieving an average total 25.4 percent reduction in lighting power density.

New York U Law Building Achieves LEED Platinum

New York University’s WILF Hall has been awarded LEED Platinum certification. A green roof and two planted terraces help insulate the building year-round and filter pollutants out of rainwater, reducing runoff into the sewers. More than 90 percent of all construction and demolition debris was reused or recycled. Additional features include bicycle storage and showers for commuting riders.

U Iowa Lab Awarded LEED Gold

The University of Iowa's State Hygienic Laboratory has earned LEED Gold certification. The building's grounds feature xeriscaping, which uses plants suited to the climate so that no special watering is needed. Ninety percent of the building has access to natural light and more than one-third of the building products are made from recycled content.

U Maryland Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

The University of Maryland, College Park’s Oakland Hall has become the first LEED-certified dorm on campus with a LEED Gold designation. The residence hall features low-flow plumbing fixtures, energy-efficient lighting and solar reflective surfaces on the roof to lower the building's air conditioning use.