
AASHE Workshop: Scope 3 Emissions: Boundaries, Calculation Methodologies & Mitigation Strategies

This AASHE workshop, on Sept. 22 from 2 - 5:00 p.m. Eastern, will explore Stanford University’s Scope 3 findings in regards to identifying applicable emissions categories, collecting data, defining boundaries, customizing calculation methodologies, and proposing mitigation strategies across eight categories of Scope 3 emissions, including air travel, construction, purchased goods and services, employee commuting and more. The registration deadline is Sept. 22 at noon Eastern.
  • Posted Sep 1, 2022

Fair Labor Association 2022-23 Student Committee

The Fair Labor Association (FLA) is now accepting nominations and applications for the FLA Student Committee for the 2022-23 academic year. The student committee provides real-life learning, professional development and networking with experts dedicated to human rights to graduate and undergraduate students enrolled at FLA member colleges and universities. The committee runs from October 2022 - April 2023. The application deadline is Sept. 30.

2023 WOHESC Call for Proposals

The Washington Oregon Cascadia Higher Education Sustainability Conference organizers invite proposals for the 2023 conference happening March 6–8, at Oregon State University. The conference theme is Mindscape and Landscape: The Intertwined Nature of Mental, Social and Planetary Health. The deadline to submit a proposal is Oct. 14.
  • Posted Aug 16, 2022

ActNowFilm2: Call for Video Submissions

Organizers of ActNowFilm2 invite young people to send video clips of themselves in conversation with someone from a different generation talking about how climate change is affecting them.These videos will be compiled into ActNowFilm2 and showcased at COP27. The deadline for video submissions is Sept. 2.
  • Posted Aug 16, 2022

NAAEE 2022 Conference & Research Symposium Scholarships

The North American Association for Environmental Education is providing financial support to 25+ leaders in education who are working in communities most impacted by environmental injustice. The scholarship provides a 50 percent discount on the upcoming annual conference, happening Oct. 12–15, and/or the research symposium, happening Oct. 11–12. Attendees have the opportunity to participate in leadership development and networking opportunities. The deadline to apply is Aug. 19.
  • Posted Aug 16, 2022

University and College Race to Zero

The Race to Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and action in the education sector to progress efforts toward a zero carbon world. Signatories of Race to Zero commit to achieving net zero greenhouse gases as soon as possible, with interim targets. The Race to Zero is a program of the U.N. Environment Programme, EAUC and Second Nature.
  • Posted Aug 15, 2022

Green Revolving Fund Survey

The Sustainable Endowments Institute is conducting a survey to assess the prevalence of green revolving funds (GRFs) as a carbon/energy/water/waste reduction financing mechanism in higher education and beyond. The results will be used to write a report on the state of GRFs across the U.S. and Canada. The report aims to increase awareness of GRFs and interest in creating them, helping direct more investment towards the sustainability projects they make possible. Responses are requested by September 16.

Carnegie Elective Classifications Application Period: Community Engagement & Leadership for Public Purpose

Colleges and universities that want to gain recognition for their efforts at institutionalizing community engagement and/or on the development and understanding of leadership as a public good can apply now to be included in the next cycle of the Carnegie Elective Classifications. The deadline to apply for the elective classification for Community Engagement is May 1, 2023, while the deadline to apply for the Leadership for Public Purpose elective classification is July 1, 2023.
  • Posted Aug 12, 2022

Student Vote Research Network Call for Grant Proposals

The Student Vote Research Network is awarding grants of up to $15,000 for scholars and community practitioners seeking to advance the understanding of how colleges and universities and/or partnering nonpartisan nonprofit organizations can increase turnout among college students. Applications are due on Aug. 15.
  • Posted Aug 2, 2022

COP27 Second Nature Delegation

This November, Second Nature is leading a small higher education delegation to the U.N. Climate Change Conference 2022 (UNFCCC COP 27), taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from Nov. 6 - 18. Second Nature invites those who plan to attend to fill out the form so that they may plan events, receptions and sessions.

