
GRITS Gold Medal Challenge

The GRITS Gold Metal Challenge, coordinated by the Sustainable Endowments Institute, seeks input on prioritizing future GRITS (Green Revolving Investment Tracking System) platform features. There are nine feature ideas being proposed and the top three medalists–Gold, Silver and Bronze–will be built and rolled out over the next few months.

2021 Climate Action Pursuit October Milestone: Request for Proposals

Second Nature and Intentional Endowments Network are seeking proposals for the October milestone of the Climate Action Pursuit. Strong proposals will focus on climate solutions at the intersection of climate, resilience and racial equity investing. The deadline for the proposal was July 21 but due to high demand, proposals will be accepted until July 30.
  • Posted Jul 19, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: Half Off Subscription to Green Building & Design (gb&d) Magazine

AASHE members are eligible to receive half off ($30 value) of Green Building & Design's bimonthly publication, gb&d Magazine. Green Building & Design is a trade magazine that connects and inspires green building professionals by partnering with those at the forefront of sustainable design, development, planning and policy. This offer expires on Dec. 31.
  • Posted Jul 19, 2021

AASHE GCSHE Call for Proposals: Emerging Issues

AASHE seeks proposals to the Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE) related to emergent sustainability challenges and opportunities faced by institutions. To help the campus sustainability community navigate the rapidly-changing world, this call will help shape programming related to the theme, “The future is…”. Proposals related to racial justice, campus reopenings and resilience in the face of climate change are particularly welcome. The live conference will be from Oct.12 - 14, with content available for on-demand viewing through Dec. 31. Proposals are due by Aug. 20.
  • Posted Jul 19, 2021

Carbon Emissions in Education Institutions Survey

A Ph.D. student at Imperial University in London, U.K., is conducting research with the aim of understanding the effects of different approaches to carbon emissions management used by education institutions. The survey results will be in aggregate, maintaining anonymity of participants. Participants have the option to receive a final copy of the paper.
  • Posted Jul 15, 2021

Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability Conference

The 2021 Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability (UMACS) Conference theme, Healthy Planet, Healthy People: Advancing Justice in Challenging Times, aims to bring attention to the recent health, social justice and environmental challenges facing campuses and communities. The event aims to provide cutting edge research and data from regional colleges and universities on sustainability policy and practice. The call for proposals closes July 23.
  • Posted Jul 14, 2021

Universities in Action for the UN 2030 Agenda: Call for Videos

The Network of Universities for Sustainable Development invites video submissions from students with their ideas on the future of higher education sustainability. The Network of Universities for Sustainable Development also invites video submissions describing higher education institution's best practices focused on people, planet or prosperity. Selected videos will be showcased during the Universities in Action for the U.N. 2030 Agenda, happening on Jan. 18, as part of the Expo 2020 Dubai. The deadline to submit is Sept. 15.
  • Posted Jul 12, 2021

Restoration Stewards Program

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative and the Global Landscapes Forum invite applications to join a year-long program offering funding, mentorship and training to young people who have initiated a restoration project. The goal of the program is to deepen the impact of the project. The deadline to apply is July 31.
  • Posted Jul 12, 2021

2021 Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Awards

The Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Awards recognize organizational and individual achievement in sustainable purchasing leadership. There are three categories of awards–Organizational Leadership and Individual Leadership Awards, and case study recognition. The deadline to submit is Sept. 15.
  • Posted Jul 12, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: 20% Off Preserve Products

AASHE members can receive a 20 percent discount on Preserve products through the online store. Preserve products range from food storage to tableware and personal care all made from 100 percent recycled plastic or plant-based compostable materials. This discount expires July 31.
  • Posted Jul 12, 2021

Food Purchasing Standards Survey

Real Food Challenge, The Center for Good Food Purchasing, and Health Care Without Harm invite feedback on institutional food purchasing standards, which will be used in the development of an aligned set of standards. The deadline to submit is July 23.
  • Posted Jul 7, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: Subscription to Sustainability and Climate Change

AASHE member institutions can receive a 15 percent discount off the regular, full subscription rate for an online institutional subscription to Sustainability and Climate Change (formerly Sustainability: The Journal of Record).
  • Posted Jul 1, 2021

Call for Applications & Nominations: Flagstaff College Full Scholarship

Offering a single degree, a Bachelor's of Science in Sustainability and Social Change, the college is currently accepting applications and nominations for a full scholarship beginning fall 2021. Review of applications began on May 31 and will continue as funds allow.
  • Posted Jun 28, 2021

Plastic Free Action Camp

This interactive virtual course is for students who are interested in helping their campus become plastic-and waste-free. The four-week course, happening two days per week between July 5 - 28, provides the basic background and organizing tools needed to jumpstart a campus plastics campaign.

