Western U Gallery Renovation Achieves LEED Silver

The renovation of the art gallery features high-performance windows, LED lighting, and sensory controlled lights and ventilation. The gallery uses locally sourced walnut frames for displaying artwork.

Chandler-Gilbert CC Opens Environmental Technology Center

The Environmental Technology Center will serve as an outdoor learning center that incorporates a garden, shaded area, and a ramada with solar panels. The project was funded through Salt River Project’s EarthWise Energy program.

Frostburg State U Opens Sustainable Energy Research Facility

The Sustainable Energy Research Facility (SERF) will be home to a wide variety of renewable energy research projects, while also serving as an instructional building for classes related to renewable energy. The 6,300-square-foot building itself will be a demonstration and test center, as it will be entirely off-grid, powered and heated with all renewable sources including a combination of solar, wind, passive solar, and hydrogen fuel cell technology. The construction, equipping and staffing of SERF has been supported by two grants from the U.S. Department of Energy totaling nearly $1.6 million.

Husson U Living and Learning Center Earns LEED Gold

The 61,000-square-foot multi-use facility incorporates energy efficiency systems including a drainwater heat recovery system, solar hot water system, low-flow faucets, and daylight dimming controls in the classrooms. The facility is also equipped with a Green Education dashboard that will provided water and electricity usage data to help create awareness and modify occupant behavior.

New Aviation Wing at Chukchi College Pioneers Alternative Energy

The college’s new $1.8 million expansion project includes the installation of 16 solar panels and community training for battery and other alternative energy equipment storage. The project also explores alternative energy systems tied to existing grids with battery storage and off-grid systems with battery storage for eventual use.

U South Carolina Renovation Achieves LEED Gold

The renovation of a campus residence hall features a lighting control program that allows university housing to set specific hours for lights to be on and off.

U Massachusetts Medical School Building Earns First LEED Silver

(U.S.): The 253,000-square-foot facility features a white roof to diminish the heat island effect, low-flow plumbing fixtures and recycled construction materials.

U North Dakota Dedicates Green Alumni Center

(U.S.): Designed to meet LEED Platinum requirements, the new center features solar photovoltaic panels, a geothermal system, native landscaping, and a designated room for the collection and storage of recyclables.

U Nottingham Debuts Sustainable Energy Research Facility

(U.K.): The new Energy Technologies Building features laboratory space for low-carbon research, a demonstration roof for solar panels and a prototyping facility in which researchers will be able to create full-scale building exteriors to test their energy efficiency. A newly installed hydrogen vehicle refueling station will be used for a small fleet of hydrogen-powered cars that will run in connection with research based projects at the building.

Coast CC District Campus Earns LEED Gold

The building features indoor gardens, a reclaimed water irrigation system, native landscaping and 20 percent of the construction material was manufactured locally.

Denison U Laboratory Renovation Receives LEED Gold

The $14.5 million expansion and renovation of the university’s Ebaugh Laboratories repurposed 800 tons of material from the demolition for the project and worked to bring in 20 percent of the new material from local companies ranging no more than 500 miles from campus. The facility also features drought tolerant native landscaping.

Loyola U New Orleans Renovation Awarded LEED Gold

The newly renovated Thomas Hall features low-flow plumbing fixtures, native and adaptive plantings, and 20 percent of materials within the building contain recycled content. Many opportunities for alternative transportation exist as part of the renovation including public transportation access and access for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles.

Portland State U Professors Design Greener Portable Classroom

Two professors have designed a portable classroom to be as affordable and more environmentally friendly than the portables used in schools. The new concept doubles the number of windows and includes features that improve ventilation, help better regulate temperature, and reduce heat lost. The university-designed classroom would cost around $75,000 while traditional portables cost $60,000.

U Colorado Boulder Building Achieves LEED Platinum

The 336,800-square-foot biotechnology facility features an array of large-scale solar panels, energy-efficient freezer compressors and lab exhaust fume hoods, evaporative cooling and low-flow plumbing.

Chamberlain College of Nursing Campus Achieves LEED Gold

The Cleveland campus is the first LEED Gold certification for the college. The building demonstrates the college’s effort to reduce the impact of its buildings on the environment and encourage sustainable business practices in local communities.

Drexel U Science Building Earns LEED Gold

The first facility on campus to achieve LEED certification features a living biowall, serving as a biological air filter for the building. The plants also naturally regulate the building’s temperature by cooling the air during warmer weather and acting as a humidifier during colder months.

Ivy Tech CC Renovation Receives LEED Silver

The newly renovated student life center is designed to use 50 percent less water and over 30 percent less energy than a typical building due to the use of waterless urinals, occupancy sensors and high-efficiency mechanical systems. The renovation also reused over 98 percent of the existing roof, slab and exterior walls.

Nova Scotia CC Unveils Green Home Living Lab

The house was constructed on campus to serve as an educational lab for students to learn about energy technologies used in a residential application. More than 30 monitoring and control points have been installed throughout the home to track energy consumption and help students and researchers determine the home’s efficiency.