AASHE Workshop: A Transition to Organic, Ecological Landscapes for Campuses

Featuring higher education leaders in ecological land management and representatives from Herbicide-Free Campus, this three-hour workshop on Aug. 18 will provide an in-depth look at the current state of organic land management on university campuses. The last day to register is Aug. 18 at noon Eastern.
  • Posted Jul 27, 2022

Request for Comment: AASHE STARS 3.0: Water Use

As part of the development process for the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) 3.0, AASHE is seeking public comment on a Water Use credit slated for inclusion in the new version (projected release is currently fourth quarter of 2023). AASHE encourages feedback from stakeholders who may have relevant expertise or interest in participating. Public comment is open through Aug. 31.

AASHE GCSHE Call for Proposals: Emerging Issues

AASHE seeks proposals to the Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE) related to emergent sustainability challenges and opportunities faced by institutions. Proposals related to contemporary issues such as racial and social justice, LGBTQ+ rights, corruption, democracy and immigration are particularly welcome. Proposals are due by Aug. 19.
  • Posted Jul 19, 2022

AASHE Member Discount: 15% Off Sustainability and Climate Change Journal Subscription

AASHE members are entitled to a 15 percent discount off the regular, full subscription rate for an online institutional subscription to Sustainability & Climate Change, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to sustainability, sustainable development and climate change.
  • Posted Jul 18, 2022

The Ultimate Cli-Fi Book Club for Sustainability in Higher Education

This interdisciplinary short course in climate fiction is an academic book club for faculty, counselors, student affairs, librarians, staff and administrators. Participants will read one book a month from a curated book list of the most teachable novels that integrate science, economics, engineering and psychology into humanities, communication and storytelling to imagine a new future. Course participants will meet virtually on the first Thursday of the month from 2:45 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern. starting on Aug. 4 and continuing through Dec. 1. The last session is geared toward those who wish to design an assignment or course.
  • Posted Jul 18, 2022

AASHE Workshop: A Transition to Organic, Ecological Landscapes for Campuses

Featuring higher education leaders in ecological land management and representatives from Herbicide-Free Campus, this three-hour workshop on Aug. 18 will provide an in depth look at the current state of organic land management on university campuses. The last day to register is Aug. 18 at noon Eastern.
  • Posted Jul 18, 2022

Energy Star Higher Education Benchmarking Initiative (HEBI): Round 2

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency invites Higher Education Benchmarking Initiative participants to submit energy data (water is optional) and gross floor area through Energy Star Portfolio Manager and respond to a supplemental survey. Reporting is open through September 1.

Climate Change in Historical Perspective Grants

The Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest at Villanova University seeks proposals for public-facing historical projects related to the theme of Climate Change in Historical Perspective. The center will fund up to five projects (up to $5,000 each) that creatively engage with the broad range of questions, concerns, policies and practices related to climate change, and how historical study can further public understanding of the present moment. Applications are due Aug. 31.

AASHE Member Discount: 10% Off Climate Change & Health Certificate

Students, staff and faculty at AASHE member institutions are eligible for a 10 percent discount on an 18-week online certificate through Yale University's School of Public Health that teaches about tools to address the health impacts of climate change.
  • Posted Jul 5, 2022

AASHE Mentorship & Peer Collaboration Program

As a benefit of AASHE membership, sustainability staff, faculty and students can apply to be a mentor, mentee or peer collaborator in the AASHE Mentorship Program for 2022-23. The program implements a semi-structured process designed to facilitate ongoing collaboration between participants. Matches are made based on participant goals, experience and interests. Applications are open through July 15.
  • Posted Jun 24, 2022

2022 Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator

The 2022 Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator is an immersive, interactive virtual program designed to equip participants with change management tools to engage diverse campus stakeholders in today’s fast-paced, hybrid work environment. It also provides an opportunity to establish and strengthen peer relationships. The event takes place over four half days (July 18-21). The deadline to register is July 15.
  • Posted Jun 24, 2022

Duke Carbon Offsets Survey

The Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative is collecting information about how higher education institutions with carbon neutrality goals use (or don't use) carbon offsets. The goal of the survey is to better understand how institutions think about and interact with carbon offsets. Institutions with a carbon neutrality goal are invited to complete the confidential survey by June 30.