AASHE Member Discount: 10% Off Reusable To-Go Containers

AASHE members can receive a 10 percent discount on Preserve 2 Go reusable to-go containers. This discount expires July 31.
  • Posted Jun 21, 2021

International Academic Conference on SDGs: Call for Proposals

The inaugural International Academic Conference on the SDGs, themed Why it Matters, aims to build on the importance of academia and education as the bedrock of sustainable development and global engagement. Organizers for the conference invite individuals to submit a proposal for a paper and/or oral presentation for the conference. Happening Oct. 5 - 7, 2022, the conference will be hosted by Utah Valley University.
  • Posted Jun 14, 2021

2021 Sustainability Curriculum Colloquium

This online event brings together faculty teaching sustainability in higher education and others interested in advancing the field. Workshop topics include sustainability teaching competencies, sustainability in the curriculum, and accreditation and certification. Happening June 16 - 18, the event will serve as the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium's annual faculty conference for 2021 and is intended to complement AASHE’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education.
  • Posted Jun 7, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: 30% Off the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference

AASHE members are eligible to receive 30 percent off registration to the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference, happening March 2 - 4, 2022, at South Seattle College.
  • Posted Jun 4, 2021

AASHE 2021 Sustainability Change Leaders Retreat

This retreat geared toward the AASHE community of change leaders will build attendee collaboration skills and capacities in systems thinking, organizational design, change management, and rekindle connections between those in the higher education sustainability space. The deadline to register is June 21.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2021

Registration Discounted: AASHE Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education

This year’s theme, The Future Is…, provides a platform to reflect on the uncertainty about the future while recommitting to the urgent work of building a future that is sustainable, equitable and resilient. Now through July 16, registration is discounted for AASHE’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education, happening virtually Oct. 12 - 14. Register using code EARLYBIRD to save $25.
  • Posted Jun 1, 2021

Higher Education Telework & Flexible Work Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information about institutional flexible work and telework practices during COVID-19 and for the upcoming academic year. The survey will remain open through June 11. Survey results will be aggregated and compiled into a PDF without personally identifying information.

Call for Proposals: University Global Coalition Virtual Gathering

Organizers of the 2021 University Global Coalition, themed Building Connections and Action for the SDGs, invites proposals to lead 45-minute virtual sessions on teaching, research, operational practices and partnerships (within and beyond) higher education. The 2021 gathering aims to empower individuals and universities to act upon the SDGs and connect to others in the field, with a focus on increasing accessibility, rebuilding a more just and equitable world, and growing future generations of leaders.
  • Posted May 25, 2021

2021 Sustainability Curriculum Colloquium

This online event, being held over a three-day period in mid-June, brings together faculty teaching sustainability in higher education and others interested in advancing the field. Workshop and discussion topics include sustainability teaching competencies, sustainability in the curriculum, and accreditation and certification. The event will serve as the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium's annual faculty conference for 2021 and is intended to complement AASHE’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education.
  • Posted May 25, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: 20% Off Preserve Products

AASHE members can receive a 20 percent discount on Preserve products through the online store. Preserve products range from food storage to tableware and personal care all made from 100 percent recycled plastic or plant-based compostable materials. This discount expires July 31.
  • Posted May 24, 2021

Call for Student Abstracts: HBCU Climate Change Conference

Organizers for the 8th annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Climate Change Conference invite student abstracts for oral and poster presentations. The conference is being held October 6-10 in New Orleans. The deadline to submit an abstract is July 15.
  • Posted May 18, 2021

Call for Participation: World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day