Ohio Wesleyan U Debuts Green Renovation

The $14 million renovation of the university’s historic residence hall incorporates energy-efficient heating, cooling, and lighting systems as well as environmentally friendly building materials. The university plans to seek LEED certification.

Seminole State College of Florida Awarded First LEED Gold

The college’s $14.1 million classroom renovation features a reflective roof, low-flow plumbing, occupancy sensors, and wood-based products certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Frostburg State U Renovation Achieves LEED Gold

Sustainable features of Lane University Center include a white reflective roof, native plants, low-flow plumbing, and energy-efficient heating and lighting systems.

Gateway CC Debuts Downtown Green Campus

The college has transformed a former brownfield into a green facility as part of its downtown campus. Designed to achieve LEED Gold certification, sustainable features include a photovoltaic trellis, rooftop and outdoor gardens, bicycle storage and changing rooms, easy access to public transportation, and recycled building materials.

Okanagan College, U British Columbia Buildings Win Green Award

Buildings at both institutions were recognized by Sustainable Architecture and Building Magazine for practices including environmentally friendly water treatment, radiant heating, and renovating over new construction.

U California Merced Opens Green Student and Athletic Center

Designed to meet LEED Platinum requirements, the new center features sun shading to provide maximum daylighting with minimal solar gain, grass pavers for the fire lane, and drought tolerant native landscaping.

U Illinois Chicago Business School Building Earns LEED Gold

The second LEED-certified building on campus features the use of recycled materials, geothermal wells, solar panels and landscaping designed to optimize energy use.

Calhoun CC Debuts Green Energy Technology Center

(U.S.): The new Alabama Center for Excellence in Green Technology will be home to the college’s renewable energy associate degree program. Funded by a $3.47 million U.S. Department of Labor grant, the goal of the facility is to meet regional needs for certified practitioners in the areas of energy assessment and energy-efficient installation. The LEED-certified building features rainwater recycling that provides all gray water usage, a 20-kilowatt solar array, off the grid parking lights and a geothermal array.

Monash U Student Housing Achieves Green Rating

(Australia): A student residential development has achieved a Green Star rating for sustainable construction. The residences offer students low-cost housing funded through the National Rental and Affordability Scheme. Sustainable features include a gray water treatment facility, a 155-kilowatt photovoltaic system and garden beds and orchards that enable the students to harvest their own food.

U California System Achieves 100 LEED Certifications

With the recent LEED Gold certification of the University of California, Los Angeles’ Clinical and Translational Research Center, the University of California system has hit a milestone of 100 LEED-certified facilities. The UC system policy requires that all new buildings and major retrofits meet LEED standards, See also: AASHE Resources on Campus Green Buildings

U Connecticut Dedicates Green Classroom Building

Designed to meet LEED certifications, the classroom facility features a green roof and an exterior constructed of 85 percent recycled copper to increase weather resistance.

Linfield College Receives LEED Gold for Green Restoration

The historic classroom building features 85 solar panels, recycled construction materials and an educational LCD screen that monitors energy consumption, water use, heating use, solar energy production and weather data. Additional features include a "cool roof" that deflects heat and a digital control system that heats or cools the building based on classroom schedules and current temperatures.

Mid-South CC Dedicates Renewable Energy Center

Designed to meet LEED certifications, the building features a geothermal system that will generate as much energy as is consumed on-site. In partnership with Arkansas State University, Montana State University-Northern and the University of Memphis, the center will support entrepreneurs, workforce training and applied research in the use of renewable agricultural outputs.

U Rhode Island Opens Sustainable Pharmacy Building

The 144,000-square-foot science facility was designed to LEED standards. The indoor air distribution system works in concert with chilled beams, a system of radiant heating and cooling panels that reduces the need for large motors and fans. The concrete floors and wallboards contain waste fly ash and the ceiling tiles contain up to 80 percent recycled paper products. The building will serve as a green teaching laboratory for students who will be able to study medicinal plants in the garden and track and measure the quality of rainwater flowing through the site drainage system.

Harvard Law School Earns LEED Platinum for Office Renovation

Ninety-five percent of construction waste was diverted from landfill during the renovation of the Hauser Hall Basement Office Suite, which now features lighting, temperature and ventilation occupancy sensors, and materials manufactured within 500 miles of the project site.

Johnson County CC Debuts Green Classroom

Designed to meet LEED Platinum certifications, the classroom facility features an interactive computer screen and explanatory boards that introduce students to environmentally sensitive mechanical systems and sustainable features including rainwater harvesting, photovoltaic systems, net metering of electricity and a wind turbine. The building was designed and constructed by Studio 804, a nonprofit design-build project of graduate architecture students at the University of Kansas.

New Duquesne U Residence Hall to Seek LEED Gold

Designed to meet LEED Gold certification requirements, the 384-bed facility features recycled construction materials, water bottle filling stations and elevators that generate electricity as they slow down.