Call for Nominations: Campus Race to Zero Waste Board of Directors

The RecycleMania, Inc. board of directors is currently seeking multiple interested individuals to be part of the Campus Race to Zero Waste board. The directors' term is three years and directors are expected to commit a minimum of two to three hours per month to the functions of the board. The deadline for interested candidates is July 15.
  • Posted Jun 14, 2022

JESS Special Issue Call for Papers: Critical Energy Literacy

The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (JESS) has put out a special issue call for papers on Critical Energy Literacy: Intersectional Approaches to Research, Pedagogy, and Activism. The manuscript submission deadline is Jan. 31, 2023.
  • Posted Jun 13, 2022

Better Buildings Summer Webinar Series

The Better Buildings Summer Webinar Series, offered by the U.S. Department of Energy, occurs weekly around topics facing energy professionals, with conversations on best practices, cost-effective strategies, and innovative and new ways to approach sustainability and energy performance. Webinars are free and open for registration through August.
  • Posted Jun 13, 2022

AASHE Mentorship & Peer Collaboration Program

As a benefit of AASHE membership, sustainability staff, faculty and students can apply to be a mentor, mentee or peer collaborator in the AASHE Mentorship Program for 2022-23. The program implements a semi-structured process designed to facilitate ongoing collaboration between mentors and mentees as well as peer collaborators. Matches are made based on participant goals, experience and interests. Applications are open through July 15.
  • Posted Jun 10, 2022

Sustainability Peer Educators (Eco-Reps) Survey

Researchers at Champlain College, Boston University and Tufts University invite sustainability peer educator program administrators, as well as past student participants, to complete a survey that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of such programs. Survey organizers hope to measure the impacts of sustainability peer educator programs on individual student participants, institutional practices and in broader communities.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2022

Call for Abstracts: P3: Higher Education Summit

The P3 Higher Education Summit will focus on sustainability and innovative development approaches available to facility owners under increasing pressure to cope with aging infrastructure and changing market needs. Abstracts on facility resiliency and sustainability, as well as case studies, are due on June 30.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2022

World Study on Food Waste at Universities

Undertaken by the European School of Sustainability Science and Research and the U.K. Consortium of Sustainability Research, this survey aims to identify how food waste is handled at institutions of higher education around the world.

2022 Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator

The 2022 Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator is an immersive, interactive virtual program designed to equip participants with change management tools to engage diverse campus stakeholders in today’s fast-paced, hybrid work environment. It also provides an opportunity to establish and strengthen peer relationships. The event takes place over four half days (July 18-21). The deadline to register is July 15.
  • Posted Jun 3, 2022

AASHE Workshop: 2022 Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator

The 2022 Sustainability Leaders Impact Accelerator is an immersive, interactive virtual program designed to equip participants with change management tools to engage diverse campus stakeholders in today’s fast-paced, hybrid work environment. It also provides an opportunity to establish and strengthen peer relationships. The event takes place over four half days (July 18-21). The deadline to register is July 15.
  • Posted May 31, 2022

Campus Race to Zero Waste 2022 Case Study Challenge

Organizers for Campus Race to Zero Waste invite case studies about how campuses are promoting and improving recycling and waste reduction. Winners will be recognized in four categories: education and awareness campaign, waste minimization, food waste reduction, and summary of waste reduction efforts. Submissions are due June 20.
  • Posted May 24, 2022

Sign-On Opportunity: End Synthetic Herbicides on Jesuit University Campuses

Jesuit institutions of higher education and those that are connected with Jesuit universities and colleges are invited to sign onto this letter requesting a discontinuation of synthetic pesticide use on Jesuit campuses.
  • Posted May 20, 2022

Bicycle Friendly University Application Period

The League of American Bicyclists' Bicycle Friendly America program provides a roadmap, hands-on assistance and recognition for states, communities, universities and businesses. The BFA program is a tool to make bicycling a real transportation and recreation option for all people. The deadline to apply for Bicycle Friendly University status is Aug. 10.
  • Posted May 20, 2022

Request for Input: Climate Leadership Commitments

Second Nature invites input on a year-long process to reimagine the Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitments to reflect necessary and foundational framing in climate justice principles, update existing technical guidance to reflect the urgency of the climate crisis, consider membership models, and other blind spots.
  • Posted May 20, 2022

Call for Special Issue Papers: Student Research in Sustainability and Climate Change

Recognizing the need for age inclusive discussion, the Sustainability and Climate Change journal is accepting manuscript submissions from undergraduate and graduate students, as well as those five years or less into their postgraduate level, for a special focus issue on student research. The deadline for manuscript submissions is Nov. 1.
  • Posted May 17, 2022

SPLC Climate Foundations Coaching Program

Starting June 8, the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC) is launching Climate Foundations, an eight-month virtual coaching course specifically designed for procurement professionals that will provide basic climate knowledge, tools and strategy insights in a procurement context. A program informational session is being hosted on May 12.
  • Posted May 5, 2022

Call for Applications: College and University Recycling Coalition Board of Directors

The College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC) is recruiting individuals with a diverse range of professional experience and knowledge of waste reduction, reuse, recycling and sustainability specific to colleges and universities. Board members contribute to the development of CURC programs and events, attend monthly board meetings, and serve on at least one committee. The deadline to apply is May 11.