Held on Dec. 2, World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day aims to showcase and accelerate progress towards achieving the U.N. SDGs. Organizers invite applications from experienced sustainability lecturers who are interested in presenting meaningful approaches, initiatives or projects that resemble a concrete contribution to achieving one or more SDGs. The deadline for applications is May 31.
  • Posted May 18, 2021

Call for Waste Minimization & Recycling Case Studies

The Campus Race to Zero Waste (formerly RecycleMania) program invites case studies in waste minimization and recycling, specifically how campuses are promoting and improving recycling and waste reduction. Winners will be recognized in four categories: education and awareness campaign; waste minimization; food waste reduction; and summary of waste reduction efforts. The deadline to submit is May 31.
  • Posted May 18, 2021

21-Day Equity Habit Building Challenge: Focus on Women & the LGBTQ+ Community

This challenge, offered by College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, focuses on women and the LGBTQ+ community in higher education, providing an opportunity to learn about the barriers and experiences affecting each group and to identify institutional and personal actions to make the workplace and campus community more inclusive.
  • Posted May 14, 2021

2021 Sustainability Curriculum Colloquium

This online event to be held over a three-day period in mid-June brings together faculty teaching sustainability in higher education and others interested in advancing the field. Workshop and discussion topics include sustainability teaching competencies, sustainability in the curriculum, and accreditation and certification. The event will serve as the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium's annual faculty conference for 2021 and is intended to complement AASHE’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education.
  • Posted May 11, 2021

Campus Race to Zero Waste Board of Directors: Call for Nominations

The RecycleMania, Inc., board of directors is currently seeking multiple interested individuals to be part of the upcoming 2021 Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW) board. Board members provide guidance on the rules and structure of the annual competition, selection of sponsors and partners, and overall guidance for the direction of the program. The deadline to submit a statement of interest and resume is May 31.

AASHE Member Discount: Half Off Subscription to Green Building & Design (gb&d) Magazine

AASHE members are eligible to receive half off ($30 value) of Green Building & Design's bimonthly publication, gb&d Magazine. Green Building & Design is a trade magazine that connects and inspires green building professionals by partnering with those at the forefront of sustainable design, development, planning and policy. This offer expires on Dec. 31.
  • Posted May 11, 2021

Additional AASHE Virtual Learning Opportunities

In addition to the two upcoming learning opportunities–A Cli-Fi Book Club for College Educators and Sustainability Advocates, and the 2021 Sustainability Change Leaders Retreat–AASHE is offering four more educational programs:
  • Posted May 10, 2021

AASHE Sustainability Awards: Invitation to Apply for Award or Express Interest in Judging

Limited time remains to submit an application or nomination for an AASHE Sustainability Award, which seeks to recognize individuals and institutions catalyzing sustainability in higher education. Apply by or on May 21 to be considered. AASHE is also recruiting judges.
  • Posted May 10, 2021

EPEAT Purchaser Award

Given annually by the Global Electronics Council, the EPEAT Purchaser Awards recognize excellence in sustainable procurement of IT products. Applicants will earn points for each product category in which they purchase EPEAT-registered IT products. The special deadline for AASHE members is Tuesday, May 11, 2021.

Second Nature Climate Action Pursuit June Milestone

The Climate Action Pursuit, an initiative from Second Nature and Intentional Endowments Network, is a series of virtual meetings throughout 2021 that lead participants through a process of learning, planning, acting and leading on climate and justice. The June sessions, happening June 10 – 11, will feature a keynote session, and direct peer-to-peer interactions and dialogue. There will be interactive conversations focused on incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into participants' campus sustainability work and climate action.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: Discount on Climate Change & Health Certificate

Students, staff and faculty at AASHE-member institutions are eligible for a 10 percent discount off an 18-week online certificate through Yale University's School of Public Health that teaches about tools to address the health impacts of climate change.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: Subscription to Sustainability and Climate Change

AASHE member institutions can receive a 15 percent discount off the regular, full subscription rate for an online institutional subscription to Sustainability and Climate Change (formerly Sustainability: The Journal of Record).
  • Posted Apr 29, 2021