U Kentucky Opens Green Energy Lab

The university’s Center for Applied Energy Research has debuted a new laboratory that will support research and manufacturing of biofuels, solar technology and high-tech batteries. The 43,000-square-foot facility is expected to achieve LEED Gold certification and features geothermal heating.

North Carolina Central U Residence Hall Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): The 517-bed facility features an energy recovery system, aluminum sunshades and a 28,000-gallon underground cistern that collects rainwater for site irrigation.

Prescott College Debuts Sustainable Student Housing

(U.S.): Designed to meet LEED Gold certification requirements, the 104-bed residence hall features passive solar design and solar photovoltaic technology that is expected to generate 100 percent of its energy needs.

2 U California Berkeley Buildings Earn LEED Gold Certification

Sustainable features of the 55,000-square-foot addition to the university’s Law Library include a rooftop garden, thermal and lighting controls, and the use of low-VOC and recycled materials. The university’s Li Ka Shing Center features reclaimed wood paneling, low-emitting office carpeting, rubber lab floors and a green roof planted with vegetation attractive to native butterflies and bees.

Bowling Green State U Center for the Arts Achieves LEED Silver

The second LEED-certified building on campus features the use of recycled materials, low-flow plumbing fixtures and renewable energy.

Framingham State U Dorm Achieves LEED Gold

The 410-bed residence hall features ultra-high efficiency boilers, a geothermal heat pump system and a 20,000-gallon underground cistern that captures and diverts rainwater to irrigate the surrounding landscapes. Additional sustainable features include low-flow plumbing, a bottle filter station and rooftop ventilators that recover energy by taking heat out of the exhaust air to reheat the air coming in during the winter. One hundred percent of electricity consumed by the building is purchased from renewable sources.

Cuyahoga CC Technology Building Awarded LEED Gold

(U.S.): The college's Health Careers and Technology building uses 34 percent less energy than a conventional building. A 28,000-gallon cistern captures stormwater run-off from the roof and from clean condensation from the building’s air handling units to water the landscaping, resulting in a 50 percent reduction in potable water used for landscape watering. High-efficiency plumbing fixtures inside the building also reduce domestic water needs by 44 percent.

George Washington U Renovation Certified LEED Gold

(U.S.): Sustainable features of Ames Hall, the university’s fifth campus building to receive LEED Gold certification, include a green roof, water bottle filling stations, bicycle racks and four fuel-efficient vehicle preferred parking spaces. The renovation of the academic building also demonstrates a 39 percent decrease in potable water usage and 28 percent increase in energy performance.

Guelmim Technology School Features Vernacular Architecture

(Morocco): The new campus building stays true to the localized needs and traditions of Morocco, featuring louvers and slats in the massing that permit natural light to enter the building and walkways without excessive solar gain, and allow for natural ventilation that keeps the campus cool on hot summer days. Locally-adapted plant species are also featured in shaded landscaping areas.

Rice U Physics Hall Receives LEED Gold

(U.S.): Home to dozens of experimental, theoretical and applied physicists, this 110,000-square-foot facility features an energy-recovery system that saves as much as 30 percent of the energy needed to cool the building in the summer. The building also has a dehumidification system, which captures humidity and returns it as pure, clean water to the university's Central Plant.

U Buffalo Residence Hall Earns LEED Certification

(U.S.): The university's William R. Greiner Residence Hall features low-flow faucets and floor tiling made from recycled soda bottles. The university is also recycling thousands of brick pavers from a campus sidewalk for use in a new dining hall and is working to repurpose soiled old lounge chairs for continued use on campus.

U Puget Sound Health Sciences Building Earns LEED Gold

(U.S.): The university's Weyerhaeuser Hall features 40 geothermal wells; 10–20 percent recycled content in a quarter of the building's materials; paints, coatings, carpets, wood and agrifiber that emit low levels of air pollutants; and predominant daylighting. More than 97 percent of all construction waste was diverted from the landfill.

Taylor U Completes Green Science Center

The university has completed construction on its 127,000-square-foot science complex that was designed to be both sustainable and to serve as an environmental learning tool. Sustainable features include a 10-kilowatt photovoltaic system, rooftop garden, geothermal system and wind turbines. The facility also features a heliostat that helps capture natural daylight.

U Tennessee Ayres Hall Renovation Earns LEED Silver

After a two-year, $23 million renovation, the university's classroom building features low-flow plumbing fixtures and energy-efficient windows. The renovation included the refurbishment and reinstallation of the original hardwood floors, clay roof tiles and marble.

Emory U Conference Center Hotel Earns LEED Silver

The Emory Conference Center Hotel features a single-stream recycling program, turns food waste into gray water and converts waste oils into biodiesel for the university’s transportation fleet. The hotel also received the Achievement Award for Good Earthkeeping from the American Hotel and Lodging Association.