AASHE Member Discount: 10% Off Climate Change & Health Certificate

Students, staff and faculty at AASHE member institutions are eligible for a 10 percent discount on an 18-week online certificate through Yale University's School of Public Health that teaches about tools to address the health impacts of climate change.
  • Posted May 4, 2022

Request for Comment: AASHE STARS 3.0: Energy & Climate

As part of the development process for the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) 3.0, AASHE is seeking public comment on the Energy & Climate credits slated for inclusion in the new version (projected release is currently fourth quarter of 2023). AASHE encourages feedback from stakeholders who may have relevant expertise or interest in participating. Public comment is open through June 18.
  • Posted May 3, 2022

HBCU/MSI Student Survey: Self-Care Practices & Perceptions of Holistic Health

A doctoral student at Fayetteville State University invites educational leadership graduate students at master, specialist, or doctoral levels attending a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) or Minority Serving Institution (MSI) to participate in the study, Self-Care Practices and Perceptions of Holistic Health Among Selected Educational Leadership Graduate Students Attending Historically Black Colleges or Universities or Minority Serving Institutions. The study will explore self-care practices and perceptions of holistic health within six dimensions of wellness.
  • Posted May 2, 2022

AASHE Member Discount: 15% Off Sustainability and Climate Change Subscription

AASHE members are entitled to a 15 percent discount off the regular, full subscription rate for an online institutional subscription to Sustainability & Climate Change, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to sustainability, sustainable development and climate change.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2022

AASHE Sustainability Awards: Apply/Nominate and/or Volunteer to Judge

Limited time remains to submit an application or nomination for an AASHE Sustainability Award, which seeks to recognize individuals and institutions catalyzing sustainability in higher education. Apply by May 20 to be considered. AASHE is also recruiting judges.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2022

Call for Proposals: Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices

The editors of the upcoming publication, Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices, seek chapter contributions from faculty, staff, administrators, practitioners, students, and community partners who share and analyze their experiences using anti-racist community engagement principles in their teaching, research, and practice on and off college campuses. This edited collection will be published by Campus Compact. Proposals are due June 3.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2022

My Green Lab Summit 2022: Community + Collaboration

My Green Lab's 2022 summit is happening virtually on May 26. The event brings together leading voices in sustainable science to connect and collaborate while setting the community on a shared trajectory leading toward systemic transformation.
  • Posted Apr 26, 2022

Anxiety to Action: Insights From University Students About Climate Change & Pathways to Climate Action

Turning Green invites college students to fill out a climate change survey, which seeks to assess student knowledge and ideas for solutions-based climate action.
  • Posted Apr 25, 2022

Living Future Conference Scholarship

The purpose of the Living Future Scholarship is to help build a more diverse audience at the International Living Future Institute conference, happening online May 2-13, and to include voices from traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities.
  • Posted Apr 25, 2022

AASHE Member Discount: 30% Off America East Sustainability Conference

AASHE members receive 30 percent off select registration types to attend the inaugural America East Sustainability Conference, being hosted by the University of Massachusetts Lowell, from June 7 - 9. This discount expires May 6.
  • Posted Apr 22, 2022

AASHE Earth Day Photo Opportunity

AASHE invites picture submissions depicting sustainability in action, whether it’s planting a garden, organizing a socially-distanced community service event, testifying at a public meeting, cooking a meal with locally sourced ingredients or something else. Images submitted to the Campus Sustainability Hub will be included in an Earth Day image gallery.
  • Posted Apr 22, 2022

Engaged Scholars Initiative

The Engaged Scholars Initiative is designed to develop a diverse group of early-career faculty and staff who want to strengthen their own critical community-engaged scholarship and lead equity-focused change with their institution and communities. Campus Compact is accepting applications through April 30.
  • Posted Apr 19, 2022