AASHE Sustainability Awards Call for Submissions & Nominations

AASHE invites applications across five categories of awards, which recognize the individuals and organizations leading the higher education sustainability movement. Apply by or on May 21 to be considered for an award.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2021

Climate Fiction Book Club for College Educators and Sustainability Advocates

This short course using climate fiction (cli-fi) is designed for college educators and sustainability advocates to explore key themes through book discussion. Beginning in June, this interdisciplinary short course in literary fiction will take place over six, monthly meetings, first introducing participants to the emergent genre of climate fiction, and then reading selected novels. The deadline to register is June 3.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2021

AASHE 2021 Sustainability Change Leaders Retreat

The Sustainability Change Leaders Retreat, happening June 21 - 24, aims to help sustainability professionals advance their vision, energy, capabilities and support system as a sustainability change agent. The deadline to register is June 21.
  • Posted Apr 29, 2021

COP26 Youth Delegation Leaders: Call for Applications

SustainUS is organizing a youth delegation for the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) in Glasgow, Scotland, happening Nov. 1-2. Delegation leaders will be responsible for coordinating the overall development, program design, and delegate selection process for SustainUS's participation at COP 26. Applications are due by April 9.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2021

SustainUS StoryShapers Collective: Call for Interest

SustainUS is convening a cohort of eight young people (ages 18-30) for its StoryShapers program. StoryShapers is a 3-month circle of practice on how artists and storytellers can play a role in campaigns for systemic shifts in key political moments in 2021 by tying together new narratives on climate, economic and racial justice.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2021

AASHE Member Discount: 10% Off Reusable To-Go Containers

AASHE members can receive a 10 percent discount on Preserve 2 Go reusable to-go containers.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2021

AASHE Sustainability Awards: Call for Submissions

The AASHE Sustainability Awards provide global recognition to the individuals and organizations leading the higher education sustainability movement. There will be 12 awards given across five categories. Submissions and nominations are due on May 21. Interested parties may also express their interest in judging this year's applicants.
  • Posted Apr 27, 2021

Call for Authors: Racial Equity & Social Justice Anthology

AASHE is seeking new authors to write original pieces on how racial equity, social justice and sustainability are all interconnected. No Sustainability Without Justice: An Anthology on Racial Equity and Social Justice is a living compilation of essays written by members of the higher education community that demonstrate how racial equity, social equity, diversity and inclusion are integral components to sustainability and are particularly relevant for those working within higher education. Expressions of interest are requested by May 10.
  • Posted Apr 15, 2021

Virtual AASHE Workshop: Facilitation for Organizational Change

This three-hour Facilitation for Organizational Change Workshop, taking place May 6, teaches sustainability professionals about effective meeting facilitation with fun, hands-on activities. The deadline to register is May 6 at noon.
  • Posted Apr 15, 2021

Earth Day Photo Opportunity

In honor of Earth Day (April 22), AASHE is seeking pictures depicting sustainability in action, whether that is cleaning up a local river, planting trees, starting a compost bin or something else. Pictures shared on Twitter using @AASHENews may be retweeted, and pictures submitted to the Campus Sustainability Hub by April 30 may be included in a future blog post.
  • Posted Apr 15, 2021

2021 AASHE Sustainability Awards: Call for Submissions

AASHE will give 12 awards across five categories to those at the forefront of higher education sustainability. The award categories recognize sustainability achievements by individuals and institutions as well as meaningful research on campus sustainability. Submissions and nominations are due on May 21.
  • Posted Apr 15, 2021

Call for Authors: Racial Equity & Social Justice Anthology

No Sustainability Without Justice: An Anthology on Racial Equity and Social Justice is a compilation of essays written by members of the higher education community that demonstrate how racial equity, social equity, diversity and inclusion are integral components to sustainability and are particularly relevant for those working within higher education. AASHE is seeking new authors to write original pieces on how racial equity, social justice and sustainability are all interconnected. Submit your interest to author by May 10.
  • Posted Apr 13, 2021

Green Power Leadership Awards

The 2021 Green Power Leadership Awards recognize exceptional achievements and leading actions in green power use that accelerate the transition to a clean energy future. The deadline to submit is April 16.
  • Posted Apr 13, 2021